216 Rotary Actuators: Heavy Duty, Torque Generating Devices Designed For Precise Servo-Control Applications
216 Rotary Actuators: Heavy Duty, Torque Generating Devices Designed For Precise Servo-Control Applications
216 Rotary Actuators: Heavy Duty, Torque Generating Devices Designed For Precise Servo-Control Applications
be certain.
The double-vane rotor design accommodates full force application through 100° of
rotation. Matched reaction brackets, diaphragm flexures, and reaction bases allow
you to create versatile test configurations that you can easily reconfigure. Available
instrumentation options include angular displacement transducers (ADT), torque
cells, and differential pressure cells (∆P).
» Actuators are available in force ratings from 200,000 to » Servovalve ports are compatible with standard MTS
730,000 lbf-in. (22 597 to 82 479 N-m) servovalve manifolds
» Heavy-duty bearings accommodate significant radial and » Balanced double vane rotor design reduces friction and
axial loads provides continuous torque output through 100° of rotation
» Precision chamber and rotor design ensures zero actuator » Separate actuator mounting and fixture attachment equipment
backlash during torque reversals accommodate diverse test articles and configurations
» Available with a complete line of fixturing and angular » Diaphragm flexures are available to reduce excessive thrust
displacement transducer options and side loads exerted on the test specimen
» Chamber Seals – Cap seals between the actuator
cylinder and end caps prevent hydraulic fluid from
flowing around the rotor vane seals.
» Radial Bearing – Precision bearing designed to Port
tolerate the high radial and axial forces that can be
encountered during testing. Drainbck
» Front End Cap – Provides a modular carrier for Rotor Vane
the actuator seals, bearings, and drainback ports. Seals
High Pressure
» Actuator Rotor Shaft – Machined steel alloy Sealing Surface
shaft with replaceable rotor vanes. Rotor
» High Pressure Seal – Low friction seal design
Low Pressure
prevents high pressure hydraulic fluid from flowing Seal
out of the cylinder.
Fixturing Options
There are a variety of options for the Series 216 Rotary Actuators. The following
photograph shows a typical test system containing a rotary actuator and the
available optional components. Each of the options is described below.
Flange ∆P Cell
Reaction Bracket Adapter
Torque Cell
The 216 Rotary Actuators are available in figure. Subsequent tables list the
three models. Table 1 lists the actuator specifications for the actuator options.
performance characteristics by model The letters in parenthesis indicate values
number. Table 2 (following page) lists used in calculations performed in the
the specifications for the basic actuator Testing Considerations section (page 11)
assembly shown in the accompanying of this specification.
Model Maximum Thrust Load* Maximum Load on Front Bearing (W) Maximum Side Load† (P)
kip kN kip kN kip kN
216.10 3.8 16.9 12.7 56.5 5.7 25.4
216.20 7.2 32.0 17.6 78.3 7.7 34.3
216.30 15.0 66.7 28.8 128.1 13.1 58.3
Model Maximum Velocity Into Vane Stops†† Rotational Inertia of Actuator Dynamic Seal Friction‡‡
U.S. Customary Metric
lbm-in.2 kg-m2 lbf-in. N-m
rad/sec rad/sec
* Structural fatigue rating. Rated at differential pressure of 2900 psi (203 kg/cm2).
† Applied at end of output shaft and (M) equal to 0.0 lbf-in.
†† If values are excessive, additional internal or external cushions are required. Contact MTS Systems Corporation.
‡ Where w = rotational velocity in rad/sec and J or I = rotational inertia in lbm-in.2 or kg-m2 including inertia from rotary actuator, flange, flexure, and 1/2 of test specimen.
‡‡ Average test data at 1500 psi (10.3 MPa) strut pressure.
Specifications subject to change. Contact MTS for specifications critical to your needs.
Table 2. Actuator Dimensions
Model Weight A B C
lb kg in. mm in. mm in. mm
216.10 750 340 5.118 130.0 14.00 356 16.00 406
216.20 1300 590 6.299 160.0 17.75 451 20.00 508
216.30 2700 1230 7.874 200.0 22.00 559 27.00 686
Model D E F G
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
216.10 6.86 174 2.62 76 6.50 165 12.00 304.8
216.20 7.55 186 2.87 82 8.00 203 16.00 406.4
216.30 8.26 210 4.14 105 8.50 216 23.00 584.2
Model H I J s u*
in. mm in.-Thd in. mm in. mm in. mm
216.10 4.50 114.3 3/4 - 10 2.00 50.8 7.35 186.7 9.12 231.6
216.20 5.00 127.0 1-8 2.25 57.2 8.30 210.8 10.75 273.0
216.30 6.00 152.4 1-8 2.25 57.2 10.00 254.0 12.00 304.8
B u s
A dia.
0.12 in.
C/2 3 mm
0.12 in. W
3 mm
I thread
J depth G
Table 3. Diaphragm Flexure Dimensions and Ratings
Model A B C D
lb kg in. mm in. mm in. mm
216.10 13.00 330.2 14.25 361.9 15.75 400.0 4.05 102.9
216.20 15.00 381.0 17.25 438.1 19.75 501.6 5.22 132.6
216.30 17.00 431.8 21.25 539.7 23.75 603.2 5.46 138.7
Model Maximum Deflection Maximum Bending Moment* (MF1) Maximum Angular Deflection. (θF1) Rotational Inertia
in. mm lbf-in. Nm Radians lbm-in2 kg-m2
216.10 0.05 1.3 5,000 560 0.002 3,338 0.98
216.20 0.13 3.3 6,600 750 0.005 10,296 3.01
216.30 0.39 9.9 8,000 900 0.017 21,112 6.18
* Thrust load and bending moment are interdependent. If bending moment = 75% of rating, bending moment must not exceed 25% of rating, etc.
Specifications subject to change. Contact MTS for specifications critical to your needs.
F thread equally
spaced on
G diameter
Table 4. Flange Adapter Dimensions and Ratings
Model A B C D E
in. mm in. mm in. mm in.-Thd in. mm
216.10 5.118 130.0 14.00 355.6 6.25 158.7 1-8 3.25 82.5
216.20 6.299 158.2 15.00 381.0 7.62 193.5 1 1/2 - 6 4.00 101.6
216.30 7.874 200.0 17.00 431.8 8.25 209.5 1 1/2 - 6 4.00 101.6
Specifications subject to change. Contact MTS for specifications critical to your needs.
Model Length Width Height Max Space* Weight Torsional Stiffness† (K1)
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm lb kg lbf-in./rad N-m/rad
216.10 120 3048 24 610 26 660 75.3 1913 2000 1200 0.66 x 109 0.075 x 109
216.20 120 3048 27 686 29 737 67.5 1714 3600 1600 1.40 x 109 0.160 x 109
216.30 120 3048 32 813 34 864 60.5 1537 5700 2600 2.80 x 109 0.320 x 109
* Maximum space between mounting surfaces of actuator output flange and torque cell (with the MTS reaction bracket upporting the torque cell). (excludes diaphragm flexures.)
† Torsional stiffness over entire length. Stiffness increases proportionately as the actuator and reaction bracket are moved toward each other.
Specifications subject to change. Contact MTS for specifications critical to your needs.
Thread: D, E depth C
Counterbore: F diameter, G depth
Bolt Circle: Equally spaced on H diameter
Table 6. Reaction Bracket Dimensions
Model A B C D
lb kg in. mm in. mm in. mm
216.10 7.00 177.8 8.00 203.2 16.00 406.4 29.25 742.9
216.20 8.00 203.2 10.00 254.0 20.00 508.0 32.25 819.1
216.30 9.00 228.6 13.50 342.9 27.00 685.8 37.25 946.1
Model E F G H
lb kg in. mm in. mm in. mm
216.10 26.00 660.4 1.50 38.1 2.00 50.8 1.50 38.1
216.20 29.00 736.6 2.00 50.8 2.00 50.8 2.00 50.8
216.30 34.00 863.6 2.50 63.5 2.00 50.8 2.00 50.8
Model I J K L M
lb kg in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
216.10 1.031 26.2 1.062 27.0 11.00 279.4 16.00 406.4 14.50 368.3
216.20 1.031 26.2 1.562 39.7 12.00 304.8 18.00 457.2 16.00 406.4
216.30 1.031 26.2 1.516 38.5 14.00 355.6 26.00 660.4 18.50 469.9
Specifications subject to change. Contact MTS for specifications critical to your needs.
1.625 typical M
I diameter
J diameter
K diameter
bolt circle
Testing Considerations or predict the forces that can result from Multiply the flexure stiffness by the amount
specific testing situations. If there is a of specimen expansion to determine the
This section describes factors that must
possibility that the maximum thrust load thrust load imposed on the actuator
be considered when using the Series 216
rating of the actuator will be exceeded bearings. Ensure that the resultant trust
Rotary Actuators in a test system. It
during testing, steps should be taken to load does not exceed the maximum
includes sample calculations that should
minimize the load. One way of reducing allowable thrust load listed in Table 1.
help you determine the constraints on
the effect of thrust loads on the actuator
your planned testing scenario.
bearings is to install diaphragm flexures.
Side loads
The thrust and side loads that may be
As an example of thrust loads (which are
encountered during testing are generally Side loads, which are normally induced
a function of specimen geometry and
the result of the following factors: by specimen misalignment and/or reaction
material), increase the temperature of a
base or T-slot table compliance, may be
» Specimen shortening or lengthening steel shaft 1 in. (25.4 mm) in diameter and
active at the same time thrust loads are
due to torsional force 50 in. (1,270 mm) in length by 40°F (22°C).
active. If the specimen is soft, such as a
The increase in specimen temperature
» Specimen shortening or lengthening length of rubber hose, side loads are
causes the shaft to expand by approximately
due to temperature relatively small. This is because the
0.012 in. (0.305 mm). If the shaft is mounted
specimen bends easily and exerts little
» Misalignment of the test specimen in a force train using a 216 Rotary Actuator,
resistance to the deflection caused by
when initially mounted the shaft expansion would exert a resultant
reaction base twisting.
force of 6,000 lbs. on the actuator bearings.
» Reaction base or T-slot table twisting
To confine the resultant force to an However, if the specimen is stiffer, then
» Permanent deformation of the acceptable maximum requires the addition the increased resistance of the specimen
specimen due to torsional force of flexure diaphragms to the force train. to bending exerts substantial side loads
on the specimen, actuator bearings and
Use the values from Table 3 to complete torque cell due to the restraining
Thrust loads
the following formula: characteristics of the test setup. As in
Table 1 lists the maximum allowable the test setup for thrust loads, diaphragm
thrust load that can be applied to the Maximum thrust load flexures can be used to reduce the side
= Flexure stiffness
actuator rotor shaft. Because thrust Maximum deflection loads to a practical limit.
loads can be induced by a wide variety (of flexure)
of experimental conditions, this
specification will not attempt to define
Definition of Mathematical Terms
This section lists and defines the mathematical terms that are required to complete the
sample calculations. The terms are listed in alphabetical order and defined in both U.S.
Customary and SI Metric units of measure.
Term Definition
a = Distance from actuator’s center line to center of reaction base’s solid height (in.) (mm).
b = Width of reaction base (in.) (mm).
d = Thickness of reaction base (in.) (mm). Measurement of solid metal only. Do not include T-slot depth.
ES = Modulus of elasticity of the reaction base or T-slot table, shear (lb/in.2) (N/m2).
M1 = Bending moment on test specimen fitted with flexure diaphragms (lbf-in.) (N-m).
SB = Bending stress on test specimen due to reaction base twisting (psi) (N/m2).
u = Distance from front bearing to specimen (in.) (mm). Include specimen adapter plates if they are less compliant than the specimen.
∆ = Centerline offset between actuator and reaction bracket mountings due to twisting of reaction base or T-slot table (in.) (mm).
Side Load Calculations when Excluding Flexures
If diaphragm flexures will not be used in the rotary actuator test system, special attention
should be paid to the side loads that will be imposed on the specimen and actuator
by twisting of the reaction base or T-slot table. The following side load calculation
procedure is used to determine side loads due to the reaction base or T-slot table
torsional compliance. When side loads are unacceptable as determined from the
procedure, optional components are required in the force train to reduce the load
imposed on the actuator and torque sensor.
s u L2
Loads on an Actuator and Specimen due to Reaction Base Twist (Excluding Thrust Loads)
Sample Calculation
The preceding figure illustrates the forces and measurements pertinent to the calculations.
Refer to Tables 1 and 2 for dimensions and ratings of the Model 216.10 Rotary Actuator
used in the example.
The following procedure uses sample values. When performing B. Calculate the value of K2, the lateral stiffness of a solid
the calculations to determine the anticipated test forces, the cylindrical specimen, by using the formula:
values appropriate to your specific test should be substituted for
the sample values. In addition, the example uses U.S. Customary K2 = 12 EI
units of measure. The equivalent SI metric units of measure are
defined in Table 7. where: E = 29 x 106 lb/in.2
I = πr
The following values are supplied for the sample calculations: 4
r = 1.75 in.
a = 11 in. (distance from actuator center line to reaction
base center) L2 = 10 in.
1. Calculate the side load (P) imposed on the test specimen 2.563 x 106 lbf-in.
(11 in.) (150,000 lbf-in.)
and actuator bearing as a result of reaction base twist 274.4 x 106 lbf-in./rad
using the following formula: then: P =
2.563 x 106 lbf-in.
1 + (11 in.)2
K2 274.4 x 106 lbf-in./rad
P = = 15411.625 = 7,234.873 lbf
K 2.1301859
1 + 2 a2
K1 The value of 7,234.873 lbf is the side load (P) imposed on the test
specimen and actuator by reaction base twist.
The values of K1 and K2 can be found using the following equations:
lbf-in. The value of 36,174.365 lbf-in. is the bending moment exerted on the
= 274.4 x 106 rad actuator shaft and specimen.
* In the formula, [0.333 - (0.21 x )] is used in place of J (polar momentary
inertia) due to warpage that occurs in thin flat plates under torque.
3. Calculate the load on the front actuator bearing (W) by using 5. Calculate the stress (SB) induced in the specimen due to
the following formula: reaction base twist by using the following formula:
{ u} M SB = Mr
W = P 1+ s + s I
Substitute the calculated value for P, M, and the example constants where: I = πr
into the equation and compute the load on the front actuator 4
bearing (W) given:
= π(1.75) = 7.366 in.4
s = 7.35 in. 4
u = 9.12 in.
36,174.365 in. then: SB = 36,174.365 lbf-in. (1.75 in.)
W = 7,234.873 lbf (1+ 9.12 in.) + 7.366 in.4
7.35 in. 7.35 in.
= 8,594.24 psi
s = 21,133 lbf
The value, 8,594.24 psi represents the amount of stress experienced
by the specimen due to reaction base twist. In a torsion test, stress
4. Compare the result of step 3 with the specific model actuator
caused by reaction base or T-slot table twist should typically be
bearing capacity in Table 1.
zero or as close to zero as possible. In the sample calculation, the
In the sample problem, the actuator bearing capacity of a Model excessive stress imposed on the test specimen can invalidate the
216.10 Rotary Actuator is 12,700 lbf. The calculated force on the test results or cause premature failure of the specimen. To reduce
actuator bearing is 21,133 lbf. This force is significantly greater these loads requires the use of diaphragm flexures or a stiffer
than the actuator bearing capacity. Operating the actuator with mounting surface.
such a large force applied to the bearing causes additional wear
of the actuator, reduces its service life, and can cause premature
failure of the test specimen due to the additional stress.
Force Train with Diaphragm Flexures Mounted at Both Ends of Test Specimen
Sample Calculation
The following procedure uses the values derived from the previous sample calculations.
The preceding figure illustrates the forces and measurements pertinent to the calculations.
Refer to Tables 1 and 2 for dimensions and ratings of the Model 216.10 Rotary Actuator
used in the example.
The following sample values will be used in the equations: 4. Calculate the lateral stiffness (KF1) of the diaphragm flexures
by using the following formula:
a = 11 in. (distance from actuator center line to reaction
base center) KF1 = MF1
θ F1
K1 = 274.4 x 106 lbf-in./rad (torsional stiffness of thin flat plate)
L1 = 51 in. (length of reaction base subjected to twisting) where: MF2 = 5,000 lbf-in.
θF1 = 0.002 rad
L2 = 18.1 in. (length of specimen, adapter plates, and flexures)
MF1 = 15,000 lbf-in. (maximum horizontal flexure bending capacity) then: KF = 5,000 lbf-in.
1 0.002 rad
θF1 = 0.002 rad (maximum horizontal flexure angular deflection) = 2.5 rad x 106 lbf-in./rad
s = 7.35 in. (distance between front and rear actuator bearings)
T = 150,000 lbf-in. (applied torque)
5. Calculate the bending moment (M1) that is applied to the test
u = 9.12 in. (distance from front actuator bearing to specimen) specimen when equipped with flexures.
M1 = (KF1) (θ)
1. Calculate the center line offset (∆) between actuator and M1 = (2.5 x 106 in.-lb/rad) (0.000332 rad)
reaction bracket due to reaction base twist by using the
following formula: = 830 lbf-in.
∆ = Ta
6. Calculate the load (W) on the front actuator bearing when
where: a = 11 in.
diaphragm flexures installed by using the following formula:
K1 = 274.4 x 106 lbf-in.
T = 150,000 lbf-in. W ( u) M1
= P 1+ s + s
2M1 2 (830 lbf-in.)
(150,000) (11 in.) where: P = = = 46 lbf
∆ = 274.4 x 106 L1 18.1 in.
= 0.00601 in. u = 9.12 in.
s = 7.35 in.
L2 = 18.1 in.
2. Calculate the angle of flex (θ) imposed on each diaphragm
flexure by using the following formula: M1 = 1502.5 lbf-in.
θ= ∆ then: W = 46 lbf (1 +
912 in. ) 830 lbf-in.
L2 7.35 in. 7.35 in.
where: L2 = 18.1 in.
= 216.0 lbf
0.00601 in.
then: θ=
18.1 in.
= 0.000332 rad 7. Calculate the stress (SB) induced in the specimen due to
reaction base twist by using the following formula:
This section describes how to calculate the total rotational inertia of the 216 Rotary
Actuator, specimen, and optional equipment. If the total rotational inertia exceeds
recommended levels and the actuator is allowed to rotate until the rotor vane makes
contact with the rotor vane stops, then the flange adapter may rotate on the actuator
shaft or the actuator may be damaged.
To determine if the internal actuator rotor vane stops are adequate, 2. To determine JS refer to Substeps A, B, and C and select
the total rotational inertia (JT) must be determined for the the formula appropriate to the specimen configuration.
rotating mass. JT equals the sum of the calculated J for the Refer to the figure on page 18 and note that m is equal to the mass of
specimen, plus known J for the actuator, flange, and flexures. the specimen.
Table 8 provides the rotational inertia values for the actuator A. If the specimen is a regular solid mass, use the following
and optional components. Table 9 lists the maximum allowable formula to calculate JS:
rotational inertia values in both U.S. Customary and SI metric
JS = 1
units for each available actuator/servovalve combination. The 2 mr2
following procedure describes how to calculate the total
rotational inertia. where: m = πr2Lρ
L = length
ρ = density
Model Rotary Actuator (JR) Flange Adapter (JF) Diaphragm Flexure (JD)
lbm-in.2 kg-m2 lbm-in.2 kg-m2 lbm-in.2 kg-m2
216.10 725 2.12 6,500 1.92 2,700 0.79
216.20 2,180 6.37 10,400 3.04 7,900 2.30
216.30 6,350 18.43 18,300 5.35 14,300 4.20
3. After calculating the total rotational inertia (JT), compare the value to the maximum
allowable JT for the specific actuator and servovalve combination indicated in Table
9. If the maximum allowable JT exceeds the maximum levels specified in Table 9, then
steps must be taken to control actuator motion and limit servovalve pressure.
Contact MTS Systems Corporation for information on available actuator cushions
and cross port relief valves.
m 1 Mass
m 1 Mass m 1 Mass
a m
r0 r1
Table 9. Maximum Allowable Rotational Inertia (J) When Using Only Internal Actuator Rotor Vane Stops
SI Metric
*Flow through the valve at 3,000 psi (∆P). Using reduced system pressures (∆P) will decrease peak flow Q peak = Q rated √1000
Decreasing peak flow will allow an increase in acceptable inertia (J). Refer to Table 1 for the maximum velocity into vane
stops where W = Q peak x 3.85 in. /sec .
» Diaphragm flexure
» Reaction base
When ordering, please indicate the desired actuator
force rating and specify the desired options.
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This trademark may be protected in other countries. RTM No. 211177.