The Acoustic Doppler Effect Applied To The Study of Linear Motions
The Acoustic Doppler Effect Applied To The Study of Linear Motions
The Acoustic Doppler Effect Applied To The Study of Linear Motions
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Juan A. Monsoriu
Centro de Tecnologı́as Fı́sicas, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camı́ de Vera s/n,
46022, València, Spain.
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Introduction
program was used to acquire the sound data and perform the Fast Fourier Transform.
The estimated value of the rod vibration frequency was consistent with the visual
observation of the vibrating rod. In reference [12] the authors used a speaker attached to
a string moving in uniform circular motion. The sound waves were recorded and Fourier
analyzed. The calculated power spectrum of the measured sounds was represented over
some periods of time (sonograms). The theoretical curves of the measured sonogram
were superposed yielding a good agreement. In reference [13] the authors measured the
instantaneous Doppler-shifted frequency of a free-falling sound source. The acceleration
of gravity was calculated from the slope of the frequency versus time.
The main novelty of our work lies in being able to measure the frequency as a
function of time with very high precision. For this purpose, a very simple measurement
instrument is used, that is, a smartphone as receptor which moves with respect to
a speaker (source). No additional calculations are need. The smartphone shows the
measured frequency as a function of time directly on the device display. This is an
advantage with respect to previous experiments where a microphone, a speaker and
a computer program to analyze the results were independent components. Here, the
computer program and the receptor are integrated in a portable device.
In the present work, the experimental setup included a speaker connected to
a signal generator and a smartphone attached to the cart of an air track. The
single frequency signal emitted by the speaker is captured by the microphone of the
smartphone. The speaker is fixed while the smartphone may move on the air track
with different relative velocities. The analysis of the signal was performed with the
application for Android “Frequency Analyzer”[14]. Although there is a variety of
applications available in Google Play repository which can be used in different Physics
experiments [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20], we have not found any application able to determine
the fundamental frequency of the sound wave with sufficiently high precision for our
purposes. For this reason, we have developed our own free application for Android [21].
The Doppler effect was used to characterize four mechanical motions, that is, the
uniform linear motion, uniformly accelerated linear motion, simple harmonic oscillations,
and damped harmonic oscillations, respectively. The main idea is that the frequency
change measured from the Doppler effect is related to the speed of the smartphone
which is placed on the cart of the air track. These experiments can be easily perform
in a physical laboratory, in which an air track is available, and with the students’
smartphone. These experiments allow the students to better understand the Doppler
effect, and in addition, to study the different linear motions by an alternative method.
The outline of the paper is the following. In section 2, the methodology for the
experiments is described. In section 3, results for each of the four studied motions are
discussed. Finally, in section 4, some conclusions are drawn.
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2. Experiments
By using an air track, linear motions with speeds less than 1 m/s can be studied.
This means that the change in frequency due to Doppler effect associated to theses
speeds should be less than 0.3 %, so that, to obtain good results, the frequency has to
be measured with very high precision. For this purpose, an application for Android
capable of measuring the fundamental frequency of sound with a precision less than 0.04
% and to sample the frequency every 0.1 s, was developed. We decided to implement
our own application since no application for this purpose was available in Google Play
store on the internet. However, we had to take into account that the sound produced
by the air track when it is on can cause interferences and consequently additional errors
in the frequency measurement.
In order to quantify such errors, the frequency of a sound wave with 3000 Hz has
been measured with the smartphone at rest on the air track with the air track switched
on. The value measured by the smartphone was (3000.1 ± 0.5) Hz, which corresponds
to a relative error in the measurement of the frequency of 0.017 % and a discrepancy
with the expected value of 0.003 %.
From the arguments given above, we can concluded that this application can be
used for measuring the Doppler effect since it is capable to measure frequencies within a
precision of 0.5 Hz for a signal of 3000 Hz, so that we will be able to measure frequency
changes for smartphone speeds starting from 0.06 m/s.
Figure 1 shows the experimental setup for the measurement of the frequency with
the smartphone on the air track. The smartphone was moved with four different
linear motions: uniform linear motion, uniformly accelerated linear motion, harmonic
oscillations and damped harmonic oscillations. The figure includes the speaker (1) which
emits the signal, the smartphone (2) attached to a cart on the air track (3), and the
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photometer which detects the pass of the cart through it (4) and activates the time
counter (5) to measure the speed of the cart for uniform motion and the period of the
oscillations for harmonic motion. For the harmonic motions, two springs were attached
to the the cart. In all experiments, a smartphone model Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570
was used. The signals of unique frequency are generated by connecting the speaker to
an AC frequency generator.
a) b)
In Figure 2, two examples of the frequency measurement with the mobile phone
are shown. In order to assure that the application measures properly the frequency
change due to the relative motion, the smartphone was left quiet for a few seconds,
and afterwards, it was moved at approximately constant velocity. In both cases, the
frequency of the source was 3000 Hz. In Figures 2a and 2b, the zone from which the
experiment starts can be clearly observed (labeled as (1) and (3) respectively), that is,
the region where the frequency is constant. Once the motion is started (figure 2a), a
decrease in the frequency is observed (2) since for this case, the receptor moved away
from the source. Finally, when the smartphone got too far from the speaker (source), the
amplitude of the signal received by the microphone decreased, and the application was
not able to determine the frequency with precision. Those values should not be taken
into account in the calculations. In Figure 2b, an increase in frequency is observed
(4) since the mobile phone approached the source. In this case, the mobile phone was
stopped when it reached the end of the air track, and the initial constant frequency can
be observed again (5).
In the first experiment, for the uniform linear motion, the cart was moved with
Eur. J. Phys. 35 (2014) 025006 (9pp) 6
approximately constant velocity. By means of a photometer, the pass of the cart (with
the smartphone) moving at constant velocity was detected, and by means of a time
counter the elapsed time was measured. The speed of the cart was then calculated by
dividing the distance traveled over the time elapsed. This value was later compared
with the result derived from the Doppler effect.
In the second experiment, for the uniformly accelerated linear motion, the air track
was set at the inclination of (0.030±0.001) rad which allowed a component of the gravity
acceleration to act along the air track direction,
a = g sin α = (0.294 ± 0.013) m/s2 . (2)
For the third and fourth experiments, the cart was attached to two fix points by
means of two equal springs. In Figure 3, an example of the measurement of the frequency
in the smartphone moving with simple harmonic oscillations is shown. The frequency
of the source was 3000 Hz. In the figure, the sinusoidal variation of the signal is clearly
observed. From the data obtained in this measurement, the amplitude is calculated, 7.5
Hz, which corresponds to the maximum speed in the harmonic motion, 0.85 m/s.
Finally, the case of the damped simple harmonic oscillations was presented. The
air supply of the air track was decreased to let some friction act between the air track
and the cart with the smartphone attached.
f (Hz) 3000
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
t (s)
Figure 4. Frequency versus time in a uniform linear motion. Red circles represent
the mobile phone at rest, and green boxes when it moved away from the source.
a frequency of (3000.1±0.3) Hz. From this moment on, the cart moved at constant
velocity (green box points), for a frequency of (2995.0±0.7) Hz registered by the mobile
phone. Once the smartphone moved far away from the speaker, the intensity of the
sound signal decreased and the application was not able to determine the frequency
with precision (after 2.6 s). The measurements for times longer than 2.6 s was not
included in the calculations.
With these data and taking into account that the speed of sound at the temperature
of the experiments, 24◦ C, is 347 m/s [22], the speed of the cart (with the smartphone)
was calculated. The resulting value was (0.592±0.002) m/s, which was compared with
the value obtained from using the photo-detector and the chronometer, (0.585±0.009)
m/s. A great agreement between both results for a percentage discrepancy of 1.2 % was
v (m/s) 0.3
0 1 2 3 4 5
t (s)
Figure 5. Absolute value of the velocity versus time for a uniformly accelerated linear
motion. Blue crosses represent the experimental data, and the red line the linear fit.
v (m/s)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
t (s)
Figure 6. Velocity of the smartphone versus time for the data obtained in the simple
harmonic motion. Blue crosses represent the experimental data, and the red curve the
The values of the velocity versus time as calculated from the frequencies measured
with the smartphone moving with simple harmonic oscillations are shown in Figure 6.
The experimental data was fitted to the Equation of the velocity of the simple harmonic
% The values of the parameters resulting from the fitting were v0 = (0.57±0.02) m/s
(amplitude), ω0 = (4.414±0.007) rad/s (natural frequency of the system) and φ0 =
(4.91±0.07) rad (initial phase). From the value of the frequency ω0 , the period of the
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oscillatory motion can be calculated, T =(1.423±0.002) s. This value was compared with
the measurement of the time counter, Ttc =(1.428±0.001) s. A very low discrepancy of
0.3 % between both measurements was obtained.
v (m/s)
0 5 10 15 20 25
t (s)
Figure 7. Velocity of the smartphone calculated from the data obtained in the damped
simple harmonic motion. Blue crosses represent the experimental data, and the red
curve represents the fit.
In Figure 7, the results of the speed as calculated from the frequency measured
with the smartphone moving with damped simple harmonic oscillations are shown. The
graph shows clearly the under-damped behavior of the system. It can be observed a
decrease in the the amplitude with time which is due to the friction force between the
cart and the air track. The time dependence of the position as a function of time in an
under-damped harmonic motion is given by the following expression,
where A is the amplitude of the motion, γ is the damping constant, ω is the damped
angular frequency and φ0 the initial phase. The damped frequency is a function of the
natural frequency calculated in the previous experiment and of the damping constant,
that is, ω 2 = ω02 − γ 2 . By taking the first derivative with respect to time, the expression
for the velocity is obtained,
v(t) = Ae−γt (−γ sin(ωt + φ0 ) + ω cos(ωt + φ0 )) . (5)
The fitting of the experimental results to this equation yielded the following
values for the parameters: A = (0.206±0.006) m, γ = (0.050±0.003) s−1 , and φ0 =
(1.17±0.02) rad.
From the value of the damping constant, and the natural angular frequency
calculated in the previous experiment, the damped frequency was obtained,
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ω=(4.414±0.007) rad/s. The system was weakly damped, that is γ << 1, the damped
frequency was nearly equal to the natural frequency, so that the differences between
them were less than the error obtained in the fit.
4. Conclusions
The Doppler effect was studied by using a speaker and a smartphone as useful laboratory
measurement instruments. The single frequency sound signal emitted by a speaker
was captured by the microphone of the smartphone. The speaker was fixed while the
smartphone moved on an air track with different types of mechanical motions. The
frequency change as a function of time was measured with high precision by using our
own application for Android “Frequency Analyzer” developed specifically for this
work. Four experiment were performed. In the first case, the constant velocity of the
cart measured by the Doppler effect, and by using a time counter were compared for
a discrepancy of 1.2 %. In the second experiment, a uniformly accelerated motion was
studied. The acceleration calculated from the speed derived from the Doppler effect was
compared to the value calculated from the Newton’s Second Law taking into account
the inclination angle of the air track. A discrepancy of 3% between the results indicated
a very good agreement. Free and damped harmonic motions were also studied. A
good agreement between the experimental data and the theoretical expressions was also
The authors would like to thank the Institute of Education Sciences, Universitat
Politècnica de València (Spain) for the support of the Teaching Innovation Groups,
e-MACAFI and MoMa.
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