BS EN 60801-2 Electromagnetic Compatibility

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IEC 801-2:

compatibility for
measurement and
control equipment —
Part 2: Electrostatic discharge

The European Standard EN 60801-2:1993 has the status of a

British Standard

UDC 621.3.011-5
BS EN 60801-2:1993

Cooperating organizations

The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC),

under whose supervision this European Standard was prepared, comprises the
national committees of the following countries:

Austria Italy
Belgium Luxembourg
Denmark Netherlands
Finland Norway
France Portugal
Germany Spain
Greece Sweden
Iceland Switzerland
Ireland United Kingdom

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the
Measurement and Control
Standards Policy Committee,
was published under the
authority of the Standards
Board and comes
into effect on
15 June 1993 Amendments issued since publication
© BSI 02-1999 Amd. No. Date Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference PCL/1
Special announcement BSI News
May 1993

ISBN 0 580 21840 6

BS EN 60801-2:1993


Cooperating organizations Inside front cover
National foreword ii
Foreword 2
Text of EN 60801-2 3
National annex NA (informative) Committees responsible Inside back cover
National annex NB (informative) Cross-references Inside back cover

© BSI 02-1999 i
BS EN 60801-2:1993

National foreword

This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the
Industrial-process Measurement and Control Standards Policy Committee and is
the English language version of EN 60801-2:1993 Electromagnetic compatibility
for industrial-process measurement and control equipment — Part 2: Electrostatic
discharge requirements, published by the European Committee for
Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC). It is identical with
IEC 801-2:1991 published by the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
This Standard supersedes BS 6667-2:1985, which is withdrawn.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
the EN title page, pages 2 to 26, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 02-1999
March 1993

UDC 621.3.011-5 Supersedes HD 481.2 S1:1987

Descriptors: Industrial-process measurement and control, electromagnetic compatibility, electrostatic interference, test protocol
with respect to electrostatic interference, severity levels with respect to electrostatic interference

English version

Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process

measurement and control equipment
Part 2: Electrostatic discharge requirements
(IEC 801-2:1991)

Compatibilité électromagnétique pour les Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Meß-,

matériels de mesure et de commande dans les Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen in der
processus industriels industriellen Prozeßtechnik
Partie 2: Prescriptions relatives aux décharges Teil 2: Störfestigkeit gegen die Entladung
électrostatiques statischer Elektrizität
(IEC 801-2:1991) (IEC 801-2:1991)

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 1992-2-09.

CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal
Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any
CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French,
German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria,
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and
United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B-1050 Brussels

© 1993 Copyright reserved to CENELEC members

Ref. No. EN 60801-2:1993 E
EN 60801-2:1993

Foreword Page
8.3 Application of the static electricity
The CENELEC questionnaire procedure, performed discharges 7
for finding out whether or not the International
9 Evaluation of the test results 8
Standard IEC 801-2:1991 could be accepted without
textual changes, has shown that no common Annex A (informative) — Explanatory notes 16
modifications were necessary for the acceptance as Annex B (normative) — Constructional details 19
European Standard. Annex ZA (normative) Other international
The reference document was submitted to the publications quoted in this standard
CENELEC members for formal vote and was with the references of the relevant European
approved by CENELEC as EN 60801-2 publications 25
on 9 December 1992. Figure 1 — Simplified diagram of the ESD
The following dates were fixed: generator 9
— latest date of publication of Figure 2 — Typical arrangement for
an identical national verification of the ESD generator
standard (dop)1993-12-01 performance 10
— latest date of withdrawal of Figure 3 — Typical waveform of the
conflicting national output current of the ESD generator 11
standards (dow)1993-12-01 Figure 4 — Discharge electrodes of
For products which have complied with the ESD generator 12
HD 481.2 S1:1987 before 1993-12-01, as shown by Figure 5 — Example of test set-up for
the manufacturer or by a certification body, this table-top equipment, laboratory tests 13
previous standard may continue to apply for Figure 6 — Example of test set-up for
production until 1998-12-01. floor-standing equipment, laboratory tests 14
Annexes designated “normative” are part of the Figure 7 — Example of test set-up for
body of the standard. Annexes designated equipment, post-installation tests 15
“informative” are given only for information. In this Figure A.1 — Maximum values of
standard, Annex A is informative and Annex B and electrostatic voltages to which operators
Annex ZA are normative. may be charged while in contact with
the materials mentioned in
Contents clause A.2 18
Page Figure B.1 — Construction details
of the resistive load 20
Foreword 2
Figure B.2 — Material and finish: silver-plated
1 Scope and object 3
copper or silver-plated brass 21
2 Normative reference 3
Figure B.3 — Material and finish: silver-plated
3 General 3 copper or silver-plated brass 22
4 Definitions/Terminology 3 Figure B.4 — Material and finish: silver-plated
5 Severity levels 4 copper or silver-plated brass 1 mm thick 23
6 Test generator (ESD) 4 Figure B.5 — Material and finish: silver-plated
6.1 Characteristics and performance copper or silver-plated brass 1 m thick 23
of the ESD generator 5 Figure B.6 — Material and finish: silver-plated
6.2 Verification of the characteristics copper or silver-plated brass 24
of the ESD generator 5 Figure B.7 — Material and finish: silver-plated
7 Test set-up 5 copper or silver-plated 24
7.1 Test set-up for tests performed in Table 1.a — Severity levels 4
laboratories 6 Table 1.b — Severity levels 4
7.2 Test set-up for post-installation tests 7 Table 2 — Waveform parameters 6
8 Test procedure 7
8.1 Laboratory reference conditions 7
8.2 EUT exercising 7

2 © BSI 02-1999
EN 60801-2:1993

1 Scope and object The tests described in this Part 2 are considered to
be a first step in the direction of commonly used
This part 2 of the International Standard defines
tests for the qualitative evaluation of the
the immunity requirements and test methods for
performance of all electronic equipment as referred
equipment which must withstand electrostatic
to in clause 1.
discharges, from operators directly, and to adjacent
NOTE From the technical point of view the precise term for this
objects. Several severity levels are defined which phenomenon would be “static electricity discharge”. However, the
relate to different environmental and installation term “electrostatic discharge” (ESD) is widely used in the
conditions. technical world and in technical literature. Therefore, it has been
decided to retain the term ESD in the title of this Part 2.
These requirements are primarily developed for,
and are applicable to, industrial-process 4 Definitions/Terminology
measurement and control instrumentation.
For the purposes of this International Standard, the
Most aspects of the standard, such as simulation
following definitions apply.
parameters and test set-ups, may apply to other
equipment, yet other aspects such as severity levels 4.1
and performance criteria may not apply to other degradation (of performance)
equipment. an undesired departure in the operational
This document is intended to be identified as a basic performance of any device, equipment or system
EMC publication, in accordance with from its intended performance [IEV 161-01-19]
IEC Guide 107. NOTE The term “degradation” can apply to temporary or
permanent failure.
The object of this Part 2 is to establish a common
reference for evaluating the performance of 4.2
industrial-process measurement and control electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
instrumentation when subjected to electrostatic the ability of an equipment or system to function
discharges. In addition, it includes electrostatic satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment
discharges which may occur from personnel to without introducing intolerable electromagnetic
objects near vital instrumentation. disturbances to anything in that environment
[IEV 161-01-07]
2 Normative reference
The following standard contains provisions which, antistatic material
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
ESD-protective material having a surface resistivity
of this International Standard. At the time of
greater than 105 but not greater than 1011 ohms per
publication, the edition indicated was valid. All
standards are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this International Standard 4.4
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of energy storage capacitor
applying the most recent edition of the standard the capacitor of the ESD-generator representing the
indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain capacity of a human body charged to the test voltage
registers of currently valid International Standards. value. This may be provided as a discrete
IEC 50(161):1990, International Electrotechnical component, or a distributed capacitance
Vocabulary — Chapter 161: Electromagnetic 4.5
compatibility. ESD
3 General refers to static electricity discharge
This part relates to equipment, systems,
sub-systems and peripherals which may be involved
in static electricity discharges owing to equipment under test
environmental and installation conditions, such as 4.7
low relative humidity, use of low conductivity ground reference plane (GRP)
(artificial fibre) carpets, vinyl garments, etc. which
a flat conductive surface whose potential is used as
may exist in all locations classified in standards
a common reference [IEV 161-04-36]
relevant to industrial process measuring and
control instrumentation (for more detailed
information, see clause A.1 of Annex A).

© BSI 02-1999 3
EN 60801-2:1993

4.8 Contact discharge is the preferred test method. Air

coupling plane discharges shall be used where contact discharge
a metal sheet or plate, to which discharges are cannot be applied. Voltages for each test method are
applied to simulate electrostatic discharge to objects given in Table 1.a and Table 1.b. The voltages
adjacent to the EUT shown are different for each method due to the
differing methods of test. It is not intended to imply
HCP: Horizontal Coupling Plane; VCP: Vertical that the test severity is equivalent between test
Coupling Plane methods. Further information is given in
4.9 clauses A.3, A.4 and A.5 of Annex A.
holding time Table 1.a — Severity levels
interval of time within which the decrease of the test Level Test voltage Contact discharge
voltage due to leakage, prior to the discharge, is not
greater than 10 % kV

4.10 1 2
static electricity discharge; ESD 2 4
a transfer of electrostatic charge between bodies of 3 6
different electrostatic potential, in proximity or 4 8
through direct contact [IEV 161-01-22]
xa Special
4.11 a
“x” is an open level. The level is subject to negotiations and
immunity (to a disturbance) has to be specified in the dedicated equipment specification. If
the ability of a device, equipment or system to higher voltages than those shown are specified, special test
equipment may be needed.
perform without degradation in the presence of an
electromagnetic disturbance [IEV 161-01-20] Table 1.b — Severity levels
4.12 Level Test voltage Air discharge
contact discharge method
a method of testing, in which the electrode of the
test generator is held in contact with the EUT, and 1 2
the discharge actuated by the discharge switch 2 4
within the generator 3 8
4.13 4 15
air discharge method
xa Special
a method of testing, in which the charged electrode a “x”
of the test generator is approached to the EUT, and is an open level. The level is subject to negotiations and
has to be specified in the dedicated equipment specification. If
the discharge actuated by a spark to the EUT higher voltages than those shown are specified, special test
4.14 equipment may be needed.
direct application
application of the test directly to the EUT
6 Test generator (ESD)
4.15 The test generator consists, in its main parts, of:
indirect application — charging resistor Rch;
application of the test to a coupling plane in the — energy-storage capacitor Cs;
vicinity of the EUT, and simulation of personnel — distributed capacitance Cd;
discharge to objects which are adjacent to the EUT — discharge resistor Rd;
5 Severity levels — voltage indicator;
— discharge switch;
The severity levels shown in Table 1 are
recommended for the ESD test. All lower levels — interchangeable tips of the discharge electrode
must be satisfied. (see Figure 4);
Details concerning the various parameters which — discharge return cable;
may influence the voltage level to which the human — power supply unit.
body may be charged are given in clause A.2 of
Annex A. Annex A.4 also contains examples of the
application of the severity levels related to
environmental (installation) classes.

4 © BSI 02-1999
EN 60801-2:1993

A simplified diagram of the ESD generator is given 6.2 Verification of the characteristics of the
in Figure 1. Constructional details are not given. ESD generator
The generator shall meet the requirements of 6.1 In order to compare the test results obtained from
and 6.2. different test generators, the characteristics shown
6.1 Characteristics and performance of the in Table 2 shall be verified using the discharge
ESD generator return cable to be used in the testing.
— energy storage capacitance The waveform of the output current of the ESD
(Cs + Cd): 150 pF ± 10 %; generator for the verification procedure shall
— discharge resistance (Rd): 330 7 ± 10 %; conform to Figure 3.
— charging resistance (Rch): between 50 M7 The values of the parameters of the discharge
and 100 M7; current shall be verified with 1 000 MHz bandwidth
measuring instrumentation. A lower bandwidth
— output voltage (see note 1): implies limitations in the measurement of rise time
up to 8 kV (nominal) for contact discharge; and amplitude of the first current peak.
up to 15 kV (nominal) for air discharge;
For verification, the tip of the discharge electrode
— tolerance of the output voltage shall be contacted directly to the current-sensing
indication: ± 5 %; transducer, and the generator operated in the
— polarity of the output voltage: positive and contact discharge mode.
negative; The constructional arrangement of the
— holding time: at least 5 s; current-sensing transducer for verifying the ESD
— discharge, mode of operation generator characteristics is given in Figure 2.
(see note 2): single discharge (time between Further details of a possible form of the
successive discharges at least 1 s); current-sensing transducer are given in Annex B.
— waveshape of the discharge current: see 6.2. Other arrangements that imply the use of a
NOTE 1 Open circuit voltage measured at the energy laboratory Faraday cage having dimensions
storage capacitor. different from those in Figure 2 are allowed;
NOTE 2 The generator should be able to generate at a separation of the Faraday cage from the target
repetition rate of at least 20 discharges per second for plane is also allowed, but in both cases the distance
exploratory purposes only.
between the sensor and the grounding terminal
The generator shall be provided with means of point of the ESD generator shall be respected (1 m),
preventing unintended radiated or conducted as well as the layout of the discharge return cable.
emissions, of either pulse or continuous type, so as
not to disturb the EUT or auxiliary test equipment The ESD generator shall be recalibrated at defined
by parasitic effects. time periods in accordance with a recognized quality
assurance system.
The energy storage capacitor, the discharge resistor,
and the discharge switch shall be placed as close as 7 Test set-up
possible to the discharge electrode. The dimensions
of the discharge tips are given in Figure 4. For the The test set-up consists of the test generator, EUT
air discharge test method the same generator is and auxiliary instrumentation necessary to perform
used and the discharge switch has to be closed. The direct and indirect application of discharges to the
tip of the generator has to be the round IEC tip. EUT as applicable, in the following manner:
The discharge return cable of the test generator a) contact discharge to the conductive surfaces
shall be in general 2 m long, and constructed to and to coupling planes;
allow the generator to meet the waveform b) air discharge at insulating surfaces.
specification. It shall be sufficiently insulated to Two different types of tests can be distinguished:
prevent the flow of the discharge current to
— type (conformance) tests performed in
personnel or conducting surfaces other than via its
termination, during the ESD test.
In cases where a 2 m length of the discharge return — post installation tests performed on equipment
cable is insufficient (e.g. for tall EUTs), a length not in its final installed conditions.
exceeding 3 m may be used, but compliance with the
waveform specification shall be verified.

© BSI 02-1999 5
EN 60801-2:1993

Table 2 — Waveform parameters

Indicated First peak Rise time tr with Current (± 30 %) Current (± 30 %)
voltage current of at 30 ns at 60 ns
Level discharge switch
discharge ± 10 %
kV A ns A A
1 2 7,5 0,7 to 1 4 2
2 4 15 0,7 to 1 8 4
3 6 22,5 0,7 to 1 12 6
4 8 30 0,7 to 1 16 8
The preferred test method is that of type tests The connection of the earth cables to the ground
performed in laboratories and the only accepted reference plane and all bondings shall be of low
method of demonstrating conformance with this impedance, for example by using clamping devices
standard. The EUT shall be arranged as closely as for high frequency applications.
possible to arrangement in final installed Where coupling planes are specified, for example to
conditions. allow indirect application of the discharge, they
7.1 Test set-up for tests performed in shall be constructed from the same material type
laboratories and thickness as that of the ground reference plane,
and shall be connected to the GRP via a cable with
The following requirements apply to tests
a 470 k7 resistor located at each end. These
performed in laboratories under environmental
resistors shall be capable of withstanding the
reference conditions outlines in 8.1.
discharge voltage and shall be insulated to avoid
A ground reference plane shall be provided on the short circuits to the GRP when the cable lies on the
floor of the laboratory. It shall be a metallic sheet GRP.
(copper or aluminium) of 0,25 mm minimum
Additional specifications for the different types of
thickness; other metallic materials may be used but
equipment are given below.
they shall have at least 0,65 mm thickness. The
minimum size of the reference plane is 1 m2) the 7.1.1 Table-top equipment
exact size depending on the dimensions of the EUT. The test set-up shall consist of a wooden table, 0,8 m
It shall project beyond the EUT or coupling plane by high, standing on the ground reference plane. A
at least 0,5 m on all sides, and shall be connected to horizontal coupling plane (HCP), 1,6 m × 0,8 m,
the protective grounding system. Local safety shall be placed on the table. The EUT and cables
regulations shall always be met. shall be isolated from the coupling plane by an
The EUT shall be arranged and connected according insulating support 0,5 mm thick.
to its functional requirements. A distance of 1 m If the EUT is too large to be located 0,1 m minimum
minimum shall be provided between the equipment from all sides of the HCP, an additional, identical
under test and the walls of the laboratory and any HCP shall be used, placed 0,3 m from the first, with
other metallic structure. the short sides adjacent. The table has to be
The EUT shall be connected to the grounding enlarged or two tables may be used. The HCPs shall
system in accordance with its installation not be bonded together, other than via the resistive
specifications. No additional grounding connections cable to the GRP.
are allowed. Any mounting feet associated with the EUT shall
The positioning of the power and signal cables shall remain in place.
be representative of installation practice. An example of the test set-up for table-top
The discharge return cable of the ESD generator equipment is given in Figure 5.
shall be connected to the ground reference plane. 7.1.2 Floor-standing equipment
The total length of this cable is in general 2 m.
The EUT and cables shall be isolated from the
In cases where this length exceeds the length ground reference plane by an insulating support
necessary to apply the discharges to the selected
about 0,1 m thick.
points, the excess length shall, where possible, be
placed non-inductively off the ground reference An example of the test set-up for floor-standing
plane and shall not come closer than 0,2 m to other equipment is given in Figure 6.
conductive parts in the test set-up. Any mounting feet associated with the EUT shall
remain in place.

6 © BSI 02-1999
EN 60801-2:1993

7.2 Test set-up for post-installation tests 8.2 EUT exercising

These tests are optional and not mandatory for Test programs and software shall be chosen so as to
certification tests; they shall be applied only when exercise all normal modes of operation of the EUT.
agreed between manufacturer and customer. It has The use of special exercising software is encouraged,
to be considered that other co-located equipment but permitted only where it can be shown that the
may be unacceptably affected. EUT is being comprehensively exercised.
The equipment or system shall be tested in its final For conformance testing, the EUT shall be
installed conditions. In order to facilitate a continually operated in its most sensitive mode
connection for the discharge return cable, a ground (program cycle) which shall be determined by
reference plane shall be placed on the floor of the preliminary testing.
installation close to the EUT at about 0,1 m If monitoring equipment is required, it should be
distance. This plane should be of copper or decoupled in order to reduce the possibility of
aluminium not less than 0,25 mm thick. Other erroneous failure indication.
metallic materials may be used providing the
minimum thickness is 0,65 mm. The plane should 8.3 Application of the static electricity
be approximately 0,3 m wide, and 2 m in length discharges
where the installation allows. The testing shall be performed according to a test
This ground reference plane should be connected to plan. This should include:
the protective earthing system. Where this is not — representative operating conditions of the
possible, it should be connected to the earthing EUT;
terminal of the EUT, if available. — whether the EUT should be tested as table-top
The discharge return cable of the ESD generator or floor-standing;
shall be connected to the reference plane at a point — whether indirect application to the HCP or
close to the EUT. Where the EUT is installed on a VCP is required, and the positions of the VCP if
metal table, the table shall be connected to the applicable;
reference plane via a cable with a 470 k7 resistor
— the points at which discharges are to be
located at each end, to prevent a build-up of charge.
An example of the set-up for post-installation tests
— at each point, whether contact or air
is given in Figure 7.
discharges are to be applied;
8 Test procedure — the severity level to be applied;
— the number of discharges to be applied at each
8.1 Laboratory reference conditions
point for compliance testing;
In order to minimize the impact of environmental
— whether post-installation tests are also to be
parameters on test results, the tests shall be carried
out in climatic and electromagnetic reference
conditions as specified in 8.1.1 and 8.1.2. It may be necessary to carry out some investigatory
testing to establish some aspects of the test plan.
8.1.1 Climatic conditions
8.3.1 Direct application of discharge to the
In the case of air discharge testing the climatic EUT
conditions shall be within the following ranges:
The static electricity discharges shall be applied
— ambient temperature: 15 °C to 35 °C;
only to those points and surfaces of the EUT which
— relative humidity: 30 % to 60 %; are accessible to personnel during normal usage
— atmospheric pressure: 68 kPa (680 mbar) (which includes customer’s maintenance).
to 106 kPa (1 060 mbar). The application of discharges to any point of the
NOTE Any other values are specified in the product equipment which is accessible only for maintenance
specification. purposes is not allowed unless agreed upon by
8.1.2 Electromagnetic conditions manufacturer and user.
The electromagnetic environment of the laboratory The test voltage shall be increased from the
shall not influence the test results. minimum to the selected test severity level, in order
to determine any threshold of failure (see clause 5).
The final severity level should not exceed the
product specification value in order to avoid damage
to the equipment.

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The test shall be performed with single discharges. Horizontal coupling plane under the EUT
On preselected points at least ten single discharges At least 10 single discharges (in the most sensitive
(in the most sensitive polarity) shall be applied. polarity) shall be applied to the horizontal coupling
For the time interval between successive single plane, at points on each side of the EUT (Figure 5).
discharges an initial value of 1 s is recommended. The ESD generator shall be positioned vertically at
Longer intervals may be necessary to determine a distance of 0,1 m from the EUT, with the
whether a system failure has occurred. discharge electrode touching the coupling plane.
NOTE The points to which the discharges should be applied Vertical coupling plane
may be selected by means of an exploration carried out at a
repetition rate of 20 discharges per second, or more. At least 10 single discharges (in the most sensitive
The ESD generator shall be held perpendicular to polarity) shall be applied to the centre of one vertical
the surface to which the discharge is applied. This edge of the coupling plane (Figure 5 and Figure 6).
improves repeatability of the test results. The coupling plane, of dimensions 0,5 m × 0,5 m, is
The discharge return cable of the generator shall be placed parallel to, and positioned at a distance
kept at a distance of at least 0,2 m from the EUT of 0,1 m from the EUT. Discharges shall be applied
whilst the discharge is being applied. to the coupling plane, with this plane in sufficient
different positions that the four faces of the EUT are
In the case of contact discharges, the tip of the completely illuminated.
discharge electrode shall touch the EUT before the
discharge switch is operated. 9 Evaluation of the test results
In the case of painted surfaces covering a conducting
substrate, the following procedure shall be adopted: The variety and diversity of equipment and systems
to be tested make the task of establishing general
If the coating is not declared to be an insulating criteria for the evaluation of the effects of static
coating by the equipment manufacturer, then the discharges on equipment and systems difficult.
pointed tip of the generator shall penetrate the
The test results may be classified on the basis of the
coating so as to make contact with the conducting
operating conditions and the functional
substrate. Coating declared as insulating by the
manufacturer shall only be submitted to the air specifications of the equipment under test,
discharge. The contact discharge test shall not be according to the following performance criteria:
applied to such surfaces. 1) normal performance within the specification
In the case of air discharges, the round discharge tip
of the discharge electrode shall be approached as 2) temporary degradation or loss of function or
fast as possible (without causing mechanical performance which is self-recoverable;
damage) to touch the EUT. After each discharge, the 3) temporary degradation or loss of function or
ESD generator (discharge electrode) shall be performance which requires operator
removed from the EUT. The generator is then intervention or system reset;
retriggered for a new single discharge. This 4) degradation or loss of function which is not
procedure shall be repeated until the discharges are recoverable, due to damage of equipment
completed. In the case of an air discharge test, the (components) or software, or loss of data.
discharge switch, which is used for contact
discharge, shall be closed. In the case of acceptance tests, the test program and
the interpretation of the test results are subject to
8.3.2 Indirect application of the discharge agreement between manufacturer and user.
Discharges to objects placed or installed near the The test documentation shall include the test
EUT shall be simulated by applying the discharges conditions and the test results.
of the ESD generator to a coupling plane, in the
contact discharge mode.
In addition to the test procedure described in 8.3.1
the requirements of and shall be met.

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NOTE Cd, qui ne figure pas sur le schéma, est une capacité répartie qui existe entre le générateur et l’EST, le plan de terre de
référence (GRP) et les plans de couplage. I1 n’est pas possible de représenter la capacité dans le circuit puisqu’elle est répartie sur
l’ensemble du générateur.
NOTE Cd, omitted in the figure, is a distributed capacitance which exists between the generator and the EUT, GRP, and coupling
planes. Because the capacitance is distributed over the whole of the generator, it is not possible to show this in the circuit.
Figure 1 — Simplified diagram of the ESD generator

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Figure 2 — Typical arrangement for verification of the ESD generator performance

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Les valeurs sont données dans le tableau 2

Values are given in Table 2
Figure 3 — Typical waveform of the output current of the ESD generator

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NOTE Le commutateur de décharge (par exemple relais à vide) doit être monté aussi près que possible de la tête de
l’électrode de décharge.
NOTE The discharge switch (e.g. vacuum relay) shall be mounted as close as possible to the tip of the discharge electrode.
Figure 4 — Discharge electrodes of the ESD generator

12 © BSI 02-1999
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Figure 5 — Example of test set-up for table-top equipment, laboratory tests

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Figure 6 — Example of test set-up for floor-standing equipment, laboratory tests

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Figure 7 — Example of test set-up for equipment, post-installation tests

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Annex A (informative) Equipment may be directly subjected to discharges

Explanatory notes of voltage values up to several kilovolts, depending
on the type of synthetic fabric and the relative
A.1 General considerations humidity of the environment.
The problem of protecting equipment against the A.3 Relationship of environmental levels to air
discharge of static electricity has gained and contact discharge
considerable importance for manufacturers and
As a measurable quantity, static voltage levels
users. The extensive use of microelectronic
found in user environments have been applied to
components has emphasized the need to define the
define immunity requirements. However, it has
aspects of the problem and to seek a solution in
order to enhance product/system reliability. The been shown that energy transfer is a function of the
problem of static electricity accumulation and discharge current rather than, as well as, of the
electrostatic voltage existing prior to the discharge.
subsequent discharges becomes more relevant for
Further, it has been found that the discharge
uncontrolled environments and the widespread
current typically is less than proportional to the
application of equipment and systems in a wide
predischarge voltage in the higher level ranges.
range of industrial plants.
Equipment may also be subjected to Possible reasons for the non-proportional
electromagnetic energies whenever discharges relationship between predischarge voltage and
discharge current are:
occur from personnel to nearby objects.
Additionally, discharges can occur between metal — The discharge of high voltage charges typically
objects, such as chairs and tables, in the proximity should occur through a long arcing path which
of equipment. However, based on limited experience increases the rise time, hence keeping the higher
available to date, it is considered that the tests spectral components of the discharge current less
described in this part 2 of the standard may than proportional to the pre-discharge voltage.
adequately simulate the effects of the latter — High charge voltage levels will more likely
phenomenon. This aspect will be investigated and develop across a small capacitance, assuming the
may lead to an amendment of this standard. amount of charge should be constant for a typical
The effect of operator discharge may be a simple charge generation event. Conversely, high charge
malfunction of the equipment or damage of voltages across a large capacitance would need a
electronic components. The dominant effects can be number of successive generation events which is
attributed to the parameters of the discharge less likely to occur. This means that the charge
current (rise time, duration etc.). energy tends to become constant between the
higher charge voltages found in the user
The knowledge of the problem and the necessity to
have a tool to assist in the prevention of undesirable
effects due to the discharge of static electricity on As a conclusion from the above, the immunity
equipment, has initiated the development of the requirements for a given user environment need to
standard testing procedure described in this be defined in terms of discharge current amplitudes.
standard. Having recognized this concept, the design of the
A.2 Influences of the environmental tester is eased. Trade-off in the choice of tester
conditions on the levels of charge charge voltage and discharge impedance can be
applied to achieve desired discharge current
The generation of electrostatic charges is especially
favoured by the combination of synthetic fabrics and amplitudes.
dry atmosphere. There are many possible variations A.4 Selection of severity levels
in the charging process. A common situation is one The test severity levels shall be selected in
in which an operator walks over a carpet and at each accordance with the most realistic installation and
step loses or gains electrons from his body to the environmental conditions.
fabric. Friction between the operator’s clothing and The installation and environmental classes
his chair can also produce an exchange of charges. recommended are related to the severity levels
The operator’s body may be charged either directly outlined in clause 5 of this standard.
or by electrostatic inductions; in the latter case a
conducting carpet will give no protection unless the
operator is adequately earthed to it.
The graphic representation of Figure A.1 shows the
voltage values to which different fabrics may be
charged depending on the relative humidity of the

16 © BSI 02-1999
EN 60801-2:1993

In previous designs of ESD testers, the ESD event

Relative Antistatic Synthetic Maximum
was simulated by discharging a charged capacitor
humidity as material material voltage through a discharge tip onto the EUT, the discharge
Class low as tip forming a spark gap at the surface of the EUT.
% kV The spark is a very complicated physical
phenomenon. It has been shown that with a moving
1 35 × 2 spark gap the resulting rise time (or rising slope) of
2 10 × 4 the discharge current can vary from less than 1 ns
3 50 × 8 to more than 20 ns as the approach speed is varied.
4 10 × 15 Keeping the approach speed constant does not
result in constant rise time. For some voltage/speed
For some materials, for example, wood, concrete and combinations, the rise time still fluctuates by a
ceramic the probable level is not greater than factor of up to 30.
level 2. One proposed way to stabilize the rise time is to use
NOTE It is important when considering the selection of an a mechanically fixed spark gap. Although the rise
appropriate test severity level for a particular environment to time is stabilized with this method, it cannot be
understand the critical parameters of the ESD effect.
recommended because the resulting rise time is
The most critical parameter is perhaps the rate of change of
discharge current which may be obtained through a variety of much slower than the rise time of the natural event
combinations of charging voltage, peak discharge current and to be simulated. The high-frequency content of the
rise time. real ESD event is not properly simulated with this
For example the required ESD stress for the 15 kV synthetic method. Using various types of triggering devices
material environment is more than adequately covered by
the 8 kV/30 A Class 4 test using the ESD generator contact (e.g. gas tubes or thyratrons) instead of the open
discharge defined in this standard. spark is another possibility, but such kinds of
However, in a very dry environment with synthetic materials, triggering devices produce rise times which are still
higher voltages than 15 kV will occur. too low compared to the rise times of the real ESD
In the case of testing equipment with insulating surfaces, the air event.
discharge method with voltages up to 15 kV may be used.
The only triggering device known today which is
A.5 Selection of test points
able to produce repeatable and fast rising discharge
The test points to be considered may, for example, currents is the relay. The relay should have
include the following locations as applicable: sufficient voltage capability and a single contact (to
— points on metallic sections of a cabinet which avoid double discharges in the rising part). For
are electrically isolated from ground; higher voltages, vacuum relays prove to be useful.
— any point in the control or keyboard area and Experience shows that by using a relay as the
any other point of man-machine communication, triggering device, not only the measured discharge
such as switches, knobs, buttons, and other pulse shape is much more repeatable in its rising
operator-accessible areas; part, but also the test results with real EUTs are
more reproducible.
— indicators, LEDs, slots, grilles, connector
hoods, etc. Consequently, the relay-driven impulse tester is a
device that produces a specified current pulse
A.6 Technical rationale for the use of the
(amplitude and rise time). This current is related to
contact discharge method
the real ESD voltage, as described in clause A.3.
In general, the reproducibility of the previous test
A.7 Selection of elements for the ESD
method (air discharge) was influenced by, for
example, the speed of approach of the discharge tip,
humidity, and construction of the test equipment, A storage capacitance shall be used which is
leading to variations in pulse rise time and representative of the capacitance of the human
magnitude of the discharge current. body. A nominal value of 150 pF has been
determined suitable for this purpose.
A resistance of 330 7 has been chosen to represent
the source resistance of a human body holding a
metallic object such as a key or tool. It has been
shown that this metal discharge situation is
sufficiently severe to represent all human
discharges in the field.

© BSI 02-1999 17
EN 60801-2:1993

Figure A.1 — Maximum values of electrostatic voltages to which operators may be charged
while in contact with the materials mentioned in clause A.2

18 © BSI 02-1999
EN 60801-2:1993

Annex B (normative) 4) Assemble the output connector complete with

Constructional details matching resistors, “7” on to the output connector
flange “1” using 4 screws M3.
B.1 Current-sensing transducer
5) Solder the input disc “4”, with the screw
The constructional details for one form of support for electrode “6” screwed and soldered, on
current-sensing transducer are shown in the both the load and matching resistors group.
Figure B.1 to Figure B.7. Shave the soldered terminals.
The following sequence of assembly should be 6) Screw the flat electrode disc “5” on the screw
followed: support for electrode “6”, then assemble the
1) Solder the 25 load resistors “7” support for fixing “2” using 8 screws
(51 7, 5 %, 0,25 W) on to the output side disc “3” M3 Pan Hd 6,5 mm long.
and shave the soldered terminals. B.2 Inductive current probe
2) Solder the 5 matching resistors “8” Description and constructional details are under
(240 7, 5 %, 0,25 W) in a pentagonal disposition consideration.
on to the output connector, of Type N coaxial
3) Assemble the output side disc “3”, complete
with load resistors, on to the output connector
flange “1” using 4 screws M2,5 Pan Hd 6,5 mm

© BSI 02-1999 19
EN 60801-2:1993

Pièce/Item Nb/QTY Boulons/Screws Nb/QTY

1 1 M3 PAN HD SC × 6,5 mm LG 12
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1 M2,5 PAN HD SC × 5,0 mm LG 3
6 1
7 25 Résistance/Resistor 51 7
8 5 Résistance/Resistor 240 7

Figure B.1 — Construction details of the resistive load

20 © BSI 02-1999
EN 60801-2:1993

Figure B.2 — Material and finish: silver-plated copper or silver-plated brass

© BSI 02-1999 21
EN 60801-2:1993

Figure B.3 — Material and finish: silver-plated copper or silver-plated brass

22 © BSI 02-1999
EN 60801-2:1993

Figure B.4 — Material and finish: silver-plated copper or silver-plated brass 1 mm thick

Figure B.5 — Material and finish: silver-plated copper or silver-plated brass 1 mm thick

© BSI 02-1999 23
EN 60801-2:1993

Figure B.6 — Material and finish: silver-plated copper or silver-plated brass

Figure B.7 — Material and finish: silver-plated copper or silver-plated

24 © BSI 02-1999
EN 60801-2:1993

Annex ZA (normative)
Other international publications quoted in this standard with the references of
the relevant European publications
When the international publication has been modified by CENELEC common modifications, indicated by
(mod), the relevant EN/HD applies.
IEC publication Date Title EN/HD Date
50 (161) 1990 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) — —
Chapter 161: Electromagnetic compatibility

© BSI 02-1999 25
26 blank
BS EN 60801-2:1993

National annex NA (informative)

Committees responsible
The United Kingdom participation in the preparation of this European Standard was entrusted by the
Industrial-process Measurement and Control Standards Policy Committee (PCL/-) to the Technical
Committee PCL/1 upon which the following bodies were represented:

British Coal Corporation

British Gas plc
Department of Trade and Industry (Gas and Oil Measurement Branch)
Electricity Association
Electronics Component Industry Federation
Energy Industries Council
Engineering Equipment and Materials Users’ Association
Health and Safety Executive
Institution of Gas Engineers
British Telecommunications plc

The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through subcommittees and

Department of Health (National Weights and Measures Laboratories)

ERA Technology Ltd.
Institute of Measurement and Control

National annex NB (informative)


Publication referred to Corresponding British Standard

IEC 50 (161):1990 BS 4727-1: Group 09:1991 Electromagnetic compatibility

© BSI 02-1999
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