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FIRE TECHNOLOGY AND ARSON - heat energy is measured in units of Joules (J),

INVESTIGATION however it can also be measured in Calories (1

BY: VIRGILIO A. BERINGA, JR. Ph.D. Crim. (In- Calorie = 4.184 J) and BTU's (1 BTU = 1055 J)
FIRE - a measure of the degree of molecular activity
- a rapid, self-sustaining oxidation process of a material compared to a reference point
accompanied by the evolution of heat and - a measure of the degree of molecular activity
light of varying intensity of a material compared to a reference point
- an active chemical reaction that takes place - measured in degrees Farenheit or degrees
between fuel, heat and oxygen in the form of Celsius
light and noticeable heat
- a chemical reaction; the rapid oxidation of a ºC ºF Response
fuel producing heat and light 37 98.6 Normal human
- an oxidation taking place with a rate rapid oral/body temperature
enough to produce heat and light 44 111 Human skin begins
to feel pain
ELEMENTS OF FIRE OR TRIANGLE OF FIRE 48 118 Human skin receives
a first degree burn injury
FUEL 55 131 Human skin receives
- anything that will burn when heated with a second degree burn injury
sufficient oxygen 62 140 A phase where
burned human tissue becomes numb
OXYGEN 72 162 Human skin is
- aids in combustion; comes from the instantly destroyed
atmosphere we breath; the atmosphere 100 212 Water boils and
contains: 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen and 1% produces steam
impurities 140 284 Glass transition
HEAT temperature of polycarbonate
- source of ignition 230 446 Melting temperature
of polycarbonate
TRIANGLE OF FIRE 250 482 Charring of natural
For many years, the fire triangle (oxygen, fuel and cotton begins
heat) was taught as the components of fire. While 300 572 Charring of modern
this simple example is useful, it is NOT technically protective clothing fabrics begins
correct. 600 1112 Temperatures inside
a post-flashover room fire

OXYGEN (Oxidizing Agent) Types of Energy (common sources of heat)

- a colorless, odorless gas and one of the 1. Chemical Energy
compositions of air which is approximately 21% 2. Electrical Energy
percent by volume 3. Nuclear Energy
4. Mechanical Energy
- the material or substance being oxidized or CHEMICAL ENERGY
burned in the combustion process. - the most common source of heat in combustion
Fuel sources
1. Solid When any combustible is in contact
- molecules are closely packed together with oxygen, oxidation occurs. The reaction
2. Liquid of this process results in the production of
- molecules are loosely packed heat.
3. Gas ex. Heat generated from burning match, self
- molecules are free to move heating (spontaneous heating)


- the energy component of the fire tetrahedron - can generate temperature high enough to
- when heat comes into contact with a fuel, the ignite any combustible material near the heated
energy supports the combustion reaction area
Examples: - shortly after ignition, a fire plume begins to form
1. over current or overload above the burning fuel. As the plume develops, it
2. arcing begins to draw or entrain air from the surrounding
3. sparking space into the column.
4. static
5. lightning FLASHOVER
- the transition between the growth and the fully
NUCLEAR ENERGY developed fire stages and is not a specific event
- generated when atoms either split apart (fission) such as ignition. During flashover, conditions in
or combine (fusion) the compartment change very rapidly as the fire
Ex. changes from one that is dominated by the
1. fission heats water to drive steam turbines and burning of the materials first ignited to one that
produce electricity involves all of the exposed combustible surfaces
2. solar energy is a product of a fusion reaction within the compartment.


- an energy created by friction and compression - occurs when all combustible materials in the
compartment are involved in the fire
1) Heat of friction - the movement of two surfaces
against each other, thus producing sparks DECAY
2) Heat of compression - heat is generated when - as the fire consumes the available fuel in the
a gas is compressed in a container or cylinder compartment, the rate of heat released begins to
Combustion is a complex reaction that requires a fuel THREE (3) STAGES OF FIRE
(in the gaseous or vapor state), an oxidizer, and heat 1. Incipient phase
energy to come together in a very specific way. Once 2. Free burning phase
flaming combustion or fire occurs, it can only 3. Smoldering
continue when enough heat energy is produced to
cause the continued development of fuel vapors or 1. INCIPIENT STAGE
gases. Scientists call this type of reaction a “chain - initial stage of fire
A chain reaction is a series of reactions that occur in - normal room temperature
sequence with the result of each individual reaction - oxygen plentiful
being added to the rest. - thermal updraft rise accumulates at higher
FIRE DEVELOPMENT - temperature at 1000 F
- Producing C02, CO, SO2, water and other
When the four components of the fire tetrahedron gases
come together, ignition occurs. For a fire to grow
beyond the first material ignited, heat must be 2. FREE BURNING PHASE
transmitted beyond the first material to additional fuel - a phase of burning in which materials or
packages. structures are burning in the presence of
adequate oxygen
Stages of Fire
- Ignition Characteristics
- Growth - fire has involved more fuel
- Flashover - oxygen supply has depleted
- Fully-developed - heat accumulates at upper area
- Decay - temperature exceeds 1,330 F
- area is fully involved
- describes the period when the four elements of 3. SMOLDERING PHASE
the fire tetrahedron come together and - final phase of burning wherein flame ceases but
combustion begins dense smoke and heat completely fill the
confined room

g. Fire point- the temperature at which the
MODES OF HEAT TRANSFER material will give off ample vapors to keep
Heat is by-product of combustion that is of h. Flash point- the temperature at which the
significant importance to the firefighter. It is heat that material is not hot enough to keep burning,
causes fire to sustain its combustion and, more but still gives off enough vapors to cause a
important, to extend. When heat given off as a flame across the surface
product of combustion is exposed to an unheated
substance, certain changes occur that can make the 3. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
new substance a contributing factor in extending a a. Endothermic reaction- are changes
fire. whereby energy is absorbed or is added
before the reaction takes place
CONDUCTION b. Exothermic reaction- reactions or
- heat transfer within solids or between contacting changes that releases or give
solids off energy
c. Oxidation- a chemical change in which
CONVECTION combustible material and an oxidizing
- heat transfer by the movement of liquids or material react
gasses d. Combustion or flame-the manifestation of
fire is in its gas-phased combustion;
RADIATION matter that is produced by fire.
- heat transfer by electromagnetic waves Material Ignition Temperature
The last form of heat transfer occurs by radiation. As Gasoline 536 280
we have already seen, heat energy can be Kerosene 410 210
transmitted directly when molecules collide with one Turpentine 488 253
another and cause the waves of heat energy to Paper 842 450
travel. Wood 489 254
Coal 750 400
- heat may be conducted from one body to another CLASSIFICATIONS OF FIRE
by direct flame contact
1. Physical properties - involves fires without direct human
2. Chemical Properties intervention
a. Specific gravity- the ratio of the weight of a - Typhoon
solid or substance to the weight of an equal - Lightning
volume of water - Spontaneous combustion arising
b. Vapor density- the weight of volume of pure from the storage of combustible
gas compared to weight of a volume of dry materials in poorly ventilated places
air at the same temperature and pressure - Explosion from petroleum products,
c. Vapor pressure- the force exerted by the alcohol and other substances
molecules on the surface of the liquid at the - Sun rays focused on glasses which
equilibrium may serve as a convex lens
d. Temperature- the measure of the thermal
degree of the agitation of molecules of a B. ACCIDENTAL FIRE
given substance; the measure of the - Carelessly discarded cigarettes
molecular activity within the substance - Careless disposition of readily
e. Boiling Point- the constant temperature at combustible materials
which the vapor pressure of the liquid is - Poorly managed or defective heating
equal to the atmospheric pressure facilities
f. Ignition temperature- the minimum - Overheating, spark and electrical
temperature to which the substance in the air defects
must be heated in order to initiate or cause - Overload electric circuits/ Octopus
self-contained combustion without addition of connections
heat from outside sources - Children playing matches
- Use of candles
Factors to Consider in Extinguishment:
- is one deliberately set under 2. Weather (temperature, humidity, wind)
circumstances in which the person 3. Fire ( ex. Extent, location, bldg construction,
knows that the fire should not be set contents involved)
4. Occupancy
D. UNDETERMINED FIRE CAUSE 5. Ventilation (used for clearing the bldg of
- whenever the cause cannot be smoke and gases)
proven, the proper classification is
undetermined Types of Ventilation:
a. Vertical ventilation - must be worked from the
b. Cross or horizontal ventilation - used if gases
CLASS A have not reached the higher level through the
- ordinary solid materials such as wood, paper, opening of windows
fabrics, etc. c. Mechanical force ventilation - a method
- this will be indicated by deep cited fire, leaves whereby a device such as smoke ejector is
ashes and embers (glowing coals) after burning utilized to remove faster excessive heat and
dense smoke
- flammable liquids such as gasoline, lube oil, Factors to determine the location for the opening:
kerosene, paint thinner, etc. 1. Location of intensity of fire
2. Highest point on the roof
CLASS C 3. Direction of wind
- electrical appliances; causes electric shock 4. Existing exposure
5. Extent of fire
CLASS D 6. Obstruction
- metal fire such as magnesium (white element
burning with dazzling light), sodium (a silver white ADDITIONAL BASIC TACTICS USED IN
metallic element), etc.; creates violent reaction EXTINGUISHING FIRE
1. RESCUE - any action taken by the
CLASS E firefighters to remove occupants/ persons
- flammable gases such as LPG, LNG, etc.; also from building/ hazards to a safety place
creates violent reaction 2. OVERHAUL - a complete and detailed
checked of the structures and materials
FIRE EXTINGUISHMENT involved in the fire to make sure that every
spark and ember has been extinguished and
EXTINGUISHING AGENT to have assurance against re-ignition
1. Class A – water (all agents) 3. SALVAGE - an action taken by the
2. Class B – foam/carbon dioxide (all agents) firefighters in preventing excessive damage
3. Class C – carbon dioxide/powder (never use by fire, water with the use of salvage cover or
water, soda acid and foam) by removing materials out from the burning
4. Class D – special powder building
5. Class E – all agents
Types of ladder
METHODS OF EXTINGUISHMENT 1. Ground ladders (10 to 55 ft. long)
1. COOLING – heat absorption. 2. Aerial ladders
2. SEPARATION – the removal of the fuel.
3. SMOTHERING – by expelling oxygen Purposes of ladders
4. Inhibition or the interruption of chemical a. for rescue
chain reaction b. to stretch line into a fire building
c. to provide ventilation by giving access to places
Strategies Used in Firefighting: that are hard to reach
1. Locate the fire
2. Confine the fire
3. Extinguish the fire
4. Exposures
Forms of ground ladders
a. Wall City/Provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over
b. Extension arson cases.
c. Hook or straight ladder
d. Attic ladder LAWS ON ARSON
LADDER TERMINOLOGY 1. Article 320 – 326 of the Revised Penal Code
1. Bed ladder - the lowest section of an 2. PD 1613
extension ladder 3. RA 7659
2. Fly ladder - the top section of an extension - An Act to Impose Death Penalty on Certain
ladder Heinous Crimes, amending for that purpose
3. Butt - the bottom end of a ladder the Revised Penal Code as amended, other
4. Heel - the part of the ladder that touches the special laws, and for other purposes
ground 4. RA 6975 Sec. 54
5. Halyard - a rope or cable used to raised the - provides that the Fire Bureau shall have the
fly ladder power to investigate all causes of fires and if
6. Pawl or dog - the mechanism located at the necessary file the proper complaint with the
end of the fly ladder that locks to the bed City/Provincial Prosecutor who has
ladder jurisdiction over the case
7. Rung - the cross member of the ladder that is
used for climbing What Constitutes Arson?
8. Top or tip - it is the top part of the ladder 1. Burning
9. Hooks - part of a ladder that is used to hook 2. Willfulness – means intentional and implies
over a roof peak, sills, or walls where the that the act was done purposely and
heel does not rest on a foundation. (roof type intentionally
ladders) 3. Malice – denotes hatred or ill will or a desire
10. Stops - made of metal or wood blocks used for revenge; deliberate intention of doing
to prevent the fly of an extension ladder from unjustified harm for the satisfaction of doing it
extending out further from the ladder 4. Motive – the moving cause which induces the
11. Guides - light metal strips of an extension commission of a crime; something that leads
ladder that guides the fly ladder while it is or influences a person to do something
being raised or lowered 5. Intent – the purpose or design with which the
act is done and involves the will; an essential
ARSON INVESTIGATIVE GUIDE AND element of crime, motive is not
Why is arson very hard to investigate?
- the willful and malicious burning of all kinds Arson is one of the most difficult offenses to
of buildings and structures including personal investigate because the arsonist can be able to set a
properties fire and escape undetected. The fire can consume
the scene and destroy much physical evidence of the
INVESTIGATION offense. Harder forms of evidence are often buried in
- an art that deals with the identity and location debris and grossly altered in appearance.
of the offender and provides evidence of his
guilt in criminal proceedings What Constitutes Burning?
 The mere fact that a building is scorched or
ELEMENTS OF ARSON discolored by heat is not sufficient nor will
1. Actual burning took place bare intention or even an attempt to burn a
2. Actual burning is done with malicious intent house amount to arson, if no part of it is
3. The actual burning is done by person(s) burned.
legally and criminally liable  Yet, if there is actual ignition of any part of
the building, arson is committed, although
LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE there be no flame or the fire immediately
The law on arson in the Philippines is goes out of itself.
covered by Articles 320 to 326 of the Revised Penal  To burn means to consume by fire and in the
Code, as amended by PD No. 1613, PD No. 1744, case of arson, if the wood is blackened but
and Sec. 50 Rule VIII IRR of RA 6975 which provides no fibers are wasted, there is no burning, yet
that the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) shall have the wood need not be in flame or blaze, and
the power to investigate all causes of fires and, if the burning of any part, however, small is
necessary, file the proper complaint with the sufficient to constitute arson, and if the house
is charred in a single place so as to destroy
the fibers of the wood, it is sufficient to prior to discovery of the fire, he can
constitute arson. reasonably suspect there is possibility that
the person who sets the fire entered the
What is Attempted Arson? building with a key. Doors and windows
What is Frustrated Arson? showing signs of forced entry may point to
What is Consummated Arson? arson preceded by burglary or arson by
someone without a key to the premises.
Basis of Liability in Arson:
1. Kind and character of the building, whether of Motives of Arson
public or private ownership.  Motive is the moving cause which induces a
2. Its location, whether in an uninhabited place person to commit a crime.
or in a populated place.
3. Extent of damage caused; and Is Motive Necessary to be Proven in Criminal
4. The fact of its being inhabited or not. Proceedings?
 No. motive is not necessary to be proven in
Some of the Arson Evidence that the Investigator criminal proceedings but once motive is
should seek at the Fire scene are the following: shown, then intent can easily established.
1. Unusually rapid spread of the fire.  In the crime of arson, the distinction between
2. Where it originated? motive and intent is clearly defined. INTENT
3. Separate fires – when two or more separate is a material element of arson while motive is
fires break-out within a building, the fire is not. INTENT is the purpose of design with
certainly suspicious. which the act is done and involves the will
4. Unusual odors – the odor of gasoline, while MOTIVE is what induces the criminal.
alcohol, kerosene and other inflammable
liquids are indicated by their characteristics Motive Can Be Established By:
and oftentimes, arsonists are trapped I. Economic Gain
because of this tell tale signs. 1. Desire to move
5. Objects that appear to be foreign to the 2. Property Transaction
scene such as cans, candles, matches,
explosives, electrical appliances such as Concealment of Crime:
irons, heating elements, clocks, radios, Punitive Measure:
flammables, trailers, etc. - An arsonists may use fire as a means of
6. Charring pattern may indicate fire punishing another person for reason of
characteristics. The fact that the fire feeds on jealousy, hatred or revenge.
combustible while propagating itself,
indicates that the char will generally be Intimidation or Economic Disabling:
deepest from where the fire originates. When - The fire may be used as a weapon of the
a fire is extinguished quickly, the charring is saboteurs, the strikers or the racketeers to
only slightly below the surface. Fire burning intimidate or to disable economically as a
for a longer period of time will indicate a char step toward forcing submission to certain
that is deep and pronounced. These facts are demands.
most apparent in the charring of wood as a
fire burns. The charring from fire on woods Pyromania
looks like the hide of a black alligator. Fire – is the uncontrollable impulse of a person to
extinguished quickly on wood will show a burn anything without motivation.
large alligatoring pattern that has not Pyromaniacs usually do not run away from
penetrate the wood to any extent. Fire the scene of the crime, usually alone and feel
burning for a long period of time on wood will satisfied watching the flame
show small alligatoring pattern but the char
will go deep into the wood. The direction of Types of Pyromaniacs:
fire can also be taken into consideration with 1. Abnormal Youth – Epileptics, imbeciles and
charring. The exposed side of combustible morons may set fire without knowing the
will have a deeper char than the unexposed seriousness of the act.
side. 2. The Hero Type – a person may set fire on a
7. Evidence of forcible entry or lack of same may building, subsequently pretends to discover it
be important depending on the and turn in the alarm so that he will appear a
circumstances at the time of the fire. If the hero to the public. A person may burn a
investigator determines there was no forcible building and endeavor to achieve spectacular
entry and finds that the building was secured
rescue in order to attract the attention of Definition of terms
spectators. Abatement - Any act that would remove or neutralize
3. Alcoholics and Drug Addicts – persons who a fire hazard.
subject themselves to intense artificial
stimulants such as narcotics sometimes Administrator - Any person who acts as agent of the
develop a strong urge toward incendiaries. owner and manages the use of a building for him.
4. Sexual Deviates – some sex perverts derive
sexual stimulation from setting a fire and Blasting Agent - Any material or mixture consisting of
watching the flame. Frequently, he is chronic a fuel and oxidizer used to set off explosives.
masturbator who stimulates and enhances
his sexual gratification by means of arson. Cellulose Nitrate Or Nitro Cellulose - A highly
combustible and explosive compound produced by
Public Disturbance the reaction of nitric acid with a cellulose material.
- an offender may resort to arson as a means
of a public disturbance because a fire attracts Cellulose Nitrate Plastic (Pyroxylin) - Any plastic
people and destruction causes confusion that substance, materials or compound having cellulose
gives rise to attendant problems that divert nitrate (nitro cellulose) as base.
police attention.
Vandalism Combustible, Flammable or Inflammable -
– is a general term denoting intentional burning Descriptive of materials that are easily set on fire.
to destroy properties. Combustible Fiber - Any readily ignitable and free
burning fiber such as cotton, oakum, rags, waste
In determining motive, a fire investigator cloth, waste paper, kapok, hay, straw, Spanish moss,
concentrates on three major factors: excelsior and other similar materials commonly used
1. Points of origin of the fire in commerce.
2. Modus operandi of the arsonist
3. Identify of persons who might benefits from Combustible Liquid - Any liquid having a flash point at
the fire. or above 37.8_C (100_F).

Incendiary Materials Corrosive Liquid - Any liquid which causes fire when
- materials used to start a fire; combustible fuels in contact with organic matter or with certain
1. Arson Chemicals (liquids) – are incendiary chemicals.
materials often used by arsonists as
accelerants. Possess excellent properties. Curtain Board - A vertical panel of non-combustible
Examples: alcohol, benzene, petroleum or fire resistive materials attached to and extending
ether, gasoline, kerosene, naptha, turpentine. below the bottom chord of the roof trusses, to divide
2. Gases as acetylene, butane, CO, ethylene, the underside of the roof into separate compartments
hydrogen, natural gas, propane, these are so that heat and smoke will be directed upwards to a
common gases resulting in fires from roof vent.
explosion. These when mix with air possess
excellent in ignition properties and when Cryogenic - Descriptive of any material which by its
present in an enclosed area can lead to nature or as a result of its reaction with other
explosion. elements produces a rapid drop in temperature of the
3. Solids as chlorates, perchlorates, chromates, immediate surroundings.
bichromates, nitrates, permanganates – are
typical families of oxidizing agents which give Damper - A normally open device installed inside an
off oxygen on decomposition thus aiding in air duct system which automatically closes to restrict
combustion. the passage of smoke or fire.

Distillation - The process of first raising the

FIRE CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES temperature in separate the more volatile from the
less volatile parts and then cooling and condensing
Republic Act No. 9514 the resulting vapor so as to produce a nearly purified
- Approved on December 19, 2008 substance.
- Repealed PD 1185
- known as the "Revised Fire Code of the Duct System - A continuous passageway for the
Philippines of 2008". transmission of air.

Dust - A finely powdered substance which, when the building is evacuated. These features are also
mixed with air in the proper proportion and ignited will designed to achieve, among others, safe and rapid
cause an explosion. evacuation of people through means of egress
sealed from smoke or fire, the confinement of fire or
Electrical Arc - An extremely hot luminous bridge smoke in the room or floor of origin and delay their
formed by passage of an electric current across a spread to other parts of the building by means of
space between two conductors or terminals due to smoke sealed and fire resistant doors, walls and
the incandescence of the conducting vapor. floors. It shall also mean to include the treatment of
buildings components or contents with flame
Ember - A hot piece or lump that remains after a retardant chemicals.
material has partially burned, and is still oxidizing
without the manifestation of flames. Flash Point - The minimum temperature at which any
material gives off vapor in sufficient concentration to
Finishes - Materials used as final coating of a surface form an ignitable mixture with air.
for ornamental or protective purposes.
Forcing -A process where a piece of metal is heated
Fire - The active principle of burning, characterized prior to changing its shape or dimensions.
by the heat and light of combustion.
Fulminate - A kind of stable explosive compound
Fire Trap - A building unsafe in case of fire because it which explodes by percussion.
will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exits or
fire escapes. Hazardous Operation/Process - Any act of
manufacturing, fabrication, conversion, etc., that uses
Fire Alarm - Any visual or audible signal produced by or produces materials which are likely to cause fires
a device or system to warm the occupants of the or explosions.
building or fire fighting elements of the presence or
danger of fire to enable them to undertake immediate Horizontal Exit - Passageway from one building to
action to save life and property and to suppress the another or through or around a wall in approximately
fire. the same floor level.
Hose Box - A box or cabinet where fire hoses, valves
Fire Door - A fire resistive door prescribed for and other equipment are stored and arranged for fire
openings in fire separation walls or partitions. fighting.

Fire Hazard - Any condition or act which increases or Hose Reel - A cylindrical device turning on an axis
may cause an increase in the probability of the around which a fire hose is wound and connected.
occurrence of fire, or which may obstruct, delay,
hinder or interfere with fire fighting operations and the Hypergolic Fuel - A rocket or liquid propellant which
safeguarding of life and property. consists of combinations of fuels and oxidizers which
ignite spontaneously on contact with each other.
Fire Lane - The portion of a roadway or public way Industrial Baking And Drying - The industrial process
that should be kept opened and unobstructed at all of subjecting materials to heat for the purpose of
times for the expedient operation of fire fighting units. removing solvents or moisture from the same, and/or
to fuse certain chemical salts to form a uniform
Fire Protective And Fire Safety Device - Any device glazing the surface of materials being treated.
intended for the protection of buildings or persons to
include but not limited to built-in protection system Jumper - A piece of metal or an electrical conductor
such as sprinklers and other automatic extinguishing used to bypass a safety device in an electrical
system, detectors for heat, smoke and combustion system.
products and other warning system components,
personal protective equipment such as fire blankets, Occupancy - The purpose for which a building or
helmets, fire suits, gloves and other garments that portion thereof is used or intended to be used.
may be put on or worn by persons to protect
themselves during fire. Occupant - Any person actually occupying and using
a building or portions thereof by virtue of a lease
Fire Safety Constructions - Refers to design and contract with the owner or administrator or by
installation of walls, barriers, doors, windows, vents, permission or sufferance of the latter.
means of egress, etc. integral to and incorporated
into a building or structure in order to minimize Organic Peroxide - A strong oxidizing organic
danger to life from fire, smoke, fumes or panic before compound which releases oxygen readily. It causes
fire when in contact with combustible materials Vestibule - A passage hall or antechamber between
especially under conditions of high temperature. the outer doors and the interior parts of a house or
Overloading - The use of one or more electrical
appliances or devices which draw or consume Vertical Shaft - An enclosed vertical space of
electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the passage that extends from floor to floor, as well as
existing electrical system. from the base to the top of the building.

Owner - The person who holds the legal right of Collection of Liquid Samples for Accelerant
possession or title to a building or real property. Testing
Liquid accelerants may be collected with
Oxidizing Material - A material that readily yields a. New syringe
oxygen in quantities sufficient to stimulate or support b. Siphoning device
combustion. c. Evidence container itself
d. Sterilize cotton balls or gauge pads may also
Pressurized Or Forced Draft Burning Equipment - be used to absorbed the liquid
Type or burner where the fuel is subjected to
pressure prior to discharge into the combustion Where liquid accelerants are believed to have
chamber and/or which includes fans or other become trapped in porous materials such as
provisions for the introduction of air at above normal concrete floor:
atmosphere pressure into the same combustion a. Lime
chamber. b. Diatomaceous earth
c. flour
Public Assembly Building - Any building or structure
where fifty (50) or more people congregate, gather, or Collection of liquid evidence absorbed by solid
assemble for any purpose. materials including soils and sand:
a. Scooping
Public Way - Any street, alley or other strip of land b. Sawing
unobstructed from the ground to the sky, deeded, c. Scraping
dedicated or otherwise permanently appropriated for d. Core drilling
public use. Collecting of Solid samples for accelerant testing
Pyrophoric - Descriptive of any substance that ignites Solid accelerant may be common household
spontaneously when exposed to air. materials and compounds or dangerous chemicals.
When collecting solid accelerants:
Refining - A process where impurities and/or a. The fire investigator must ensure that the
deleterious materials are removed from a mixture in solid accelerant is maintained in physical
order to produce a pure element of compound. It state in which is found
shall also refer to partial distillation and electrolysis. b. Some incendiary materials remain Corrosive
and Reactive
Self-Closing Doors - Automatic closing doors that are c. Ensure the corrosive nature of these residue
designed to confine smoke and heat and delay the does not attack the packaging container
spread of fire.
Collection of Gaseous samples
Smelting - Melting or fusing of metallic ores or Method of Collection:
compounds so as to separate impurities from pure a. Use of commercially available mechanical
metals. sampling device
b. Utilization evacuated air sampling cans.
Sprinkler System - An integrated network of These cans are specifically designed for
hydraulically designed piping installed in a building, taking gaseous samples
structure or area with outlets arranged in a c. Use of clean glass bottled filled with distilled
systematic pattern which automatically discharges water. Distilled water use as it has had most
water when activated by heat or combustion products of the impurities removed from it. This
from a fire. method simply require the investigator
poured the distilled water out of its bottle in
Standpipe System - A system of vertical pipes in a the atmosphere to be sampled. As distilled
building to which fire hoses can be attached on each water leaves the bottle it is replaced by the
floor, including a system by which water is made gaseous sample
available to the outlets as needed.
Guide on Interpreting the Damage on Electrical Wire
Collection of Electrical Equipments and Components
Before wires are cut, a photograph should be taken
of the wires, and the both ends of the wire should be
tagged and cut so that they can be identified as one
of the following:
a. The device or appliance to which it was
attached or from which it was severed
b. The circuit breaker or fuse number or
location to which the wire was attached or
from which it was severed
c. The wire’s path or the route it took between
the device and the circuit protector,
electrical switches, receptacles, thermostats,
relays, junction boxes, electrical distribution
panels, and similar equipment and
components are often collected as physical



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