Blog Profile: Activity A. " ". Complete El Perfil Con Su Información Personal en Los Espacios Indicados "

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EdW1 Learning Outcome 1 My Profile 👤

Activity A. “Blog Profile”. Complete el perfil con su información personal en los espacios indicados “►write”. En la segunda parte
describa dos miembros de su familia con información personal. Tome como ejemplo el modelo para la longitud de su texto.

Hello Friends! Hello friends!

My name is Steve Jones. I am from the United States. I am thirty- My name is Javier Suarez Villa. I am from Colombia. I am fifty four

one years old. I am married. I am an electrician. I speak English. In years old. I am married. I am a teacher. I speak Spanish. In my free

my free time I read the newspaper and listen to music. My parents time I watch movies and I read news. My parents are Carlos Suarez

are Mary and Peter; they are Canadian. My dad is a carpenter and and Ana Villa; they are Colombians. My dad is a builder and my mom is

my mom is a housewife. I live in Miami. a housewife. I live in Barranquilla.

I have a brother. His name is Juan; he is a lawyer. He is 38 years

old and he is divorced. I also have a sister; her name is Andrea. I have three sisters. My first sister is called Mariela; she is a nurse. She

She is 19 years old. She is a student and she is single. Thanks for is 56 years old and is married. My second sister is Ana. She is a teacher,
she is 52 years old and she is married. My last sister is Luisa, she is a
Reading my profile!
merchant. She is 40 years old and she is married . Thanks for reading

my profile!

Fuente: SENA

My photo

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

EdW1 Learning Outcome 1 My Profile 👤

Activity B. “Johanna’s Family”. Complete el árbol genealógico de Johanna con oraciones completas. Tome como ejemplo las
celdas realizadas y la información del texto. Use los adjetivos posesivos, los pronombres de sujeto y el verbo “be”.
Johanna’s Text FAMILY TREE

This is my family. I am 20 years old. I am

single. I am a university student.

My grandparents are Sara and Pedro.

Sara is 70 years old, she is a housewife.
Pedro is 74 and he is retired. They have two
sons, Javier, and Oscar.
Javier is 40 years old and he is a doctor.
His wife, Cecilia, is 37 years old and she is
an engineer. Charlie is their son. He is 10
and he is a student.

Lina is Pedro’s daughter-in-law. She is He is Pedro. He is retired. He is 74 years old. Sara is his wife.
30 and she is an actress. Her husband,
He is Oscar. He is a musician He is 36 years old Lina is his wife
Oscar, is 36 and he is a musician. My
She is Lina. She is an actress she is 30 years old Oscar is her husband
siblings are Manuel, Karen and Christian.
We are their children. I am Johana. I am a university I am 20 years old Pedro is her father
Manuel is 15 years old and he is a high-
He is Manuel He is a high-school He is 15 years old Karen is his sister
school student. Karen is eight years old and
she is a third-grade student. Christian is
She is Karen. She is a third-grade She is eight years old Manuel is her brother
just 8 months old. He is our baby brother.
We are Pedro and Sara’s grandchildren.
He is Christian. He has no occupation. He is 8 months old Karen is his sister

He is Charlie. He is a student He is 10 years old Javier is his father

EdW1 Learning Outcome 1 My Profile 👤
She is Cecilia. She is an engineer She is 37 years old Javier is her husband

He is Javier. He is a doctor He is 4o years old Cecilia is his wife

She is Sara. She is a housewife She is 70 years old Pedro is her husband.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

EdW1 Learning Outcome 1 My Profile 👤

Activity C. “Interview”. Responda las preguntas personales planteadas a la izquierda. Tome como ejemplo las respuestas dadas por
Andrea en la columna central. Responda con información propia personalizada.


What is your name? “My name is Andrea”. My name is Javier

How do you spell it? “A-N-D-R-E-A”. J-A-V-I-E-R

Where are you from? “I am from Chile”. I am from Colombia

How old are you? “I am 27 years old” I am 54 years old

What is your marital status? “I am single”. I am married

What is your occupation? “I am a nurse”. I am a teacher

Where do you live? “I live in Medellín”. I live in Barranquilla

Who are the members of your family? “My family are my dad, my mom, one brother My family are my wife Ana, my daughters Vanesa and
and two sisters”. Veronica and my son Walter

How old are they? “My dad is 50, my mom 47. My brother is 24 My wife is 52 years old, my daughter Vanesa is 20
years old and my little sister is 15 years old”. years old, my daughter Veronica is 30 (years old and
my son Walter is 24 years old.

What are their occupations? “My dad is a teacher, my mom is a nurse, my My wife is a housewife, Vanesa is a university student,
brother is a lawyer and my sister is a student”. Veronica is a business administration

Who is your best friend? “My best friend is Ximena; she is very funny”. My best friend is Edinson, He is very Funny and
EdW1 Learning Outcome 1 My Profile 👤
Activity D. “Pronunciation”. Grabe un audio con las respuestas propias dadas en la última columna del ejercicio C. Use la página, pegue el enlace del audio alojado en línea en el espacio indicado “►link”.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA
EdW1 Learning Outcome 1 My Profile 👤

Activity E. “Self-Evaluation”. Realice una auto evaluación de su aprendizaje desde la gramática, la comunicación, el tema, la
presentación y el audio realizado. Elija un puntaje entre 0 y 3 si está en Desacuerdo o entre 4 y 5 si está de Acuerdo.


Gramática: uso adecuadamente los artículos indefinidos “a” y “an”. ►write 5
Gramática: uso adecuadamente el verbo “be” en presente simple. ►write 5
Gramática: uso adecuadamente los “pronombres de sujeto”. ►write 5
Gramática: uso apropiadamente los “adjetivos posesivos”. ►write 5
Gramática: uso acertadamente las “contracciones” entre pronombres y “be”. ►write 5
Comunicación: ofrezco información personal sobre mi nombre y lugar de nacimiento. ►write 5
Comunicación: describo mi edad, estado civil y lugar de residencia. ►write 5
Comunicación: describo mi idioma, actividades favoritas y miembros de la familia. ►write 5
Comunicación: realizo y completo una lectura descriptiva con las estructuras de la unidad. ►write 4
Comunicación: incluyo vocabulario relacionado para indicar ocupaciones y roles. ►write 4
Tema: me presento con información personal en inglés. ►write 4
Tema: presento a terceras personas con información personal en inglés. ►write 5
Tema: interpreto y transfiero información sobre miembros de la familia. ►write 4
Presentación: completo todos los espacios indicados con “►write”, “►image” y “►link”. ►write 5
Presentación: respondo con información propia y original. ►write 5
Presentación: no uso inadecuadamente traducción automática. ►write 4
Presentación: uso mayúsculas y signos de puntuación adecuadamente. ►write 5
Presentación: uso los ejemplos disponibles para definir la longitud de mis textos. ►write 5
Audio: practico mi pronunciación antes de realizar la grabación ►write 5

Audio: realizo el audio indicado con mi propia voz. ►write 5

Sume los puntajes de columnas D y A para calcular su puntaje total. 95


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