Case 8 Underrated Checklist

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September 2019

Human Resources Management

Case Study on The Underrated Checklist: Five Steps to Save Lives

1. How can HR professionals overcome resistance to training?

HR professionals can overcome resistance to training issues through the following:

 Clear plan for the training has to be scheduled
 End output has to be targeted by both trainer and trainee
 Reason for launching the training has to reach every employee
 HR has to build immense interest of employee over the training process
 Employee has to be converted into a learner than a digester of information

2. What method should hospitals use to evaluate IV checklist training?

Pre-post training performance method should be used since the concern is not about the
instruction but about the job behavior of the nurses and doctors. If they understand the
purpose what that specific checklist training is then they will put an importance to it and it
will not just be mechanical. More than just following the instructions, they save lives.

3. Develop a checklist that would make a process more efficient or safe for your
employer or college.
 Final pay computation requirements checklist
 Onboarding checklist - both client and employee
 Offboarding checklist – both client and employee

4. What is the best way to train an employee to use your checklist? How would you
evaluate your training?

Simulation exercises can be one of the best one (depending on the type of work and
type of learners/employees). Through simulation the result can be evaluated by the
employees if someone does not follow the checklist or process. Both pre post training
and post training evaluation can be used to check if it is a job behavior or
knowledge/awareness concern.

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