Module 4 Individual Development Plan

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Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental
Strengths Developmental Needs Intervention) Timeline Resources Needed

Learning Objectives Intervention

of the PD Program

Monitored and Apply a range of Orientation of Attend : School Local Funds/

evaluated learner teaching strategies to elementary and Division Orientation Personal Funds/
progress and develop critical and secondary teachers On The Adoption Of May - September Teacher/
achievement using creative thinking as on the adoption of Blended Delivery HT/MT/School
learner attainment well as other higher blended delivery Model For Teacher Heads/Division
data order thinking skill model for teachers Personnel

Applied knowledge of Manage classroom Orientation of Attend: School Local Funds/

content within and structure to engage elementary and Division Orientation Personal
across the curriculum learners individually or secondary teachers On The Adoption Of Funds/Mobile
teaching areas in groups, in on the adoption of Blended Delivery May - September Devices/Internet
meaningful blended delivery Model For Teacher Connection/Teacher/
exploration discovery model for teachers HT/MT/School
and hands-on activities and introducing the Division Webinar Use Heads/Division
within a range of use of technology of ICT series Personnel
physical learning in teaching learning
process in the DLM

Select, develop, Teaching Attend: School Local Funds/

organized and use elementary and Division Webinar On May - September Personal
appropriate teaching secondary teachers The Use Off ICT Series Funds/Mobile
and learning resources on the use of Devices/Internet
including ICT to technology/ICT in Connection/Teacher/
address learning goals teaching learning HT/MT/School
process in the DLM Heads/Division


Teacher I MAPEH
San Luis National High School

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