Mid Term Examination Summer-2021 PART "B"-Subjective Part

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Mid Term Examination Summer-2021

PART “B”- Subjective part

Name Reg. No.

Facilitator: Mr. Muhammad Hamza Farooqui Time: 110 minutes/1.83hours
Starting time 03:00 PM Max. Marks: 15
Date: 03-08-2021 EDP Code

INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt all SEVEN questions SEQUENTIALLY in your answer script

and upload. No out of sequence, answer will be marked.

Q# 1 Max Marks (2)

Critique the following research done in a service industry as to the extent to which it meets the
hallmarks of scientific investigation discussed in this chapter.
The Mobile Phone Company The Mobile Phone Company has been named as the most
complained‐about mobile phone company, narrowly beating 3G, which has shot to the top of the
table as the worst landline provider.
According to the latest figures from the regulator, Ofcom, the Mobile Phone Company was the
most complained‐about mobile provider – with 0.15 complaints per 1,000 – in the last three
months of 2014. It saw its complaint figures rise substantially in the last quarter of 2014. The
company wanted to pinpoint the specific problems and take corrective action. Researchers were
called in, and they spoke to a number of customers, noting the nature of the specific problems
they faced. Because the problem had to be attended to very quickly, they developed a theoretical
base, collected relevant detailed information from a sample of 100 customers, and analyzed the
data. The results promise to be fairly accurate with at least an 85% chance of success in problem
solving. The researchers will make recommendations to the company based on the results of data
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Q#2 Max Marks( 02)

Define the problem statement (the why and the what) in the following situation:
Employee loyalty Companies benefit through employee loyalty. Crude downsizing in
organizations during the recession crushed the loyalty of millions. The economic benefits of
loyalty embrace lower recruitment and training costs, higher productivity of workers, customer
satisfaction, and the boost to morale of fresh recruits. In order that these benefits are not lost,
some companies, while downsizing, try various gimmicks. Flex leave, for instance, is one. This
helps employees receive 20% of their salary, plus employer‐provided benefits, while they take a
6‐ to 12‐month sabbatical, with a call option on their services. Others try alternatives like more
communication, hand holding, and the like.
Q#3 Max Marks ( 03)
A production manager is concerned about the low output levels of his employees. The articles
that he has read on job performance frequently mention four variables as being important to job
performance: (a) skills required for the job, (b) rewards, (c) motivation, and (d) satisfaction. In
several of the articles it was also indicated that only if the rewards were (attractive) to the
recipients did motivation, satisfaction, and job performance increase, not otherwise. Given this
situation: 1.Define the problem. 2. Create a diagram. 3. Develop at least six hypotheses.
Q#4 Max Marks ( 02)
A manager of an insurance company finds that “fear appeals” in commercials are positively
associated with consumers’ behavioral intentions to insure their house. This effect is particularly
strong for people with a high inherent level of anxiety. Develop a conceptual model.
Q#5 Max Marks (02)
Develop a conceptual model for the following case. Once given, bonuses are extraordinarily
hard to take away without undermining employee morale. The adverse effects of these cuts far
outweigh the anticipated savings in dollars. Research has shown that when the reason behind the
cuts is explained to employees, morale does not drop.
Q#6 Max Marks ( 02)
There is an advantage in stating the hypothesis both in the null and in the alternate; it adds clarity
to our thinking of what we are testing. Explain.
Q#07 Max Marks ( 02)
It is advantageous to develop a directional hypothesis whenever we are sure of the predicted
direction. How will you justify this statement?


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