User's Manual: Caba Win
User's Manual: Caba Win
User's Manual: Caba Win
Windows® Software for Circuit Breaker Testing
User’s Manual
User’s Manual
1 General information
2 Installation
2.3 PC communication
PC – TM1600 and EGIL
TM1600 and EGIL can be remotely controlled by
CABA Win via serial port of PC.
It is recommended that a MEGGER USB-fiber adapter
(BL-90165) is used for communications with TM1600.
USB-fiber cable requires installation of drivers, which
can be found on CABA Win installation CD
EGIL requires the supplied USB cable.
The process of connection and communication is as
1] Connect the USB-fiber adapter for TM1600 or
USB cable for EGIL between instrument and
2] Start CABA Win
3] In "Options" select "System settings" and tab
"Communication" as in picture below. Select 5] If in doubt which port is correct verify in the
"Serial" option. device manager:
at the PC side. We recommend to use a dongle with 2] Choose "Open Network and Sharing center"
ASIX AX88772 chip. This can be ordered from Megger then "Local area connection x" and then
on part number HF-00030. "Details" to confirm that the PC has re-
ceived an IP address that should be similar to
Note Whether a dongle is required or not depends
on the Ethernet adapter model in your PC.
TM1740/TM1750/TM1760/TM1800 IP address
Installation of USB – Ethernet dongle If you have an instrument with screen you can also
If it is the first time you use the dongle with the PC confirm that it has received an IP address by entering
you need to install the driver. the "System settings" tab in CABA Local and pressing
the "Versions" button.
Note Do not use the driver that comes with the
3 Description
3.1 General concept Each circuit breaker is given a unique identifier via
user-defined ID fields. The way in which the breaker is
Effective circuit breaker maintenance requires ac- to be tested is specified along with the electrical and
curate, comprehensive testing, and the ability to mechanical data. The test plan is defined automati-
compare a circuit breaker’s test results properly with cally, based on the specified test and breaker data.
previous test results is an important part of this. It
The CABA Win system contains a number of different
must be possible to conduct tests in exactly the same
parts in one software package.
way and under the same conditions as those conduct-
ed previously. Comparison can then provide a clear ▪▪CABA Test Plan Editor.
picture of any deviations and changes. Comparisions ▪▪CABA, where circuit breakers and tests are defined,
can be made between recordings done with different measurements are conducted and results are
Megger analyzers. analyzed and reported.
The deviations or changes may indicate that the circuit ▪▪CABA Remote for operating TM1700-series and
breaker requires repair. TM1800 from PC.
CABA Win can be used with the breaker analyzers: ▪▪CABA Database where circuit breaker and test data
TM1800, TM1700-series, TM1600/MA61 and EGIL. are stored
CABA Win organizes all testing work and attempts ▪▪Accessory files for user’s manual (PDF), multi-
to ensure that measurements are conducted in the language facilities, report templates, test plans etc.
same way for each object being tested. CABA Win
The following is a brief description of the general
then saves the results and generates the report. In
functions in the program. Descriptions of some
the analysis section, you can work with a number of
standard Windows® functions have been omitted
graphic windows, compare different measurements by
since it is assumed that users are familiar with the
overlaying graphs on each other in the same display,
basic Windows® environment.
provide on-chart markings to clarify the presentation
and use powerful zoom functions. CABA Win simpli-
fies testing and ensures top-quality results.
CABA Win can be used for all applications, rang-
ing from time measurement to dynamic resistance
and vibration measurements. All settings are done
automatically from the test plan provided for each
circuit breaker. After a breaker is defined the first time
it is tested, all of the data is kept together, thereby
enabling CABA Win to step you through the test
procedure in exactly the same way each time the
circuit breaker is tested. This saves time, and since all
tests are conducted using exactly the same settings
regardless of who did the original testing, full and
complete comparisons can be made from one test
occasion to the next.
All test and circuit breaker data are saved together
with the unique test plan. It is also possible to enter
the results of tests done manually, and to enter
separate comments for the breaker regarding the test
in question. After the test, the circuit breaker with its
tests can be moved to the database.
Saves the data you have entered/edited in the selected
circuit breaker or test. The option is available only if
any change has been done since last time save was
If a circuit breaker is selected:
Deletes the selected circuit breaker including its tests
and recordings.
Toolbar icons
Creates a circuit breaker definition in the
circuit breaker list. You have to mark the
root level in the breaker list to enable
the function.
Creates a test occasion below the
selected circuit breaker definition in the
circuit breaker list. The option is enabled
only if the breaker level in the breaker
list is marked. Selecting the ‘New test’
option will automatically take you to the
‘Test view’ tab.
Initiates a recording session of the If you expand the breaker list tree below the selected
selected operation in the circuit breaker test, all predefined activities that can be performed
list. You can only make a new recording are shown, e.g. different breaker operations, notes
when the PC is connected to TM1700, etc. The keyboard entered parameters can be nu-
TM1800, TM1600 or EGIL. The option is merical, e.g. micro-ohmmeter readings, or text fields
available only if the operation or record- that may be used for various keyboard entries. All
ing level is marked in the breaker list. keyboard entered parameters, numerical and text, are
available for reporting.
View the selected recording(s)
Previously performed activities are displayed in bold-
Save faced characters in the tree (measurements as well as
manually entered data and notes).
Add / remove parameters All activities and definitions associated with the break-
ers and with measurement, analysis and reporting can
Edit pass / fail limits be selected from this list. You can manage the list by
mouse right-clicking in this part of the window. See
"Top menu bar", "File" and "View" for description.
View available test plan(s)
Nameplate data
Include coil current measurement
Breaker nameplate
This option enables coil current measurement if it is
Technical data of the breaker for administrative
applicable in the selected test plan.
Reference level
Close/Trip Coils
Here you specify the circuit breaker position that is
You can enter data for 2 close coils and 3 trip coils
used as the reference level (0-level) in graphic displays
here. Select by clicking on the arrow in the desired
of test results.
Motion measurement
Units of measure
Include motion measurement
Selects the measurement units to be used for the
circuit breaker. The units selected in "Systems set- This option enables motion measurement if it is
tings" are used by default. Any changes made in this applicable in the selected test plan.
window affect only the selected breaker.
Nominal stroke
Specifies the nominal stroke length for the circuit
breaker. This value is normally used when measuring
with field-calibrated (“uncalibrated”) transducers. The
transducer is calibrated to the specified stroke length
in the first single operation of a test. This method also
goes under the name "Relative measurement". See
chapter “Transducers”.
Damping points
Opens a window used to define the positions for
calculating damping time.
choose the "Add / remove parameters" button field should hold in the “Length” column, and the
located in the "Test view" tab. default text (if wanted) in the “Predefined” column.
Exits and sends you back to “Selection operation”
without saving your changes.
Exits and saves your changes.
Add OK
Adds a new entry in the bottom of the parameter list. Saves the entered values and takes you back to
Click twice in the “parameter” column to type or edit “selection of operations”.
a parameter label, or copy/paste the parameter label
from another line. Type the number of characters the
Measurement time
Sets the measurement time for the different opera-
tions. Measurement times stated in custom designed
test plans have priority over this value.
Sets the measurement time for the open operation.
The default setting is 100 ms.
Sets the measurement time for the close operation.
The default setting is 100 ms.
Sets the measurement time for the open-close-open
operation. The default setting is 500 ms.
Test plan
Motion measurement preferences and
Identification fields
pulse & delay times
There are seven individual fields/variables that can be
Motion preferences and pulse and delay times are
used to identify a test.
altered in Measurement preferences tab by pressing
button “Motion measurement preferences and pulse In the breaker list, each test is automatically named by
& delay times” which invokes a new dialog window date and time followed by the contents of the “Type
(see below). Besides pulse and delay times for each of test” field.
operation it is possible to change transducer type,
Note When the new test ID has been entered you
calibration, pre-trig time and External trigger settings.
must use “Save” to store.
Transducer type can be Analog or Digital which are
either absolute or relative. Depending on test plan Edit settings for selected test
the transducer will be either Linear or Angular. In case You can edit closing/opening speed calculation points,
of Angular transducer a fixed conversion factor or a damping points and pass/fail limits and add/remove
breaker specific conversion table is required. parameter calculations for an existing test. After you
have done your changes all recordings belonging to
the test will be recalculated with the new values.
View recording(s)
Opens the analysis window used to present the
recordings. Mark the recording(s) to view and then
press the View button. Several recordings can be
viewed at the same time, each one in its own window.
To open multiple recordings you have to select the
When a conversion table is to be used, the appropri- recordings from the recording list in the test view (not
ate table can be chosen by pressing the Select button from the breaker list tree). Click and drag over the
and using dialog window browsing to the table. recordings or use Shift + mouse click to select several
recordings in a row or use Ctrl + mouse click to select
or unselect single recordings.
3.4 Analysis window
Returns to breaker list without performing the
recording. (CABAana)
The test results are presented graphically and as
Connection list (TM1600 and EGIL) parameter values here. The results can be analyzed
in detail, and a report can be generated. In addi-
tion to the functions presented below, a number
of Windows® functions are available (moving and
editing windows and columns and using scrollbars for
The following functions are available in the instru-
ment/analysis program:
Open Ctrl+O
Opens a new recording. Double-click to select;
breaker, test and recording.
CABA Win shows how to connect the circuit breaker Close the recording in the active window.
analyzer to the breaker. If the list is empty, it indicates
that the connection does not have to be changed Save Ctrl+S
from what was used for the previous measurement. Save new recording. If you exit without saving
before, the program will ask if you want to save the
Opens the communication with the analyzer and waits
for operating/triggering. After the measurement, data Print
is automatically transferred to CABA Win. Open the printer dialogue box for printing the
Full list computer screen.
If no changes in the connections from the last opera- Print setup
tion are necessary, the list is empty. “Full list” shows
Open the print setup dialogue box.
the complete list.
Save Exit
Saves the changes you have done in the “Test instruc- Exits
tion notes” entry. The file is located in CABAWIN\ Edit
Used to edit notes for the selected recording.
Returns to breaker list without performing the
recording. Copy to clipboard -> Graph/Parameters
Measure Copies the active/selected graph or parameter table to
the clipboard for use in other programs.
CABA Win is activated/armed for measurement. The
circuit breaker can be operated from the analyzer after Copy to file -> Graph/Parameters/Cursor data
“Ready” lights up on the TM1600/MA61 or after EGIL
Copies the graph/parameter list/cursor data of the
switches to the “Sequence Menu”. The test results are
active recording to the selected directory.
transferred automatically to CABA Win. The program
opens the analysis window and shows the results both Reset cursor #1/#2
graphically and as parameter values. Puts the cursors to the 0 ms position.
Note For TM1700 and TM1800 CABA Win Remote View
starts and breakers can be PC operated for
measurements. Parameters
Opens a parameter window used for measured/
calculated parameters. To view all parameters use the
scrollbar to the right to scroll the parameter window.
Show/hide toolbar.
Status bar
Show/hide status bar.
Layout settings
Opens a new window used for graph settings. On/off,
colours, position, scaling, background colour etc.
It is also possible to change the display
settings directly on the screen by right-
clicking anywhere inside the graph win-
Opens an on-chart-marking window to facilitate
detailed analysis. The two cursors can be moved with Pass/fail
the mouse.
1] Click and drag with left mouse button, pick
up at left edge of window.
2] Select cursor by clicking on Cursor 1 or Cursor
2. Movement steps are user-selectable.
3] To reset the cursors to time zero, use the icon
buttons on the toolbar.
The table displays measurement values at time 1 and
2 and also the difference. Please Note that for the
velocity graph the “difference” is instead the average
velocity between the two cursor positions.
Zoom in
Zooms the x-axis (time). Select zoom in, position the
mouse at the left of zooming area, move the mouse
to right of zooming area while holding down left but- Presents pass/fail results in the parameter list. The
ton. Release left button. This function is also available option is available only if the pass/fail function is
on the tool bar. activated for the test.
Generate report
Generate the report.
Delete template
Delete the selected template from the breaker.
4 Using CABA Win
4.1 Testing with TM1600 Note The first recording with a new or changed
travel transducer, position or test has to be a
and EGIL single operation (close or open).
1] Connect the computer to the circuit breaker 12] Before operating the circuit breaker, make
analyzer using the optical fibre connection sure that the breaker is in the right position.
for the TM1600/MA61 or USB for EGIL (on 13] Selecting the breaker operation sequence,
old models RS232 connection). setting the closing and opening pulse delay
2] Turn on the computer and start CABA Win times (see the analyzer users manuals) and
from the Windows start menu (Megger\ starting the operation sequence must all be
CABAWIN). done from the circuit breaker analyzer.
Turn on the breaker analyzer. 14] Select ”Measure” and wait for the “Ready”
3] CABA Win presents a list of circuit break- light on the TM1600/MA61 to light up or for
ers. Select the breaker that is to be tested the display in EGIL to switch to sequence.
or select “New Breaker”, define a new circuit Operate the circuit breaker from the breaker
breaker and select an appropriate test plan. analyzer.
4] Select “New Test” or, alternatively, select a 15] CABA Win reads the measured data auto-
previous test to continue on. matically and presents the results graphically
and in the parameter list.
5] CABA Win presents a test menu. Select the
operation that you want to measure or enter 16] Adjust the graphic layout if so desired. Col-
manually measured data and/or comments to ours, on/off, positioning, scaling, offset etc.
the test. Activities carried out previously are can be adjusted by double-clicking on the
displayed in bold-faced characters. label for the curve in question or by selecting
”Layout”. See also section ”Analysis window”.
6] After you have selected the operation,
CABA Win presents a list of previously con- 17] Check and analyze the results. Additional
ducted tests. Select an operation in the test measurements can be opened and displayed
menu and select ”New recording”. simultaneously. Zoom functions and on-
chart markings/cursors can be selected using
7] CABA Win establishes communication with “View”. Comparisons with other measure-
the breaker analyzer.
ments can be made using “Compare”.
8] CABA Win asks which transducers are to be 18] Close the analysis window and save the
used. If a calibrated travel transducer has
measurements whenever desired.
been defined and is to be used, select it from
the transducer list by invoking ”Select”. If 19] CABA Win presents the tests conducted for
not, select “Uncalibrated”, and then enter the this operation. Select ”New recording” if
nominal or measured stroke length of the the same operation is to be measured once
breaker. Note that the nominal stroke length again. If not, select another operation. Select
was often specified previously when the cir- ”New recording” and continue measuring un-
cuit breaker was defined. See also Chapter 6. til all desired test results have been stored.
9] Select all other transducers to be used. If a 20] Conclude testing and disconnect the equip-
transducer is not listed, define the new unit ment. All results are stored so that you can
by selecting "Transducer list". analyze them further and prepare a report
whenever desired.
10] CABA Win presents a display instructing you
how to connect the individual channels on
the breaker analyzer to the circuit breaker.
11] Check that the operation, which was selected
and highlighted in CABA Win, matches the
operation that has been set on the breaker
After a measurement has been performed the result
screen automatically appears.
View a recording
12] You can view a recording by double-clicking
on the number below the operation in the
left menu of the CABA Remote Interface
Reports can also be designed from the
analysis window in CABA Win.
The network cable has to be a “Crossover,
TP” cable.
Fault 2
The error message “Network problem! Make sure
your network cable is connected and your network
settings are correct.” appears immediately when you
select the “Open remote breaker list” option.
Possible causes
A] The PC is not connected to a LAN or to a
TM1800 / TM1700.
Fault 3
No TM1800 / TM1700 pops up in the “Open remote
breaker list” dialog.
5 Transducers
Conversion tables
With CABA Win, there is a solution to the problem.
If the ratio between the transducer attachment point
and the moving contact is known, a conversion factor
or conversion table can be used together with a
calibrated transducer. CABA Win can thus reproduce
actual contact travel and calculate the parameters
In CABA Win the breaker stroke is called the nominal
stroke. This should be assigned to the breaker when
the breaker is first defined. When testing a breaker,
the assigned nominal stroke is used as the default
value, which you can either confirm or change. This
value is used for field calibration of the transducer.
Calibrated transducer
In CABA Win there are two transducer/method
choices: ”Calibrated transducer” (Absolute meas-
urement) and ”Uncalibrated transducer” (Relative
measurement). The first uses a transducer defined in
the transducer list, while the second uses a transducer
defined at the test.
”Calibrated transducer” is to be used when the ratio
between the actual contact travel and the measure-
ment position is known, and the transducer has been
calibrated accordingly. The following situations can be Note When measuring with Uncalibrated trans-
encountered, depending on the design of the breaker: ducer (Relative measurement) any transducer
type (Linear or Rotary) can be used, however,
A. Linear 1:1 ratio between contact travel and the result will always be presented as distance
measurement position. vs. time.
The transducer is calibrated to its actual length and
The breaker stroke (either nominal length as set forth
can be used generally for different types of breakers.
in the breaker data or actual measured length) is used
The presented result matches the actual contact
as the calibration value for the first operation and
remains unchanged for subsequent measurements.
B. Linear 1:X ratio between contact travel and The following situations can be encountered, depend-
measurement position. ing on the design of the breaker:
The transducer is calibrated to the actual contact A. Linear ratio between actual contact travel and
travel by adding a linear scale factor. The presented measurement position.
result comprises the contact travel calculated as the
The transducer is automatically calibrated to the speci-
transducer travel multiplied by the scale factor. Here,
fied breaker stroke. The presented result comprises
the transducer can only be used for types of breaker
actual contact travel.
having the same ratio between contact travel and
measurement position. B. Non-linear ratio between contact travel and
measurement position.
C. Non-linear ratio between contact travel and
measurement position. Total transducer travel is defined automatically at
the first operation as the specified breaker stroke.
The transducer is calibrated to its actual length and
The presented result does not show the true contact
is defined in the transducer list together with a
travel trace. If the breaker manufacturer defined
conversion table used to convert transducer motion to
measurement and test data in the same way, a direct
actual contact travel. The presented result comprises
comparison can be made. If not, the measurement
the contact travel calculated as the transducer travel
can be used as a footprint (signature) and compared
multiplied by the conversion-table values (some test
directly with other measurements conducted in the
plans also present the transducer motion). Here, the
same way.
transducer can only be used for the type of breaker
defined in the conversion table being used. Note If the first recording fails (e.g. the breaker
does not operate) and you are using “uncali-
Defining a digital transducer brated”, you must double-click on "End the
test" in the test menu and then start over
1] From menu "Transducers" select "Transducer again with "New recording" to get a correct
list", select "Add" and depending on trans- calibration.
ducer select either "Angle" or "Motion".
2] Select "Digital" under "Transducer type".
3] Enter the calibration values in the fields –
"degrees" or "mm" and "pulses".
4] Type in a significant name for the transducer
into the “Transducer ID” field.
5.5 Transducer calibration condition was met. If not, change the error
tolerance and try to calibrate again.
Linear transducer
• TM1800, TM1700, TM1600/MA61 or EGIL
• Transducer to be calibrated
• Calliper or folding ruler
For TM1800 and TM1700 see respectively user
manual for how to make the calibration.
For a TM1710/20 you can only write the values:
0 mm - 0 mV and transducer length (mm) - 4095 mV.
You can choose transducer type such as "Resistive",
Preparations "Digital" or "4-20 mA".
1] Connect the transducer to one of the analog Note Digital and 4-20mA transducers are not
channels on the analyzer. compatible with TM1600 or EGIL.
Angular transducer
The procedure is the same as for a linear transducer,
but here you specify an angle instead of a position.
For TM1800 and TM1700 see respectively user
manual for how to make the calibration.
For a TM1710/20 you can only write the values:
1] Select ”Transducer” – ”Transducer list” to reach 0° - 0 mV and transducer angular span (°) - 4095 mV
the transducer list.
Note A special kit is available for calibrating an
2] Select “Add” and ”Motion”. angular transducer.
3] Type in the calibration value(-s) and the de- If there is a known (linear or ”accepted”) ratio
sired error tolerance. between rotation and contact travel you can calibrate
4] Select ”Calibrate”. a rotary transducer as a linear transducer for direct
Calibration takes place, whereupon the measurement of contact travel.
display indicates whether or not the accuracy
Note In CABA Test Plan Editor you can set the 3] Type in the calibration value(-s) for the trans-
conversion factor between measured angle ducer and the desired error tolerance.
and presented distance making the special
transducer definition unnecessary. The ratio is 4] Select “Calibrate”.
then stored along with the Breaker definition Calibration takes place, whereupon the
instead of in the transducer database. display indicates whether or not the accuracy
condition was met. If not, change the error
1] Determine the ratio between rotation and tolerance and try to calibrate again.
contact travel (e.g. 2.5 mm/degree).
2] Select ”Transducer” – ”Transducer list” to reach Voltage transducer
the transducer list.
The calibration procedure is as follows:
3] Select ”Add” and ”Motion” (assigning the
rotary transducer as a linear transducer).
1] Select ”Transducer” – ”Transducer list” to reach
the transducer list.
4] Enter the calibration values in mm by multi-
plying the values in degrees with the actual
2] Select ”Add” and ”Voltage”
ratio mm/degree. Set an appropriate error 3] Type in the calibration value for the voltage
tolerance. transducer.
5] Select ”Calibrate”. If the accuracy conditions
were not met, change the error tolerance Vibration transducer
and try to calibrate again. (accelerometer)
The calibration procedure is as follows:
Current transducers
1] Select ”Transducer” – ”Transducer list” to reach
The calibration procedure is as follows: the transducer list.
1] Select ”Transducer” – ”Transducer list” to reach 2] Select ”Add” and ”Vibration”.
the transducer list.
3] Type in the calibration value for the trans-
2] Select “Add” and “Current”. ducer set forth in the manufacturer’s specifi-
3] Type in the calibration value for the current cations.
Note If an absolute value is to be measured, the
Use the data specified for the shunt or gain setting for the signal conditioning ampli-
measure the output voltage at the defined fier must be included, and a separate trans-
current. ducer with a unique ID must be defined for
each gain setting (multiply the output voltage
Pressure transducers with the gain setting).
If an absolute value is not necessary, the
The procedure is the same as for a linear transducer, transducer may be calibrated as set forth in
but here you specify a pressure instead of a position. the manufacturer’s specifications (Gain=1)
For TM1800 and TM1700 see respectively user
manual for how to make the calibration.
For a TM1710/20 you can only write the values:
kPa - 0 mV and transducer pressure span (kPa)
- 4095 mV
The calibration procedure is as follows:
1] Select ”Transducer” – ”Transducer list” to reach
the transducer list.
2] Select “Add” and ”Pressure”.
Measure a maximum of four output voltages
from the transducer for pressures measured
to a defined accuracy or, alternatively, use
calibration data supplied by the manufac-
6 Test plans
A test plan covers measurement results obtained from 1] To read the descriptions of the different test
the breaker analyzer as well as results measured with plans in your list, select "View" -> "Available
other instruments. It includes forms for manual data test plans" from the drop down menu, or click
entry, and general comments and observations can be on the "View available test plans" icon on the
entered as notes. These items of information can be tool bar and then select the test plan you
included in the report and stored together with the
wish to view.
TM1800, TM1700, TM1600/MA61 or EGIL recording.
To view the available test plans
Before selecting a test plan for your breaker, it’s a
1] Select “View” -> “Available test plans” from good idea to run through the following checklist:
the drop down menu, or click on the “View
available test plans” icon on the tool bar. • Does the test plan support the analyzer? Note
that there are specific test plans for the EGIL
All available test plans will be presented in the list
and when you mark a plan in the list its description is
displayed. • How many operating mechanisms does the
plan support?
Note These test plans are all of TM1600/MA61
and EGIL type and have limited flexibility. For
• Does the test plan support the total number of
more flexible testplans taking advantage of contacts to be measured?
TM1700/TM1800 features it is recommended • Are there enough? If not, choose another plan
to use CABA Test Plan Editor. or increase the number of channels.
• Does the plan contain all test sequences?
To import test plans • Are all required graphs displayed?
1] Select “View” -> “Available test plans” from • Are all parameter calculations present?
the drop down menu, or click on the “View If there is no test plan suitable for your breaker,
available test plans” icon on the tool bar. contact your Megger representative. Custom-designed
2] Select "Import" and the appropriate file path test plans can be prepared on request.
to your test plan directory
Defining a breaker
When defining a breaker, CABA Win asks you to
You are free to choose in which sequence
specify the test plan to use for the test. There should
the activities in the menu should be done.
be a number of test plans available in the test plan
Activities may also be excluded.
Select a test plan that covers the type of breaker you Entering data into a form can be interrupted and
are about to test and the measurements you plan to continued later.
do. A breaker operation recording can be repeated several
The test plan selected for a breaker can be changed to times and all recordings can be stored (or deleted).
a different test plan during the lifetime of the breaker. It is also possible to interrupt the entire test and
The test plan adapted for each test is thus stored continue it at a later time.
when the test is conducted. This enables the results
to be reproduced and provides an accurate record of
the conditions that prevailed when the breaker was
Every time a new test is started, the current adapted
plan for the breaker is copied to the test.
▪▪“Default” checked:
The parameter calculation is automatically preselected 7.3 Define a new breaker
when applicable. 1] Start the Test Plan Editor by selecting menu
▪▪“Exclude” checked: item ”Test Plan Editor” from CABA Win File
The parameter calculation will be unavailable to select. menu.
Breaker definition
2] Click "Edit" and then "New breaker"
The window “Breaker definition” appears.
The window for “Breaker definition” contains a
number of fields to fill in. These fields are mostly used
for identification of the breaker in the breaker list as
well as to register breaker specific parameters.
in series with close and trip coils while others are 3] Only the motion to be performed (Contact
considered as separate contacts and will be measured travel or Mechanism travel) needs to be
by channels intended explicitly for auxiliary contact defined.
Note Normally only contact motion is measured.
General settings
Settings for speed and damping calculations are on
top of this view. Depending on breaker specifications
the default settings for points on travel curve can be
changed to reflect requirements. It is also possible
to define more than one set of points by changing
number of “Closing speed points” and “Opening
speed points” in respective drop down menu.
2] Click to close the window and return to Each set of points is associated with a
"Breaker definition". particular parameter number. For example
parameter number 16 "Close speed" uses
Motion measurement preferences closing speed calculation point set 1 and
parameter number 108 "Close speed2"
1] If motion measurement is to be performed
desired presentation quantity, measurement
uses set 2
method and a suitable type of transducer
shall be defined in section "Motion measure-
ment preferences".
1] If the test plan is intended to be used with 3] When all necessary and desired settings are
completed press to go to "Test nenu".
TM1600 you must tick the checkbox "TM1600
If not the settings for TM1700/1800 can be Test menu
changed to reflect measurement require-
“Test menu” is window where desired breaker opera-
ments and configuration of instrumentation.
tions are created. Creation and editing of operations
are done using the buttons.
Measurement time before trig (Pre-trig)
Pre-trig time by default is “0”, but it can be changed
to 100, 200, 500 or 1000 ms. During this time events
happening before sending control pulse to breaker
coils are recorded.
Transducer preferences
Select analog or digital for contact travel and mecha- Test plan section
nism travel.
ID and description for the test plan can be entered
here as well as Test plan notes. Neither of the entries
Control module settings
is mandatory.
Set number of control modules etc.
Check the "Semi editable in CABA Local" check box
to allow changes of the test plan in CABA Local, e.g.
Pulse and delay times
Pulse and Delay settings, Nominal stroke or Speed
1] Tick the checkbox “Advanced Settings“ to calculation points.
open a new window where you can set pulse
and delay times required for different opera- Note Changes made in CABA Local may not be
tions and even make individual settings per reflected back in Test plan editor.
phase in case of three operating mechanisms.
Deletes the selected menu item. If se- 3] To save the operation as a "Preset operation"
lected item is a subfolder all contents of it is for future use, enter a file name, and click
deleted. Save.
Add a Notebook to the breaker 4] To create a new operation from a Preset op-
eration click on the Test menu page.
Notebook (comment section) can be added
to the breaker (top level).
Settings in the Measurement field
Add a Notebook to the test
What checkboxes that will be shown depends on
Notebook (comment section) can be added settings and selections earlier in the setup.
to the test (test level).
Move the selected menu item up Name in test menu As it will be shown in test
Comment If there are any comments to
Move the selected menu item down
be made for given operation.
Note! Can only be viewed
Add a submenu to the test here in CABA TPE.
Adds a submenu in shape of a folder to the Test instrument Either TM1700/1800 or
test menu. TM1600.
Move the selected menu item to/from a Measurement time Measurement time from
submenu 100 ms to 200 s. The time
defined here is used as
Moves the selected menu into and from a default for next operation
submenu. The menu where to move given you create.
item is selected in the dialog window from
drop down menu “Move”. Checkboxes
Trip coil 2 If the breaker is equipped
New operation with two trip coils you can
Definition of operations in test is important part in allocate a control channel to
the process of test plan creation. The entities to be the second trip coil.
measured and parameters must be chosen to correctly Note! Only available at com-
reflect available instrumentation and result in required mon operating mechanism.
1] In "Test Menu" click
2] In "New operation" window select the de-
sired operation and press
8 Reporting
8.2 Terminology for List & 8.3 Basic functions for List
Label® & Label®
Project The report/template you are working Create objects
Use the short-cut buttons at the left side of the screen
Object The actual item (line, text object,
to create new objects. The following objects are
graph etc.) on the template.
Layers Describes how the objects appear on
different pages in the report. ▪▪Text Text/variables/parameters
Move objects
1] Click the ”Select” button or double click on
the object.
2] Put the mouse on the square in the centre of
the object, press left mouse button and drag
it into the new position.
Add/Change text
1] Click ”Select” or double-click on the text
2] Click ”Insert” or ”Edit” (or ”Delete”) para-
3] Select the ”Text” tab
4] Insert the text in the upper window
5] Click the ”Insert” button
6] Click ”OK”
7] Select font
8] Click ”OK”
Add/Change Variables/Parameters
1] Click ”Select” or double-click on the text
2] Click ”Insert” or ”Edit” (or ”Delete”) para-
3] Select the ”Variables” tab
4] Select directory and variable from the ”ex-
plorer” list or drag and drop to the upper
5] Click the ”Insert” button circuit breaker it should be saved in the test/plan
directory of the breaker (default).
6] Click ”OK”
Insert lines The ”Report wizard” dialog box is limited
1] Use the ”Insert line” button, drag the line to 8 letters when displaying file names for
from start to end. report templates. After redesigning a re-
port, try to rename with 8 letters or less.
Insert rectangles
1] Use the ”Insert rectangles” button, drag the
rectangle with the mouse.
Multiple copies
1] Create a rectangle
2] Select it with the ”Select” button
3] Right click (mouse) and select ”Multiple cop-
4] Define the number of copies, in columns and
1] Select the objects to group.
2] Click the ”Select” button and use <Shift>+left
mouse button to mark the objects, or mark
several objects in an area using the mouse.
3] Right click and select ”Group”.
The grouped objects will be moved and
aligned together.
1] Select the object to ungroup.
2] Right click and select ”Ungroup”.
With these buttons you can align different objects.
Align left, right, up or down. You can also get the
same horizontal and vertical size.
1] Click the ”Select” button and use <Shift>+left
mouse button to mark the objects, or mark
several objects in area by drawing a rectan-
gle with the mouse.
1] When you have created a new *.lst-file
(report template), it should be saved in the
”Report” directory f CABA Win.
If you have edited a report template for a specific
Circuit Breaker
ACE Ltd.
This report procedure and templates is intened to Circuit Breaker Data Test Data
Y-offset = -1 divs
VELOCITY: 5 m/s/div
MOTION: 10 mm/div
Scale = 5.0 ms/divs 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0
Note If the template contains parameters or graphs If the graphs are correctly named by operations as in
from different operations, e.g. close, open, the test plan/variable list, the graphs will be selected
close-open, all recordings must be opened in accordingly and the template may be used as a
the analysis window. default template for all similar breakers/test plans.
In the standard templates the reported graphs are
numbered 1,2,3… If “generic graphs” is marked in the
Customized reporting – free selections
template selection window (default), these numbers This report can be designed exactly as desired. The
correspond to the graph numbers in the “Window” general rules are:
drop-down menu in the analysis window. If it is 1] Make sure that all recordings to be reported
unmarked, the template must have the exact graph are opened.
2] Make sure that the test plan contains all the
Summary report – no graphs variables and parameters to be reported.
This reporting procedure covers breaker data and 3] Save the graphs manually with ”copy to im-
parameters from several operations. age file”.
1] Select the circuit breaker test to be reported 4] Design the template/report variables and
and open all the recordings that are included parameters as desired.
in the report. 5] Assign the graphs in the template as the
2] Select “Report a test”. copied image files.
3] Select a template suitable for this breaker 6] Preview the report and print.
and test plan. Edit if desired, check the re-
port in “Design template” and print. Reporting from CABA Win breaker
Parameters will be reported as seen in the template or test view
and not as in the test plan. Parameters may be 1] Select ”Report” In the CABA Win Breaker or
exchanged for others in the parameter list. Make sure Test View.
that the test plan contains at least the parameters
asked for in the template. No graphs are reported.
2] Select a template suitable for this breaker
and test plan. Edit if desired, check the re-
port in ”Design template” and print.
Summary report with graphs
Parameters will be reported as seen in the template
This reporting procedure covers breaker data and
and not as in the test plan. Parameters may be
parameters from several operations.
exchanged for others in the parameter list. Make sure
1] Select the circuit breaker test to be reported that the test plan contains at least the parameters
and open all the recordings that are included asked for in the template.
in the report.
If ”generic graphs” is marked in the template
2] Select “Report a test” selection window (default), Graphs will be reported
3] Select a template suitable for this breaker automatically according to the following general rules.
and test plan. Edit if desired, check the re- If a breaker is selected:
port in ”Design template” and print. Graph 1 will be the last recording for the first opera-
Parameters will be reported as seen in the template tion in the test menu of the latest test. Graph 2 will
and not as in the test plan. be the second operation in the test menu, Graph 3
will be the third operation etc.
Parameters may be exchanged for others in the
parameter list. Make sure that the test plan contains It a test is selected:
at least the parameters asked for in the template. Graph 1 will be the last recording for the first opera-
tion in the test menu of the selected test. Graph 2 will
Graphs will be reported as seen in the template. In the be the second operation etc.
standard templates the reported graphs are numbered
1,2,3…If ”generic graphs” is marked in the template If the graphs in the template are correctly named by
selection window (default), these numbers correspond operations as in the test plan/variable list, the graphs
to the graph numbers in the ”Window” drop down will be selected accordingly and the template may be
menu in the analysis window. If it is unmarked, the used as a default template for all similar breakers/test
template must have the exact graph name. plans.
Frame size, Grid size, X / Y -div Graph – 8.6 Reporting with Word®
X x Y, mm mm Report
260 x 144 10 x 10 21 / 14 Full size
Report a recording
– Landscape
260 x 144 5x5 42 / 28 Full size Report a recording from the analysis
– Landscape window
185 x 103 10 x 10 15 / 10 1 graph
1] Mark the recording you want to report and
click “View”.
185 x 103 5x5 30 / 20 1 graph
template 2] Adjust the layout of the graph win-
dow if necessary (“Layout” ->
86 x 51 2.5 x 2.5 28 / 18 4 graph
“Graph”/”Display”/”Pass/fail”). The report
generator uses the same layout settings as on
Note The printed graph in the report is not depend- screen.
ing on the actual window size and shape in
the analysis program.
3] Select “Report” -> “Report a recording” from
the menu bar
4] Click on the “Word® report” tab. All Word®
Multiple pages report templates (*.doc) in the “Report”
The number of pages in the report is determined by folder, located right below the folder where
the number of layers in the report. The base layer is CABA Win is installed, are listed.
printed on every page and the following layers (1,
5] Select a template from the list or click
2, 3 etc.) are printed on the corresponding page. As
“Browse” to select a template from another
an example, a report template that has a base layer,
location. A recommendation is to choose the
layer 1, layer 2 and layer 3, will always be printed as a
generic template “Table Report recording.
three-page report.
doc”, which is suitable to report a record-
When designing a multiple page report, simply assign ing since it shows all calculated and manu-
the actual variables, graphs etc. to the desired layer. ally entered numerical parameters in a table
and click “Design template”. In the template 3] Select “Report” -> “Report a test” from the
you wish to edit is not in the list, you can menu bar
browse to any other folder to select tem-
4] Click on the “Word® report” tab. All Word®
report templates (*.doc), preselected for the
5] Edit the template by using the standard func- breaker (if any), are listed.
tions in Word®.
5] If there are no preselected templates for
the breaker you can browse to the “Re-
Tip! port” folder or any other folder and select
If the template is protected you have to a template. The selected template will then
select “Tools” -> “Unprotect” to make it be copied into the breaker (\SPEC\N\PLAN\*.
editable. You can drag and drop items doc). Changes done to this template (if any)
from the variable list into the document. will affect only this breaker.
Refer to section “Report building tips”
below for more details. 6] Select a template from the list.
7] If you don’t find a suitable template you can
Note You can only insert the graph from create a new or edit an existing template.
one recording in a “report a recording” Please refer to the sections “Create/edit ‘re-
template. When you generate a report, port a test’ template (non-generic graphs)”
and more than one recording is open, the or “Create/edit ‘report a test’ template (ge-
report generator will use the graph in the neric graphs)” below.
window that is active.
8] Check the “Use monochrome graphs” option
if you want a black and white print out.
You can only insert “Keyboard entered
parameters (Numeric)” (ManualDataT- Note If you have selected a template designat-
able) and calculated parameters (Param- ed for generic graphs you have to check
eterTable) in a table format in a “report a the “Generic graphs” option.
recording” template, i.e. it is not possible
to insert the parameters one by one. If you have selected a template designat-
ed for generic graphs and you report from
It is not possible to insert “Keyboard the analysis window the report generator
entered parameters (Text)” in a “report a will pick the graphs in the order opened.
recording” template. Example: Four graphs are required in the
template and you open Close 1, Close
6] Save the template. Use “File” -> “Save as...” 2, Open 1, Open 2 and Close-open 1.
if you wish to keep the original template, or
Now only Close 1&2 and Open 1&2
“Ctrl+S” or “File” -> “Save and return” to
will be reported. If you report from the
overwrite the original template.
CABA Win Breaker/test window the latest
Note Clicking on the “X” in the upper right corner recording of the four first operations will
of the window will exit the design window be reported.
without saving your changes.
9] Click “Generate”. MS Word® opens and dis-
plays the report.
Report a test
10] Click “Print preview” to preview the report if
Report a test from the analysis window
1] Open all recordings (within the same test) 11] Click “Print” to print the report
that you wish to report by selecting 12] Save the report if desired. The format is MS
“File” -> “Open” from the Analysis window. Word® (*.doc).
2] Adjust the layout of the graph win-
dow if necessary (“Layout” ->
Report a test from CABA Win Breaker/
“Graph”/”Display”/”Pass/fail”). The report Test view
generator uses the same layout settings as on 1] Mark the test you wish to report. (If you
screen. mark the breaker level the latest test will
automatically be selected.)
2] Select “Report” from the menu bar Note You can also access the “Report a test” func-
tion from CABA Win Breaker/Test view, and
3] Click on the “Word report” tab. All Word
® ®
when you do that the latest recording (if any)
report templates (*.doc), preselected for the of each operation, within the selected test,
breaker (if any), are listed. are automatically accessible for the report
4] If there are no preselected templates for generator.
the breaker you can browse to the “Re-
2] Select “Report” -> “Report a test” from the
port” folder or any other folder and select a
menu bar.
template. The selected template will then be
copied into the breaker (\SPEC\n\PLAN\*.doc). 3] Click on the “Word® report” tab. All Word®
Changes done to this template (if any) will report templates (*.doc), preselected for the
affect only this breaker. breaker (if any), are listed.
5] Select a template from the list. 4] If there are no preselected templates for
the breaker you can browse to the “Re-
6] If you don’t find a suitable template you can port” folder or any other folder and select a
create a new or edit an existing template.
template. The selected template will then be
Please refer to the sections “Create/edit ‘re-
copied into the breaker (\SPEC\n\PLAN\*.doc).
port a test’ template (non-generic graphs)”
Thus, changes done to this template (if any)
or “Create/edit ‘report a test’ template (ge-
will affect only this breaker.
neric graphs)” below.
5] Uncheck the “Generic graphs” option
7] Check the “Use monochrome graphs” option
if you want a black and white print out. 6] Click “New template” to create a new tem-
Note If you have selected a template desig- plate, or mark the template you wish to edit
nated for generic graphs you have to check in the list of preselected templates and click
the “Generic graphs” option. “Design template”.
8] Click “Generate”. MS Word® opens and dis- 7] Edit the template by using the standard func-
plays the report. tions in Word®.
10] Click “Print” to print the report. 8] Save the template. Use “File” -> “Save as...”
if you wish to keep the original template, or
11] Save the report if desired. The format is MS “Ctrl+S” or “File” -> “Save and return” to
Word® (*.doc). overwrite the preselected template for the
Create/edit “Report a test” template (non- breaker. If you wish make the new template
generic graphs) accessible for other breakers you have to
save it with a new name to the “Report”
Use this kind of template if you wish to specify exactly
the operations included in the report. Example: You
wish to report one Close, one Open and one Open- Note Clicking on the “X” in the upper right corner
close-open operation. of the window will exit the design window
without saving your changes.
1] Open all recordings (within the same test)
that you want to report by selecting
“File” -> “Open” from the Analysis window.
Note Each time you select a template the file, e.g. Report building tips
Template.doc, located in the spec\n\test\n\
plan\ of the selected breaker and test will be Insert values from variable list
overwritten without warning. If you already
have started to fill out your report the entered There is a list of variables on the left side of the design
data will be lost. window. The value of each variable (if any value) is
shown within brackets. You can drag and drop each
You can have several report forms in the same of the variables into the template. Once you drop
test menu. You just have to define each one the variable only the value is shown, not the variable
of them in the plan.def file and use different name. You can change font, size, colour etc. as you
labels and file names. If you do that make
sure that you also add entries for “Modify
word report” and “Finish word report” for the Insert graph
corresponding files.
Below the “Graph” folder, in the variable list, you find
the variables “Name” and “Image”. You can drag and
Modify word report drop them into the template. The graph will cover
This option will open the report located in the \spec\n\ the whole width of the template. If you would like to
test\n\plan folder of the selected breaker and test. This have a smaller graph, proceed as in section “Graph
is the place where you actually fill out your report. You size” below.
can close and re-enter the report as many times you
Graph size
like. Once you are ready with the report you choose
“Finish word report”. There are two ways to adjust the width of the graph.
Finish word report
1] Insert the graph in the template
This option will generate the report, i.e. bring all
specified graphs and values of CABA Win fields, 2] High-light the “<<(Picture)>>” and select
parameters, notes, etc., into the report. “Format” -> “Columns...”. Select “Two”
columns and adjust the width and spacing.
Plan.def modifications Uncheck the “Equal column width” if neces-
To enable this report functionality you have to add a
few entries in the plan.def file located in the spec\n\ B:
plan\ folder belonging to the breaker in question. 1] Select “Table” -> “Insert” -> “Table”. Set
Then you have to begin a new test to activate the number of columns and number of rows to
changes. “1”. Select “Fixed column width” and adjust
the width with the spin-box. Click “OK”.
ITEM “Select Template”
SEQUENCE BEGIN 2] Click in the table and select “Table” -> “Table
SELECT_WORDR TEMPLATE.DOC properties...” and choose the desired “Align-
SEQUENCE END ment” and “Text wrapping”. If you don’t
want any borders, click on “Borders and
ITEM “Modify Word Report” shading...” and select “None”. Select “Op-
SEQUENCE BEGIN tions” and uncheck the “Automatically resize
EDIT_WORDR TEMPLATE.DOC to fit contents” option. Click “OK” twice.
SEQUENCE END 3] Drag the graph from the variable list into the
ITEM “Finish Word Report”
SEQUENCE BEGIN 4] You can proceed in a similar way if you want
GEN_WORDR TEMPLATE.DOC more than one graph in the template. If you
SEQUENCE END e.g. want four graphs with labels above each,
just create a table with “2” columns and “4”
rows and drag the corresponding label/graph
into the table.
Note (Only valid for “Report a recording”) or
BL0626ME ZP-BL14E CABA Win 69
8 Reporting
9 Vibration measurement
and analysis
9.1 General 9.2 Measurements
Acoustic/vibration testing is based on the premise that The mechanical sound/vibration of the circuit breakers
all mechanical movements in a circuit breaker produce is measured with accelerometers. Vibration test data is
sound/vibrations. By measuring the vibrations and stored with all other test data so that it can be studied
comparing the result with a previous reference, the and analyzed together with conventional measure-
condition of the circuit breaker can be evaluated. The ment data such as contact times, travel curves, coil
reference level must have been previously measured currents, voltage drop, pressure etc.
on a unit known to be fault free. All measurements on
the test object are then related to this reference level Accelerometer mounting positions
in order to determine whether or not the measured The accelerometer mounting position must be se-
vibration level is “normal,” or indicating a change of lected properly. A mounting position where there is no
mechanical properties. relevant trace of mechanical events cannot contribute
Vibration measurements on a circuit breaker are anything to the analysis. A mounting position close to
very straightforward. The problems encountered in the mechanically generated events that is unaffected
vibration testing of a circuit breaker are instead tied by background disturbances provides clear signals and
to the analysis. The vibrations in a circuit breaker are highly reliable evaluation data. It is desirable to locate
transient and analyzing these signals requires sophis- the accelerometers at places where vibration levels
ticated methods. By combining known measurement remain consistent and unchanged, unless of course,
if there has been a change in the performance of the
technology with new analysis methods, CABA Win
circuit breaker.
offers a complete, ready-to-use system for circuit
breaker vibration testing. Different circuit breakers require different measure-
ment positions. On all circuit breakers, one should
The analysis package containing algorithms for
find a position where the mechanical events provide
Dynamic Time Warping is available as an option
clear signals that are separated in time. Examples of
to CABA Win. The vibration measurements can good locations are close to the actuator, the linkage
be performed with the TM1600/MA61-S circuit system and/or the circuit breaker poles. Measurement
breaker analyzer and appropriate accessories for signal positions on external parts such as the tank of a bulk
acquisition. oil breaker or the casing of a circuit breaker located in
Vibration testing has a broad application range. The gas insulated do not provide good data.
circuit breaker can be tested on-line or traditionally Stable, consistent mounting of the sensors (acceler-
off-line and grounded on one or both sides. GIS or ometers) is required in order to measure and compare
outdoor breakers at various voltage levels and the high-frequency vibrations. Best results are achieved
same sensor can be used for all types of circuit break- using accelerometers with threaded mountings. When
ers. Timing, travel and other diagnostic tests can be the position(-s) have been selected for a given type
done at the same time as vibration measurements. of circuit breaker, it is very important to continue to
use them in subsequent tests. This provides directly
comparable test data. Analysis is meaningless if the
measurement positions are not identical.
The accelerometers are connected to the Megger
SCA606 Preamplifier/Signal Conditioning Unit. The
SCA606 supplies the accelerometers with the neces-
sary power and also conditions the output signal
by amplification and filtering. The vibration signals
are sent to the analog inputs of the circuit breaker
Vibration measurements are never fully identical. To proceed with DTW analysis, select a reference test
Even two measurements taken in quick succession that can be used for comparison. This is preferably a
on the same circuit breaker have certain differences. former measurement on the same breaker in as-new
Experience shows that deviations in the order of 5 dB condition. If there are no previous measurements
or less are normal, while deviations greater than 10- available it is sometimes possible to use measurements
12 dB indicate that there are mechanical differences from other breakers of the same type as reference.
between two measurements. After the analysis, the time vs. time and deviation
vs. time diagrams are generated automatically.
Please Note that the DTW-analysis is valid only for the Subsequent evaluation and reporting are then done in
time period when mechanical events occur. In prac- the usual way in the CABA Win analysis window and
tice, this means that when results are evaluated, one in the report generator.
must ignore deviations and time differences for time
periods at the beginning and end of the operation
where there are no events to analyze. To perform a vibration test
1] Connect the TM1600/MA61-S, TM1700 or
TM1800 to the circuit breaker the same way
as in a standard time-travel test.
2] Select mounting positions for the
accelerometer(-s), attach the sensors to the
circuit breaker and connect them to the
SCA606. The ”Error” indication is lit when no
transducer is connected or if the transducer/
cable is broken.
3] Select an appropriate gain setting on the
SCA606 unit and operate the circuit breaker.
10 Troubleshooting
N System Settings................................................ 15
Nameplate data............................................... 18 T
Nominal Stroke................................................ 18 Terminology.............................................. 13, 59
Notebook........................................................ 49 Test.................................................................. 13
O Test Data.......................................................... 64
Open............................................................... 49 Testing a circuit breaker................................... 30
opening speed calculations.............................. 18 Test menu........................................................ 49
Open remote breaker list................................. 14 Test plan............................................ 13, 17, 48
Operation........................................................ 13 Test plan editing............................................... 50
Options............................................................ 35 Test Plan Editor................................................ 52
P Test plans......................................................... 48
Parameters................................................ 19, 64 Test View......................................................... 21
Parameter Window.......................................... 23 Transducer....................................................... 15
Pass/Fail.................................................... 20, 24 Transducer list........................................... 15, 22
Positioning of the transducer........................... 43 Transducers...................................................... 42
Pressure transducers........................................ 46 Transducer selection......................................... 22
Printing............................................................ 35 Troubleshooting............................................... 78
Recording........................................................ 13 Ungroup.......................................................... 60
Reference level................................................. 18 V
Registering......................................................... 6 Vibration Analysis............................................ 73
Report...................................................... 15, 25 Vibration measurement.................................... 72
Report a recording........................................... 25 Vibration transducer........................................ 46
Report a test.................................................... 15 View the available test plans............................ 48
Report building................................................ 69 Voltage transducer........................................... 46
Report design.................................................. 35 W
Reporting......................................................... 58 Word® report tab............................................ 26
Reporting a test............................................... 61
Reporting from the analysis window................ 61
Reporting with Word....................................... 65
Report a recording........................................... 65
Report a test.................................................... 66
Save................................................................. 60
Selection of Transducers................................... 32
Settings........................................................... 48
Single recording............................................... 62
Standard templates.......................................... 61
Start................................................................ 13
Storing results/database................................... 35
Strange test results.......................................... 79
Stroke.............................................................. 43
Summary report............................................... 63
Summary report with graphs............................ 63
Subject to change without notice. Printed matter No. ZP-BL14E Doc. BL0626ME V04a 2018