Food Control: Heba H.S. Abdel-Naeem, Khalid Ibrahim Sallam, Nermeen M.L. Malak
Food Control: Heba H.S. Abdel-Naeem, Khalid Ibrahim Sallam, Nermeen M.L. Malak
Food Control: Heba H.S. Abdel-Naeem, Khalid Ibrahim Sallam, Nermeen M.L. Malak
Food Control
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Keywords: Smoked herring is a very popular traditional fish product widely consumed in Egypt. Nonetheless, rapid mould
Smoked fish growth and lipid oxidation, with consequent short shelf life and loss of the essential characteristics, including the
Sensory attributes smoking color and flavor, are emerged as adverse problems during storage of this product. This study was aimed
Physicochemical quality
to improve the quality and lipid stability of smoked herring using chitosan coating. To achieve this goal, smoked
herrings were collected from local producers and divided into 5 groups, including two controls (water-dipped
and 0.5% lactic acid-dipped samples) and three treated groups (2%, 3% and 4% chitosan-coated samples) fol
lowed by storage at − 18 ◦ C for 3 months during which microbiological, physicochemical, and sensorial analyses,
besides determination of phenolics, flavonoids, and the antioxidant activity were carried out. The results
revealed that chitosan-coated (3% and 4%) samples exhibited more than 4 log10 CFU/g reduction in aerobic plate
count, along with complete suppression of psychrotrophic, Enterobacteriaceae, yeast and mould counts, which
were all under the detectable levels (2 log10 CFU/g). Chitosan improved and maintained the phenolic and
flavonoid compounds along with the free radical scavenging activity in chitosan-coated smoked fish during
frozen storage. Moreover, chitosan coating induced significant improvement of the physiochemical quality
including; pH, total volatile base nitrogen, trimethylamine, thiobarbituric acid values, free fatty acid %, acid
number, together with the sensory attributes, compared to control uncoated ones. The study concluded that
chitosan coating can be a good choice for fish industry to overcome the problems that arise in smoked fish.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (K.I. Sallam).
Received 29 March 2021; Received in revised form 17 May 2021; Accepted 4 June 2021
Available online 8 June 2021
0956-7135/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.H.S. Abdel-Naeem et al. Food Control 130 (2021) 108317
oxidation (Asbjorn, Hannes, Irek, & Valur, 2007). Furthermore, in the process in a smokehouse with the use of saw dust generator at 30 ◦ C for
Egyptian markets, most of the smoked fish are stored in wooden boxes at 24 h.
room temperature for long time, which give chance for bacterial and Forty kilograms of freshly prepared smoked herring fishes (Clupea
mould growth. Fungal contamination of smoked herring fish is consid harengus) were obtained from a local fish processing factory at the first
ered as the main cause of spoilage and it may constitute economic losses day of its processing and transferred directly to the Food Hygiene Lab
and public health hazard due to formation of mycotoxins, which have oratory, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University. Food grade
carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, neurotoxic, nephrotoxic, immu chitosan, soluble in dilute aqueous acids, 95% deacetylation degree and
notoxic, and hepatotoxic effect (Dalie, Deschamps, & Richard-forget, of high molecular weight (batch NO. CHT- 010620-K) was purchased
2010). Unfortunately, the undesirable fungal growth on certain food from Chitosan Egypt Company. Lactic acid (98%) was purchased from
products can be eliminated by food suppliers through washing, me Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). A solution of 0.5% lactic acid (v/v) in
chanical brushing or by cotton soaked with oil, nevertheless the myco sterile distilled water was prepared to be used for chitosan dissolving.
toxins still present inside such products (Iacumin et al., 2009). Different concentrations of chitosan solutions (2%, 3%, and 4%; w/v)
Consumers today set restrictive demands for their foods, which were prepared by adding the proper amounts of chitosan into 0.5%
should be healthy, natural, of good quality and safe. All these demands lactic acid solution, followed by stirring with a magnetic stirrer (IKA® C-
are forcing researchers and food industry to develop new food preser MAG HS hotplate stirrers; Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) at 50 ◦ C
vative strategies. Cooling and freezing are common preservation for 1 h until complete dissolving. Sterile glycerol (LobaChemie, Mumbai,
methods for herring fish although freezing could affect its sensory India), as a plasticizing agent, was then added at concentration of 1% (v/
quality during the storage (Ahmed, Shehata, Abd-Rabou, & v) to chitosan solutions, and the mixture was stirred for additional 10
El-Menshawy, 2019). Therefore, it is a great challenge for the fish in min, and the pH was adjusted to 5.6 using NaOH (1.0 M). The solutions
dustry to develop delicious, convenient and high quality smoked herring were allowed to cool down to the room temperature (⁓ 20 ◦ C) and were
fish product using natural preservatives. applied immediately for herrings coating.
Chitosan is mostly applied as a food additive or preservative and as a
food packaging material that able to retard microbial and fungal growth
2.3. Treatments application
(Devlieghere, Vermeulen, & Debevere, 2004), as well as oxidative
rancidity (Xie, Xu, & Liu, 2001) associated with smoked herring fish.
Smoked herring fish samples were divided into 5 groups (8 kg each)
Likewise, it acts as oxygen and moisture barriers, besides keeping the
to be dipped into sterile beakers containing the different control and
volatile aromas and smoked flavors inside the food (Miller & Krochta,
treatment solutions (⁓ 20 ◦ C). The first group was dipped into distilled
1997), and consequently, it can improve the sensory quality of smoked
water for 30 s as a negative control group, while the second group was
herring fish especially during frozen storage.
dipped into 0.5% lactic acid solution for 30 s as a positive control group.
Phenolics and flavonoids are well-known bioactive compounds
The third, fourth and fifth groups were coated with chitosan through
produced from smoking process that play an essential role in the pres
dipping into 2%, 3% and 4% chitosan solutions for 30 s, respectively.
ervation and improvement of the organoleptic properties of smoked
Chitosan-coated fish were taken out from the dipping solutions and
products. Such compounds have been considered to be important con
allowed to drain for 10 min onto a sterile stainless steel sieve, followed
tributors to smoke aroma and to the antioxidant and antimicrobial ac
by drying in a hot air drying oven (Heraeus, D-63450 Hanau, Germany)
tivities in these foods (Sikorski, 2016). Although the application of
at 40 ◦ C for 30 min. All treated and control untreated samples were
chitosan in food has been widely reported, to the best of our knowledge,
packed in sterile polyethylene bags, kept in frozen storage at − 18 ◦ C for
no published data currently exist about the effect of chitosan treatment
3 months and examined periodically at the first day of treatments
on antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds content such as total
application and every month afterwards up to 3 months.
phenolics and flavonoids of smoked herring fish during storage. There
fore, the main objective of the present work was to study the efficacy of
chitosan as a coating material in improving the microbial quality, 2.4. Examinations
antioxidant activity and sensory attributes as well as in the extension of
the shelf life of smoked herring fish during frozen storage at − 18 ◦ C for 3 2.4.1. Microbiological examination
months. Ten grams of smoked herring fish meat were taken under complete
aseptic condition and homogenized with 90 mL of sterile Ringer’s so
2. Materials and methods lution (Oxoid BR0052G, Hampshire, England) in sterile homogenizing
bag using stomacher (Seward 80 Lab Blender, compact, 110VAC) for 2
2.1. Experimental design min to obtain a dilution of 10− 1, from which tenfold serial dilutions were
performed. Aerobic plate count (APC) was enumerated after spreading
The experiment was carried out in three independent replicates at 0.1 mL from the diluted tubes over the surface of double sets of Plate
different times to investigate the effect of using of different concentra Count Agar (PCA, Oxoid CM0325B, Hampshire, England), then incu
tions (2%, 3% and 4%) of chitosan edible coating and lactic acid (0.5%) bated at 35 ◦ C for 48 h (Ryser & Schuman, 2015). Another set of the
on the microbial quality, physicochemical analysis, organoleptic char inoculated plate count agar was incubated at 7 ◦ C for 7–10 days to
acteristic, total phenolic and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity enumerate the psychrotrophic bacteria (Vasavada & Critzer, 2015).
(DPPH%) of smoked herring fish. All treated and control untreated Enterobacteriaceae bacterial counts were enumerated after incubation
samples were stored at − 18 ◦ C for 3 months and their quality was of the inoculated Violet Red Bile Glucose agar plates (VRBG, Oxoid
assessed monthly. CM1082B, Hampshire, England) at 37 ◦ C for 24 h (Kornacki, Gurtler, &
Stawick, 2015). While, yeast and moulds were determined by incubation
2.2. Smoked herring sampling and preparation of treatment solutions of the inoculated Sabaroud Dextrose Agar plates (SDA, Oxoid CM0041,
Hampshire, England) at 25 ◦ C for 5 days (Ryu & Wolf-Hall, 2015).
Smoked herring is produced in Egypt from the imported (usually
from The Netherlands) frozen herring fishes (Clupea harengus), which 2.4.2. Physicochemical analyses
were thawed in a refrigerator for overnight at 4 ◦ C then salted (alter
native layers of fish and salt) for 48 h, followed by washing to remove Measurement of pH. The pH value was measured according to
the excess salt. Salted herrings were hanged in the smoking trays and left the method described by Lee and Shin (2019) using a digital pH meter
to dry at room temperature for 4 h; then subjected to cold smoking (Lovibond, Senso Direct) after homogenization of 5 g of smoked herring
H.H.S. Abdel-Naeem et al. Food Control 130 (2021) 108317
fish samples with 20 mL distilled water and calibration of pH meter with their experience in sensory evaluation of fish and fish products. Addi
7.0 and 4.0 buffers solution. tionally, they received a preparatory session related to descriptive
analysis of smoked herring fish according to ISO-11035 (1994). Total volatile base nitrogen (TVBN). Total volatile base nitrogen Retraining was performed continuously during the evaluation period of
(TVBN) was determined using steam-distillation method (Malle & Tao, 3 months. In the sensory profiling, a series of words for attributes were
1987). Fish extracts from smoked herring fish samples were prepared developed to describe the sensory characteristics comprising appear
through homogenization of 100 g from the sample with 200 mL aqueous ance, color, flavor, tenderness and overall-acceptability. The samples
solution of 7.5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA, v/v) in a laboratory ho were served in random order and the sensory attributes were assessed
mogenizer at high speed for 1 min. The prepared homogenate was using nine-point hedonic scale with 9 corresponding to extremely like
centrifuged for 5 min at 3000 rpm then the supernatant liquid was and 1 corresponding to extremely dislike. The evaluations were per
filtered through Whatman No. 1 filter paper. Twenty-five milliliters of formed in separated booths with controlled temperature, free from odor
the filtrate and 5 mL aqueous solution of 10% NaOH (w/v) were added with adequate lightning and the assessors used water between each
into a Kjeldahl-type distillation tube. Steam-distillation was performed sample to clean their palates.
and a 40 mL of the distillate were collected into a receiving beaker
containing 10 mL aqueous solution of 4% boric acid (v/v) and 0.04 mL 2.4.4. Determination of total phenolic contents
of methyl red and bromocresol green indicator. The boric acid solution Total phenolics content of the samples was measured using the Folin-
turned from pink to green color when alkalinized by the distilled TVBN. Ciocalteau reagent according to the procedure recommended by
Finally, the collected distillate was titrated with sulfuric acid solution Singleton, Orthofer, and Lamuela-Raventos (1999) with some modifi
(0.1 N) till complete neutralization and the color turned pink. TVBN cations. To prepare the sample extract, 2 g of sample were homogenized
values were calculated from the volume of sulfuric acid (0.1 N) used for in an aqueous solution of methanol (80%) and centrifuged in cooling
titration multiplied by 16.8 and the result was expressed in mg nitro centrifuge (Jouan, MR 18–12, USA) at 10,000 rpm for 15 min. The su
gen/100 g of sample. pernatant was taken and the sediment was re-extracted again with
methanol (80%). All the supernatant was collected, transferred into Trimethylamine acid (TMA). Measurement of TMA was carried evaporating dishes, left to dry at room temperature and the residue was
out with the same procedure of TVBN, while the only difference was the dissolved in 5 mL of distilled water. A 0.5 mL of this extract was added to
addition of 20 mL of 16% formaldehyde (v/v) into the distillation tube 0.5 mL of Folin–Ciocalteu solution, and after 3 min, 1 mL of sodium
to block both of the primary and secondary amines and allowing to react carbonate (20%) was added. The total volume of the mixture was
only with the tertiary amines. completed up to 2.5 mL with distilled water and then kept in darkness
for 60 min. The absorbance of the developed blue color was measured Fat oxidation parameters. Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) was with a spectrophotometer (Unico 1200, USA) against the blank at 725
determined according to the method proposed by Tarladgis, Watts, and nm using gallic acid (GA) as a standard and the result was expressed as
Yonathan (1960). Ten grams of smoked herring fish sample were mg GA/100 g.
blended with 2.5 mL of HCl solution (4 N) and 97.5 mL of distilled water
for 2 min. The blend was loaded into distillation tube and 2.4.5. Determination of total flavonoid contents
steam-distillation was completed until a volume of 50 mL of distillate Total flavonoid contents of the samples was measured using
was obtained. Five milliliters of the distillate were transferred into a test aluminum chloride colorimetric method according to Jia, Tang, and Wu
tube containing 5 mL of 0.02 M TBA reagent in acetic acid (90%) fol (1999) with some modifications by Dewanto, Wu, Adom, and Liu
lowed by heating for 35 min in a boiling water bath to obtain the (2002). Two hundred and 50 μL of the sample extract were added to
TBA-MDA chromogen. The test tubes were cooled for 10 min under 1.25 mL of distilled water in a test tube followed by addition of 75 μL of
running tap water and the absorbance was measured by spectropho sodium nitrite solution (5%). After 6 min, 150 μL of aluminum chloride
tometer (Unico 1200, USA) at 538 nm against a blank containing 5 mL of solution (10%) and 0.5 mL of NaOH (1 mol/L) were added and allowed
distilled water and 5 mL of TBA reagent. The malonaldehyde (MDA) to stand for another 5 min. The mixture was brought to 2.5 mL with
amount was calculated based on the standard calibration curve using distilled water and mixed well. The absorbance was measured imme
different dilutions of 1,1,3,3-tetraethoxypropane. A conversion factor of diately with a spectrophotometer (Unico 1200, USA) against the blank
7.8 was adopted to convert the TBA-MDA absorbance readings to TBA at 510 nm using rutin as standard (1 mg/mL) and the result was
value, which expressed as mg MDA/kg. expressed as mg rutin/100 g.
Measurement of free fatty acids content (FFAs% as Oleic acid) and
acid number (AN mg NaOH/g) in smoked herring samples were carried 2.4.6. Measurement of antioxidant activity using DPPH assay
out according to the standard method outlined by AOCS (1997). Fifteen The antioxidant activity of the samples was studied through the
grams of sample were homogenized in 60 mL of chloroform and 60 mL measurement of the free radical scavenging ability towards the
of methanol solvents. After 24 h, 48 mL of water were added, and oil was stable1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical according to
collected. The oil extracted in the presence of phenolphthalein (1%) was Brand-Williams, Cuvelier, and Berset (1995). One-hundred microliters
titrated by sodium hydroxide (0.1 N). FFAs (% as Oleic acid) and AN (mg of sample extract were mixed with 3.9 mL aliquot of DPPH solution
NaOH/g) were calculated using the following equations: (0.0634 mM) in methanol (95%) for 5–10 s and kept in darkness for 30
min. The absorbance was measured with a spectrophotometer (Unico
FFAs (%) =
mL of alkali x N x 28.2 1200, USA) at 515 nm against a blank of methanol without DPPH. The
W percentage of DPPH radical scavenging activity was calculated from the
following equation
where: N = Normality of NaOH solution; W = Weight of oil (g).
(AD – AS)
Acid number (mg NaOH/g) = 1.99 × FFAs (%) DPPH(%) = × 100
where AD is the absorbance of the methanolic solution of DPPH (without
sample) and AS is the absorbance of the sample.
2.4.3. Sensory examination
Sensory analysis of smoked herring fish samples was carried out by
trained fifteen panelists. These panelists were selected on the basis of
H.H.S. Abdel-Naeem et al. Food Control 130 (2021) 108317
H.H.S. Abdel-Naeem et al. Food Control 130 (2021) 108317
H.H.S. Abdel-Naeem et al. Food Control 130 (2021) 108317
Means with different superscripts within the same row are significantly (P < 3.3. Sensory examination
0.05 or P < 0.01) different.
Values represent the mean of 3 independent replicates± SE. Coating of smoked herring fish with chitosan (2%, 3% and 4%)
induced significant (P < 0.05) improvement of appearance, color, flavor,
endogenous enzymes activities with subsequent retardation of the tenderness and overall-acceptability scores during frozen storage in
spoilage (Rasulu, Praseptiangga, Joni, & Ramelan, 2019). However, the comparison with control uncoated samples and 0.5% lactic acid-treated
increase of TVBN and TMA values in control uncoated samples may be samples (Figs. 1–3). In addition, treatment of smoked herring fish with
attributed to their higher microbial load (Table 1), which could break lactic acid (0.5%) resulted in non-significant (P > 0.05) difference in all
down the peptides, amino acids and trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) sensory attributes except the flavor and tenderness at 2nd and 3rd
compounds and resulted in an increase in the basic nitrogen fraction. month of frozen storage compared to control uncoated samples
(Figs. 1–3). Similar to our findings, Jeon et al. (2002), Fan et al. (2009),
3.2.2. Fat oxidation parameters and Alboghbeish and Khodanazary (2018) reported significant
The TBA content is widely used as an indicator of the quality of improvement for all sensory attributes of chitosan-coated fish samples
seafood products as it represents the degree of secondary lipid oxidation compared to control uncoated ones. Conversely, Wu et al. (2016) re
of the fish flesh (Fan et al., 2009). Moreover, FFAs are produced by ported that chitosan-coated samples achieved lower sensory scores than
degradation of phospholipids and triglycerides and can be used to the control samples at the first day of storage due to the acidity of the
evaluate the degree of lipolysis in fish that caused by endogenous en coating solution (1% acetic acid) although they noticed significant
zymes and microbial activities. FFAs undergo further oxidation to pro improvement of the sensory scores at the end of the storage period and
duce low molecular weight compounds that are responsible for they attributed such effect to the off-odor, which occurs faster in the
off-flavor and undesirable taste of fish and fish products (Oucif et al., control samples than those of coated samples.
2017). Chitosan coating act as water vapor barrier, and consequently, pre
Coating of smoked herring fish with the different concentrations of vent dehydration and improve the tenderness of smoked herring fish.
chitosan significantly (P < 0.01) reduced TBA, FFAs and AN values This explanation was also confirmed by Chamanara et al. (2013), who
throughout the storage period in comparison with control uncoated and noticed that chitosan-coated samples significantly decreased hardness
0.5% lactic acid-treated samples (Table 2). Nonetheless, no significant
changes were noticed in TBA, FFAs and AN values between 0.5% lactic
acid-treated samples and control untreated samples during the storage
period. The TBA value of smoked herring fish should be not more than
4.5 mg MAD/kg (ES-288, 2005). Accordingly, TBA values of control
uncoated samples and 0.5% lactic acid-treated samples exceeded this
limit starting from the 2nd month of frozen storage while, chitosan coat
keep this value within the recommended level until the end of the 3rd
month of frozen storage (Table 2).
Similar to our findings, Jeon et al. (2002); Souza et al. (2010) and
Santos et al. (2017) recorded a significant reduction in TBA value of
chitosan-coated fish samples compared to control uncoated samples.
Moreover, Alboghbeish and Khodanazary (2018) and Haghighi and
Yazdanpanah (2020) reported a significant reduction in FFAs value of
chitosan-coated fish samples in comparison with the control ones.
Controlling of lipid oxidation of fish meat is closely related to the
oxygen-barrier property of the chitosan coating and its antioxidant ac
tivity through chelation ability with ferrous ions in fish proteins and
binding capacity with lipid (Santos et al., 2017). This antioxidant ac
tivity of chitosan was magnified with the higher chitosan concentrations
(3% and 4%) and this observation was also reported in a previous study
on chitosan-coated tilapia fillets (Lee, Jahurul, Pua, Shapawi, & Chan,
2019). Such effect was elucidated by the presence of a large number of
ionic functional groups in chitosan, which create strong polymer in
teractions that restrict the chain motion and results in good oxygen
barrier properties (Jeon et al., 2002).
The increase of TBA value in control uncoated smoked herring fish
was in agreement with that of Jeon et al. (2002), who observed that
herring fillet was generally more prone to lipid oxidation due to its high
proportion of dark muscles, total lipids, pro-oxidant heme pigments and
metal ions. Additionally, the relevant higher TBA, FFAs and AN values,
in the present study in control uncoated and lactic acid-treated samples
during the storage compared to chitosan-coated samples (2%, 3% and
4%) would correspond to the action of the higher counts of psychro
trophic bacteria (Table 1), which has been reported to possess phos
pholipase activity (Koka & Weimer, 2001). In another study,
Fig. 1. Appearance and color scores of smoked herring fish coated with chi
Kilincceker, Dogan, and Kucukoner (2009) referred the increase of lipid
tosan edible coat during frozen storage at − 18 ◦ C for 3 months. C: Control; LA
oxidation of control uncoated samples during storage to the partial
0.5%: Lactic acid 0.5%; CH 2%: Chitosan 2%; CH 3%: Chitosan 3%; CH 4%:
dehydration of fish and interacting lipids with air oxygen.
Chitosan 4%. Columns with different letters within the same month of storage
are significantly different at P < 0.05 or P < 0.01. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)
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H.H.S. Abdel-Naeem et al. Food Control 130 (2021) 108317
coated food of animal origin during storage are very limited. Ruíz-
Cruz et al. (2019) obtained a significant improvement of total phenolic
contents and DPPH% of chitosan-coated chicken fillets as compared
with control samples during storage at 4 ◦ C for 16 days. On the other
hand, the total phenolic contents in 1% chitosan coat itself was 1.2 mg
GAE/g (Casettari, Gennari, Angelino, Ninfali, & Castagnino, 2012),
while the DPPH% activity of 1% chitosan coat was 49% (Alparslan &
Baygar, 2017). However, Montaño-Sánchez et al. (2020) found that total
phenolic contents and free radical scavenging activity (FRSA %) of 1%
chitosan coat was 0.03 mg GAE/g and 0.16%, and these values could be
improved to reach 3.3 mg GAE/g and 92.5%, respectively by incorpo
ration of 0.5% green tea extract into the coat.
The antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of phenolic compounds
that magnified and maintained by chitosan coating during herrings
storage could preserve the taste and color of smoked herrings from the
deteriorative changes, besides providing the smoke aroma, which are all
resulted in significant (P < 0.05) improvement of microbiological
quality (Table 1), physicochemical analysis (Table 2) and sensory scores
(Figs. 1–3) of chitosan-coated samples during the storage when
compared with control uncoated samples and 0.5% lactic acid-treated
4. Conclusions
Fig. 4. Total phenolic contents, total flavonoid contents and DPPH% activity of Declaration of competing interest
smoked herring fish coated with chitosan edible coat during frozen storage at
− 18 ◦ C for 3 months. C: Control; LA 0.5%: Lactic acid 0.5%; CH 2%: Chitosan
2%; CH 3%: Chitosan 3%; CH 4%: Chitosan 4%. Columns with different letters
within the same month of storage are significantly different at P < 0.05 or P
< 0.01. References
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