Cdi 6 Fire Technology and Arson Investigation 1
Cdi 6 Fire Technology and Arson Investigation 1
Cdi 6 Fire Technology and Arson Investigation 1
1550 Espana Blvd. Cor. Lacson Ave., Sampaloc, - Self-sustained chemical reaction
Each component of the tetrahedron
NOTES ON CRIME DETECTION AND must be in place for combustion to occur.
INVESTIGATION Remove one of the four components and
CDI-6: FIRE TECHNOLOGY AND ARSON combustion will not occur. If ignition has
INVESTIGATION already occurred, the fire is extinguished when
one of the components is removed from the
FIRE reaction.
- a rapid, self-sustaining oxidation process
accompanied by the evolution of heat and light OXYGEN (Oxidizing Agent)
of varying intensity - a colorless, odorless gas and one of the
- an active chemical reaction that takes place compositions of air which is approximately
between fuel, heat and oxygen in the form of 21% percent by volume
light and noticeable heat -
- a chemical reaction; the rapid oxidation of a Oxygen sources: Oxygen
fuel producing heat and light requirements:
- an oxidation taking place with a rate rapid 1. 21% of normal oxygen 1. 12% no fire
enough to produce heat and light 2. 78% nitrogen 2. 14% flash point
3. 1% other gases 3. 21% fire
- the branch of knowledge that deals with
industrial arts and sciences FUEL
- the application of such knowledge that is used - the material or substance being oxidized or
to produce the material necessity of society burned in the combustion process.
Examples: GROWTH
1. over current or overload - shortly after ignition, a fire plume begins to
2. arcing form above the burning fuel. As the plume
3. sparking develops, it begins to draw or entrain air from
4. static the surrounding space into the column.
5. lightning
NUCLEAR ENERGY - the transition between the growth and the fully
- generated when atoms either split apart (fission) developed fire stages and is not a specific event
or combine (fusion) such as ignition. During flashover, conditions in
Ex. the compartment change very rapidly as the fire
1. fission heats water to drive steam turbines changes from one that is dominated by the
and produce electricity burning of the materials first ignited to one that
2. solar energy is a product of a fusion reaction
involves all of the exposed combustible - heat transfer within solids or between
surfaces within the compartment. contacting solids
Duct System - A continuous passageway for the Fire Safety Constructions - Refers to design and
transmission of air. installation of walls, barriers, doors, windows, vents,
means of egress, etc. integral to and incorporated into a
Dust - A finely powdered substance which, when mixed building or structure in order to minimize danger to life
with air in the proper proportion and ignited will cause from fire, smoke, fumes or panic before the building is
an explosion. evacuated. These features are also designed to achieve,
among others, safe and rapid evacuation of people
Electrical Arc - An extremely hot luminous bridge through means of egress sealed from smoke or fire, the
formed by passage of an electric current across a space confinement of fire or smoke in the room or floor of
between two conductors or terminals due to the origin and delay their spread to other parts of the
incandescence of the conducting vapor. building by means of smoke sealed and fire resistant
doors, walls and floors. It shall also mean to include the
Ember - A hot piece or lump that remains after a treatment of buildings components or contents with
material has partially burned, and is still oxidizing flame retardant chemicals.
without the manifestation of flames.
Flash Point - The minimum temperature at which any
Finishes - Materials used as final coating of a surface material gives off vapor in sufficient concentration to
for ornamental or protective purposes. form an ignitable mixture with air.
Fire - The active principle of burning, characterized by Forcing -A process where a piece of metal is heated
the heat and light of combustion. prior to changing its shape or dimensions.
Fire Trap - A building unsafe in case of fire because it Fulminate - A kind of stable explosive compound
will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exits or fire which explodes by percussion.
Hazardous Operation/Process - Any act of
Fire Alarm - Any visual or audible signal produced by a manufacturing, fabrication, conversion, etc., that uses or
device or system to warm the occupants of the building produces materials which are likely to cause fires or
or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger of explosions.
fire to enable them to undertake immediate action to
save life and property and to suppress the fire. Horizontal Exit - Passageway from one building to
another or through or around a wall in approximately
Fire Door - A fire resistive door prescribed for the same floor level.
openings in fire separation walls or partitions. Hose Box - A box or cabinet where fire hoses, valves
and other equipment are stored and arranged for fire
Fire Hazard - Any condition or act which increases or fighting.
may cause an increase in the probability of the
occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay, hinder Hose Reel - A cylindrical device turning on an axis
or interfere with fire fighting operations and the around which a fire hose is wound and connected.
safeguarding of life and property.
Hypergolic Fuel - A rocket or liquid propellant which
Fire Lane - The portion of a roadway or public way that consists of combinations of fuels and oxidizers which
should be kept opened and unobstructed at all times for ignite spontaneously on contact with each other.
the expedient operation of fire fighting units. Industrial Baking And Drying - The industrial process
of subjecting materials to heat for the purpose of
Fire Protective And Fire Safety Device - Any device removing solvents or moisture from the same, and/or to
intended for the protection of buildings or persons to fuse certain chemical salts to form a uniform glazing the
include but not limited to built-in protection system surface of materials being treated.
such as sprinklers and other automatic extinguishing
system, detectors for heat, smoke and combustion
Jumper - A piece of metal or an electrical conductor Smelting - Melting or fusing of metallic ores or
used to bypass a safety device in an electrical system. compounds so as to separate impurities from pure
Occupancy - The purpose for which a building or
portion thereof is used or intended to be used. Sprinkler System - An integrated network of
hydraulically designed piping installed in a building,
Occupant - Any person actually occupying and using a structure or area with outlets arranged in a systematic
building or portions thereof by virtue of a lease contract pattern which automatically discharges water when
with the owner or administrator or by permission or activated by heat or combustion products from a fire.
sufferance of the latter.
Standpipe System - A system of vertical pipes in a
Organic Peroxide - A strong oxidizing organic building to which fire hoses can be attached on each
compound which releases oxygen readily. It causes fire floor, including a system by which water is made
when in contact with combustible materials especially available to the outlets as needed.
under conditions of high temperature.
Vestibule - A passage hall or antechamber between the
Overloading - The use of one or more electrical outer doors and the interior parts of a house or building.
appliances or devices which draw or consume electrical
current beyond the designed capacity of the existing Vertical Shaft - An enclosed vertical space of passage
electrical system. that extends from floor to floor, as well as from the base
to the top of the building.
Owner - The person who holds the legal right of
possession or title to a building or real property.
Collection of Liquid Samples for Accelerant Testing
Oxidizing Material - A material that readily yields Liquid accelerants may be collected with
oxygen in quantities sufficient to stimulate or support a. New syringe
combustion. b. Siphoning device
c. Evidence container itself
Pressurized Or Forced Draft Burning Equipment - d. Sterilize cotton balls or gauge pads may also be
Type or burner where the fuel is subjected to pressure used to absorbed the liquid
prior to discharge into the combustion chamber and/or
which includes fans or other provisions for the Where liquid accelerants are believed to have become
introduction of air at above normal atmosphere pressure trapped in porous materials such as concrete floor:
into the same combustion chamber. a. Lime
b. Diatomaceous earth
Public Assembly Building - Any building or structure c. flour
where fifty (50) or more people congregate, gather, or
assemble for any purpose. Collection of liquid evidence absorbed by solid
materials including soils and sand:
Public Way - Any street, alley or other strip of land a. Scooping
unobstructed from the ground to the sky, deeded, b. Sawing
dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated for c. Scraping
public use. d. Core drilling
Pyrophoric - Descriptive of any substance that ignites Collecting of Solid samples for accelerant testing
spontaneously when exposed to air. Solid accelerant may be common household materials
and compounds or dangerous chemicals. When
Refining - A process where impurities and/or collecting solid accelerants:
deleterious materials are removed from a mixture in a. The fire investigator must ensure that the solid
order to produce a pure element of compound. It shall accelerant is maintained in physical state in
also refer to partial distillation and electrolysis. which is found
b. Some incendiary materials remain Corrosive
Self-Closing Doors - Automatic closing doors that are and Reactive
designed to confine smoke and heat and delay the c. Ensure the corrosive nature of these residue
spread of fire. does not attack the packaging container