The University of Zambia: Mansa College of Education
The University of Zambia: Mansa College of Education
The University of Zambia: Mansa College of Education
1. Safety and security are cardinal aspects in any office or work environment. You are
required to discuss the safety precautions and procedures that an organization is
required to put in place in your argument include the details or legal implications of
the Health and Safety Act of 1974.
business objectives efficiently and economically. Therefore, safety and security are cardinal
aspects in any office or work environment. Hence, this academic writing will discuss the
safety precautions and procedures that an organization is required to put in place as well as
including the details or legal implications of the Health and Safety Act of 1974.
It is vital for the employees to inculcate the feeling of job satisfaction. The feelings of job
satisfaction contribute a major part in enabling the employees to perform their job duties well
and also in establishing positive thinking in terms of all aspects of the organization. It plays
an important role at the employee level as a determinant of individual well-being. At the
aggregate level, it affects the productivity of the workers and the decisions related to
retirement and ultimately the economic well-being of the community. (Harris, 2016).
There have been implementation of research studies that determine, whether job satisfaction
has an impact upon the health conditions of the employees (Fischer, & Poza, 2007).
Therefore, for this purpose, it is essential on the part of the organization and the management
to put into practice the measures that would promote job satisfaction. (Burton, 2010).
The factors that are associated with job satisfaction are, working environmental conditions,
terms and relationships with the other members, provision of technology, materials and
equipment, salary and reimbursements, training and development programs, promotional
opportunities, awareness, skills and abilities and performance of job duties. (Burton, 2010).
Morals and Ethics, every major religion and philosophy since the beginning has put emphasis
upon the significance of the personal moral code to define interactions with others. The first
and foremost duty of the individuals, whether they are wealthy or poor, whether they belong
to economically weaker sections of the society or are from upper class, and whether they are
well educated or less educated is to communicate and interact with each other appropriately.
When one is speaking to the other, it is essential to pay attention and respond in a polite
manner. When one is communicating with others through a written means of communication,
then it is essential to respond immediately and depict efficiency (Burton, 2010).
Avoiding detriments to others one of the major principles within the organization, is one
should avoid detriments to others. Detriments and disadvantages are the aspect that prove to
be major hindrances within the course of implementation of job duties, creating amiable
working environmental conditions, maintaining effective employee relations, in the
achievement of organizational goals and affects the health and safety of the individuals.
(Frank, 2015).
Equal Opportunities entails that the individuals within the organization are different from
each other in numerous aspects. This includes, job positions, educational qualifications,
experience, caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, age, gender and socio-economic
background. Apart from these aspects, they are different in their personality and behavioural
traits as well
It is vital on the part of the organization to make provision of equal opportunities for all
individuals. The most significant equal opportunity is individuals, who are different in castes,
genders or on the basis of any other factor, should be given equal pay for the same or similar
work done. When important decisions are to be made, their participation in the decision
making processes would give them recognition. The provision of equal opportunities would
generate awareness that there is not any discrimination on the basis of any factors. (Harris,
Furthermore, technology in the present existence, technology has been beneficial to a major
extent in the implementation of job duties by the individuals. During the absence of
technology, the individuals were meant to perform the tasks, prepare reports, assignments and
other documents using paper and pen. (Harris, 2016).
But with the advent of technology, they are able to prepare reports, documents and projects
through the use of computers. The various software and other commands, such as copy and
paste help in the performance of tasks and functions in a more manageable way. The
individuals feel safe and secure, when they are efficient in the performance of job duties.
(Burton, 2010).
Recognition of responsibilities and duties expresses that members of the organization need to
recognize their responsibilities and duties. The individuals, who are in leadership positions,
have numerous responsibilities and duties to carry out.
When they are proficient in the implementation of responsibilities and duties, then they not
only acquire appreciation from their employers, but they feel safe and secure within their
jobs. Therefore, safety and security not only results from absence of risky and hazardous
situations, but also from being aware of ones responsibilities and duties. The recognition of
responsibilities and duties enables the individuals to enhance their skills and abilities.
(Burton, 2010).
Training and development programs, Training and development programs are regarded as an
integral part of any organization. When the employees are hired, they are required to undergo
these programs. The training and development programs provide the individuals with
sufficient knowledge and information primarily in terms of the organization and job duties
and also render an imperative contribution in the development of skills. (Fenton, 2014).
When the employees would generate sufficient awareness and develop their skills and
abilities, then they would be able to create a healthy workplace framework. The acquisition of
knowledge and development of skills and abilities is regarded as an imperative aspect in the
attainment of job security. The different types of training and development programs are
lecture methods, vestibule training, field-work, role plays and so forth. (Poza, 2011).
Absence of crimes and violence within the working environment, there has been cases of
prevalence of crime and violence. Especially, women have been subjected to criminal acts,
such as sexual harassment and both men and women have experienced various other forms of
criminal and violent acts, such as, verbal abuse and physical abuse.
These acts cause insecurity and apprehensiveness among the individuals. Individuals usually
get compelled to leave their jobs, when they experience these types of acts and they impose
detrimental consequences upon the existence of the organization. Therefore, absence of crime
and violence is regarded as one of the major areas in order to promote a healthy workplace
framework. (Fenton, 2014).
Health insurance is one of the important areas that individuals need. The provision of health
insurance and other facilities to the workforce by the organization leads to job security and
creation of a healthy workplace framework. The organization is required to fulfil five major
areas. (Poza, 2011).
The occupational health and safety Act 2010 require that all employees take responsible care
for every employee owes it to him or herself, their family and the company to use and
properly care for the personal protective equipment for on-the- job use in an organization.
(Dental`s, 2010)
These are to devise and implement policy instruments upon the health conditions of the
workforce, to protect and promote health at the workplace, to promote the performance of
and access to occupational health services, to provide and communicate evidence for action
and practice and to incorporate the health of the workers into other policies (Burton, 2010).
In a nutshell, health, safety and security of the individuals are regarded as imperative aspects
within the working environment. When the members of the organization are able to maintain
good health conditions, then they would be able to perform their job duties adequately,
establish good terms and relationships as well as follow the policies and procedures and
would be able to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.
Burton, J. (2010). WHO Healthy Workplace Framework and Model: Oxford University
Fenton, S.J. (2014). Wellbeing, Programmes and their Impact on Employees and their
Employing Organizations: University of Birmingham
Poza, A.S. (2011). Does Job Satisfaction Improve the Health of Workers: New York:
McMillan College Publishing House
Harris, M.M. (2016). The Business Case for Employee Health and Wellness Programs:
Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers