Comparative Analysis of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network and Sensor Network

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Article · July 2014


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Saurabh Mishra
DIT University


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International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (2278-7844) / # 123 / Volume 3 Issue 8


Monica Parmar#1, Saurabh Mishra*2
PG Scholar, ECE Department, DIT University
Mussorrie, Diversion Road, Makkawala,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
[email protected]
Assistant Professor, ECE Department, DIT University
Mussorrie, Diversion Road, Makkawala,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
[email protected]

Abstract— Ad-hoc network is a self-configuring network of this paper, both networks are analysed by using different
mobile routers connected by a wireless link. MANET is self- protocols. Protocols used for analysis are AODV, DSR,
organizing and self-restoring. Sensor network have various nodes DYMO, OLSR and ZRP.
distributed randomly in a particular area to monitor physical Section II contains brief descriptions of these protocols.
and environmental conditions. These networks have some Section III describes about simulation environment, scenarios
similarities and some differences. In this paper, MANET and for both type of network. Section IV simulation results are
WSN are compared in many terms by using same routing discussed.
protocols for both networks. This analysis gives a result that
same protocol can have different effect on both networks. II. PROTOCOLS USED
Protocols used in this analysis are described as follows:-
Keywords—- Ad-hoc network, Sensor network, AODV, DSR,
A. AODV (Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector)
AODV is reactive or on demand routing protocol,
uses bi-directional links, uses route discovery cycle for route
I. INTRODUCTION finding and provides unicast and multicast communication.
AODV enables dynamic, self-starting, multi-hop routing
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous between mobile nodes wishing to establish and maintain an
collection of mobile users that communicate over relatively ad-hoc network. It allows for the construction of routes to
bandwidth constraint wireless networks. Topology changes specific destinations does not require that nodes keep these
rapidly and unpredictably because nodes are mobile. MANET routes when they are not in active communication.
is used in many applications as in tactical networks,
emergency services, commercial and civilian environment, B. DSR (Dynamic Source Routing Protocol)
home and enterprises networking, education, entertainment etc. DSR is also reactive or on demand routing protocol,
Some important features of MANET are: autonomous and no periodic activity, utilizes source routing and supports
infra-structure less, multi-hop routing, dynamic network unidirectional links. It includes source routes in packet
topology, device heterogeneity, energy constrained operation, headers. DSR is a simple and efficient routing protocol
bandwidth constrained variable capacity links, limited designed specifically for use in multi-hop wireless ad-hoc
physical security, network scalability, self-creation, self- networks of mobile nodes. DSR allows network to be
organization and self-administration. completely self-organizing, self-configuring, without the need
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network that is made of for any existing network infrastructure and administration. It
several nodes which are densely deployed in abandoned manages Route Discovery and Route Maintenance
environment with the capabilities of sensing and computation. mechanisms. DSR is specially designed for MANETs and to
Sensor nodes are tiny devices having combination of sensing, work well in high mobility. DSR operates entirely on demand,
computation and communication. WSNs are applicable for with no period activity of any kind required at any level
environmental data collection, security monitoring and sensor within the network.
node tracking. Advantages of WSNs are power efficiency,
flexibility, robustness, security, time synchronization, size and C. DYMO (Dynamic Manet On-demand)
cost. DYMO enables dynamic, reactive, multi-hop routing
MANET and WSN have similar properties, but different between source and destination nodes. Its basic operations are
routing protocols have different effect in both networks. In route discovery and management. DYMO uses sequence

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International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (2278-7844) / # 124 / Volume 3 Issue 8

number to ensure loop freedom. Routes are discovered on Simulation Area 500m*500m 500m*500m
demand when a node needs to send a packet. Each entry in
Routing Protocols AODV, DSR, AODV, DSR, DYMO,
routing table consists of the following fields: Destination DYMO, OLSR, ZRP OLSR, ZRP
Address, Sequence Number, Hop Count, Hop Address, Next Mobility Model Random Waypoint Random Waypoint for
Hop Address, Next Hop Interface, Is Gateway, Prefix, Valid node 2-15
Timeout and Route Delete Timeout. No. of Nodes 15 15

Mobility Speed 0-10 0-10

D. OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing Protocol)
OLSR is a table driven routing protocol. It is a Radio Type 802.11b 802.15.4
version of link state routing. Each node selects a set of its
neighbour nodes as multipoint relays(MPRs). These MPRs MAC Protocol 802.11 802.15.4
are used to form a route from the given node to any Traffic Type CBR CBR
destination in the network and to facilitate efficient flooding
of control messages in the network. Its main operation is
updating and maintaining information in variety of tables. It Scenarios and simulation for both the networks are shown
has three control messages: HELLO message, Topology below:-
control message and Multiple Interface Declaration.

E. ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol)

ZRP combines advantages of table driven and on
demand driving protocol. According to the application it
selects the method. It uses table driven method to
communicate in node’s local neighbourhood, which is known
as Zone of that node and uses on demand method when node
had to communicate outside its zone. ZRP divides
surrounding in different zones with different radius, which
overlap each other. ZRP has few components as: IERP, IARP
and BRP.
IERP-IntErzone Routing Protocol, a reactive routing protocol
that eliminates the need of nodes.
IARP-IntrAzone Routing Protocol, a proactive protocol that
keeps up to date view of the zone topology.
BRP-Bordercast Resolution Protocol, controls traffic between
zones. Fig.1. Scenario for Ad-hoc Network


For this analysis Qualnet 5.0.2 Network Simulator is used to
evaluate the performance of AODV, DSR, DYMO, OLSR and
ZRP in Mobile Ad-hoc Network and Wireless Sensor
Network. MAC Protocol used for MANET is IEEE 802.11b
and for WSN is IEEE 802.14. In MANET 15 nodes and 2
CBR sources are used. In WSN also 15 nodes are used, where
14 nodes are connected with node 1 through CBR. For WSN,
node 1 is static i.e. there will be no movement in this node and
node 2-15 will have random waypoint mobility model. Node 1
is a full function device and work as a PAN coordinator and
other nodes 2-15 are reduced function device in sensor
network. For both the scenarios area is 500m * 500 m. and
mobility model is random waypoint with mobility of 10mbps.
Scenario properties are described in following table:-

TABLE. SIMULATION PARAMETERS VALUES Fig.2. Simulation in Ad-hoc network

Parameters Values


Simulation Time 100 sec 100 sec

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International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (2278-7844) / # 125 / Volume 3 Issue 8

In WSN, also OLSR receives maximum packets received

form application layer i.e. 38 and remaining protocols have
receive same packets i.e. 22.

Fig.3.Scenario for Sensor Network

Fig.6. Packets form Application Layer in WSN

It can be noticed that WSNs receive more packets than

MANETs. WSN have minimum of 22, which is maximum for

B. Signal Received and Forwarded to MAC

Fig.4. Simulation in Sensor Network
In MANET, ZRP receives and forwards 1000 packets
to MAC layer, OLSR forwards 400 packets, DSR forwards
Using Qualnet 5.0.2 Simulator different parameters for both 320 packets and AODV and DYMO forwarded 270 packets.
networks are analysed. Results of analysis are as follows:-

A. Packets from Application Layer

In MANET maximum packets are received from in
OLSR i.e. 22 and remaining protocols (AODV, DSR, DYMO,
OLSR and ZRP) receive only 3.

Fig.7. Signal received and forwarded to MAC layer in MANET

In WSN, ZRP forwards maximum packets to MAC layer i.e.

490, OLSR forwards 260 packets and AODV, DYMO and
DSR forwards only 220 packets.
Fig.5. Packets form Application layer in MANET

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International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (2278-7844) / # 126 / Volume 3 Issue 8

Fig.10. Signal received with errors in WSN

Fig.8. Signal received and forwarded to MAC layer in WSN In comparison with MANET, WSN receives less error signals.

More signals are received and forwarded to MAC layer in IV. CONCLUSION
MANET than WSN. This analysis of MANET and WSN shows that routing
protocols almost have different effect on both networks. In
C. Signal Received with Errors MANET fewer packets are received from application layer as
compared to WSN, but more signals are forwarded to MAC
In MANET, AODV and DYMO received less signals layer as compared to WSN. MANET receives more signals
with errors. OLSR and DSR have average signals with errors. with errors than WSN. It can be noted here that values for
ZRP receives maximum signal having errors. MANET are always higher than WSN.


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