Anthariksh Edition 2 July2021

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A department magazine bridges the gap between students and faculty.

Typically, a department magazine consists of Technical articles, ideas,
project outcomes, language skills, literary articles, technical updates, suc-
cess stories, career tips, academic advice, the latest events and happen-
ings related to campus. Cover-stories have to be written in an engaging
format. We can also include interviews of former students who have
achieved success through dedication and hard work.

Shri. L. Bali Reddy, Mr. P. DILEEP KUMAR
Chairman. Assistant Professor.
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE.
Shri. L. Jaya Prakash Reddy,
Shri. L. R. N. K. Prasad Reddy, Assistant Professor,
Vice– Chairman. Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE.


Assistant Professor,
Shri. G. Srinivasa Reddy, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE.
President, LBCT.
Principal. D. JOBIN, 18761A2115
Dr. K. Harinadha Reddy, A. JASHUVA,18761A2101
Vice Principal. K. V. RAVI TEJA REDDY18761A2122
Head and Professor,
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE.
D. SONY, 17761A2104
M. CHERISHMA, 17761A2120
Assistant professor,
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE. D. SEETHARAMI REDDY
Assistant professor,
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE. Magazine is published quarterly, appearing in the
Ms. BHUVANESHWARI.M months of January, April, July and October.
Assistant professor,
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE. Send your articles to the following mail ID.

EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: E-Mail: [email protected]

Associate professor,
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE.

Mr. I. DAKSHINA MURTHY Some of the contents published in this magazine are from open
Sr. Assistant Professor, sources. The contents of this magazine are for information pur-
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE. poses only, enabling the faculty and students to have easy and
quick access to information and do not have any legal sanctity.
Mr. S. INDHRASENA REDDY This magazine is intended for circulation among students of the
Assistant Professor, department of Aerospace Engineering of LBRCE only.
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, LBRCE.


Engineering is not just a degree. It is a skill. A skill that can be devel-

oped by self-learning and practice

Don’t wait for Opportunity. Create it

What hurts you today, makes you stronger

One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that someone is happy
because of you

Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending

or hanging on

We don’t grow when things are easy. We grow when we face challenges

Wrong is Wrong even if everyone is doing it. Right is Right even if no

one is doing it

Good or Bad, what you put out comes back to you

Dr. P. Lovaraju


preceding blade. With the Blue Edge rotors,

the double-swept tips of the rotor blade re-
EUROCOPTER MOVES ONE STEP duce the length of the blade-vortex interac-
CLOSER TO ‘WHISPER MODE’ tion, and it does it at the tip where the
blades are moving the fastest relative to the
GV Surya Narayana air. The result is a decrease in the sound
Asst. Professor produced due of the wake interaction at the
tip. Both the new rotor blade and trailing
Just about every helicopter operator is quite edge flaps are part of what Eurocopter is
familiar with noise complaints. Whether it
be the local news helicopter or even a medi-
cal helicopter, many people on the ground
don't like the sound created by rotary-wing
aircraft. The Eurocopter unveiled its most
recent effort to reduce helicopter noise with
the radical-looking Blue Edge Rotor Blade.
The new blade has been tested on one of the
companies EC155 helicopters to reduce
noise 3 to 4 decibels, according to the com-
calling its "Blue Copter" technology. The
In addition to the Blue Edge rotor blade, the company says the goal is to create more en-
company also introduced something called vironmentally friendly helicopters from
Blue Pulse Technology. Also designed to both a noise and emissions standpoint.
reduce helicopter noise, the Blue Pulse sys-
tem uses three flap modules in the trailing
edge of each rotor blade. Piezoelectric mo- ION TRANSPORT
(ITM )

Manoj Kumar Pasagadugula


Ion transport membrane (ITM) technology is

a key perspective for efficient oxygen sepa-
ration. At the present time, semi-industrial
tors move actuate the flaps 15 to 40 times modules based on ceramic ITMs produce ox-
per second in reduce the "slap noise" often ygen of 98.9%–99.9% purity. In order to im-
heard when a helicopter is descending. Both prove the oxygen purity, using newly devel-
of these technologies are able to reduce oped liquid-oxide ITMs along with the high-
noise by minimizing the blade-vortex inter- est oxygen selectivity, these membranes ex-
action of the main rotor on a helicop- hibit competitive oxygen permeability and
ter. Blade-vortex interaction is the source of could be successfully used for ultra-high pu-
the pulsating sound most of us are familiar rity oxygen separation. Oxygen is the second
with when helicopters fly overhead. The -largest volume industrial gas that has nu-
noise is created when a rotor blade hits the
merous applications in Aerospace, Metallur-
wake vortex left behind from the blade in-
front of it. Normally, the entire length of the gy, Power engineering, Environmental, Med-
rotor blade interacts with the vortex of the icine, etc.

Ultrahigh purity oxygen (> 99.999% purity) to as oxygen generators. The envisioned ITM
is in demand in the solar, semiconductor, applications vary from the generation of pure
chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Re- oxygen and partial oxidation of methane
cently, renewable sources of energy (sun, (membrane reactors for syngas production)
wind, biomass, etc.) are rapidly gaining in to the capture of CO2 in oxy-fuel power
popularity. Clean energy, especially photo- plants. Oxygen permeation flux through
voltaics (PV), is a field of major growth and MIEC membrane is limited by diffusion.
investments. Oxygen is one of the ultrahigh- Therefore, the minimization of membrane
purity process gases needed by the PV cell thickness is necessary to achieve a high oxy-
manufacturing. At the present time, ultrahigh gen permeation flux. However, the brittle
purity oxygen is produced by water electrol- thin-film ceramic membrane material has a
ysis or distillation method. However, these very low mechanical strength. As a rule, a
method-based oxygen production technolo- thin membrane film is deposited on a porous
gies are energy-intensive. In recent decades, support (it is so-called asymmetric mem-
energy-efficient ion transport membrane brane). To provide the thermochemical com-
(ITM) technology is developing to produce patibility between membrane and support,
pure oxygen. Conventional ITMs are the ce- they are usually made of the same material.
ramic membranes with high oxygen ion con- The surface exchange reaction rates can limit
duction at elevated temperatures. There are the oxygen permeation flux through a thin
two ITM processes. In the first, a mixed ion- MIEC membrane. An appropriate catalyst is
ic electronic conducting (MIEC) membrane deposited on the membrane to increase the
operates with a difference of the oxygen par- rate of surface exchange reactions. Gas
tial pressures, as illustrated in Fig. 1a. Under transport in a porous support can also control
the oxygen electrochemical potential gradi- the oxygen permeation flux through asym-
ent, ambipolar conductivity of ions and elec- metric membranes. In order to ensure the
trons provides a sufficient oxygen permea- sustainable production of oxygen, numerous
tion flux through the MIEC membrane. The asymmetric membranes with high oxygen
MIEC membrane-based separation process is permeability have been developed. Currently,
referred to as ITM oxygen. In the second asymmetric membrane-based semi-industrial
process, an ion-conducting membrane (or an modules produce oxygen of 98.9%–99.9%
electrolyte) operates with a voltage. In con- purity. Three types of liquid-oxide ITM ma-
terials have
been devel-
oped: (i)
mixed ionic
(MIEC), (ii)
bilayer mixed
ionic elec-
tronic con-
redox (MIEC
-Redox) and
(iii) ionic
trast to the first process, electron transfer oc- In contrast to the MIEC and ionic conducting
curs in the outer circuit, as illustrated in Fig. membrane materials (Figs. 1a and 1b),
1b. Devices utilizing electrolytes are referred

the bilayer MIEC-Redox membrane materi- lants (liquid Hydrogen and liquid Oxygen) is
als have a combined diffusion bubbling oxy- much higher compared to earth storable liq-
gen mass transfer. The chemical diffusion of uid and solid propellants, giving it a good
oxygen takes place in the external layer of payload advantage. However, cryogenic
the membrane material, while in the internal stage is technically a very complex system
layer, the redox reactions and nucleation, compared to solid or earth-storable liquid
growth and transport of oxygen gas bubbles propellant stages due to its use of propellants
occur, as illustrated in Fig. 1c. The concept at extremely low temperatures and the asso-
of highly selective liquid-oxide ITMs opens ciated thermal and structural prob-
up ample opportunities for oxygen separa- lems. Oxygen liquifies at -183oC and Hydro-
tion technology. However, in order to realize gen at -253oC. The propellants, at these low
the potential of these membranes and suc- temperatures are to be pumped using turbo
cessfully commercialize them, many scien- pumps operating at 40,000 rpm. It also re-
tific and technical challenges remain to be quires complex ground support systems like
solved. The rare earth stabilized bismuth ox- propellant storage and filling systems, cryo-
ide and rare-earth doped ceria are usually engine and stage test facilities, transporta-
used as the oxygen generator electrolytes. To tion and handling of cryo-fluids and related
achieve a sufficient ionic conductivity of safety aspects. ISRO's Cryogenic Upper
these electrolytes, oxygen generators operate Stage Project (CUSP) developed the design
in the temperature range of 700 °C–800 °C. and development of the indigenous Cryo-
The purity of oxygen produced by the ce- genic Upper Stage to replace the stage ob-
ramic electrolyte depends on the electrolyte tained from Russia and used in GSLV
density. At the present time, the product flights. The main engine and two smaller
grades of 98%–99.99% oxygen are availa- steering engines of CUS together develop a
ble. nominal thrust of 73.55 kN in vacuum. Dur-
ing the flight, CUS fires for a specified dura-
tion of 720 seconds.
Liquid Oxygen (LOX) and Liquid Hydro-
Light has the properties gen (LH2) from the respective tanks are fed
like Reflection, Refrac- by individual booster pumps to the main tur-
bopump to ensure a high flow rate of propel-
tion, Diffraction, Inter- lants into the combustion chamber. Thrust
control and mixture ratio control are
fernce, Polarization, achieved by two independent regulators.
Dispersion, Scattering. Two gimballed steering engines provide for
control of the stage during its thrusting
Long-Term Storage
K.Bharath Ganesh

A Cryogenic rocket stage is more efficient

and provides more thrust for every kilogram
of propellant it burns compared to solid and
earth-storable liquid propellant rocket stag-
es. Specific impulse with cryogenic propel-


Long-duration missions in space to protect

the Cryogenic fluid system (CFS) from ex-
cessive temperature fluctuations while in or-


• Passive thermal control includes the com-
bination of insulation, low-conductivity E. Bhanu Prasad
structure, mixing, and thermodynamic
venting. Thermal efficiency in internal combustion
A protective blanket must be thick (>50 radi- engines is, when oversimplified, how much
ation shield layers resulting in 2 to 3 inches) of the energy that enters the engine is con-
for long duration missions in space. verted into work and not wasted as heat.
This effort characterized the impact on blan- Many road car engines are approximately 20
ket performance of various approaches to op- percent efficient.Mercedes' recent dyno tests
timize the interface between the multi layer showed the 1.6-liter turbocharged V-6 scored
insulation (MLI) blanket and elements that in excess of 50 percent thermal efficiency;
must penetrate it such as structure and more than half of the available energy in the
plumbing. fuel is now doing useful work, not simply
• Active thermal control requires refrigera- being wasted as heat and noise. Owen Jones,
tion by the integration of a cryocooler head of performance and controls at Mer-
with the tank system. cedes AMG High Performance Powertrains,
the unit responsible for Mercedes' F1 en-
• Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Trans- gines, Says, Mercedes spent a lot of time on
fer (CPST) integrated a cryocooler with a the fundamental thermal dynamic principles
propellant tank using a cooled gas distri- such as gas exchange processes and combus-
bution loop to demonstrate the thermal tion. From there, the team needed to reduce
and structural feasibility of hydrogen re- waste and losses through low friction. Oils
duced boil-off. were developed to reduce waste and friction,
The tubing containing the circulating cold and exhaust waste heat is converted into
gas is thermally linked to the tank structure, electric power-the complete F1 power unit is
plumbing, and wires to intercept conductive also paired with two motor-generators. One
heat loads. In addition, Broad Area Cooling of these aids the engine in driving the rear
(a distributed cooling scheme) was inserted wheels while the other is used to spool up the
in the middle layers of the MLI to intercept turbocharger.
radiative heat loads. This reduces the heat
that reaches the propellant .

SPACEX BOUGHT TWO OIL platform has to be evacuated before every

RIGS launch. Operating and maintaining a mobile
sea launch platform is expensive.
P. Haneesh babu
SpaceX bought two oil rigs, which they are LANDING
now converting into floating spaceports….
K. Roshini
Why they are doing that? and What they are 20761A5620
off to?
Here we go SpaceX’s Starship, the next gen- WEIGHT
eration spacecraft its currently in the process
of developing, includes not only trip to Mars, Rockets use thrust to reach orbit, but they are
but also regular point-to-point flights right not the only type of vehicles the direct thrust
here on earth. They achieve the target, they down to create vertical flight. However, rely-
are going to use the super heavy booster. The ing on the brute force to thrust to counteract
super heavy booster produces an incredible weight requires far more fuel and energy
amount of noise during building their float- than using the force of lift. An aircraft that
ing spaceport…… launch. Infact, it’s so loud can take-off and land vertically can hover,
that the sound levels 8km away would still flying slowly, and land in tight spaces-things
be around 112 decibels! That’s comparable conventional aircraft cannot do. The power-
to somebody using a chainsaw while stand- ful exhaust streams from the jet engine of the
ing right next to you. Another reason could Harrier fighter can be directed downward as
be a Starship/Super Heavy requires 4600 well as backward, and their direction can be
metric tones of propellant per launch. Instead changed in mid-flight. This allows the Harri-
of using many tanker trucks, a single tanker er to take-off vertically, Fly forward, stop in
ship could be used, making fuel delivery eas- mid-air, backup, and land vertically. It can
ier and cheaper. Or they could produce the also take-off and land like a normal airplane.
propellant on-site. To make liquid Oxygen (VTOL): Vertical Take off and Landing Air-
and liquid Methane, you only need water and craft include fixed wing aircraft that can
carbon-di-oxide…… Additionally, having a hover, take-off and land vertically, as well as
mobile sea launch platform allow you to helicopters and other aircraft with powered
launch efficiently into every orbit imagina- rotors, Such as tiltrotors. some VTOL air-
ble. Let me explain, Let’s say that you want craft can operate in other modes as well,
to launch from cap Canaveral, which has a such as CTOL (Conventional take-off and
latitude of 28o N. Due to orbital mechanics, landing), STOL (Short take-off and landing),
your orbit ends with a minimal inclination of and/ STOVL( Short take-off and vertical
28o unless you do corrections, but those cor- landing). Others, such as some helicopters,
rections require extra fuel. A mobile sea can only operate by VTOL, due to the air-
launch platform can be placed at almost any craft lacking landing gear. That can handle
latitude. According to your orbital inclination horizontal motion. A helicopter’s spinning
you can move your launch platform to a de- blades create trust like a large propeller, but
sired latitude and launch from there. But ob- the trust is directed vertically this allows the
viously, there are some downside… A fully vehicle to take off and landing vertically and
fuelled Starship/Super heavy exploding on to hover. To move forward, the helicopter tilts
the launch pad would shred the entire plat- slightly to direct some of its trust forward.
form into pieces. The crew working on the


learning from your mistakes. One can im-

A tiltrotor is an aircraft that uses a pair prove his/her self-confidence in many ways.
tiltrotors mounted on rotating engines at the The first step is to say what you feel. People
end of a fixed wing to generate vertical and shy away when it comes to express one’s
horizontal trust. it combines the vertical ca- opinion. They also find it very difficult to say
pability of a helicopter with the speed and no to something they don’t like. Saying no to
range of a fixed wing aircraft. For vertical something you don’t like or are not comfort-
flight, the rotors are angled so the plane of able with is very important. You don’t need
rotation is horizontal, like a helicopter. as the to feel guilty about it.
aircraft gains speed, the rotors are tilted for- People also face the problem of presumption.
ward with the plane off rotation eventually This also shakes self- confidence. For exam-
becoming vertical. The wing then provides ple, you are going to a debate competition
lift, and the rotor provides trust like a propel- and you know that the opponent is very
ler. strong, you may feel nervous and preassume
SELF-CONFIDENCE that you will lose. This can bring negativity
and can affect your debate. Another way to
Mohammed Zameeruddin boost your self-confidence is to set realistic
20761A5633 goals. If we set our goals too high, it can af-
fect our self-confidence. For example, if you

Earth is the only place in the Universe

known to harbour life. ... On 4 Novem-
ber 2013, astronomers reported, based
on Kepler space mission data, that there
could be as many as 40 billion Earth-
sized planets orbiting in the habitable
zones of Sun-like stars and red dwarfs
within the Milky Way.
plan to finish a whole coursebook in a day. It
is unrealistic. You may not be able to achieve
this goal. A whole book cannot be learned in
a day.
We all know that self-confidence means hav- You may feel low when unable to achieve
ing a belief in yourself and your abilities. It this goal. Similarly, if you set your goals too
is freedom from doubt. It is something that low, it also won’t work for your self-
needs to be developed internally. It cannot be confidence. For example, you plan to learn
taught but it is very important for a healthy only one question-answer per day, this is
and positive lifestyle. very less work to be done to score good
One cannot achieve his/her goals without self marks or to complete your course on time.
-confidence. Self-confidence makes a person Hence, you should always set realistic goals.
independent, eager, optimistic, loving and Remember, self-confidence cannot be built
positive by nature. And all these characteris- or boost in a day. It takes time. So keep
tics are important to achieve goals in life. working on your self-confidence and achieve
It is not so that a confident person will al- your goals slowly and steadily.
ways win and achieve success in life. But a
self-confident person will always come over
a difficult situation. He/she understands that
it’s not always about winning but about

VSS UNITY After that short encounter with weightless-

ness, the crew will climb back into their seats
18761A2130 as Unity prepares to return to Earth. Pilots
Mackay and Masucci "feathered" the space-
craft's twin tail booms to provide stability
Have you ever thought of going into space
during atmospheric reentry. The feathered
with just a plane which is half the size of Air-
tail was then locked back into place for the
bus A320? seems unrealistic! but it is real
glide back to Earth, which will end with a
that we can go into the space with a plane
runway landing at Spaceport America. The
which is half the size of Airbus A320. For
entire flight, from takeoff to landing, should
this we must know about the spaceflight,
last about 90 minutes.
which is developed by Virgin Galactic, a
British spaceflight company owned by Rich-
ard Branson. Virgin Galactic’s SPACE-
SHIPTWO, VSS Unity is the spaceflight
which is developed by Virgin Galactic to de-
velop space tourism and to open space for
all. As we see it is 60 feet long and having a
span of 42 feet and it is equipped with Hy-
brid Rocket Motor which can propel VSS
Unity with a speed of 3 times the speed of
sound to the space, weights about 3000
pounds, with 320 kN of thrust and 60 second
burn duration.
On July 11th, 2021, Virgin Galactic conduct-
ed its 22nd flight test which is its first test
flight with a full crew in the cabin, to the
space including the Company’s founder,
Richard Branson. The entire mission is car-
ried out at Spaceport America. After the crew
entered the VSS Unity it is carried by anoth-
er plane called Mothership, VMS Eve to a
release point of 14 km from the ground and
has released at a speed of Mach 0.5. After
separation, Unity ignited its hybrid rocket
motor, which uses a mixture of solid and liq-
uid propellant, to begin
the boost phase. This
carried Unity to its target
altitude of 53 miles (86
km), where the pilots
and crew experienced 4
minutes of weightless-
ness. They exited their
seats and enjoy sweep-
ing views of the Earth
below through the many
round windows that dot
the space plane's fuse-


the most humble of origins.SpaceShipTwo’s

cabin has been designed to maximize safety,
comfort and astronaut experience. For this
reason, SpaceshipTwo has more windows
than any other spacecraft in history, allowing
each astronaut to look out into the cosmos
and back to our beautiful planet below – with
a new perspective in each direction. With the
exception of the rocket motor’s fuel and oxi-
dizer, which must be replenished after each
flight. SpaceShipTwo is a fully reusable
WhiteKnightTwo is a custom-built, four- spacecraft. Virgin Galactic’s current opera-
engine, dual-fuselage jet aircraft, designed to tional SpaceShipTwo, was the first to be man-
carry SpaceShipTwo up to an altitude of ufactured by The Spaceship Company and
50,000 feet. The WhiteKnightTwo, VMS named VSS Unity by Professor Stephen
Eve, is the largest all composite aviation ve- Hawking during an unveiling ceremony in
hicle in service and has a unique heavy pay- 2016.
load, high altitude capability. The catamaran
design provides a large and easily accessible
payload area and facilitates clean separation
when the spaceship is released. The twin cab-
ins come from the same mould as the space-
ship. This enables efficient manufacture but
also provides a potential training platform for
both spaceship pilots and passengers.

SpaceShipTwo is a reusable, winged space-

craft designed to carry eight people
(including two pilots) into space safely and
with high frequency. SpaceShipTwo is pow-
ered by a hybrid rocket motor– combining
elements of solid rockets and liquid rocket
engines. Both types of rocket engine have im-
portant advantages; the hybrid aims to com-
bine the simplicity of a solid motor with the
controllability of a liquid. SpaceShipTwo’s
rocket motor can be shut down quickly and
safely at any point during the flight. Space-
ShipTwo’s most innovative feature is its
unique capability to change its shape in space
to ensure a repeatable safe re-entry. By rotat-
ing its wings and tail booms upwards while in
space, the vehicle’s stability and rate of de-
celeration in descent is controlled by aerody-
namic forces. This “feathering” design takes
the best from both the traditional capsule and
winged space vehicle designs, and adds a lit-
tle magic of its own. The “feathering” con-
cept is often compared to a badminton shut-
tlecock or birdie – and proves that sometimes
the most disruptive designs can emerge from



passenger in trouble. They then contacted

The footprints on the moon will be the Air Traffic Controllers and requested
there for 100 million years, be- them for an emergency landing on a runway
cause there is no such airflow and nearby, explaining them their worsening
heavy atmosphere like us on earth condition. The ATC then directed the south-
west 1380’s crew to the Philadelphia’s in-
ternational airport and the pilots follow their
CABIN CATASTROPHE IN THE instructions with utmost struggle. But with
concern for the partially sucked out passen-
SOUTHWEST 1380 ger, the pilots reduced the speed of the
Ruby plane. It was at that low speed, the passen-
20761A5629 gers and the crew were able to pull Jennifer
This happened very recently on 17th of back into the plane. But to her misfortune,
April, 2018, when the southwest 1380 Jennifer did not survive the day. The south-
(Boeing 737-7H4) aircraft, operated by the west 1380 crew, with great struggle made it
southwest airlines, carrying 5 crew and 144 to the Philadelphia’s international airport
passengers, had a devastating experience safely with just single engine running. The
due to the failure of its left engine. After 10 NTSB at Philadelphia’s international air-
minutes of it’s departure from LaGuardia port, after examining the shattered left en-
Airport, New York City, over Pennsylvania, gine of the Southwest 1380, soon identified
the plane underwent a massive jerk and the what went wrong with it. It was the distort-
cabin was with fumes all over. The Captain ed 13th fan blade of the turbofan engine that
of the flight, Tammie Jo Shults and her co- literally caused the disaster. The investiga-
pilot, the first officer, Darren Ellisor, were- tors had to examine why the fan blade no.
n’t able to see any of the readings on the 13 broke. After examining the broken fan
machine but did notice a couple of alarms of blade, the investigators discovered that it
the left engine sounding. Everyone therein was due to a crack generated in the fan
then suddenly started feeling as if the air in blade due to metal fatigue. On keen exami-
their lungs were being sucked out and were nation, they found thousands of striations on
thrust into chaos not knowing what was the blade saying that the crack started al-
happening. most 6 years back. They then go through the
All of them pulled down their oxygen records of inspection of the fan blades. The
masks and Rachel Fernheimer, the flight fan blades were supposed to undergo ultra-
attendant walked to every seat asking all the sonic inspections and if any crack were
passengers if they were alright. But when found, they were to be replaced. But the
she came to seat 14, she was horrified see- previous inspections surprised the investiga-
ing a window broken and Jennifer Riordan, tors which certified that all the fan blades
the passenger by that window side being were examined including the blade 13. The
sucked out partially. She tried to pull Jen- investigators concluded that the fan blade
nifer back inside with the help of other pas- 13, when distorted, hit one of the latches
sengers but in vain. In the meanwhile, the that hold the engine cowl, which led to the
pilots in the cockpit try contacting the flight disintegration of the engine cowling from
attendants to acknowledge what was hap- off the engine. As a result, the fragments of
pening in the cabin behind. After a good the cowl hit the passenger window 14 and
number of attempts, Rachel’s co-attendant shattered it. This eventually led to the rapid
answered their call and told them of the ter- depressurization inside the cabin and ulti-
rific incident that was then happening. The mately to the fatality of a passenger. The he-
pilots get stunned on hearing that and roic crew of the southwest 1380 were
wished that they could somehow save the praised for their brave act all around the

LEARNING FROM THE down, in a way that a child would easily be

FEYNMAN TECHNIQUE able to get what you’re saying.

U. Kavya 3. Review Your Explanation:

(Assistant Professor)
The third step in the Richard Feynman Tech-
They called Feynman the “Great Explainer.” nique is to go over the explanation you just
Richard Feynman (1918–1988), gave. Here, you want to ask yourself a few
an author, graphic novel hero, intellectual, questions, such as:
philosopher, physicist, and No Ordinary Ge- • Is my explanation of this topic easy
nius is considered to be one of the most im- enough for a 6th grader to understand?
portant physicists of all time.
• He pioneered an entire field: quantum • How solid might my own grasp on this
electrodynamics (QED). topic seem to this person?
• His work has directly influenced the fields
of nanotechnology, quantum computing, • Are there any gaps in my knowledge or in
and particle physics. my explanation of my knowledge?
• In 1986, his research and explanations
were critical in helping to understand the • Did I use any complicated language or
cause of the space shuttle Challenger dis- domain-specific vocabulary?
The Feynman technique for teaching and • Is there anything you’ve forgotten?
communication is a mental model to convey
information using concise thoughts and sim- • How difficult was it for you to provide a
ple language. This technique is derived from simple explanation on the topic?
Feynman’s studying methods when he was a
student at Princeton. You can use this model • How happy are you with your explanation
to quickly learn new concepts, shore up and the topical knowledge behind it?
knowledge gaps you have (known as targeted
learning), recall ideas you don’t want to for- 4. Simplify:
get, or to study more efficiently. Taking that
If you’ve found that your explanation or your
concept further, you can use this technique to
grapple with tough subject matter, which is own grasp on the topic need work, re-learn
one of the great barriers to learning. the subject or brush up on weak areas. Re-
read any source material to fill any gaps in
The steps in the Feynman learning technique knowledge, and perhaps study additional lit-
can be summarized as follows: erature for the possibility of learning the top-
ic from a new perspective.

1. Identify the Topic: Once you feel you have a better comprehen-
sion of the subject matter and related materi-
The first step in the Feynman learning pro- al and think you’ll be able to impart this
cess is to think of a subject you’d like to knowledge more plainly, return to Step 2.
learn or a topic you think you’d like to test Practice reading your story out loud. Pretend
yourself for understanding. to tell the story to a classroom of students.
That way, you’ll hear where language stops
2. Teach It to a Child: being simple. Stumbles could indicate incom-
plete thoughts. Use analogies and simple sen-
If you wanted to simply test your under- tences to strengthen your understanding of
standing, you could just explain the topic to the story.
yourself or a child, perhaps by writing it

20-YEAR-LONG EXPERIMENT understand the workings of our world on the

From the collections of Chief Editor and Editors… atomic scale by injecting fine dust particles
in a plasma, which turns the dust into highly
The experiment aims to look into the work- charged particles. These charged particles
ings of some of the complex phenomena bounce off each other and, under the right
such as how objects melt, waves form in flu- conditions, the dust particles can arrange
ids and currents change at the atomic level. themselves to form organized structures or
The International Space Station (ISS), a fly- plasma crystals.
ing laboratory nearly 250 miles above Earth,
has seen astronauts come and go, new tech- According to the European Space Agency
nologies being added, removed and survive (ESA), these particles are way too small for
dangerous radiations. However, in the last even an electron microscope to observe,
two decades of its three-decade-long service, therefore a laser beam is added to make the
one experiment has remained on board work- charged particles visible and recordable. By
ing silently in weightlessness — the Plasma changing the parameters in PK experiments,
Kristall investigations. such as adjusting voltage or using larger dust
particles, different situations can be simulat-
The experiment is to get a sneak peek of a ed.
world, which lives and breathes among us,
but beyond the visibility of our eyes. The Complex phenomena such as phase transi-
Plasma Kristall (PK) investigations focus ontions, for instance from gas to liquid, micro-
understanding how materials form on an scopic motions, the onset of turbulence and
atomic scale. shear forces are well known in physics, but
not fully understood at the atomic level. The
The experiment looks beyond the visual PK-4 research has helped to understand some
range to understand some of the most unique of these processes, including how planets
phenomena on Earth, like how an object form.
melts, waves form in fluids and currents
change at the atomic level.



The Plasma Kristall suite of investigations

into fundamental science is a Russian-
European experiment running on the ISS Famously known CEO
since March 3, 2001. The research tries to
of Google Sundar
Pichai is also the CEO
of Alphabet.


"At its origin, our planet Earth was probably comes back to Earth and therefore flies a
two dust particles that met in space and grew suborbital trajectory.
and grew into our world. PK-4 can model
these origin moments as they are during the Why these suborbital flights matter?
conception of planets," ESA said in a state-
ment. Although the two spacecraft launched in July
2021 will not reach orbit, the accomplish-
WHY ON SPACE STATION? ment of reaching space in private spacecraft
is a major milestone in the history of human-
The question that may arise on one's mind is ity. Those aboard these and all future private-
why the research has not been conducted on sector, suborbital flights will for a few
Earth? The answer is gravity. According to minutes be in space, experience a few
ESA, the experiment cannot be run on Earth minutes of exhilarating weightlessness and
because gravity makes only sagging, flat- absolutely earn their astronaut wings.
tened recreations possible; if you want to see
how a crystal is constituted, you need to re- A well-thrown baseball
move the force pulling downwards. Howev-
er, conducting a big experiment over such a Conceptually, the flights that Branson and
long duration has its own set of problems: Bezos will be on are not terribly different
the data transfer from the experiment. The from a baseball thrown into the air. The fast-
data generated from the research is so big er you can throw the baseball upward, the
that space agencies had to send physical hard higher it will go and the longer it will stay in
drives to bring back the findings. the air. If you throw the ball with a bit of
sideways velocity as well, it will go farther
“The knowledge from the PK experiments down-range. Imagine throwing your baseball
can be directly applied to research on fusion in an open field. As the ball rises, it slows
physics where dust needs to be removed and down, as the kinetic energy inherent in its
the processing of electronic chips, for exam- velocity is exchanged for potential energy in
ple in plasma processes in the semiconductor the form of increased altitude. Eventually the
and solar cell industry," ESA said. ball will reach its maximum height and then
fall back to the ground. Now imagine that
WHAT IS A SUBORBITAL you could throw the baseball fast enough to
FLIGHT? reach a height of perhaps 60 miles (97 km).
From the collections of Chief Editor and Editors… Presto! The baseball has reached space. But
when the ball reaches its maximum height, it
What exactly is “suborbital”? will have zero vertical velocity and start to
fall back to Earth. The flight may take sever-
Simply put, it means that while space vehi- al minutes, and during most of that time the
cles will cross the ill-defined boundary of ball would experience near weightlessness –
space, they will not be going fast enough to as will the newly minted astronauts aboard
stay in space once they get there. If a space- these spacecraft. Just like the hypothetical
craft or anything else, for that matter reaches baseball, the astronauts will reach space but
a speed of 17,500 mph (28,000 km/h) or won’t enter orbit, so their flights will be sub-
more, instead of falling back to the ground, it orbital.
will continuously fall around the Earth. That
continuous falling is what it means to be in
orbit and is how satellites and the Moon stay .
above Earth. Anything that launches to space
but does not have sufficient horizontal veloc-
ity to stay in space – like these rockets –

THE GAGANYAAN MISSION Why do we need Gaganyaan mission?

From the collections of Chief Editor and Editors…
After land, sea and air, the next frontier of
The Gaganyaan mission could propel India global dominance is space as countries rush
to the centre of human space exploration, to explore the vastness of the cos-
which is dominated by the US and Russia. mos, discover new resources on the Moon,
The manned mission is the biggest ISRO and look for signs of microbial life beyond
venture in the new decade. The Gaganyaan our orbit. With the US and Russia dominat-
Mission, India's foray into independent hu- ing space exploration, China is slowly cruis-
man space exploration, is moving ahead with ing ahead with plans to build its own space
plans to send an uncrewed mission into orbit. station, return samples from asteroids, and
The mission is part of the three-stage Gagan- trundle on the surface of shaping the already
yaan project. While the first unmanned flight changing geopolitics. India sofar has reached
is likely to be launched this year, the second the Moon and Mars with extremely cost-
demonstration launch could happen in 2022- efficient missions apart from its Polar Satel-
23 before the astronauts finally take to the lite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) catering to the
skies in a full-scale, crewed mission. Despite global demand of putting satellites into Low
the coronavirus pandemic impacting the pace Earth Orbit (LEO).
of the mission, the Defense Research and
Development (DRDO) organization and the
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
are now conducting impact studies on the Elon Musk didn’t have college
crew module. Being developed by the Hin- degree for Aerospace, but he ac-
dustan Aeronautics Limited, the Gaganyaan quired knowledge from other
crew module will be the first indigenous
spacecraft to take Indian astronauts into
sources and guided SpaceX
space and return them safely to Earth.

What is Gaganyaan Mission?

The Rs 10,000-crore mission aims to send a

three-member Indian crew to space for a pe-
riod of five to seven days and safely return
them to Earth. The Gaganyaan mission was More than
initially scheduled for 2022, when India grades, your skills
completes 75 years of independence. Howev-
er, several delays have led to the deferment and habits will
of the final crew mission. The initial timeline decide your
was set for 40 months since the date future
of before which two uncrewed launches are
to take place to demonstrate and test key
technologies and capabilities. "The human
spaceflight programme will provide a unique
micro-gravity platform in space for conduct-
ing experiments and test-bed for future tech-


Even before the Gaganyaan mission was an- the development of microgravity applications
nounced, ISRO had been busy with develop- and space operations at CNES in Toulouse
ing technologies to support a human space- and at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC)
flight mission and had tested several key in Cologne, Germany," . India is also in talks
technologies critical for such a mission. with Australia to set-up a ground station at
Cocos Island for smooth monitoring of the
These include a re-entry and recovery tech- mission. The manned missions will push In-
nology for the module, a cryogenic engine to dia further in exploration beyond Earth's or-
carry the payload, and critical life support bit as countries vie to control the next space
systems. The airdrop test of the Space- race, which has the potential to trigger major
capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE) was changes in the global order.
successfully conducted way back in 2004.
ISRO will also launch a data relay satellite
that will help maintain contact with the Ga-
gangyaan mission ahead of the final manned

Boosting global collaboration, India has

managed to bring together countries for its
ambitious plans to send humans to space.
Russia and France are providing key training
and equipment needed to carry out the mis-
sion. Four Indian Air Force pilots underwent
training in Russia with the Russian space
agency. While the names of the selected pi-
lots are yet to be released, the Russian space
agency ROSCOSMOS had in August said
that the astronauts were doing well and de-
termined to continue with their training.
Apart from imparting training at the Gagarin The spacecraft is an integral part of
Cosmonaut Training Center, Zvezda, a Rus- Aerospace engineering.
The launch of the first artificial satellite can
sian company is also manufacturing space be considered as the launch of the first
suits for Indian astronauts. The astronauts spacecraft. The first satellite was Sputnik 1
had in September visited the facility, where launched by the Soviet Union. It was
their anthropometric parameters were meas- launched on 4th October 1957.
ured to begin designing the customized
spacesuits. The company will also be provid-
ing individual seats for the astronauts and
custom-made couch liners. India recently
signed an agreement with the French space
agency National Centre for Space Studies
(CNES) to provide equipment it has devel-
oped for the International Space Station.

The agency will supply fireproof carry bags

made in France to shield equipment from
shocks and radiation. "Under the terms of the
agreement, CNES will train India's flight
physicians and CAPCOM mission control
teams in France at the CADMOS centre for

NEW SHEPARD narrow booster shaft. New Shepard's charac-

D. Jobin teristic shape was designed to optimize cabin
18761A2115 space for up to six passengers and maximize
the rocket's stability when coming back to
Named after Mercury astronaut Alan Shep- Earth. The main reason the design looks like
ard, the first American to go to space, New this is because Jeff's first goal is to send peo-
Shepard is reusable suborbital rocket system ple to space, so everything revolves around
designed to take astronauts and research pay- having four to six people in the cabin and so
loads past the Kármán line – the internation- maximizing cabin volume. Jeff also wanted
ally recognized boundary of space. Whether to have the biggest windows in space so peo-
you are an astronaut flying with Blue Origin ple could have an awesome experience,
or sending a payload to space, your 11- which further increased the size of the cap-
minute flight on New Shepard will be the ex- sule. While most spacecraft resemble, in
perience of a lifetime. part, male genitalia, New Shepard's wide
mushroom-like capsule - and the skinny girth
Crew Capsule: With room for six astro- of the booster underneath - are the driving
nauts, the spacious and pressurized crew cap- source of recent innuendo. Blue Origin engi-
sule is environmentally-controlled for com- neers tested more than 100 configurations for
fort and every passenger gets their own win- the capsule shape before settling on one that
dow seat. The vehicle is fully autonomous. starts wide at the base and tapers - a bit like a
Every person onboard is a passenger—there muffin top. The capsule shape helps reduce
are no pilots. drag on the rocket and keep passengers safe.
But experts say this suborbital sausage fest
Ring & Wedge: Fins Aerodynamically de- was anything but accidental.
signed to stabilize the booster and reduce
fuel use on its flight back to Earth. Given that the capsule is the first thing to cut
Drag Brakes: Deploy from the ring fin to through the air as New Shepard ascends sky-
reduce the booster's speed by half on its de- ward (scientists call this forward-most part
scent from space. the nose cone), it's rounded to reduce drag.
Engine: The BE-3 (Blue Engine 3) propels
the rocket to space and restarts for a con- Drag is the force that slows an object down
trolled pinpoint landing on the pad. The as it moves through the air. The shape of a
uniquely throttleable engine slows the boost- rocket affects how much drag it experiences.
er down to just 8 km/h (5 V E H mph) for "Most round surfaces have less drag than flat
landing. ones." The capsule needed to stay stable on
Aft Fins: Stabilize the vehicle during ascent, descent, too - it detached from the New
steer it back to the landing pad on descent, Shepard booster in the atmosphere and fell
and guide the rocket through airspeeds of up for four minutes before deploying parachutes
to Mach 4. and delivering Bezos and three others safely
Landing Gear: All rockets take-off, not all to the ground. That's why, The more base it
rockets land. As a fully reusable rocket, the has, the better it's going to land. A capsule
New Shepard booster uses landing gear that shape with a narrower base would have been
deploys for touchdown. less stable during reentry. Engineers had to
make the bottom so wide. Like most rockets,
Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos flew to the New Shepard has a propellant-filled booster
edge of space on Tuesday July 20, 2021, in that helps blast its capsule toward space. The
Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket from higher in space a rocket's objective is, the
Launch Site One in West Texas that had a more propellant it needs to hold in order to
bulbous passenger capsule sitting atop a tall, power its journey.

So a booster carrying a spacecraft bound for

the orbiting International Space Station, like
SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, is going to be tall-
er and larger than a booster for a rocket like
New Shepard that's designed to go only to
the very edge of space. "You don't need as
much fuel to go suborbital; everything on
Jeff's rocket is optimized to go suborbital". If
it had gone orbital the design would've been
much different."
Since Bezos' rocket was only aiming for the
Kármán line - an imaginary boundary 62
miles above sea level, where many experts
say space begins - its engineers cut down the
height and girth of New Shepard's booster.

Venus spins clockwise. It’s

the only planet in our solar
system that does!


STEPHEN HAWKING'S BLACK team plans to test future gravitational-wave

HOLE THEOREM PROVED signals to see if they might further confirm
RIGHT AFTER 50 YEARS Hawking's theorem or be a sign of new, law-
From the collections of Chief Editor and Editors… bending physics.

In 1971, Hawking proposed the area theo- "It is possible that there's a zoo of different
rem, which set off a series of fundamental compact objects, and while some of them are
insights about black hole mechanics. The the black holes that follow Einstein and
theorem predicts that the total area of a black Hawking's laws, others may be slightly dif-
hole's event horizon -- and all black holes in ferent beasts," said lead author Maximiliano
the universe, for that matter -- should never Isi, from MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophys-
decrease. The statement was a curious paral- ics and Space Research.
lel of the second law of thermodynamics,
which states that the entropy, or degree of
disorder within an object, should also never The similarity between the two theories sug-
decrease. gested that black holes could behave as ther-
mal, heat-emitting objects -- a confounding
Fifty years after physicist Stephen Hawking proposition, as black holes by their very na-
derived the black hole theorem, physicists at ture were thought to never let energy escape,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology have or radiate. Hawking and others have since
confirmed it for the first time, using observa- shown that the area theorem works out math-
tions of gravitational waves. ematically, but there had been no way to
check it against nature until LIGO's first de-
tection of gravitational waves.
In the study, which appears in the Physical
Review Letters, the researchers took a closer
look at GW150914, the first gravitational The team plans to further test Hawking's area
wave signal detected by the Laser Interfer- theorem, and other longstanding theories of
ometer Gravitational-wave Observatory black hole mechanics, using data from LIGO
(LIGO), in 2015. The signal was a product of and Virgo, its counterpart in Italy.
two in-spiralling black holes that generated a
new black hole, along with a huge amount of
energy that rippled across space-time as
gravitational waves. If Hawking's area theo- DID YOU KNOW?
rem holds, then the horizon area of the new
black hole should not be smaller than the to- The thermosphere starts just above the
tal horizon area of its parent black holes. The mesosphere and extends to 600 km (372
MIT physicists team reanalysed the signal miles) high. (Temperatures 1,500O C).
from GW150914 before and after the cosmic The thermosphere is considered part of
collision and found that indeed, the total Earth's atmosphere, but air density is
event horizon area did not decrease after the so low that most of this layer is what is
merger -- a result that they report with 95 per normally thought of as outer space. In
cent confidence. fact, this is where the satellites, space
shuttles flew and where
Their findings mark the first direct observa- the International Space Station orbits
tional confirmation of Hawking's area theo- Earth (400 km).
rem, which has been proven mathematically
but never observed in nature until now. The


CHAOS IN TURBULENT SYS- condense to the lowest energy level

TEMS AND BOSE-EINSTEIN when temperature is taken to very low
CONDENSATION values. The group has shown an analo-
From the collections of Chief Editor and Editors… gous condensation taking place in the
case of order emerging from chaos in tur-
An important phenomenon studied in bulent systems. To understand this, take
Aerospace Engineering is the emergence the concept of phase space – an dynamic
of order from chaos in turbulent systems imaginary space where a particle is rep-
that leads to detrimental large amplitude resented by its position and momentum
fluctuations. Examples of this include at every instant of time. The acoustic dy-
Aeroelastic Flutter as observed in the namics of the combustor is represented
wings of aircraft and thermoacoustic in- as a trajectory moving in this imaginary
stabilities in rocket combustors, both of space.
which can lead to the breaking down of
the system. For this reason, it is im- Orbit condensation: During chaotic
portant to be able to predict and under- movement, there are several possible or-
stand such happenings and avoid them. bits, and so even as the trajectory moves
At R.I. Sujith’s lab in the Department of towards one orbit, it is attracted to a dif-
Aerospace Engineering of IIT Madras, ferent orbit, and therefore does not stick
this phenomenon has been studied for to any one orbit. However, as the param-
years. As he succinctly explains: Ther- eter is tuned and the system makes a
moacoustic instability, which comprises transition towards order, the number of
self-sustained large amplitude periodic orbits is reduced and therefore, the tra-
oscillations, can overwhelm the thermal jectory gets caught in a few stable orbits.
protection system in combustion cham- The researchers label this process a type
bers, cause damage to structural parts of “condensation.”“In the current work
such as turbine blades, or even affect the we have provided a novel perspective to
guidance and control system of rockets study the transformation of the phase
and lead to mission failures. space structure with transition from cha-
os to order using analogy with Bose-
Apollo rocket failure: An oft-quoted ex- Einstein Condensation,” says Ms Tan-
ample of this is the failure during testing don, a dual degree student in the depart-
of the F-1 engine in the Apollo rocket. ment. “The next step would be to use sta-
Initially, every time they tested the rock- tistics of Bosons, namely, tools from sta-
et, the engine would get into this instabil- tistical mechanics that are used to study
ity and explode. They later introduced Boson particles and Bose-Einstein con-
baffles that disrupted the interactions be- densation, to quantify the transfor-
tween the flames and that between the mations in the topology of the phase
flames and the combustion chamber giv- space,” she adds.
ing the engine the desired stability. In a
combination of theory and experiment,
Prof. Sujith and his student Shruti Tan-
don have come up with an understanding
of the emergence of order in chaotic sys- Talking about busy… the busiest
tems by drawing an analogy with a phe-
nomenon widely studied in quantum sta- day recorded in aviation is 24
tistical physics – Bose-Einstein conden- July 2019, with more than
sation (BEC). In BEC, Bosons, which 225,000 flights on that day.
are elementary particles having spins that
take integer values, such as 0, 1 or 2,


The paper that draws out the analogy is • The circle around the reentry point is the vi-
published in the journal Chaos. “Using cinity in which the reentry could be seen
measures from cycle networks and using
analogy with BEC we were able to develop The Long March 5B reentry is unusual because
‘early warning indicators’ that identify the during launch, the first stage of the rocket
onset of intermittency and hence forewarn reached orbital velocity instead of falling down-
the occurrence of thermoacoustic instabil- range as is common practice. The empty rocket
ity in the combustor,” says Prof Sujith, who body is now in an elliptical orbit around Earth
is the D. Srinivasan Chair Professor in the where it is being dragged toward an uncon-
department. Strategies to mitigate “In fu- trolled reentry.
ture, we would like to also analyze the spa-
tio-temporal data from the perspective of Currently, the rocket body could reenter any-
BEC transition; thus, develop strategies to where along the blue or yellow paths, with the
prevent the condensation transition and satellite icon indicating the latest informed pre-
thus mitigate such instabilities,” he adds. diction: The spread of debris, referred to as the
“debris footprint,” is not something experts can
speculate on at this time, given the degree of
ORBITAL DEBRIS REENTRY PRE- uncertainty remaining for the reentry point.
However, any spot away from the lines are very
DICTION unlikely to be at risk from debris. The predic-
From the collections of Chief Editor and Edi- tions for time and location will become more
tors… specific as reentry time draws closer, as shown
Wondering if you’re in a debris path? Here’s
what all those blue and yellow lines mean.

The Aerospace Corporation’s Center for Orbital DID YOU KNOW?

Reentry and Debris Studies (CORDS) is track-
ing the reentry path of the rocket body from the
Chinese Long March 5B (CZ-5B) launch of
April 29. The CORDS’ graphic has generated a
lot of questions such as, “what exactly am I
looking at?” and “am I in the path of debris?”
For context, the previous “normal” rocket body
descent, Long March 3B (CZ-3B) that reen-
tered on May 3, is shown below:

• The white line and shaded area show day

and night around the globe

• The blue line shows the orbital path prior to

reentry, and each tick mark is a five-minute

• The yellow line is the predicted future path

with tick marks at five-minute intervals

• The text label and satellite icon indicate

where the rocket body ultimately reentered





Planes are designed to be struck by
lightning and they regularly are hit.
It’s estimated lightning strikes each
aircraft once a year or once per
every 1,000 hours of flight time.
Yet, lighting hasn’t brought down a
plane since 1963, due to careful en-
gineering that lets the electric
charge of a lightning bolt run
through the plane and out of it,
typically without causing damage
to the plane.




FLYING CAR considered as the future medium of city

From the collections of Chief Editor and Editors… commuting and inter-city transport as the
roads are becoming increasingly congested.
The flying car comes with a 160 hp BMW Flying cars can help in decongesting roads
engine and it also has a fixed propeller and and reduce travel time as well.
a ballistic parachute. The flying car, called Flying cars are not fantasy anymore, but real-
AirCar, is capable of racing at a speed of ity. Ride-hailing services like Uber have al-
170 kmph and can perform several manoeu- ready announced that they are working on
vres mid-air. The flying car is capable of flying cars that would be used in future com-
flying a distance of 1,000 km at an altitude muting and inter-city transportation. This fly-
of 8,200 ft. Flying cars have been a fantasy ing car based ride-hailing system is expected
for many for decades. A car that is equally to bring a major change in the mobility in-
capable of running on roads and flying in dustry in near future. Among the established
the sky, sounds interesting but technically automakers, some OEMs like Hyundai too
challenging. However, in the last couple of are working on flying car technology.


1986 marked a big milestone in

aviation history. A homebuilt
light-weight aircraft with 17 fuel
tanks in total made it around the
years, several companies tried their hands world without stopping or being
on this technology and came up with inno- refueled once on the way.
vative prototypes. One such is made by Air- The Rutan Model 76 Voyag-
Car and it has completed an inter-city test er took off in California on 14
flight for the first time. This was also the
first time any flying car completed an inter- December and landed nine days
city flight. The car flew between two inter- later, just a day before Christmas
national airports in Nitra and Bratislava in Eve. The two pilots, the designer,
Slovakia on June 28. The flying car took 35 and the crew chief were subse-
minutes to cover the distance. AirCar in a quently awarded the Collier Tro-
press release has said that after landing, at a
click of a button the aircraft transformed phy, the most prestigious prize in
into a sportscar in less than three minutes. aviation.
The flying car has already clocked 40 hours
of flying till now. Also, during its test
flights, the flying car has performed steep
45 degree turns and stability and maneuver-
ability testing. It takes around two minutes
and 15 seconds to take-off and convert from
a car to an aircraft, claims the company.
Flying cars have been in discussion for
quite some time. These vehicles are being


RECEPTION OF INDIAN TEXTS While, the renowned institutions like IISc

BY THE MODERN ERA had shown the thumbs down, some of the
impeccable scientists like A S Kiran Kumar,
Meena Mahitha former chairman of ISRO said, “ Our ancient
20761A5638 texts should not be disregarded!". The posi-
Will this modern era accept the fact that an- tive and negative reception of these powerful
cient Indian texts had mastered the Aero- texts have been acting as the two sides of the
nautics? This is the second episode of review coin. In a nutshell, it can be said that Indian
on the impact of the ancient Indian texts on texts are yet to be studied by the world to
the modern world. taste the flavor of the evergreen ancient Indi-
Everything in this world is an opinion! Simi- an Aeronautics!
larly many scientists, engineers and profes-
sors worldwide possess different opinions on Acknowledgments:
the Vaimānika Shāstra. As we know,
Vaimānika Shāstra has originated in India. articleshow_comments/49873747.cms
Ironically, The Indian Institute of science,
Bangalore, after a critical study concluded
that the techniques specified are unclear to us
at the moment. In contrary to which Travis
Taylor, a professor in Aerospace Department
at university of California, Irvine had tested RETURNING FROM SPACE
the 3D model of the Tripura vimana from (RE-ENTRY)
Vaimānika Shāstra thus showed the results
of the “created lift ” with help of Kavya Dr. P. Lovaraju
Vaddadi. Kavya Vaddadi is an Aeronautical
Engineer from Hyderabad started decoding When the wind is calm, on the mirror-like sur-
the shlokas in Vaimānika Shāstra since few face of the water we strike a stone at a precise
years now. Kavya has been decoding the angle and speed that will allow its wide, flat
Sanskrit terms with appropriate meanings for bottom to take the full force of impact, causing
recreating the models and techniques speci- it to skip. If we have great skill, it may skip
fied in the Vaimānika Shāstra that would three or four times before finally losing its mo-
help the scientific studies to solve the mys- mentum and plunging beneath the water. If the
teries in space and to be useful for the man- rock is not flat enough or its angle of impact is
kind in the form of Aeronautics. She says too steep, it’ll make only a noisy splash rather
that every term in Sanskrit has various mean- than a quiet and graceful skip. Returning from
ings in different contexts. Hence it is referred space, Astronauts face a similar challenge.
Earth’s atmosphere presents to them a dense,
to as a divine language. With her academic
fluid medium, which, at orbital velocities, is
knowledge and knowledge in this divine lan- not all that different from a lake’s surface.
guage, she reverse engineered the Aero- They must plan to hit the atmosphere at the
nautics and had found many new results. She precise angle and speed for a safe landing. If
has also encrypted her Knowledge taken they hit too steeply or too fast, they risk mak-
from Shastras in a book called ‘Reverse En- ing a big “splash,” which would mean a fiery
gineering Vedic Vimanas’. Besides this, Ka- end. If their impact is too shallow, they may
vya has also fact checked about the infor- literally skip off the atmosphere and back into
mation regarding use of vimanas by Gods the cold of space. This subtle dance between
especially during wars. Another book by her fire and ice is the science of atmospheric re-
‘vimanas and the wars of the gods ’ mentions entry.
about this.

Crossword Puzzle TION-

A Venkata Sai Kumar


2. In which layer of atmosphere does auroras occur

Across 4. The equipmet used to measure the atmospheric hu-
1. Within the sphere of influence of target planet,the midity
trajectory is considered as _________ hyperbola 6. The spacecraft which was given excess speed for
3. Which layer of atmosphere contains the ozone lay- interplanetory transfer follows a ________ trajectory
er 7. Reversible adiabatic flow is called _________ pro-
5. Which layer of the atmosphere has the highest den- cess
sity of gas molecules 9. The altitude as measured from the mean sea level
8. The waste heat in the spacecraft is disposed of by is _________ altitude
________ 11. The space probe which was given exact escape
10. The distance travelled by light in vaccum during speed follows a ________ trajectory
one year is equal to ______ 13. Satellites used for intercontinental communica-
12. Control surface that controls the pitching of air- tions are known as
craft 15. The solar sails mostly work from the _______
14. Rolling moment due to rate of roll is called as released from sun
________ in roll 18. Positive side slip will lead the aircraft to roll
16. Which planets mean density is less than that of _____ side
17. Yaw motion of an aircraft can be controlled by
which control surface You people can send your responses through the given link.
19. The purpose of wings is to generate _____ First 10 Students with correct responses will be featured in
20. Aircrafts are streamlined from nose to tail to re- next volume of our Magazine
1.Just answer the puzzle on a white paper, take a picture of it.
duce 2.Click on the google form link.



Find out the words in search box for the riddles illustrated below …!

First 10 Students with correct responses will be featured in next vol-

1.Just answer the puzzle on a white paper, take a picture of it.

You people can send your responses through the given link.

3.Fill your details and upload the picture of your answer.

2.Click on the google form link.

ume of our Magazine
Questions: 9. Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the
strongest man can't hold it for much more than a
minute. (Starts with B_____)

1. What goes up and down stairs without moving? 10. What gets wetter the more it dries? (Starts with
(Starts with C_____) T____)
2. Give it food and it will live; give it water and it 11. A barrel of water weighs 20 pounds. What must
will die. (Starts with F___) you add to it to make it weigh 12 pounds? (Starts
3. The more there is, the less you see. (Starts with with H____)
D_______) 12. Only two backbones and thousands of ribs.
4. They come at night without being called and are (Starts with R___R___)
lost in the day without being stolen. (Starts with 13. As I walked along the path, I saw something
S____) with four fingers and one thumb, but it was not
5. What can fill a room but takes up no space? flesh, fish, bone, or fowl. (Starts with G____)
(Starts with L____) 14. What has to be broken before it can be used?
6. Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the out- (Starts with E__)
15. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but
side, throw away the inside. (Starts with C___)
7. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it? never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a
(Starts with S______) bed but never sleeps? (Starts with R____)
8. I run, yet I have no legs. What am I? (Starts with









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