Jurnal Obat Dermatitis Atopik

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Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369

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Invited Review Article

Japanese guidelines for atopic dermatitis 2020*

Norito Katoh a, *, 1, Yukihiro Ohya b, 1, Masanori Ikeda c, Tamotsu Ebihara d,
Ichiro Katayama e, Hidehisa Saeki f, Naoki Shimojo g, Akio Tanaka h, Takeshi Nakahara i,
Mizuho Nagao j, Michihiro Hide h, Yuji Fujita g, Takao Fujisawa k, Masaki Futamura l,
Koji Masuda a, Hiroyuki Murota m, Kiwako Yamamoto-Hanada b, Committee for Clinical
Practice Guidelines for the Management of Atopic Dermatitis 2018, The Japanese Society
of Allergology, The Japanese Dermatology Association
Department of Dermatology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto, Japan
Allergy Center, National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Pediatric Acute Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama, Japan
Department of Dermatology, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Dermatology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Suita, Japan
Department of Dermatology, Graduate School of Medicine, Nihon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
Department of Dermatology, Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan
Division of Skin Surface Sensing, Department of Dermatology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Division of Clinical Research, National Hospital Organization Mie National Hospital, Tsu, Japan
Division of Allergy, National Hospital Organization Mie National Hospital, Tsu, Japan
Division of Pediatrics, National Hospital Organization Nagoya Medical Center, Nagoya, Japan
Department of Dermatology, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a disease characterized by relapsing eczema with pruritus as a primary lesion,
Received 24 December 2019 which is frequently encountered in clinical practice. Skin barrier dysfunction leads to enhanced skin
Available online 4 April 2020 irritability to non-specific stimuli and epicutaneous sensitization. In the lesion site, a further
inflammation-related reduction in skin barrier function, enhanced irritability and scratching-related
Keywords: stimuli deteriorate eczema, leading to vicious cycle of inflammation. The current strategies to treat AD
Atopic dermatitis
in Japan from the perspective of evidence-based medicine consist of three primary measures: (i) the use
of topical corticosteroids and tacrolimus ointment as the main treatment for the inflammation; (ii)
Clinical practice guidelines
Evidence-based medicine
topical application of emollients to treat the cutaneous barrier dysfunction; and (iii) avoidance of
Treatment apparent exacerbating factors, psychological counseling and advice about daily life. The guidelines
present recommendations to review clinical research articles, evaluate the balance between the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of medical activities, and optimize medical activity-related patient outcomes
with respect to several important points requiring decision-making in clinical practice.
Copyright © 2020, Japanese Society of Allergology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is frequently encountered in clinical
This is an abridged edition of “Clinical practice guidelines for the manage- practice. Descriptions regarding medical activities in the present
ment of atopic dermatitis 2018.” by Katoh N et al. in J Dermatol 2019; 46: guidelines reflect an aim and goal in the current strategies to treat
AD in Japan from the perspective of evidence-based medicine2.
* Corresponding author. Department of Dermatology, Kyoto Prefectural Univer-
sity of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science, 465 Kajii-cho, Kawaramachi- They can be utilized as a material for evaluations of decision-
Hirokoji, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8566, Japan. making in clinical practice. Attending physicians must make a
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Katoh).
Peer review under responsibility of Japanese Society of Allergology.
Norito Katoh and Yukihiro Ohya, Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, respec-
tively, of Committee for Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Atopic Generally, the manuscripts published by the end of December, 2015 were
Dermatitis 2018. reffered.

1323-8930/Copyright © 2020, Japanese Society of Allergology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369 357

final decision in cooperation with patients so that their values and from allergic rhinitis for which the presence of allergy is mandatory
preferences are reflected. for diagnosis.3 Urticaria is not considered when investigating family
and medical history. Total serum IgE levels and allergen-specific IgE
1.1. Disclaimer antibody levels are considered as disease markers that tend to
If the contents of medical activities based on an individual's produce IgE antibodies. As total IgE level increases in response to
circumstances differ from those stated in the present guidelines, disease activity, it is often low in patients with mild AD. In mild AD,
they may not be checked, or the experience of healthcare pro- the allergen-specific IgE antibody level can be a marker of disease.
fessionals may not be denied. In contrast, even if the contents
stated in the present guidelines are not performed, the re- 2.2. Pathophysiology
sponsibilities of physicians may not be pursued. Use of these AD is a multifocal disease with multiple etiologies. Different
guidelines as a basis for use in medical disputes or in medical liti- etiologies are involved in the pathogenesis of AD within the context
gation deviates from their original purpose. of atopic diathesis and hypersensitivity reactions of organs
Some evidence (Japan, other countries)-based therapies with including skin that may be caused by causative factors (physical
drugs that are not covered by health insurance (unapproved drugs) constitution) and the vulnerability of barrier functions. The fact
are described in the guidelines, with the grade of recommendation. that there is no hierarchy among those etiologies contributes to the
The idea that drugs or therapies described in the guidelines are diversity of symptoms or phenotypes of AD.
available in clinical practice is not correct. This also applies to the
use of drugs of which contraindications or careful administration is 2.2.1. Skin hypersensitivity - abnormalities of the horny cell
described in the package inserts. Even if unapproved drugs are layer
described in the guidelines, restrictions are not eliminated. Indi- The stratum corneum forms a barrier contributing to the pre-
vidual drugs should be managed based on the contents of the vention of leakage of body fluids, retention of internal water within
package insert or based on the latest information regarding safety. the cell layers, and contributes to biological defense (Fig. 1, 2). If the
barrier function of the horny cell layer is dysfunctional, skin irri-
2. Definition, pathogenesis, epidemiology, diagnosis, severity tability to non-specific stimuli is enhanced, and allergen sensiti-
2.1. Definition of atopic dermatitis: concept of disease zation and inflammation are likely to occur.4 Intercellular lipids of
AD is a pruritic eczematous dermatitis; its symptoms chroni- the stratum corneum are mainly composed of ceramide, choles-
cally fluctuate with remissions and relapses. Most individuals with terol, and free fatty acids, and in the case of AD, the function of the
AD have atopic diathesis (Atopic diathesis). intercellular lipids of the stratum corneum deteriorates due to an
AD is an eczematous skin disease characterized by symmetrical abnormal decrease of ceramide content, and the moisture retention
distribution, and the skin areas typically affected vary depending capacity is impaired.5,6 The horny cell layer consisting of keratin
on age.1,2 AD may develop during infancy or early childhood and and filaggrin is structurally robust. Filaggrin loss-of-function mu-
may lead to remission during childhood; however, AD may become tation and filaggrin deficiency associated with inflammation have
chronic in some cases with repeated relapses without remission, been observed in AD.7,8
and present with characteristic eczematous lesions that persist
until adulthood. 2.2.2. Mechanisms involved in inflammation (Fig. 2)
(i) personal or family history (asthma, allergic rhinitis and/or A decline in skin barrier function may allow allergens to easily
conjunctivitis, and AD); and/or (ii) predisposition to over- penetrate the skin. Allergens, which are foreign (non-self) mole-
production of immunoglobulin (Ig)E antibodies. The presence of cules, are eliminated by immunization and allergic reactions.
allergy is not always necessary for the definition of AD. This differs Allegens, such as the dust mite allergen, as well as protein

Fig. 1. Stratum corneum barrier and epidermal barrier.

358 N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369

Fig. 2. Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. FLG, filaggrin; IgE, immunoglobulin E; IL, interleukin; ILC, innate lymphoid cells; MDC, macrophage-derived chemokine; TARC, thymus and
activation-regulated chemokine; Th, T helper; TSLP, thymic stromal lymphopoietin.

allergens, induce type 2 immune reactions through protease ac- parasympathetic nerve system, emotional and psychogenic factors,
tivity. Helper T cells can be divided into Th1 and Th2 cells. Th1 and disturbances in life rhythm are associated with onset and
cells have been demonstrated to be involved in cell-mediated worsening of itch.15,16
immunity, while Th2 cells are mainly associated with allergic re-
actions. Interleukin (IL)-33, IL-25, and thymic stromal lympho- 2.3. Genetic factors
poietin (TSLP) produced by epidermal keratinocyte are associated Some genes have been described as candidate genes associated
with Th2 cell migration to the lesion. Serum thymus and with AD: CTLA4, IL18, TLR9, CD14, CARD4, PHF11, TLR2, SCCE, MCC,
activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) levels are also used as a IL4R, GM-CSF, TIM1, CARD15, GSTT1, SPINK5, SCYA11, TGFb1, IL-13,
marker of short-term progression.9 The type 2 immune response RANTES, IL4, and FCER1B.2In addition, 2q12 (IL1RL1/IL18R1/
leads to allergen-specific induction of IgE antibodies. Langerhans IL18RAP), 3q21.33 (GLB1), 3q13.2 (CCDC80), 6p21.3 (MHC region),
cells and mast cells express the high affinity IgE receptor (Fc3RI) 7p22 (CARD11), 10q21.2 (ZNF365), 11q15.4 (OR10A3/NLRP10),
and release cytokines and chemical transmitters (e.g. histamine) 20q13 (CYP24A1/PFDN4) have been reported to be an AD-related
via binding of allergen-specific IgE to induce inflammation. region based on genome-wide linkage analysis from Japanese
Th22 cells produce IL-22 after migrating to the skin; likely, via samples.17
regulation by activated cutaneous dendritic cells, which induces
epidermal acanthosis.10 S100 protein produced by epidermal 2.4. Factors involved in onset and exacerbation
damage further activates lymphocytes.11 When considering clinical pathology, factors associated with
disease onset and worsening should be taken into account. In
2.2.3. Pruritus addition to adherence to treatment, exposure to environmental
AD skin lesions release various substances (pruritogens), factors including allergens and stimuli in the work place and daily
including cytokines and chemokines (e.g. IL-31, IL-4, and TSLP), and environment, life-style factors, and temperature, in addition to
chemical mediators that induce pruritus. These substances act on dysregulation of physiological changes in skin function are associ-
nerves and thereby induce itching, which ultimately leads to ated with maintenance and exacerbation of dermatitis. A feeling of
scratching behavior. Scratching results in the further worsening of warmth, sweating, wool fibers, psychological stress, food, alcohol
dermatitis. Skin hypersensibility can be observed in chronic in- drinking, and the common cold are considered to be particularly
flammatory conditions such as AD. Hypersensibility may be important as induction and exacerbating factors of itch in AD. The
partially caused by the extension of the cutaneous sensory nerve details relative to onset and exacerbating factors and their specific
fibers to immediately below the horny cell layer of the skin surface measures will be discussed below.
due to dryness or inflammation.12 An abnormal hypersensitivity
reaction in which algesia or heat pain stimulation induces itching 2.5. Diagnostic criteria
has also been reported for AD.13 Besides dermatitis, visual and Based on the “Definition and Diagnostic Criteria for AD” pre-
auditory stimulation suggestive of itching, such as the skin pared by the JDA, patients meeting three basic items are regarded
scratching sound, induces itching and becomes prominent in AD.14 as having AD regardless of the severity of symptoms: (i) pruritus;
Imbalances between the sympathetic nerve system and the (ii) typical morphology and distribution of the eczema; and (iii)
N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369 359

chronic or chronically relapsing course (Table 1).1 AD-suspected 2.6.2. Childhood/school-age (2e12 years old)
patients are regarded as having acute or chronic eczema, and di- From early childhood to school age, eruptions on the face
agnoses are made based on their age and courses. It is essential to decrease, instead, eruption is typically observed on the neck, axilla,
differentiate the disorders which should be ruled out in diagnosis of cubital fossa, popliteal fossa, inguinal area, wrist, and ankle. In se-
AD and be familiar with the complications of AD. Internationally, vere cases, eruptions extend to the face and limbs, while repeated
the diagnostic criteria prepared by Hanifin and Rajka in 198018 and scratching leads to repeated erosions and blood crusts. Lichen
by U. K. Working Party19 are widely used. papule and prurigo may develop on the limbs. Dry skin- or goose
bump-like follicular papules may be observed on the trunk and

2.6. Characteristics of eruption 2.6.3. Adolescence/adulthood (13 years and older)

2.6.1. Infancy (younger than 2 years of age) After puberty, eruptions are more likely to develop on the upper
Eruptions usually initially develop on the cheek, forehead, or body including the face, neck, chest, and back. In addition, face and
head appearing as skin dryness followed by papules during early neck involvement and a prurigo on the trunk and extremities may
infancy. With a slight delay after the occurrence of facial symptoms, be observed. In severe cases, eruptions extend all over the body
exudative erythema develops in intertriginous zones such as the resulting in erythroderma.
neck, axilla, cubital fossa, and the popliteal fossa, moreover, ery-
thema and papules also develop on the trunk and extremities. 2.6.4. Characteristics of eruption
The eruption presents morphological characteristics of both
eczema and dermatitis. The manifestation can be divided into acute
Table 1
and chronic lesions. Patients with AD are likely to have dry skin
Definition and diagnostic criteria for atopic dermatitis by the Japanese Dermato-
logical Association. (dried skin, xeroderma, dry skin, atopic skin) across all age groups.
This characteristic is not visible in absence of inflammation of the
skin; however, it is remarkable in the presence of dermatitis.
Atopic dermatitis is a pruritic, eczematous dermatitis; its symptoms chronically
fluctuate with remissions and relapses. Most individuals with atopic Eruptions immediately after acute onset, present with erythema
dermatitis have atopic diathesis. and papules. Some may have vesicles and erosion. Repeated
Atopic diathesis: (i) personal or family history (asthma, allergic rhinitis and/or scratching results in thickened skin caused by mechanical irritation
conjunctivitis, and atopic dermatitis); and/or (ii) predisposition to forming lichenified lesions and prurigo nodularis.
overproduction of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies.
Diagnostic criteria for atopic dermatitis
1. Pruritus
2. Typical morphology and distribution
2.7. Severity assessment
(1) Diagnostic criteria for eczematous dermatitis Precise severity assessment is essential for appropriate selection
 acute lesions: erythema, exudation, papules, vesiculopapules, scales and of treatment. While overall severity is assessed, assessment of the
crusts severity of the local lesion (i.e. individual eruption) is also impor-
 chronic lesions: infiltrated erythema, lichenification, prurigo, scales and
tant to select the topical drug to be applied locally.
(2) Distribution
 Symmetrical 2.7.1. Overall assessment of severity
Predilection sites: forehead, periorbital area, perioral area, lips, There are several methods proposed for severity assessment.
periauricular area, neck, joint areas of limbs, trunk
The easiest method is to use the “Severity index” as outlined in the
 Age-related characteristics
Infantile phase: starts on the scalp and face, often spreads to the trunk
“Guidelines for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis” developed by
and extremities the MHLW Research Group. According to this “Severity index”, the
Childhood phase: neck, the flexural surfaces of the arms and legs severity of eruption is categorized into mild eruption and eruption
Adolescent and adult phase: tendency to be severe on the upper half of with severe inflammation, and is further subclassified into mild,
body (face, neck, anterior chest and back)
moderate, severe, and most severe depending on relative propor-
3. Chronic or chronically relapsing course (usually coexistence of old and new
lesions) tion of the lesions to the body surface area. If there is an eruption
 More than 2 months in infancy associated with strong inflammation, even partially, it is classified
 More than 6 months in childhood, adolescence and adulthood as moderate or severe (Table 2). It is a simple and easy-to-use index
Definitive diagnosis of atopic dermatitis requires the presence of all three
for guiding treatment.
features without any consideration of severity
Other cases should be evaluated on the basis of the age and clinical course with
Severity classification methods with verified statistical reli-
the tentative diagnosis of acute or chronic, non-specific eczema. ability and validity include the Atopic Dermatitis Severity
Differential diagnosis (association may occur)
Contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, prurigo simplex, scabies, miliaria,
ichthyosis, xerotic eczema, hand dermatitis (non-atopic), cutaneous
lymphoma, psoriasis, immunodeficiency diseases, collagen diseases Table 2
(systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis), Netherton syndrome. Severity index.
Diagnostic aids
Family history (bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and/or conjunctivitis, atopic Mild: Only mild eruption are observed irrespective of the area.
dermatitis), personal history (bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and/or Moderate: Eruption with severe inflammation are observed in less than 10% of
conjunctivitis), follicular papules (goose skin), elevated serum IgE level. the body surface area.
Clinical types (not applicable to the infantile phase) Severe: Eruption with severe inflammation are observed in 10% to <30% of the
Flexural surface type, extensor surface type, dry form in childhood, head/face/ body surface area.
neck/upper chest/back type, prurigo type, erythroderma type, combinations Most severe: Eruption with severe inflammation are observed in 30% of the
of various types are common. body surface area.
Significant complications
Mild eruption: Lesions are seen chiefly with mild erythema, dry skin, or desqua-
Ocular complication (cataract and/or retinal detachment): especially in patients
mation. Eruption with severe inflammation: Lesion with erythema, papule, erosion,
with severe facial lesions, Kaposi's varicelliform eruption, molluscum
infiltration, lichenification, etc. Modified from Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan.
contagiosum, impetigo contagiosa.
[Guidelines for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis 2008] (in Japanese).
Cited from reference.1
360 N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369

Classification20,21 developed by the JDA, the Severity Scoring of For adult patients, the Skindex-16 and DLQI can be used as QOL
Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) index,22 and the Eczema Area and assessment questionnaires for cutaneous diseases including
Severity Index (EASI).23 The SCORAD index and the EASI are used AD28e30; their Japanese versions are currently available.
internationally. The SCORAD index has been reported in many A Japanese version of the Children's Dermatology Life Quality
English-language papers and has been frequently used in clinical Index (CDLQI) is available for children.31 For younger children, a
research and trials. The maximum score of the SCORAD Index is caregiver, often the mother is the main provider of treatment in
103, and its score can be calculated using a dedicated website many cases. As the burden borne by the caregiver is substantial,
(http://adserver.sante.univ-nantes.fr/Scorad.html). The EASI is questionnaires evaluating “Quality of life in Primary Caregivers of
recommended by the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema children with Atopic Dermatitis” (QPCAD) (19 items)32 and its
(HOME), an international multi-professional group dedicated to abbreviated version QP9 (9 items)15 have been specifically devel-
standardizing AD clinical research outcomes (http://www. oped to evaluate the QOL of primary caregivers. The Japanese
homeforeczema.org/index.aspx). The EASI score chart can be Culturally Modified Version of the CADIS (JCMV-CADIS),16 a modi-
downloaded from the dedicated website (http://www. fied and translated version of the Childhood Atopic Dermatitis
homeforeczema.org/resources.aspx), and assessment training is Impact Scale,33 in which the caregiver responds to questions
available online. Either of the above methods can be selected, regarding the QOL of both the affected children and the caregiver,
however, it is recommended that the simple “Severity index” be adapted to Japanese patients, is also useful.
used for routine clinical practice and the international EASI or
SCORAD index for clinical research or trials. 2.8. Useful biomarkers for diagnosis and severity assessment
(Supplementary Table 1)
2.7.2. Assessment of eruption severity 2.8.1. Serum IgE levels
Selection of topical steroids, a key treatment, depends on “the A high serum total IgE level is observed in patients with allergic
severity of individual eruption”.1 That is, a sufficiently potent diseases, however, a clear cut-off cannot be established because its
topical therapy is selected for severe eruption even though the distribution greatly overlaps with that of healthy individuals. In
affected area is limited, while a potent topical therapy is not patients with AD, a total serum IgE level of 500 IU/mL or higher is
necessary for a milder eruption even if effects are more extensive. commonly observed.34 Serum total IgE level may represent allergic
The severity of the eruption is categorized into 2 to 3 levels ac- diathesis rather than short-term disease activity in AD. However, it
cording to the above-mentioned assessment methods. can be an indicator of long-term response in severe cases as the
high serum total IgE level decreases after several months of follow-
2.7.3. Assessment of pruritus up.
Itching is the most important feature of AD. As it is difficult to In addition, patients with AD are often sensitized to multiple
assess itching objectively, the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the allergens including mites, house dust, pollen, fungi, and food. These
numeric rating scale (NRS) are often used to obtain a patient's allergens can be detected by specific serum IgE antibody tests and
subjective assessment.24 In VAS, patients are instructed to mark the skin prick test, however, it should be noted that non-specific
one point on a 100-mm long horizontal line in accordance with the sensitization is often observed, that is, the presence of positive
degree of pruritus, and the distance (mm) from the left end to the specific IgE antibodies is not always causally related to the exac-
marked point is evaluated as the pruritus scale score, regarding the erbation of symptoms. In examining the causal relation between
left end “no itch” as 0 and the right end “the worst imaginable itch” allergens and symptoms, an adequate medical interview is a
as 100. fundamental approach.
For the NRS, patients are instructed to rate verbally their itch
using an 11-point scale from 0 (“no itching”) to 10 (“the worst 2.8.2. Peripheral eosinophil count
imaginable itch”). Subjective itch and insomnia due to itching can Peripheral eosinophilia is more significant in patients with AD
be assessed using the SCORAD index, and neither VAS nor NRS are compared to other allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma or
suitable indexes. A good correlation of these methods with itching allergic rhinitis. As the peripheral eosinophil count increases with
has been reported.24 disease severity, it can be a marker for disease progression.

2.7.4. Assessment by patients 2.8.3. Serum lactate dehydrogenase level

The Patient Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) is a severity Serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level increases in more
scale, which was specifically designed to measure severity by the severe cases, thus, it acts as a marker of disease progression. An
patient and/or patient's caregiver using a questionnaire (For increase in LDH levels may reflect tissue damage caused by skin
adults: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/cebd/ inflammation, and it returns to normal level when eruption is
documents/methodological-resources/poem-for-self- resolved. Nonetheless, in cases in which LDH levels remain
completion.pdf, For children: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ elevated, complications due to other diseases leading to tissue
research/groups/cebd/documents/methodological-resources/ damage should be suspected and a differential diagnosis should be
poem-for-proxy-completion.pdf).25,26 It is useful in sharing considered.
treatment goals between the physician and patient as has been
shown to correlate with assessment by physicians. A self- 2.8.4. Serum thymus and activation regulated chemokine level
administered patient-oriented SCORAD index (PO-SCORAD) has Thymus and activation regulated chemokine (TARC: CCL17) is a
also been reported.27 ligand of the chemokine receptor CCR4 and induces Th2 cell
migration.35 Serum TARC in patients with AD increases consistently
2.7.5. Assessment of quality of life with severity, and testing for TARC levels is covered by the national
The quality of life (QOL) of patients with AD is tends to decrease insurance as it reflects disease progression more strongly than
because of itching, issues regarding appearance, and burden of either serum IgE levels, LDH levels, or peripheral eosinophil
treatment, among others. To provide QOL-conscious treatment, a counts.35,36 Moreover, patient education and treatment can be
QOL assessment questionnaire, which is verified to be statistically reviewed using serum TARC levels as an index.37 However, test
valid, is used. values should be carefully interpreted because TARC levels are
N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369 361

generally higher in younger children, especially in children under 2 reduce inflammation and itching, and to maintain remission by
years of age.38 concurrent use of moisturizing agents. Cases showing no
improvement in eruption even after a 4-week treatment with
3. Treatment approaches topical drugs or severe cases should be referred to a dermatologist.
3.1. Goal of treatment
The goal of treatment is to reach and maintain a state in which a) Use of TCS
symptoms are absent or mild without being disturbed in daily ac- Selection of rank. In Japan, TCS are generally classified into 5
tivities by the disease and drug therapy is not required. Even when ranks: strongest (Group 1), very strong (Group 2), strong (Group 3),
this level is not reached, the objective is to maintain a state in which medium (Group 4), and weak (Group 5) (Table 3). It is important to
symptoms are mild without rapid exacerbations that affect daily adequately select drugs at a rank that matches the severity of each
activities. eruption and use them at the required volume for the required
period (Table 4).
3.2. Treatment measures Severe cases: primarily acute and progressive severe inflam-
Treatment measures for AD basically consist of drug therapy, matory lesions, retractable lesions such as lichenification, ery-
skin care for physiological abnormalities in the skin and in- thema, multiple papules, multiple scratch scars, or prurigo
vestigations/elimination of exacerbating factors based on its path- nodularis are observed. Use of a very strong or strong class TCS is
ogenesis. These measures are important, and are adequately the first-line treatment.
combined for individual patients based on the grade of symptoms Moderate cases: primarily inflammatory findings of moderate
and background. or less severe erythema, scales, and a few papules, and scratch scar
Atopic dermatitis is a multifactorial disease involving genetic are observed. Use of a strong or medium classes of TCS is the first-
predispositions. There is currently no treatment that can line drug treatment.
completely cure this disease. However, in the lesion site, a further Mild cases: primarily mild-dry skin, mild erythema, and scales
inflammation-related reduction in skin barrier function, enhanced are observed, and the use of medium class or weak rank TCS is the
irritability and scratching-related stimuli deteriorate eczema, first-line drug treatment.
leading to viscous cycle of inflammation. Therefore, controlling Slight cases: Primarily dryness with negligible inflammation are
inflammation by drug therapy will also reduce AD-exacerbating observed. Use of a emollient is the first-line drug treatment.
factors. Although there is no need to decrease the rank because of age, for
infants and children the duration of use should be carefully moni-
3.3. Drug treatment tored, as efficacy is likely to appear in a short time in these age groups.
3.3.1. Topical anti-inflammatory drugs
Currently, these agents are used to provide adequate attenua- Selection of vehicles. Vehicles, such as ointment, cream, lotion
tion of inflammation in AD. The efficacy and safety of topical cor- and tape preparations, need to be selected based on lesion char-
ticosteroids (TCS) and tacrolimus ointments (topical calcineurin acteristics/sites. Ointment should be basically selected in order to
inhibitor) have been examined in numerous clinical studies.
Table 3
Hydrocortisone was the first TCS developed in 1952 and has Rank of topical corticosteroids.
been used as topical drug therapy for AD for over 60 years. Efficacy
and safety of TCS have been examined in many clinical studies.39 Strongest
0.05% clobetasol propionate
TCS are often used as a first-line anti-inflammatory topical agent 0.05% diflorasone diacetate
for both children and adults. Very strong
Tacrolimus ointment is an inhibitor of calcineurin. Proto- 0.1% mometasone furoate
picⓇointment 0.1% was approved and introduced as a second-line 0.05% betamethasone butyrate propionate
0.05% fluocinonide
anti-inflammatory topical drug in 1999, and ProtopicⓇointment
0.064% betamethasone dipropionate
0.03% was approved and introduced for use in children in 2003. 0.05% difluprednate
Both are now approved and marketed in over 75 countries. 0.1% amcinonide
Other topical agents include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory 0.1% diflucortolone valerate
drugs (NSAIDs), which have an extremely weak anti-inflammatory 0.1% hydrocortisone butyrate propionate
effect and are not an uncommon cause of contact dermatitis; in- 0.3% deprodone propionate
dications for their application is narrow. It is important to promptly 0.1% dexamethasone propionate
and effectively attenuate inflammation in AD; thus, combination 0.12% dexamethasone valerate
strategies of TCS and tacrolimus ointments should be considered as 0.1% halcinonide
0.12% betamethasone valerate
a basis of treatment. The extent of inflammation should be appro-
0.025% fluocinolone acetonide
priately understood by inspection and to adequately apply these Medium
agents to a sufficient degree. 0.3% prednisolone valerate acetate
0.1% triamcinolone acetonide
(1) Topical corticosteroids (TCS) 0.1% alclometasone dipropionate
0.05 clobetasone butyrate
TCS are used as a basic drug in treatment of AD, and its intensity 0.1% hydrocortisone butyrate
(rank) should be fully comprehended in order to select the most 0.1% dexamethasone
appropriate TCS, based on the severity of the individual lesions and Weak
to use different dosage forms of topical steroids according to the 0.5% prednisolone
features and site of lesions in order to maximize their anti-in- As of September 2016. Cited from reference1 with modification. In the guidelines
flammatory effects. Adequate instructions and education should be adopted in the USA, corticosteroids are classified into seven ranks (I, very high
given to patients to improve adherence. potency; II, high potency; IIIeIV, medium potency; V, lower-medium potency; VI,
low potency; VII, lowest potency).40 In Europe, they are classified into four ranks
If eruption is maintained stable with suitable treatment, AD can (very potent, potent, moderately, mild).41 When referring to international clinical
be expected to achieve remission. It is important to use appropriate trial data, it must be considered that the rank classification of topical corticosteroids
TCS, to promptly proceed with remission induction therapy to differs from that in Japan.
362 N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369

Table 4 gradually tapered or administered intermittently. Moreover, an

Severity of eruption and topical corticosteroid (TCS) application. effort to transition from TCS to tacrolimus ointments is made.
Severity Eruption TCS application

Severe Primarily severe swelling/ Use of very strong or strong

Discontinuation of topical drug treatment. When attenuation
edema/infiltration or erythema rank TCS is the first-line of inflammation symptoms is achieved, TCS should not be dis-
with lichenification, multiple treatment. Strongest rank TCS continued abruptly, they should be gradually tapered or adminis-
papules, severe scales, crusts, are also available for refractory tered intermittently while maintaining remission. Topical drugs
vesicles, erosion, multiple pruriginous nodules if sufficient
can be discontinued, if possible, however, proactive therapy, as
excoriations and pruriginous effects are not achieved by
nodules applying very strong rank TCS discussed below, should be considered for patients with repeated
Moderate Primarily moderate erythema, Use of strong or medium rank
scales, a few papules and TCS is the first-line treatment
If TCS are suddenly discontinued in adult patients after pro-
excoriations longed use on the face or genitals, erythema, flushing, edema,
papules, and pustules may appear and worsen.45 In such cases, the
Mild Primarily dryness, mild Use of medium or weak rank
erythema and scales TCS is the first-line treatment patient should be referred to a dermatologist.
Slight Primarily dryness with Topical application of
negligible inflammation medicines other than TCS c) Side effects of TCS
(emollients) Systemic side effects. While adrenal function suppression has
Cited from reference.1
been reported in some cases after the use of strong TCS,46,47 adrenal
TCS, topical corticosteroid. function suppression and growth disorders have not been observed
with the use of weak rank TCS.48,49 If these drugs are used appro-
priately, less systemic side effects and higher safety can be ex-
treat this disease, which involves dryness. On the other hand, when pected.
the oily sensation of ointment use reduces adherence to topical
preparations (e.g. summer), a cream base is sometimes selected Local side effects. Skin atrophy, capillary dilatation, steroidal
while avoiding the erosive surface or scratching marks. Lotion base acne, steroid flushing, trichopsis, and progression of microbes/fungi
is basically used for scalp lesion. Use of tape preparations would be and viral skin infection can occur in some cases, however, they can
considered for pruriginous lesions and lichenified lesions. also be resolved with drug discontinuation or appropriate treat-
ment. Skin atrophy has been reported after the long-term use of the
Way of application. i) Volume: A volume (~0.5 g) measuring very strong class of TCS, when compared to similar use in healthy
5 mm in diameter that is pushed out from a tube to an area be- subjects. There are no reports of serious side effects after prolonged
tween the tip and first joint of the second finger is appropriate for use of TCS, thus, most side effects are transient and can be resolved
two palms of British adults, that is, approximately 2% of the body with reduced frequency of topical application, with the exception of
surface area of adults (fingertip unit)42 (Supplementary Table 2). lineae atrophicae of the skin. Rosacea-like dermatitis is a TCS-
This may be adopted as a reference, considering the physical status induced side effect presenting erythema, capillary dilatation,
of Japanese individuals and the tube size of topical corticosteroids follicular papules, and pustules, and is mainly observed on the face
available in Japan. On the other hand, the appropriate volume of adult patients after prolonged use of TCS. If the TCS is stopped
would change according to some factors including skin constion abruptly, erythema and edema may worsen.45 If these symptoms
and vehicle of topicas agent. are observed, the patient should promptly be referred to a
ii) Frequency of application: As a rule, TCS should be applied dermatologist.
twice a day (morning and evening: after bathing) in cases of acute
exacerbation. When inflammation is reduced, the frequency of (2) Tacrolimus
applications should be decreased to once a day to induce remission. Tacrolimus inhibits the activity of intracellular calcineurin. It
Further evidence needs to be accumulated in order to determine reduces inflammation via an action mechanism that differs from
whether efficacy differs between twice-a-day and once-a-day ap- that of corticosteroids. Tacrolimus ointment can be expected to
plications. However, several randomized controlled studies and show a high level of effectiveness for AD-related eruption, which
systematic reviews reported no significant difference in efficacy was difficult to treat with topical corticosteroids, considering
between twice-a-day and once-a-day applications.43 It is generally adverse reactions.
recognized that even a once-a-day application exhibits potent ef- The efficacy of this drug depends on drug absorption: the site of
fects. If the number of applications is low, the incidence of adverse application and barrier function. It is recognized as a drug to be
reactions may be low, thereby improving adherence. Therefore, frequently indicated for the eruption on the face and neck. How-
topical corticosteroids should be applied twice a day to control ever, there are restrictions for its application that differ from topical
acutely exacerbated eruptions for an early recovery. When the corticosteroids: tacrolimus ointment cannot be applied to erosive
condition subsides, topical corticosteroids should be applied once a or ulcerative surfaces, and its drug efficacy is limited. This drug
day to achieve remission. must be administrated according to the “Guidance for the Appli-
cation of Tacrolimus Ointment in Patients with Atopic Derma-
b) Consideration for the use of TCS titis”.50 Tacrolimus ointment is available at the following
Regions of application. The absorption rate of topical steroids concentrations: 0.1% for adults and 0.03% for children. It cannot be
by skin region is 13.0 on the cheek, 6.0 on the neck and 42 on the selected for children aged 1 year or younger as its safety has not yet
scrotum, with the extensor surface of forearm defined as having a been established for this age group. Its application should also be
rate of 1.0.44 Such skin regions having a high drug absorption rate avoided in lactating women.
require attentive monitoring for the development of local side ef-
fects due to TCS treatment, and prolonged use should be avoided. a) Volume
For the face, medium class or lower raked TCS are generally used, A volume of 0.1 g (corresponding to a volume squeezed by 1 cm
while drugs consistent with the severity rank are used for severe from a 5-g tube commercially available in Japan) is appropriate for a
dermatitis to introduce prompt remission, and then, drugs are 10-cm square. Based on the findings of a long-term observational
N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369 363

study involving adults, the upper limit of the volume of a 0.1% In AD, histological evidence of inflammatory cells is still present
ointment per session for adults was established as 5 g to avoid an despite the normal appearing skin following the resolution of
increase in its blood concentration and maintain its safety. In inflammation; inflammation can easily relapse due to external or
accordance with the physical status, the maximum volume of a internal factors.51 In such cases, markers indicating disease pro-
0.03% ointment per use was established as 1 g for children aged gression, such as TARC, do not decrease to normal levels in many
2e5 years (bodyweight, <20 kg), 2e4 g for those aged 6e12 years cases. During this latent inflammation stage, proactive treatment
(bodyweight, 20e50 kg) and a maximum of 5 g for those aged 13 with anti-inflammatory topical drugs including TCS or topical
years or older (bodyweight, 50 kg). The target volume of this tacrolimus may prevent relapse of inflammation.52 However, it is
ointment per area measuring 10 cm 9 10 cm is 0.1 g (1-cm volume important to transition from successive application of anti-in-
pushed out from the 5-g tube commercially available in Japan). flammatory topical drugs to proactive treatment based on labora-
tory data indicative of disease progression, such as TARC levels,
b) Way of application after the dermatitis has fully improved and there is no evidence of
Irritative symptoms, such as a transient burning sensation and itching or erythema, and in absence of any slight elevation of skin
hot flushes, often appear at the site of application. However, these on palpation. Moreover, dose, application range, and the time to
symptoms appear at the start of treatment, and most symptoms complete the treatment of topical drugs should be determined
disappear with improvements in eruption. This should be individually for each patient. Development of side effects should be
explained to patients before the start of treatment. This ointment is also carefully monitored. Proactive treatment should be performed
very effective for the face and neck, in which its percutaneous ab- in collaboration with a physician experienced in the evaluation of
sorption is favorable. This ointment should be indicated when cutaneous symptoms of AD or in the evaluation of cutaneous
conventional therapy with TCS is ineffective (e.g. sites in which symptoms in general. During proactive treatment, continuation of
local adverse reactions to TCS are observed) or when physicians daily skin care with moisturizing topical drugs is recommended.
hesitate to administrate TCS due to adverse reactions.
The efficacy of this ointment (0.1% for adults) for the trunk and 3.3.2. Antihistamines
limbs may be similar to that of strong-class topical corticoste- Controlling pruritus is important treatment approach in AD.
roids.50 When treating the site of severe eruption, which requires Efficacy of antihistamines has been examined in combination with
potent drug efficacy, very-strong-class or stronger TCS should anti-inflammatory topical drugs such as TCS, tacrolimus ointments,
initially be used to reduce eruption, as a rule. The regimen should and moisturizing drugs, and beneficial effects on reducing itch have
then be switched to tacrolimus ointment. The volume of TCS can be been reported in 75% of 26 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) con-
decreased in many cases by combining them with this ointment. If ducted in Japan and abroad. These RCTs studied the efficacy of
an improvement in eruption is achieved by this ointment, the in- antihistamines in relieving itching as a primary endpoint, and the
terval of application should be prolonged at an appropriate time. some studies reported improvement of cutaneous symptoms, dose
This ointment should not be used in sites/eruption areas in reduction of TCS, lowered drug rank, and improvement of sIL-2R
which blood transfer of this drug may increase and enhance irri- and TARC levels. Therefore, the use of antihistamines is recom-
tability, that is, mucosa/genital areas and erosive/ulcerative sur- mended as an adjuvant therapy to anti-inflammatory topical
faces. Occlusive dressing technique and superposition methods therapy for AD. There is no reliable evidence for the efficacy of
should not be adopted because they may increase the blood antihistamines alone in the treatment of AD, therefore, use of an-
transfer of this drug. When erosive/ulcerative surfaces are mark- tihistamines alone without combination with anti-inflammatory
edly affected, the application of this ointment should be started topical drugs is not recommended.
after the amelioration of the eruption using other topical drugs. Antihistamines include sedative antihistamines (first-genera-
tion) with relatively strong anticholinergic and sedative effects and
c) Adverse reactions non-sedative antihistamines (second-generation) causing less
A burning sensation, pruritus and erythema have been identi- drowsiness and impaired performance (impaired concentration,
fied as local adverse events. These symptoms decrease or disap- judgment, and reduced operating efficiency without subjective
pear with improvements in eruption in many cases. Furthermore, sleepiness) and anticholinergic activity with less fatigue. Based on
the appearance of infectious diseases of the skin, such as sec- the extent these central effects, of histamine H1 receptor occu-
ondary skin infections with bacteria and viral infections (e.g. pancy in the brain, antihistamines have been divided into 3 groups:
herpes simplex, molluscum contagiosum and verruca), must be sedative, 50% or more occupancy; mildly sedative, 50e20%, and
considered. Skin atrophy, which is observed with the longterm use non-sedative, 20% or less; the H1 receptor occupancy of almost
of TCS, has not been confirmed. Tacrolimus is detected in the second-generation antihistamines has been demonstrated to be
blood following its topical application. Individual differences have 30% or less53 (Supplementary Table 3). As there is no difference in
been reported in blood levels of tacrolimus due to differences in treatment efficacy between sedative and non-sedative anti-hista-
percutaneous absorption (application of 0.1% tacrolimus: 1 ng/ mines, it is recommended that a non-sedative antihistamine be
mL). Neither systemic adverse events nor toxicity related to blood selected.54
transfer has been confirmed. We should explain patients about According to the package insert of the antihistamine ketotifen,
precautions for use written in its package insert, and should obtain this agent is contraindicated in patients with epilepsy or a history of
their consents. epilepsy, and careful administration of clemastine, hydroxyzine,
cetirizine, and levocetirizine is indicated for patients with convul-
(3) Proactive therapy sive disorders. Convulsions are reported as a serious side effect of
Proactive therapy is used to maintain remission via the appli- chlorpheniramine, cyproheptadine, and loratadine treatment.
cation of topical steroids or intermittent topical tacrolimus (e.g. Thus, special attention is needed when administrating these agents
twice a week) to recurrently relapsed eruptions, in addition to children.
following treatment in the acute phase, skin care with moisturizing
topical drugs is also introduced after remission. In contrast, reactive 3.3.3. Cyclosporin
therapy is used to control inflammation with anti-inflammatory The efficacy of cyclosporin for AD has been demonstrated in
topical drugs on relapse. many countries in Europe and the USA.55 It has been approved for
364 N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369

use by patients with AD. The use of cyclosporin was approved for massive application of TCS classified as potent/very-potent3
patients with severe adult AD who do not respond to conventional groups according to the classification used in Europe (especially
treatments, showing eruption with marked inflammation involving 300 g or more). Therefore, attention should be paid to the volume
30% or more of the body surface area.56 of TCS used and fetal growth. Furthermore, it is important to
The initial dose of this drug is 3 mg/kg per day. Its administra- favorably control dermatitis before pregnancy in order to avoid
tion should be completed in 8e12 weeks. Factors such as ne- this anxiety. If the application of TCS to the breasts of lactating
phropathy, hypertension and infection must be considered during women is necessary, care must be taken to prevent infants from
therapy with cyclosporin. As the safety of its long-term adminis- directly ingesting TCS.
tration has not yet been established, it is important to promptly
switch cyclosporin therapy to conventional topical treatment after 3.4. Skin care
the amelioration of symptoms. Intermittent administration 3.4.1. Topical moisturizers
involving a 2-week or much longer period of discontinuation In AD, the skin barrier functions and moisturizing factors are
should be performed if long-term administration is necessary. impaired. The use of moisturizer products improve moisture con-
tent in the stratum corneum and leads to the prevention of allergen
3.3.4. Oral corticosteroids invasion and relapse of dermatitis, as well as suppression of itching
A double-blind randomized controlled study has not yet been by recovering and maintaining skin barrier functions.61,62 More-
conducted to investigate the effects of oral corticosteroids on AD. over, skin care with moisturizers immediately after birth and
However, these drugs have sometimes been used to induce the thereafter, decreases the risk of onset of AD.63,64
remission of acute exacerbation or severe/the most severe condi- An essential aim of skin care for dry skin is topical administra-
tions. Although they are known to be effective, long-term oral tion of hydrophilic ointments (oil in water: O/W) with a high
corticosteroid therapy induces various serious systemic adverse moisture-retaining property or water-absorbing ointments (water
reactions; therefore, longterm AD control with oral corticosteroids in oil: W/O) to supplement the reduction of the moisture-retaining
is not recommended. If necessary, administration should be properties on the skin surface.
completed in a short period. It is especially recommended to apply moisturizers immediately
after bathing. Topical moisturizers should be applied all over the
3.3.5. Considerations regarding pregnant or breastfeeding body including sites that appear to be normal. Continuous use of
mothers moisturizer products even after achieving remission of dermatitis
Dietary restrictions (elimination of food allergens) for pregnant with topical anti-inflammatory drugs is also useful to maintain the
or breastfeeding mothers to prevent the onset of AD cannot be remission.65
recommended. There is the possibility that AD may be exacerbated
and transferred to the infant after ingestion of food allergens such 3.4.2. Bathing, showering and washing
as eggs through breast milk, however, these infants should be In AD, besides the adhesion of topical drugs and body fluids (e.g.
carefully diagnosed based on the results of food elimination and sweat) to the lesions, sebum and colonization of infectious patho-
food challenge tests (via breast milk).57 gens such as Staphylococcus aureus may also adhere, and may act as
Administration of antihistamines during pregnancy which is exacerbating factors of cutaneous symptoms. Therefore, keeping
considered safe can be administered if it is deemed therapeutically the skin clean is important to maintain the skin's physiological
beneficial. Most antihistamines that have been demonstrated not to functions. In general, bathing and showering are encouraged to
increase the risk of congenital anomalies based on epidemiological clean skin and appropriate moisturizing and skin protective agents
observational studies and meta-analyses belong to first-generation and anti-inflammatory topical drugs are used if necessary. The
agents. Among the second-generation antihistamines, loratadine optimal bathing and cleaning procedure in AD varies depending on
and cetirizine have been reported not to be associated with the individual patient, season, and symptoms in the same patient.
congenital anomalies in epidemiology studies.58e60 However, it is
important to use these agents according to the information on (1) Temperature
package inserts and the latest reports on safety. The temperature of hot water in bathing/showering should be
As for administration of these drugs during breastfeeding, only a set at about 38e40  C because the itching response is induced at a
minimal amount of drug will be transferred to breast milk. How- skin temperature of 42  C or higher, while 36e40  C is the optimum
ever, second-generation antihistamines are recommended consid- temperature for recovery of skin barrier functions.66e68 Water is
ering the potential for irritability and drowsiness in infants caused diffused and evaporated from the skin surface immediately after
by first-generation sedative antihistamines. With regard to indi- bathing resulting in dry skin, thus, the skin should not be left
vidual drugs, careful consideration of the contents of package in- without the application of a moisturizing agent for an extended
serts and the latest information on safety profiles is also necessary. time after bathing.
During both pregnancy and breastfeeding, topical steroids are
considered safe, so they can be used without any concern about (2) Soap and/or detergent
effects on the fetus of infant. Although long-term use of high doses Although there is no high quality evidence demonstrating the
of higher ranked topical steroids (300 g or more) may result in efficacy of using soap or detergent for AD, symptoms have been
lower birth weight, complications are unlikely to occur with shown to improve without experiencing exacerbation in patients
normal use.58 who did not use soap with prolonged bathing in a case series
Standard TCS therapy shows low-level absorption in systemic study of commonly used soap preparations.69 As the major
circulation, and neither congenital anomalies nor the influence on component of soap and/or detergent is surfactants, excessive
fetal growth has been raised as an issue. However, we cannot rule abuse of these products may exacerbate skin dryness. Moreover,
out the possibility that birthweight may be decreased by the additives contained in detergent, such as pigment and perfume,
are believed to irritate the skin. Based on the above, the use of
soap and/or detergent may be useful to keep the skin clean,
In Europe, TCS are classified into four ranks (very potent, potent, moderately, however, skin conditions that vary according to age, site, and
mild).41 season, type and usage of soap or detergent should be considered.
N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369 365

The use of soap should be limited to a minimum in patients with medical history, skin tests, and blood tests, as well as the oral
severe cases, during dry seasons, and in those sensitive to strong challenge test after eliminating causal food. For example, clinical
irritation by soap or detergents. In contrast, soap and detergents symptoms alone or positive results to a specific IgE antibody alone
should be used aggressively in patients with oily skin or for seb- should not be used as a basis for diagnosis. If ingestion of certain
orrheic skin, in sites where ointment is applied every day, and in food is restricted because it is perceived to be a likely allergen, it can
sites exhibiting recurrent skin infections to avoid exacerbating be considered useful treatment for AD. AD is multifactorial, and
factors. Removal of residues on the skin should be removed using elimination of food allergens is an adjuvant therapy to drug ther-
a minimal degree of mechanical irritation, and adequate rinsing of apy, thus, it should be recognized that complete remission is not to
the skin in necessary to remove residual detergent is also be expected with elimination of food allergens even after clarifying
important. the involvement of food allergens.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the allergen
3.5. Search for exacerbating factors and measures elimination diet for pregnant women in 2000. However, a sys-
3.5.1. Non-specific irritation tematic review of randomized comparative studies of allergen
Non-specific irritation present in daily-life such as contact with elimination diets in pregnant or breastfeeding mothers conducted
saliva, sweat, hair, and friction against clothes may exacerbate AD. between 2006 and 201272 reported that dietary restrictions with
As even minor stimulation, including irritation from the rough the aim of eliminating allergens these women did not show any
texture of clothes, such as from wool, and contact from the tip of the efficacy in preventing the onset of AD in neonates or in infants up to
hair can induce itchiness on sensitive skin due to skin dryness or 18 months of age. Furthermore, dietary restrictions may have a role
eczema, appropriate measures should be taken, for example, in limiting adequate weight gain during pregnancy and may
choosing suitable nonirritating clothing, cutting hair short, or tying worsen nutritional status among children leading an increased risk
up hair. of immature births. Based on the above, dietary restrictions
In addition, the residues from shampoo, conditioner, and soap or (allergen elimination) in pregnant or breastfeeding mothers may
excessive use of these agents may induce irritant dermatitis, thus, not be useful to prevent the onset of AD in children.
providing instructions on appropriate cleansing methods is
important. 3.5.4. Inhaled allergens
Irritation from scratching is extremely important as an exacer- AD after infancy may experience progression due to the pres-
bation factor of AD. In addition to dermatitis treatment to reduce ence of environmental allergens such as mites, house dust, pollen,
itch, cutting nails short, and wearing gloves, long sleeves and long and pet hair.73 Whether these allergens are to be considered
pants while sleeping, if necessary, so that scratching does not cause exacerbating factors for eruption should be carefully evaluated by
skin damage, may be helpful in some cases. comprehensively considering medical history, environmental
changes, and changes in eruption features, and should include re-
3.5.2. Contact allergy sults of elimination tests and challenge tests, if possible, rather be
Contact allergy to topical drugs, cosmetics, perfume, metal, based on judgment of clinical symptoms alone, or by specific IgE
shampoo, hair conditioners, and disinfectants may case progression antibody titer, or skin prick test results. Similar to handling of food
of eczema.70 When expected treatment efficacy for AD cannot be allergens, eliminating environmental allergens is an adjuvant
achieved, when the distribution of eczema is not typical, and when therapy to pharmacotherapy and skin care; thus, it should be noted
AD onset or progression has occurred recently in an adult patient, that complete remission cannot be expected by eliminating these
complications due to contact allergy should be suspected. In such allergens alone.
cases, observe whether the eczema can be resolved by avoiding
contact with a potential causal agent, and confirm the diagnosis by
3.5.5. Useful specific IgE antibodies to inhaled allergens
a patch test.
Mites and pollen (from cedar, cypress, white birch, Alnus
japonica, Anthoxanthum odoratum, cocksfoot, and ragweed), ani-
3.5.3. Food allergens
mals (from pets including dogs, cats, other mammals, birds, and
Food allergens may be present in patients with AD pathology,
hamsters), and fungi (from aspergillus and malassezia).
especially during infancy. However, a systematic review has re-
Measures for avoiding exposure to mites: Vacuum futons (Jap-
ported that there is only weak evidence of the efficacy of an
anese-style bedding, bed, or covers), use anti-mite sheets, prohibit
allergen elimination diet in treating AD in children and adults
stuffed toys on beds, etc.
without any clear involvement of food allergy.71 The allergen
Pets: Give up pet(s), wash pet(s), prohibit pet(s) in the bedroom.
elimination diet presents nutritional issues associated with po-
Pollen: Brush off all pollen on clothes when arriving home, wash
tential growth and development impairment when undertaken
face. Use protective glasses and masks against pollens. Use oral
during childhood; thus, allergen elimination therapy should be
antihistamines, eye drops, and nasal sprays.
provided under the close surveillance of physicians. Except for
cases in which progression of AD due to a certain food is confirmed,
3.5.6. Sweating
the elimination of a specific food because it is likely to become an
Disturbances in perspiration as well as excess sweat remaining
allergen is not recommended. In order to eliminate a specific food
on the skin surface exposed to high-temperatures and humidity
from the diet, an allergen elimination test should be conducted
may worsen symptoms of AD. Malassezia-derived allergens found
after adequate anti-inflammatory therapy for AD. If no improve-
in sweat residues on the skin surface that have not evaporated may
ment is achieved in cutaneous symptoms even after anti-
lead to worsening of symptoms.74 High-temperatures and humidity
inflammatory therapy with appropriate intensity and sufficient
on the skin surface occludes sweat pores and induces perspiration.
doses of TCS, food allergens causing progression of eczema should
To protect the skin surface from having excessive sweat, and un-
be identified. If AD is poorly controlled because of inadequate
dergarment made of breathable and low hygroscopic fabric should
topical therapy, making a definitive diagnosis will be difficult.
be worn to avoid high-temperatures and humidity, and appropriate
The involvement of food allergens should be determined with
measures such as showering, rinsing using running water, wiping
reference to the results of interview to obtain detailed previous
366 N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369

with wet towels, and changing wet clothes after sweating should modification, including changes in lifestyle habits, and relaxation
be adopted. training.
Among patients with AD, some sweat normally, while others
produce moderate amounts (scanty sweat).75 Inspection and 3.6.3. Habitual scratching behavior
palpation are helpful in determining whether a patient's sweating In situations where gain from illness can be obtained through
is normal. Significant dryness of the skin, flushing, and heat sen- scratching behavior, habitual scratching is likely to occur because of
sations are important findings indicating poor perspiration. operant conditioning. When parents attempt to interrupt their
child's scratching behavior or in situations in which a conflict exists
3.5.7. Bacteria and fungi among siblings, this can represent a potent instrument to draw
It is known that S. aureus is often detected in the lesion of pa- parental affection or attention from the rival. In severe patients,
tients with AD, and S. aureus may be an exacerbating factor of AD. anxiety and feelings of hopelessness regarding prognosis and
The role of bacteria in AD is largely unknown, however, bacterial treatment are respondently conditioned through the repeated
flora analysis of the skin has recently revealed its involvement in paired presentation with the perception of itching sensation, thus,
clinical conditions. On the skin of children with AD, it has been patients are conditioned to instigate scratching behavior as a result
reported that the diversity of the bacterial flora of the skin de- of a stimulus induced by anxiety, even in the absence of a conscious
creases in the exacerbation phase, and the proportion of S. aureus itching sensation.
increases.76 The results of studies in animal models have shown
that abnormal bacterial flora including the presence of S. aureus 3.6.4. Patient education
may induce AD-like dermatitis, and maintenance of normal bac- Psychosomatic interventions with verified efficacy in RCTs have
terial flora with antibiotic treatment can inhibit the occurrence of reported results limited to behavioral science approaches, such as
dermatitis.77 behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy,82 while the
There have been no reports suggesting that administration of efficacy of psychoanalysis and counseling with attentive listening
oral antibiotics is effective for AD in the absence of infection, thus, have not been demonstrated. Implementing a comprehensive
administration of oral antibiotics is not recommended.78 approach to patient education using behavioral science techniques
The potential involvement of fungi on the pathology and such as appropriate drug therapy, supportive stress-reduction
worsening of AD has been suggested based on the results of training, including relaxation training and cognitive behavioral
measuring specific IgE antibodies levels to candida or malassezia therapy, behavioral therapy to stop habitual scratching, coaching to
and skin prick test results in patients with AD.79 However, a clear improve therapy adherence, and motivational interviewing83 are
correlation with the clinical conditions is still unknown. While important.
there are some reports showing that oral antifungal drugs are
effective for AD,80 topical antifungal drugs have been shown to 3.7. Ultraviolet irradiation therapy
be effective for eruptions on the head and neck,81 there have Ultraviolet (UV) therapy is considered for non-responders to
been no large-scale studies to date, thus, careful use is treatments with topical anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines or
recommended. moisturizers, as well as for patients with adverse reactions to
conventional treatments.1 Narrow-band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB)
3.6. Psychosomatic involvement irradiation therapy has been demonstrated to be effective in the
It is well known empirically that AD can be worsened by stress. treatment of AD.84 When administrating UV therapy, it is important
AD is known to be associated with concomitant developmental to initially consider whether it should be indicated, and it should
disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; however, also be carefully performed by UV therapy-skilled physicians who
such diagnosis is not helpful for treatment. When AD is poorly sufficiently understand the action mechanism, radiation dose,
controlled, psychological burden or secondary cognitive abnor- acute skin disorders, deterioration of concomitant infectious dis-
malities can occur, however, these patients should not be perceived eases, various long-term adverse reactions, including skin cancer,
as “special” by clinicians, and comprehensive treatment should be and management methods. Ultraviolet irradiation therapy can be
provided to all patients with specific attention to psychosomatic used for children with psoriasis beginning at 10 years of age and
interaction. older, but is not recommended for children younger than 10 years
of age.85
3.6.1. Verification of drug therapy and patient adherence
Clinical features of AD mainly consist of a reduction of epidermal 3.8. Hospital care
barrier functions and allergic inflammation, to which scratching It is difficult to induce remission in some severe patients in
contributes to induce a vicious circle of these symptoms; this cycle whom the area of eruption is extensive with topical anti-
cannot be interrupted without the elimination of itching through inflammatory agents. Hospital care is indicated for such patients.
appropriate drug therapy and improvement in treatment adher- Some severe patients exhibit acute exacerbation, whereas severe
ence. As persistence of itching is a trigger of various secondary dermatitis is chronically protracted in others. Both types of patients
physical or mental disorders and behavior abnormalities, intense should be admitted, with hospital care being more significant for
medical treatment and patient education on specific procedures the latter.
and implementation schedules are required. Careful patient edu- In patients with chronically protracted severe dermatitis, there
cation is essential for prevention and to overcome misconceptions are problems regarding disease activity, patient adherence and
associated with steroid treatment. aggravation factors as background factors. Hospital care may make
it possible to thoroughly perform intensive topical therapy with
3.6.2. Understanding of stressor effects as exacerbating factors isolation from the daily environment, establish a health-care
Adolescents often experience progression of skin conditions professionalepatient relationship of mutual trust, review trig-
due to tension before school exams and lack of sleep. They also gering factors/application methods/skin care and overcome these
often experience progression of skin exacerbation by fever or high problems in the early phase. Several hospitals reported that such
temperature. Such stressors are unavoidable factors; however, therapeutic interventions improved long-term prognoses after
these may be surmounted by stress management and behavior patient discharge.86 In addition, it is often the case that patients can
N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369 367

Fig. 3. Algorithm for the management of atopic dermatitis.

not continue appropriately the drug treatment, resulting in unex- practice guidelines for a period of about 1 month, referral to a
pected effects. For such patients with moderate to severe AD, specialist or to a specialized facility should be considered.2
hospital care would be considered as required. Because continuous When prominent erythema, scars from scratching, erosion,
topical treatment is required after the discharge of severe patients lichenification, or prurigo is observed, or a wide range of erythema
for whom hospital care is indicated, it is essential to understand like erythroderma is observed, referral to specialist should be
their conditions and treatment methods. Therefore, the goal of considered. In addition, when infection to bacteria or virus is
hospital care is to achieve the early remission of dermatitis by concomitantly observed, or a detailed examination of the exacer-
intensive topical therapy and improve adherence through educa- bating factors including food allergies and contact allergy is
tional guidance. necessary, referral to specialist should also be considered.

3.9. Patient education 3.11. Treatment procedures

For AD mainly treated by topical therapy at outpatient clinics, Treatment procedures for AD are shown in Figure 3. After
patients and their families have a key role in treatment. It is making an accurate diagnosis and evaluating its severity, appro-
essential that the patient's family properly understands the pa- priate treatment methods should be combined in accordance with
tient's clinical conditions and the treatment required in order to the state of eruption. In the initial consultation, it is important to
improve adherence and achieve successful treatment. explain the condition of AD and treatment methods to patients and
Different approaches have been successful in many studies have a common understanding with them.
regarding children, specifically, education by a multidisciplinary
medical team, group work by a specialized nurse, educational
Appendix A. Supplementary data
hospital-stay for a short period of time, and education using online
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
videos.83,87e90 Other than above, websites and leaflets for young
patients have been developed and have been used as educational
tools for patients with AD in Japan.91 In clinical practice, these tools
Conflict of interest
should be selected as effective and feasible educational methods Each committee member declared the status of potential conflict of interest
taking into consideration the individual patient's characteristics (COI) based on the standards of conflict of interest stipulated by their respective
and medical care system provided at the treating facility. Confir- institute of affiliation (or The Japanese Association of Medical Sciences COI man-
agement guidelines at http://jams.med.or.jp/guideline/coi_guidelines.pdf [in Japa-
mation on the use of topical drugs is important and appropriate
nese]). The costs to develop these guidelines have been supported by: grants for
instructions should be provided before changing treatment, not research from the Japanese Dermatological Association (JDA); Grant-in-Aid for Sci-
only during the treatment introduction phase, but also when the entific Research from the MHLW (as a Research Project on Measures for Intractable
expected efficacy of the therapy cannot be obtained. Diseases [Research on Allergic Disease and Immunology]). Committee members
have not received any remuneration for developing the guidelines or attending
related meetings. There has been no intervention by the JDA or Japanese Society of
3.10. Referral to a specialist Allergology (JSA) that may influence the contents of the guidelines. To avoid any
When no improvement of eczema is observed even after influence by potential COIs, if any, on the guidelines, all recommendations were
implementing treatment in accordance with the present clinical determined based on consensus voting, rather than on individual opinion, in
368 N. Katoh et al. / Allergology International 69 (2020) 356e369

reference to the opinions of the representatives of the JDA and JSA (public 25. Charman CR, Venn AJ, Ravenscroft JC, Williams HC. Translating Patient-
comment). Oriented Eczema Measure(POEM)scores into clinical practice by suggesting
Members of the Committee for this guidelines and their relatives defined severity strata derived using anchor-based methods. Br J Dermatol 2013;169:
within the first degree of consanguinity self-reported whether or not they had 1326e32.
received some remuneration that corresponds to one of the following categories 26. Gaunt DM, Metcalfe C, Ridd M. The Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure in young
from companies or other bodies involved with the diagnosis or treatment of AD. The children: responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference. Allergy
target period was between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2017: (i) directors' or advisors’
27. Stalder JF, Barbarot S, Wollenberg A, Holm EA, De Raeve L, Seidenari S, et al.
fees; (ii) shares of profit; (iii) royalties; (iv) lecture fees; (v) manuscript fees; (vi)
Patient-Oriented SCORAD(PO-SCORAD): a new self-assessment scale in atopic
research costs; (vii) scholarship donations; (viii) chairs donated by companies or dermatitis validated in Europe. Allergy 2011;66:1114e21.
other bodies; and (ix) Relevant company/organization: traveling costs or gifts. 28. Takahashi N, Suzukamo Y, Nakamura M, Miyachi Y, Green J, Ohya Y, et al. Acne
Corresponding companies and bodies: QOL questionnaire development team. Japanese version of the Dermatology
NK: Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma (iv, vii), Maruho (iv, vii), Novartis Pharma (vi), life quality index: validity and reliability in patients with acne. Health Qual Life
Kyowa Hakko Kirin.(iv, vi), Torii Pharmaceutical (iv), Taiho Pharma (iv, vii), Sanofi Outcomes 2006;4:46.
(vi), Mochida Healthcare (vi), YO: Maruho (iv), HS: Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma (iv, 29. Fukuhara S, Suzukamo Y. [Japanese version of DLQI and Skindex-29]. [Allergy
vii), Maruho (iv, vii), Tokiwa Pharmaceutical (vii), Torii Pharmaceutical (vii), Eisai Pract] 2007;358:23e7 (in Japanese).
(vii), Taiho Pharma (iv), Kyowa Hakko Kirin (iv), Kyorin Pharmaceutical (iv), Sanofi 30. Higaki Y, Kawamoto K, Kamo T, Horikawa N, Kawashima M, Chren MM. The
(iv), TF: Maruho (iv), HM: Maruho (iv), Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma (iv), Taiho Pharma Japanese version of Skindex-16: a brief quality-of-life measure for patients
(iv), Sanofi (iv), TN: Maruho (viii), NS: Torii Pharmaceutical (iv), IK: Maruho (iv), MH: with skin diseases. J Dermatol 2002;29:693e8.
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma (iv, vii), Maruho (iv, vii), Novartis Pharma (iv, vi), Taiho 31. Ohya Y, Sasaki R, Matsumoto M, Shiozaki M, Katsunuma T, Kawahara H, et al.
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(CDLQI)]. [Jpn J Allergol] 2002;51:265 (in Japanese).
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