Cross-Training: A System For Improving Your Practice and Playing
Cross-Training: A System For Improving Your Practice and Playing
Cross-Training: A System For Improving Your Practice and Playing
To help you get the most out of your practice, I would like to share a
practice method, called cross-training, which I have developed from working
with hundreds of students through the years. Cross-training, as applied to
drumming, entails rotating your practice topics through several general
categories, which reinforce each other to develop your overall ability.
Actually, some of what I outline here may also help you find some “hidden
time” by showing you ways you can “practice” and improve your drumming
without having sticks in your hands.
First, let’s talk a little about practice in general. Whether you are practicing
two hours a week or eight hours a day, it is important to set goals and stick
to a regular routine so that you can practice as smart, as efficient, and as
productive as possible.
There are some days when I can only practice at most 30 minutes; on those
days I focus on maintaining and slightly improving my current skill level.
Longer practice sessions (i.e., at least 90 minutes), however, really enable
you to grow as a player. I advise my university students majoring in drum
set to practice at least three to four hours per day, six days per week in
order to develop rapid growth (two hours per day, five days a week being
the minimum). Of course, their lives are filled with many academic and
extracurricular demands, so even this minimum can be pretty difficult at
First, the what: I ask my students to practice each of the following five
different areas or categories of drumming, everyday: Technique, Styles,
Improvisation/Musicality, Reading, and “Other.” These five categories of
things to practice are essential, meaning they’re all necessary in order to
develop your drumming abilities. Let’s define them:
Improvisation and Musicality – Every time you play the drums, you
are improvising. You are making countless spontaneous decisions about how
to play and what to play, and those decisions are made better by practicing
improvisation and interpretation. There is not just one way to play anything;
there are many. Be creative and trust your imagination. Some other musical
things to work on and experiment with here include feel, touch, tone, and
balance between sounds. Pay as much attention to how you are playing as
to what you are playing.
Reading – There are two main types of reading, sight reading and
literature. Sight reading skills are all about recognition and repetition, or
seeing and repeating (playing and singing) those basic rhythms that tend to
show up most often in parts that we are asked to read, namely, quarters,
8ths, 16ths, and some triplets. Depending on your career goals, your ability to
read a drum part or chart accurately and to play it musically the first time
you see it, may be critical to your future success. At least, sight reading is a
good skill for all to have, as it enables us to think and express our ideas in a
visual way, similar to how we speak and read language. There are many
ways to improve this skill dramatically. Practicing and reading drum
literature includes working on various things, such as pieces written for
drum set, complex single-line rhythms, music for snare drum (not
exercises), transcriptions of grooves and solos, and some drum method
books. Reading music opens a window to a deeper understanding of music
and rhythm, giving us the knowledge to see, to know, and to think about
traditional and historic drumming, as well as the next rhythmic frontier you’ll
“Other” comprises all of the things you do to gain additional skills and
knowledge without the sticks in your hands. For example, you can read MD,
practice and experiment with various tuning methods, transcribe recorded
performances of grooves and solos, watch drum DVDs, write a piece of
music for snare drum or drum set, read biographies of famous drummers
and musicians, listen, listen, and listen some more, and even read
equipment brochures and Web sites. It is amazing how much you can learn
about sound and materials in this manner and how important those
elements are to your own drumming and musical voice.
Next, take a look at the example form below and try to make one like it, or
go to the MD Web site and download the one available there.
You will see our five categories listed across the top of the page with four
blocks underneath each one. Simply fill in each block with a master list item
that you want to develop or maintain in that category.
Now you are ready to start your session! Each item, or block, should be
practiced at least 20 but no more than 30 minutes at a time, according to
the cross-training system. When you have finished practicing that item,
move directly to the block in the same row in the next category and practice
that item. In other words, after practicing for 20 minutes in Technique block
#1, move directly to Styles block #1. Continue across the page until you
have finished practicing in the Reading/Literature category and then go to
Technique block #2.
You are probably asking, “What about the ‘Other’ category?” I usually skip
over the Other category until I have finished the physical parts of my
practice session and have put down the sticks, perhaps to take a break or to
do these things late at night or while riding the train to work.
When you have finished practicing for that day, start the next day where you
left off. When you get to the bottom of the page, return back to the top.
Keep practicing the items in the blocks, in order, until you start to notice
some satisfactory improvement. Then get out another blank practice form
and fill in the blocks with some items from the last sheet that you want to
continue working on or with some new items from your Master List.
Depending on how much time you practice, each form (illustrating your
practice routine) should last between two and four weeks. Make sure you
date and save each routine so that you can track your progress and maintain
a record of what you have practiced.
Cross-training for drums is a flexible method that you can tailor to fit your
needs. Feel free to use this system exactly as I have described it here or
adapt it to your personal needs. Just remember, the key concepts are
rotation of skills and devoting equal time to each item in each category.
Revisiting Practice
Here are a few other assorted, but important, things I’d like to say on the
subject of practice and learning:
Practice at many different tempos (tempi). The things that sound and
feel good to play at 90 beats per minute will probably not sound as good at
200 beats per minute. The opposite also is true. Fast tempos are not
medium tempos played faster; they are different tempos with different use
of notes and space. It is important that you practice everything through a
range of tempos that are appropriate to that style.
Practice with purpose, and take lessons. If you want to become a better
drummer, make sure you are practicing things that will develop new skills
and abilities (development practice). You must stretch to develop new skills
constantly throughout your drumming life, and spend a lot of time repeating
and practicing those new things. And always seek out the advice of a great
teacher - especially whether you’re a beginner, or a professional, commit to
being a lifelong learner.
Now let me leave you with the ten practice tips I give my students:
1) Wear ear protection when possible and appropriate to what you
are practicing, and try to practice at volumes that are
tolerable, taking breaks frequently to give your ears a rest.
Your ears will become fatigued long before your hands.
2) Plan your practice routine carefully and change it up every
couple weeks to avoid practice ruts. Give some items a break.
Avoid practicing them for a couple weeks; then come back to
them. You may be surprised to see that these skills actually
have improved (incidentally, this is one of the benefits of
3) Good practice sessions should be both fun and frustrating--fun
because you are playing the drums and frustrating because
you are working on things you do not do well. Practicing
correctly is a humbling experience.
4) Try to practice every day, even if it’s just for a short while.
5) Concentrate and focus while you practice, and eliminate
distractions (television, cell phones, etc.). You’ll learn and
develop much faster. Eliminating distractions while practicing
will help to increase your focus and concentration while
6) Balance your longer practice sessions with both maintenance and
developmental activities.
7) Be realistic and honest. Make sure that most of the things you
practice will have measurable results on the drum set. In
other words, if you really want to develop your feel and
sensitivity, then only practicing singles and doubles fast and
loud may not yield the results you want.
8) PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT. Whatever you practice is where
you will improve; if you want to improve at something, then
practice it. Something you have never practiced is unlikely to
appear magically in your playing during a major concert.
Practice smart to play better.
9) Remember that the goal is not to become a better “practicer”.
The goal is the drum set, and to become a better drummer.
This practice system is designed to achieve that result. As a
good friend of mine once told me, “The main thing is to keep
the main thing the main thing”…it may sound funny, but I
believe there’s wisdom there.
10) BE PATIENT. Practice is hard and becoming the drummer you
want to be is very difficult. Drumming skills develop over
many years—a lifetime, in fact. And remember to try to have
fun doing it; it is probably why we all started playing drums in
the first place.
Marc Dicciani is a Professor of Drum Set and the Director of the School of Music at The
University of the Arts in Philadelphia. He has performed and toured with countless renowned
musicians and entertainers and has conducted drum clinics around the world. Marc is an artist
clinician for Yamaha Drums, Sabian Cymbals, Regal Tip Drum Sticks, Remo Drum Heads, Latin
Percussion, and MONO cases. Visit him at