Election Review - XLII
Election Review - XLII
Election Review - XLII
The major roadblock to the audit may be insurmountable. Wolf acting Secretary
of State decertifying the voting machines if an audit is conducted is outrageous
but I’m told legal and would cost [each of PA’s 67 counties] millions of dollars.
Republican county commissioners have begrudgingly refused to do audits now bc
of this.
And now today we have the Pennsylvania Department of State threatening local
election officials who choose to participate in a legislative audit of the election.
The Department issued a directive on July 9, demanding boards of elections
refuse any third-party access to examining the election “system or system
First, the order violates a key requirement that elections must be transparent in
order to be free and fair. Pennsylvania’s unelected secretary of state is denying
the elected leaders of the state access to election information.
Second, the Department entered into an unprecedented contract with the
private nonprofit organization Rock the Vote, allowing the group front-end access
to Pennsylvania’s electronic poll books during the 2020 election. Rock the Vote,
in turn, licensed that access to more than 60 politically-left activist organizations
who were able to electronically manipulate voter registration rolls before and
during the election.
This can only be accomplished if truth is atomized in relativism such that the only
source of present relevant truth is the state, and the truth is thereby malleable
by the state to achieve its aim of “progress.”
Any nation desiring the full expression of individual liberty premised on the
recognition of the intrinsic value of all persons must be populated by individuals
willing to fight to protect the freedom of those with whom they disagree.
America will only reach the fullness of her “audacious claims” if Americans love
freedom more than they hate political opponents. The path to totalitarianism is
always paved by trading freedoms for political expediency, leading the populace
(which holds the true power in our Constitutional Republic) to become the
handmaidens of hypocritical public officials.
It would seem that, instead of rolling-over-and-playing-dead, this threat must be challenged. Eh?
“Someone” should confront Corman, the Dybbuk, with the prior demands (double-committee
activation subpoena-ing 67 counties ASAP) along with a request for clarification of his official
reaction [beyond the Epoch Times quote] to this affront, to wit, whether it is to be LITIGATED.
[To clarify a prior reference, know that the PA-GOP’s attorney is Amistad attorney & strategist
Tom King whose pending litigation (Butler v. Wolf) addresses the capacity of state governors to
promulgate unilateral executive orders. I spoke with him a month ago, and he seems to “get it.”]