Car Service Management System: Aim:-Develop The Software Requirements Specifications (SRS)

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Aim:- Develop the Software Requirements specifications (SRS)

document for specific system.

Car Service Management system

1.1 Introduction:-
1.1.1 Purpose Of The System:
This management system provides regularly
maintenance of customer’s cars and also give them
easy availablity of skilled workers/mechanic according
to their vehicle's problem.

This system free their customers from the hardwork

of finding experts in this car servicing field because
these system provides best according to their needs.

The best part of this system is it is easiest to use and

users can book any service for their cars in few seconds
and by the time of 10 to 15 minutes user can know their
car's fault and also what’s the solution of it by our
1.1.2. Scope of the system:
This service management app give advantage to
user for select appropriate plans and subscription for
different time frames to get benefits in price. If they
enrolled in any plan then they get free services
between the time frame of the appropriate plans.

After assigning of services by customer

workers/mechanic get request on their devices and
they can also decide which to accept according to
how much time required and how much money they
get after done the job. By the past record workers can
get information about which service is in demand and
then train their selves according to that.

1.2 General Description Of The System:-

1.2.1 Overall Description:

Car service management app is basically the
cycle between mechanic and customers . The whole
system work according to customer’s request .First of all
customers requests about different services and then
the other side nearby experts get notification on their
device and then they decide to go according to car
model and fault in it. Enrolled customers get one unique
Id No. and at the payment time by giving that unique Id
No. customer don’t need to pay.

1.2.2. Feasibility Study:-

1. Technical Feasibility:
If we see technically then in our system there
is big role of server. By the use of server we can get request
from user and send to the expertise. We can set the hierarchy
of servers network so we can manage the traffic of server by
dividing them to different areas wise. So by the use of different
servers users from every location can get equal response so
they have no issues technically. By the time we can also
upgrade this app to improve services for clients and also add
new features to make more user friendly. The system is reliable
and secure because no one can access sensible data of users
but it can track some basic data for better user experience.

2.Operational Feasibility:
When we talk about operation of these system
then it will purely beneficial to their users so there is High
probability to get support from users. They can also feedback or
give ratings about app's operations and supports management
and their workers. We will give so much services to customer
by 2-3 click on this app and the prices are also affordable so in
majority cases there will not be any resistance from the user
that will undermine the possible application benefits.

3.Economic Feasibility:
As this system will give so much advantage to
their clients this is also economically feasible for organization
because by this online platform they can get so many requests
from users and they hire experts at different locations to satisfy
demand of customers. To make more economically feasible
organization will also give some incentive to their workers after
completion of target service in limited time. So their workers do
more services and then the organization make more profit from

1.3 Functional Requirements:-

1.3.1 Module Description:

- Secure account making and registration for customers.

- Searching mechanism to ease the work for users.
- Notification to users about new packages and services
for their car.
- Most enrolled plans for help users to get the best plans
according to them.
- Give updates about their service after requested some
- Different payment methods for users.
- Feedback and rating system to know what users think
about this service and application.

1.3.2 Functions Of Various User Of The System:

There are mainly 3 users of the product: organization,
workers, customers.

1. Organization:
- This is the main of this system. They have the authority
to choose which plans and services present in app. They
also have power of whom to select according to their

2. Workers:
- The organization of this management system hires
mechanic at different locations to satisfy customer's
service request.
- They will solve different problems of customer's car.
Customer describes their problems at requesting time
and then the nearby workers read them and take action
according to them as soon as possible.
- They also manage payment if payment method is cash
on servicing and also for the online payment in case of
exceed in estimated cost.
- Take feedback from customers after finishing their work
and ratings of individual workers are also calculated by
this app.

3. Customer:
- Registered they self and if already registered then log in.
- Give the personal details and informed about their car
models and problem in the car.
- Pay via this app using different payment methods.
- Contact for different queries by call or email.
- Give their precious feedback about this app.

1.4 Non-Functional Requirements:-

1.4.1 Security:
- To log into the account user need password and id for
security purpose.
- Authorised person also can’t access all data of users
from database they can only access basic data like
which servicing plans or service they prefer most etc.
1.4.2. Reliability:
- It should be reliable system for organization as well as for
customer also.
- it should generate all the updated information in correct

1.4.3 Availability:
- Any basic information about customer should be quickly
available from any computer to the authorized user. The
previously visited customer’s data must also be
maintained and should be made available to the system
authorized by simply entering his registration-Id.(this is
for enhancing the system)

1.4.4 Maintainability:
- The application should be maintainable in such a manner
That if any new requirements occur then it should be
Easily incorporated in an individual module.

1.4.5 Portability:
- the application should be portable in any windows
system incorporating any hardware interface.

1.4.6. Reusability:
- the same system will be used in each new organization
who want To Give same.

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