Dosis Anastesi Pada Ikan
Dosis Anastesi Pada Ikan
Dosis Anastesi Pada Ikan
Abstract Introduction
1 For comparison, there are some 10,000 bird species and only about 50 rat
Considerations of Fish Taxonomy, and fewer than 40 mouse species.
2 In addition, some ram ventilating species rely on constant forward speed
Anatomy, and Physiology to produce lift from their pectoral fins for hydrostatic equilibrium (Brill and
Bushnell 2001). During recovery it is necessary to manually move these
Of the nearly 30,000 species of fish,1 teleosts constitute animals through water in a forward motion or hold them in sufficient flow
approximately 96%, so most anesthesia studies involve until adequate voluntary forward motion returns.
Isoflurane and Halothane
2-Phenoxyethanol (2-PE) is a moderately water-soluble clear
There are few published studies evaluating chlorofluorocar-
or straw-colored oily liquid widely used for sedation (particu-
bon-based anesthetics in fish (Dunn and Koester 1990; Stetter
larly in fish transportation) and anesthesia (Hseu et al. 1996,
2001). Their use requires care as anesthetic depth is difficult
1997; Ross 2001). Advantages are low cost and the fact that
to control and the drug’s insolubility in water results in local-
no pH change occurs with the addition of 2-PE to seawater
ized higher concentrations that may cause overdosage. In ad-
(Hseu et al. 1998). However, 2-PE produces hypoventilation
dition, volatilization and difficulty in scavenging waste gas
and provides poor analgesia (Oswald 1978). Also, sustained
are hazardous to personnel (Harms 1999; Ross 2001). Given
and regular exposure to 2-PE solution causes a neuropsycho-
the disadvantages associated with the use of isoflurane and
logical syndrome in some handlers (Hseu et al. 1998).
similar drugs, a number of researchers and clinicians recom-
mend them only as a last resort for anesthesia, for euthana-
Quinaldine and Quinaldine Sulphate sia, or not at all (e.g., Harms 1999; Ross 2001).