Cost Estimation and Behaviour
Cost Estimation and Behaviour
Cost Estimation and Behaviour
Cost estimation is the process of developing a well-defined functional relationship between a cost
object and its cost driver(s) in order to understand the cost behavior. The purposes of cost
estimation are:
(1) to identify the key cost drivers for each cost object to help managers control costs
(2) to measure the variable and/or fixed components of the cost item so as to help managers
make correct decisions, and
(3) to predict its value in the future so as to help managers correctly plan for the future.
Cost behaviour describes the way that the total amount spent of a specific cost item on a cost
object reacts to changes in its cost driver(s) (e.g., production quantity or sales volume). There three
possible cost behavior: (i) the total cost may stay the unchanged (i.e., fixed cost), (ii) the total cost
may change proportionately in response to the change in the activity level (i.e.,variable cost), or
(iii) it may partially change proportionally and partially remain constant (i.e., mixed cost). If costs
are mixed, then we need to identify and separate the fixed component from the variable
component. This, in turn, helps us to classify costs as either variable or fixed cost. This
classification helps managers to make optimal decisions and perform their planning and control
Basic assumptions
(1) Changes in total costs can be explained by changes in the level of a single cost driver.
(2) Cost behavior can adequately be approximated by a linear function of the activity level within the
relevant range
Based on the above two assumptions, we can express the relationship between a particular cost
item and its cost driver in a mathematical form using the straight line equation as follows:
y = a + b(x)
1. If the estimated value of a = 0 and b > 0 then we can conclude that the cost behavior
2. If the estimated value of b = 0 and a > 0 then we can conclude that the cost behavior is
3. If the estimated values of both a & b > 0 then we can conclude that the cost behavior is
Substitute the value of b into the basic equation along with actual values of Y and X at either the highest
point or the lowest point into the following equation; then solve for the intercept a:
y = a + b(x)
Total Cost (lowest cost driver level) = a + b(x at lowest quantity of cost driver)
Using the highest cost-quantity pair will give the same answer for the intercept.
Example 1:
Bill Garcia, a management accountant, wants to estimate future maintenance costs for a large
manufacturing company; recent monthly data are as follows:
Garcia would like to estimate an underlying cost function for maintenance costs.
June January
Major Weakness of High-Low Method:
1. H-L method uses only two data points and ignores the rest of the data.
2. H-L method could provide biased estimates if the two data points are outliers.
3. H-L method does not provide information to evaluate how good the estimated function in
representing the cost behavior or how accurate it is in predicting future costs.
4. It allows only one independent variable to explain the behavior of cost.
Regression Analysis
Regression analysis is a statistical method for obtaining the unique cost-estimating equation that
best fits a set of data points. Regression analysis fits the data by minimizing the sum of the
squares of estimation error. Each error is the distance measured from the regression line to one of
the data points. Because it minimizes the estimation errors in this way, regression analysis is also
called least squares regression.
A regression analysis has two types of analysis: Simple regression and multiple regression.
Simple regression uses only one independent variable, while multiple regression uses two or more
cost drivers. Similar to the high-low method, the regression equation has both an intercept and a
slope. In addition, the amount of the estimations error is explicitly considered in the model.
Example 2:
To illustrate a simple, linear regression cost-estimation model, we will repeat
example 1 using OLS techniques. Following is the computer output:
B Std. Error
R-Squared = 0.445
Evaluating the Regression Output
In addition to a cost estimate, regression analysis also provides quantitative measures of its
reliability. Reliability indicates whether the regression reflects actual relationships among the
variables. Three key measures of reliability are explained here: (i) R-squared (also called the
coefficient of determination), (ii) the t-value, and (iii) P value.
– A number between zero and one that describes the explanatory power of the regression (the
degree to which the change in Y can be explained by changes in X)
– A relative measure of “goodness-of-fit” (i.e., the percentage change in Y that can be explained
by changes in X)
– A measure of the statistical reliability of each independent variable in the cost function: does
the independent variable have a valid, stable, relationship with dependent variable?
– Variables with a low t-value should be evaluated and possibly removed to improve cost
– In a multiple-regression model, low t-values signal the possibility of multicollinearity, meaning
two or more independent variables may be highly correlated with each other; removal of one or
more of these variables may be desirable