Developing Your Technical Skills
Developing Your Technical Skills
Developing Your Technical Skills
Michael Kingan
In an over simplified sense, I break down all marimba
playing into four main components or primary motions.
They are obvious, and they have been explained many
times, many ways and are seen in just about every text
- including Stevens’ Method of Movement. They are: 1)
basic up & down strokes where both mallets hit
simultaneously (coined as “double verticals” by
A No-Nonsense Strategy for Stevens); 2) permutation strokes (with both double
Developing Your Technical Skills laterals and single alternating strokes); 3) individual
Michael Kingan strokes (single independent); and 4) expansions
(making the interval larger and smaller). Much of the
I constantly find myself giving playing we do in our literature is based on any one of
advice about how to practice these components or is a result of combining two or
basic technical skills. Sometimes more of them. In fact, expansions must use either
it’s high school students who are component 1 or 2 at the same time; otherwise you are
trying to develop and reinforce just moving your sticks in the air above the marimba.
good habits. Other times it’s
college freshman who, Strategy:
throughout high school, relied
primarily on natural ability but in The next step is to use these components wisely with a
college suddenly need several common sense strategy. The goal is to efficiently
hours of practice a day just to develop your technical skills, so you can practice, learn
keep up. From beginners, who need to be walked and perform the solo pieces you really want to play. My
through their practice routine, to advanced players, who strategy towards developing technical skills involves
are trying to take themselves to their own next level, recognizing three essential purposes: 1) warm up; 2)
they all seem to crave direction on how to continue maintenance; and 3) advancement. Each purpose uses
developing their technique. the same components (four, in the case of 4-mallet
marimba playing). The difference is the amount of time
Often, the literature we work on presents a distraction it takes, the amount of variety you use with each and
from improving the very skills needed to perform those the intensity with which you push yourself.
pieces with quality. Whether you are practicing
exercises, etudes or solos, they each have their own Warm up:
set of approaches and technical demands. Musicians at
every level strive to sound “in command” of the music I remember attending a clinic presented by Dave
they are performing and the older we get, the more Friedman at an Ohio State University Marimba/Vibe
virtuosic we desire to be. Lately, I’ve been defining a Camp back around 1980. Dave was late to campus due
virtuoso as someone whose technique far surpasses to a delayed flight. When he finally arrived, there was a
the demands of the piece they are performing, therefore vibraphone waiting for him with about 40-50 students
allowing them to make fine music. By contrast, if your arched around it. We clapped as he entered, and he
technical skills only meet the demands of the said, “Would you mind if I warm up a bit before I play for
composition, then you wind up sounding like a “student you?” He started by playing single and double
of the piece you are playing.” Of course, if your paradiddles at a comfortable tempo using thirds or
technical skills fall short of what is required, then you fourths in each hand, not really worrying about notes -
will probably sound in over your head, unprepared or just comfort and getting the blood flowing. After about
just plain old bad. 30 seconds, the paradiddles turned into rolls and then
the rolls turned into arpeggios - nothing fancy, just
The following presents ideas about working technique some diatonic runs using a couple different permutation
and continuing to develop basic skills. The advice does patterns. This was followed by a few rolled scales and
not deal with preparing specific pieces, but developing then block chords up and down the keyboard
technique obviously has an impact on how well any (expansions). He started noodling a bit, and before we
given piece is prepared. This is a simplified, (perhaps knew it, he was improvising over his Etude #25 (from
even over simplified) no-nonsense strategy to help you Vibraphone Technique). This all took place in about two
to plan how to get things done. minutes.