Agricultural Economics and Marketing
Agricultural Economics and Marketing
Agricultural Economics and Marketing
Agricultural Economics,
Marketing and Statistics
AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AND down and in some cases, farmers were found
MARKETING diversifying away from high-value crops towards
low-value, less-risky and less-input demanding
Total factor productivity in livestock crops. Terms of trade for agriculture showed
sector of India deterioration, and agricultural incomes were highly
India’s livestock sector has grown at an annual unstable in recent years. Low level of input-use
rate of 4.3% as against the annual growth of 2.7% and low-productivity in most of the states offer
in the crop sector during 1970-71 to 2003-04. It scope for revival of agricultural growth, but it
has provided a cushion to the agricultural growth would require simultaneous efforts on several
and livelihood of poor farmers, for whom livestock fronts. These include: (a) stepping-up investments
are important source of income and employment. and putting in place suitable institutional
Robust growth in the livestock sector has been mechanisms to exploit irrigation potential that exists
the result of interplay of several factors public in most of the states, (b) increasing power supply
investment in dairying, private investment in to agriculture sector, (c) promoting fertilizer-use
poultry, technological change in breeding, feeding by expanding distribution network and improving
and health, and market infrastructure. Facilitated credit facilities for farmers, (d) establishing
by investment and expanding markets, technology competitive seed markets and ensuring attractive
played a critical role in boosting growth of livestock prices for seed; (e) improvement in terms of trade
sector. The total factor productivity (TFP), grew for agriculture, and (f) evolving measures to
at an annual rate of 2.3% during the period, and mitigate risk in farming.
accounted for over half of the growth in livestock
sector. The TFP-led growth in livestock sector Diversification of agriculture towards high-
would sustain agricultural growth, reduce rural value crops: Role of smallholders
poverty and alleviate pressure of number-led growth Gradual diversification of agriculture towards high-
on natural resources, which are already facing value crops exhibits a pro-smallholder bias, with
smallholders playing a proportionally larger role
quantitative and qualitative deterioration.
in the cultivation of vegetables versus fruits. The
observed patterns are consistent with simple
Growth crisis in Indian agriculture
comparative advantage-based production choices.
The growth of Indian agriculture during the The comparatively high labour endowments of the
post-WTO period declined sharply in almost all small farmers, as reflected in their larger family
sub-sectors and commodity groups. Agriculture sizes, induce them to diversify towards
vegetables. Although fruit cultivation is also
and non-agriculture sectors are also on a disparate
labour-intensive (as compared to cultivation of
growth path. The main reasons for deceleration staples), it is highly capital-intensive, making it a
and stagnation in agricultural output after 1995- less advantageous choice for smallholders who
96 are–slowdown in growth of use of fertilizers, tend to have low capital endowments. Small or
irrigation, and energy (electric power) in some medium holders do not appear to allocate a
cases, stagnation or even decline in other cases. greater share of land to fruits or vegetables.
However, the share allocated to vegetables is
Crop intensity and area under cultivation also significantly higher if the family size is bigger, while
showed either poor growth or decline. reverse is true in case of fruits.
Diversification towards high-value crops slowed