Insights and Impressions

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SMSs and call logs to parents during the modular distance learning.

Most of the concerns were about

the submission of answer sheets.
Conversations with parents in this time of pandemic. Checking of the well-being and progress of the
students were the most concerns.
INSET: Insights and Impressions (December 14)
Speakers: Ma’am Madelyn and Sir Osias
As a newbie in the Department of Education because I was just hired last school
year and as someone who is not well-versed when it comes to DepEd Memos, plus
this is just my second in-service training, I kept on asking myself last week on why
do we need to conduct in-service trainings…. considering that we are already
loaded with webinars and we’ve been through a lot of LAC Sessions whether virtual
or face to face. Then here comes an in-service training that is given at the end of
the year which lasted for five-days. By then, we could have had recorded and
checked the unit test of our students in our respective homes. And this question
kind of haunted me for quite some time.
Not until I attended the first day of our in-service training where it really instilled in
my system that in-service trainings, aside from its legal basis, are very integral in
preparing teachers for the upcoming year that even in the midst of pandemic,
there’s always a way to provide learning avenues for us teachers to be more
productive and effective despite of the current situation in.
In the first day, I actually acquired a lot of learnings from Ma’am Madz, aside from I
enjoyed the warm-up activities and seat work activities which were given in
between discussions, I learned a lot on the importance of balancing the four pillars
of success namely: Intelligence quotient, Emotional Quotient, Adversity Quotient
and Spiritual Quotient.
Personally, what I only know are Intelligence quotient and Emotional quotient. But
then I was enlightened on the other two pillars, most especially the adversity
quotient where I was able to classify myself on its four dimensions namely: Control,
Ownership, Reach and Endurance which correspond to how I/we deal with
adversities in life. I strongly believe that this session we had with Ma’am Madz has
a very refreshing message for us teachers that despite of the challenges posed by
the pandemic, we could still deliver quality instruction to our students.
Aside from that, I feel so lucky to be listening to an international resource speaker
in the person of Dr.Osias Bartolome who helped me in identifying the data that I
have and the data that I need in tracking down the factors that might actually affect
the learning performance of our students. Plus, he explicitly discussed to us the
Utilization of Data and even shared his own strategies in monitoring the learning
progress of his students in the middle school where he currently works in. And I
believe, we could actually adopt this kind of practice in our school to easily monitor
the progress of our students. We can come up with data bases where we could
input the grades/ remarks maybe of our students in our subjects and students can
have their own accounts and passwords for them to open it in their android phones
anytime they want. I know it will be very tasky for us teachers but I believe there’s a
reason Sir Osias included it on his session.
INSET: Insights and Impressions (December 15)
Speakers: Ma’am Gloria and Ma’am April
During the second -day of our in-service training, I was equipped with new
information on strategies in integrating literacy and numeracy skills to our students
that regardless of what area or discipline you are in, you could actually supplement
the essential lessons in Mathematics and English which may contribute in refining
the foundational skills of our students. This made me realize the importance of
highlighting parts of my lesson where I could apply numeracy skills as a language
teacher. And I think this is very important for us to be reminded on what particular
part in our lesson, especially those subjects where English is used as a medium of
instruction, if there are times that a student may utter erroneous or faulty
sentences, we could actually a lot few minutes to have review on Subject and verb
agreement the same thing simple math problems in other learning areas.
On that day, I was also able to hunt new ideas about communities of practice from
Ma’am April’s talk which made me think deeply of the practices we conduct in our
school and thought of ways on how I could apply her sharing about practices in my
organization and to our school as a whole. That is why I need to start rebuilding my
network just like what she said during her session you cannot gauge anyone to
employ these practices if you are not going to start with yourself so we really need
to start rebuilding our networks before linking it to others.

INSET: Insights and Impressions (December 16)
Speakers: Sir Ton and Ma’am Virgie
Day-3 I learned a lot on devising motivational techniques especially now that we
are in the new normal and we are using online distance learning. We could actually
come up with virtual warm-up activities that we had before or even given giving
incentives or rewards to our students who actually excel in our class.
Speaking about innovations. I acquired a lot of innovative strategies from Sir Ton’s
session most especially in letting the students go out of their comfort zones and
experience new things which could be a form of learning. Considering that we are
in a learner-centered organization, application of innovative strategies in our
classrooms could actually result to a much better learning environment. As the
saying goes, “teachers are not called for the excellent ones, they were called for
those who lags in their classes” which I firmly and with the assistance of the
different innovative projects that we have in our school, we could help these
students cope up in their classes. As ma’am Virgie discussed to us motivational
strategies, I was motivated from Sir Ton’s session on innovative programs where I
want to create one that would cater the additional learning needs of our students.
and I bet you are also very much motivated to do the same.
INSET: Insights and Impressions (December 17-18)
Speakers: Ma’am Laarni, Sir Goton and Sir Race
All of these learnings that I had from the first three days were further strengthened
when we had the presentation of outputs and sharing of reflections which I found
so relatable at the same time very interactive because all of us very eager to
participate voluntarily throughout the presentation.
I am very much grateful and satisfied with all of the information I received in this in-
service training. Our resource speakers communicated clearly, explicitly,
interestingly and with concrete example their respective topics which I believe will
yield to a better organization who is geared towards attaining the goals of the
Department of Education in the new normal. I might be closing this diary of mine,
but there’s still a lot of empty pages waiting to be filled in and rest assured that all
of the learnings I gained and we gained from this in-service training will be
transcribed into fruitful actions. Thank you very much po for listening and God bless
us always.
LAC SESSION: Personal Notes (MAY 7,2021)
Speakers: Ma’am Gloria, Ma’am Virgie and Ma’am Estrelle
RPMS Tools are assessment instruments used to ensure quality teacher
performance at different career stages. They describe the duties and
responsibilities of teachers across career stages; the Key Result Areas (KRAs) for
the realization of those duties and the specific objectives to attain the KRAs.
It is important to note that with the development of these tools, teachers shall no
longer craft/develop their own Individual Performance and Commitment Review
Form (IPCRF) in view of the developed RPMS tools in the Manual allowing them to
focus on teaching.
The Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form IPCRF is an
assessment tool for government employees to rate the task a teacher
accomplished for a year. So, as you know a teacher focus mainly on Basic
Education Service as his or her major final output.
Constructive feedbacks were sent to the students to motivate them in performing better
or doing well on their activity sheets.

Constructive feedbacks were sent to the students via google

Constructive feedbacks were sent to the students via google
The presentation I used in sharing my personal insights during the IN-SERVICE TRAINING last December 14-

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