Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Keywords: Concrete shell collectors offer an alternative to conventional parabolic trough collectors. The principle design
Parabolic trough collector concept is derived from existing barrel rooves that effectively bridge large spans in halls or buildings with
High-performance concrete minimum material usage. The concrete troughs merge the bearing structure and mirroring surface to just one
Solar concrete shell structure
shell of a few centimeters. They are made of high-strength concrete and track the sun via pure axial rotation or
Prototype application
lateral movements that avoid any lifting works. In the present contribution, basic constraints in materials, ge
Design criteria
Wind loads ometry, and static calculation are derived and converted into a framework of possible designs. This contribution
Photogrammetry thereby presents a survey of concepts that range from small-scale prototypes to full-scale realizations of 140 m2
apertures and large-aperture concepts with a 10 m width. Design concepts with bearing and drive systems as well
as optimization-based form findings are introduced to elaborate shells of minimum weight with solid sections,
stiffeners, and hollow cores.
Abbreviations: CSP, Concentrated Solar Power; LACC, Large-Aperture Concrete Collectors; PTC, Parabolic Trough Collector; REPA, Rotation and Expansion
Performing Assembly; SIMP, Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization; (U)HPC, (Ultra-)High-Performance Concretes.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Forman).
Received 31 March 2020; Received in revised form 12 August 2020; Accepted 29 August 2020
Available online 12 September 2020
1364-0321/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
aperture dimensions of 5.77 m by 12 m [19] used in solar power plants materials. Since the efficiency of PTC is developed quite far, future po
Andasol 1–3 [20]), the Ultimate Trough (with 7.5 m by 24 m [21]), and tential in solar energy [31] is focused on the reduction of investment and
the SpaceTube (with 8 m by 14.2 m [22]). The main girder is often non-technical costs [32] with respect to local constraints of CSP plants
designed as a torque box [19,21,23] or torque tube [24] to transmit the (e.g. Ref. [33]). Thereby, the most cost-efficient PTC nowadays is the
torsional loads between the single modules. The Solarlite SL 4600 SkyTrough with costs of <100 $/m2 [34].
module represents a concept that uses alternative materials with an In this contribution, the design and development of PTCs aim to
aperture width of 4.6 m and a length of 12 m [25]. The module consists achieve cost reduction by using free shapeable concrete for the struc
of a lightweight glass-fiber reinforced composite material with a directly tural design. Doing so, material efforts are minimized applying shells
applied thin glass layer and a minimum use of steel components as a rather than beams or grillages. Additionally, the supporting and the
torque framework. The first known concrete collector – which is already reflector structure are merged to form a low-deformation and preferably
being used in a test facility in Morocco [26] – was built from pre lightweight shell, which means that mirror elements with inherent
fabricated, pre-stressed steel-fiber-reinforced concrete elements. The stiffness, can be omitted since either mirror foils or thin glass mirrors are
concrete structure supports a pneumatic mirror system with a receiver directly applied to the shell surface. Therefore, the development of the
and an integrated secondary mirror, which becomes necessary because PTC shell structure alters the load-bearing behavior of barrel vaults,
of a not ideal parabolic shape of the pneumatic system. The collector has which are mostly used in roof constructions (barrel rooves). The chal
an aperture width of 9.8 m and a length of 45 m [27]. However, the lenge now is to transfer the load-bearing capacity of this stationary
elements exhibit rather large cross sections and thus a pronounced dead construction with mainly static loads to a solar collector that tracks the
load. An overview of the developments of mostly established sun and is hence continuously exposed to varying loads. The essential
steel-framework PTCs is provided in Ref. [28,29], and alternative con demands for this task are a high bearing capacity in order to be able to
cepts are summarized in Ref. [30]. Generally, the trend aims toward withstand the specific action effects and an uncracked state to ensure the
higher aperture widths. The use of alternative materials is motivated by low-deformations required for full solar concentration (Fig. 1). To fulfill
reducing costs and generally focuses on assembly, operation, and these requirements, high-performance concrete (HPC) with high
Fig. 1. Principle of barrel rooves (left) and derived principle of concrete shell parabolic collector (right).
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
strength and pronounced durability is chosen. Specific action effects and Table 1
design criteria for concrete shell PTCs are introduced. Moreover, Material properties of Nanodur® concrete (Subscripts: c – concrete, t – tension,
structural and conceptual design options and strategies as well as their m –mean, fl – flexural) acc. to [38–40].
limitations are presented. Actual implementations are shown by means Young’s modulus Ecm 47,600–52,700 N/mm2
of numerical, optimization-based studies and realizations in small- and Compressive strength fcm 130–139 N/mm2
full scales. Furthermore, a visionary design concept for large-aperture Flexural tensile strength fctm,fl 15.1–18.2 N/mm2
concrete collectors (LACC) with an aperture width of 10 m is derived. fct,fl 12.8–15.5 N/mm2
In section 2 constraints of the design of PTC concrete collectors are Axial tensile strength fctm 7.8–9.3 N/mm2
fct 6.6–8.0 N/mm2
derived. They comprise the material properties of HPC, a criterion to
Density ρc 2440–2524 kg/m3
qualify the accuracy, and specific action effects. Section 3 presents the
possibilities of the collector design with respect to motions, statical
systems, dimensions and cross sections. Moreover, recommendations for determined. It can be mathematically transferred to the characteristic
suitable, unfavorable and not possible design options are given. An axial tensile strength with respect to the geometry of the test specimen
overview of built-up prototypes, full-scale realizations and numerical acc. to Ref. [42]. Then, the characteristic value of the axial tensile
investigations are demonstrated in section 4 and discussed, especially, strength fct is derived from the experimental, scattering data. In addi
with respect to the comparatively higher weight of a concrete structure. tion, it is reduced by an endurance-coefficient of αc = 0.80 [43] that
Finally, conclusions are drawn section 5. takes into account long term action effects. The density of approximately
2500 kg/m3 corresponds to that of normal strength concrete and defines
2. Specific action effects and design criteria the self-weight.
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
full-, and large-scale designs shown in Section 4 are presented in Table 2. equivalent to those of the EuroTrough-like module. Results are line-like
Obviously, with increasing aperture width, the acceptance angle de distributions of wind load coefficients cp,net (Fig. 2, bottom), which are
creases, and higher accuracy demands consequently have to be fulfilled. multiplied by the gust pressure as a function of a mean reference wind
It must be noted that further uncertainties (e.g., due to tracking errors) speed vref and thus provide the wind load qw:
have to be accumulated to the load-induced solar-beam spread. Never
qw = cp,net ⋅qb (4)
theless, the acceptance half angle is used as an absolute, maximum limit
in the form-finding process. with: qb = 0.5ρair vref ρair = 1.25 kg/m (air density).
For a more precise determination of the surface quality, the slope An evaluation of force and pitching moment coefficients is provided
deviation (SD) of the surface is evaluated [45]. A reference value is given in Ref. [51]. The results reveal good conformity with similar wind tunnel
by the root mean square SDx,rms – significantly in the transversal x tests in Ref. [52].
direction (cf. Fig. 1) since the reflected solar rays are deviated along the In order to investigate influences in corner and edge areas of the
absorber in the longitudinal direction. This value allows for an evalua shells as well as effects of row- and field arrangements, additional wind
tion of the efficiency (intercept factor) – that is, the percentage of re tunnel tests were performed on large-area models as single models as
flected radiation bundled onto the absorber tube both for the numerical well as in group arrangements with varying flow direction [53]. These
deformation calculations and for photogrammetric measurements [46]. tests are valid for PTC modules with dimensions of approximately 10 m
For the EuroTrough module, slope deviations SDx,rms,i due to different by 30 m and are used for the design of large-aperture concrete collectors.
effects (e.g., collector torsion, mirror shape uncertainties, tracking er For the dimensioning, a distinction between three states with indi
rors) that accumulate to 6.2 mrad and a resulting intercept factor of vidual restrictions was made with respect to an approach in Ref. [54] for
98.7% [47] were determined. To achieve similar efficiency, a maximum steel PTCs. The three states differ in their reference wind speed. In the
slope deviation SDx,rms of approximately 2 mrad caused by operational state, the optical efficiency has to be maintained under
load-induced deformation was derived for EuroTrough-like PTC mod moderate wind conditions (vref ≤ 10 m/s). In the transition state, the
ules. For other PTC dimensions, their specific characteristics have to be load bearing capacity (i.e., in this case, an uncracked state I) has to be
adopted from modules with similar dimensions as long as similar mea ensured under arising wind (10 m/s ≤ vref ≤ 15 m/s). In the survival
sures exist. state under violent wind loadings (vref ≤ 33 m/s) no operation but pure
survival, i.e. ensuring the bearing capacities, takes place. Table 3 dis
2.3. Action effects plays the assumed wind speeds for dimensioning and the imposed
PTCs are subjected to various action effects, namely deflection- Time-dependent deformations result from creep and shrinkage.
dependent self-weights and wind loads (varying over the course of the Creep causes increased deformations due to continuous loads (self-
day due to sun tracking) as well as temperature constraints, and de weight). However, since parabolic trough collectors track the sun,
formations due to creep- and shrinkage effects using concrete. Tem different load situations occur during the day and – if symmetric –
perature constraints are of secondary importance as they almost solely mainly neutralize each other in their resulting deformations. Creep de
result in residual stresses and cause negligible deformations [48]. formations can theoretically be fully neglected via smart control of the
Self-weights and wind loads have the most significant influence on collector deflection (in the sunless hours). Shrinkage deformations result
the design. The self-weight is determined by the concrete’s density. The from (chemical) drying of the concrete. For UHPC, a large share of these
wind loads mainly depend on the geometry of the shell and the wind deformations occur in the first hours or days, i.e. before further in
flow. To determine an equivalent, quasi-static wind load on PTCs, wind stallations, e.g. of the absorber, take place. Uniformly, they only cause
tunnel tests were performed in the boundary layer wind tunnel at the volumetric compactions that can be easily compensated by a vertical
Ruhr University Bochum on a soloist model (Fig. 2, top) [48,49]. The adaption of the receiver tube. The same applies for shrinkage gradients
measured wind pressures were evaluated for the central axis by means of that arise from unequal drying conditions, e.g. exposed by different
an extreme value statistic according to Cook [50] and thus satisfy a formwork materials on the upper and lower shell surface. The basic
50-year return period. The geometric boundary conditions were shape of a parabola is still maintained. However, then noticeable
Fig. 2. Wind tunnel model (top) and wind load coefficients cp,net for different collector deflections (bottom).
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
Fig. 3. Principle of the center-of-gravity-oriented rotation (left) and of the rocker bearing with horizontal movement of the center of gravity (right).
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
Fig. 4. Schematic of a central drive system (top) and synchronized decentral drive systems for single modules (center) and pairs of modules (bottom).
3.2. Dimensions and cross-section design Statical systems of single span girders (S1) using central drive con
cepts must transfer loads and especially torsional moments through
For concrete PTC, the self-weight becomes the crucial load with several modules. Thus, stiffeners (C2) for full-scale (A2) or even for
increasing aperture size following the trend of increased efficiency by small-scale modules (A1) and hollow core structures (C3) for large-
enlarging the aperture width and additionally the module length (e.g. scale modules (A3) are necessary here. For decentral drive con
Ref. [21,57]). Fig. 5 (left) displays the apertures of selected parabolic cepts, which only drive single or pairs of modules, statical systems
trough collector modules, such as the EuroTrough, as well as a with lower effective span length are chosen (S2 and S3). Addition
small-scale concrete prototype with a projected area of 7 m2 up to the ally, no loads have to be transferred along several modules. Thereby,
visionary concept of a large-aperture concrete collector (LACC) of 300 one-walled shells (C1) for small-scale (A1) and also for full-scale
m2. With increased apertures, however, the self-weight can lead to modules (A2) seem to be appropriate.
disproportionate deformations due to the wall thicknesses required for • Decentral drive concepts premise a motion by means of rocker
rigidity or solar concentration demands, meaning that single-walled bearings:
(solid) designs of PTC shells (Fig. 5, (1)) no longer make sense. In
order to increase the ratio of rigidity (defined by the moment of inertia I) Since decentral drive systems assume statical systems that possess at
to self-weight (defined by the cross-sectional area A), it is therefore least one indented support arrangement, a bearing in the center of
advisable to use tapered cross-sections similar to T-profiles (i.e., with gravity (M1) is not possible so that only rocker bearings (M2) are
external bracings (Fig. 5, (2))) or hollow structures (i.e., with internal used here.
voids (Fig. 5, (3))).
Some minor trends are:
3.3. Design options and their limits
• Single walled-shells (C1) might be appropriate for full-scale collec
The concepts presented for tracking, aperture, bearing and statical tors (A2) with decentral drive systems (S2 and S3) due to lower ef
system, and cross-section can usually be combined in many desired forts in formworks compared with the more rigid bracing-
ways, whereby some combinations are prioritized (++,+), others are strengthened (C2) or hollow-core structures (C3).
not recommended (–,-), and still others are incompatible, i. e. not • Single walled shells (C1) are not recommended for large-scale
possible (n.p.). Fig. 6 provides a rating matrix where the combinations of structures (A3) due to the low ratio of rigidity to self-weight.
the different statical systems (subscript S), motions (subscript M), • Hollow core structures (C3) are too expensive for small-scale col
aperture areas (subscript A) and cross-sections (subscript C) are lectors (A1). The same applies for full-scale collectors (A2) besides
compared with each other. systems with central drive concepts (S2 and S3). In general, a hollow
Major trends can be identified as follows: core structure (C3) becomes only decisive if sufficient static height of
the cross-section is required to arrange the necessary void formers
• An increasing aperture area requires an increasing rigidity of the within the shell.
Further details can be obtained from Fig. 6. The implementations and
• This means that small-scale collector modules (A1) are preferably feasibility studies of selected systems and combinations are shown in the
designed as single-walled shells (C1), full-scale modules (A2) with following sections.
outer bracings (C2) and consequently large-scale modules (A3) as
hollow cores (C3). Nevertheless, some exceptions may occur. 4. Examples of the design and manufacturing of parabolic shells
• Central drive concepts require a higher (torsional) stiffness than The conceptual and optimization-based design of parabolic shells
decentralized drive concepts: was performed by means of parameterized Finite Element (FE) models in
the software environment ANSYS. The parabolic shells as well as the
stiffeners were modelled by 4-noded shell elements with three degrees of
translational and rotational freedom each. For large-scale collectors
with integrated hollow cores, the shell elements were divided into
several layers that considered the integrated hollow bodies over
smeared effective stiffness parameters [51]. The material parameters
used were determined experimentally (cf. Table 1). Due to the restric
tion to a share of the axial tensile strength of the concrete, the numerical
investigations were based on a linear-elastic material model. The design
of the individual models was carried out according to the criteria in
Table 3.
Fig. 5. Left: Typical apertures of parabolic trough modules; Right: Possible The derived designs show primarily the feasibility of PTC made from
cross-section layouts (solid, with stiffeners, hollow core).
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
Fig. 6. Rating matrix for possible concrete collector designs depending on motion, static system, dimensions, and cross-section.
concrete. They compromise from real-scale applications and numeri direction (S3). The mean shell thickness is 2.5 cm, which tapers from a
cally derived design studies. The latter demonstrate specific, mainly center thickness of 3 cm to 2 cm at edge, and the focal length corre
visionary concepts. Already built-up collectors or modules in real-scale sponds to 0.78 m. Fig. 7 (left) displays the collector module with an
are first prototypes or fully operational collectors in full-scale. Next to installed linear drive and absorber tube. In order to avoid tilting or
the constraints in Fig. 6, also demands from manufacturing have to be slipping, specially fitted steel gears were mounted on the rocker bearings
considered due to the individual production of these modules. Thus, and sickles.
simple geometries – and consequently a simple fabrication – might be To determine the optical efficiency, the demonstrator was measured
preferred rather than stiffer but more complex cross-sections. The pro in its noon position by means of digital close-range photogrammetry
duction of complex structures, however, is usually shown in experi using 200 target points. The deformations could thus be derived in
mental realizations, e.g. individual components or details. relation to the intended geometry. They vary in the range of approxi
mately ± 5 mm and are characterized by a kind of “dishing” effect,
4.1. Small-scale collector shells which is typical of flat, thin-walled concrete components (Fig. 7, right).
Based on these deformations, an optical efficiency of 94% was deter
To demonstrate the general feasibility of PTC shells, a small-scale mined [48]. The reduced efficiency can be traced back to the systematic
prototype with dimensions of 2.20 m by 3.20 m was developed as a deformation as well as to an increased waviness of the mirroring due to
single module [38,48]. This module illustrates the combination of sup manual application.
porting and reflector structure to a thin-walled shell (C1) with mirroring
by a manually applied PVD-coated aluminum sheet with a thickness of 4.2. Parabolic shells for full-scale collectors
0.5 mm. The sun tracking is achieved by means of rocker bearings (M2),
which are arranged indented from the edges so that the static system of a The design studies and implementations of PTC shells for full-scale
single-span girder with two cantilever arms results in the longitudinal collectors are oriented at the widely used EuroTrough module which
Fig. 7. Small-scale prototype (left) and photogrammetrically measured deformations along with target points (right); Photo: Thomas Brenner.
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
maintains an aperture width of 5.77 m, a module length of 12 m, and a 4.2.2. Structurally optimized ribbed shells for decentralized drive systems
focal length of 1.71 m. Substantial material savings could be achieved by means of bracings.
It therefore seems reasonable to also build up modules for decentralized
4.2.1. Central drive systems drive systems (S3) using stiffeners which now be realized with a bracing
Collector modules as single-span girders are recommended for cen pattern designed according to the flux of forces (C2). The bearings are
tral drive systems (S1). For this purpose, the individual modules are adapted from the small-scale prototype (M2). The design is achieved in
supported at the ends in the center of gravity (M1) which lies within the two steps. At first, the basic pattern of stiffeners is identified by means of
parabola cross-section. For bearing, this model was enhanced with outer topology optimization [59] taking into account the most relevant yet
bulkheads according to the principle of barrel rooves, which, however, simplified action effects. Then, this pattern is transferred into bracings
create moderate shading. Tensile ties in the quarter points were neces with a rectangular cross-section. The bracings bear the main loads and
sary to counteract buckling for single-walled (C1) or ribbed shells (C2). support the actual parabolic shell structure. They are dimensioned by
The conceptual design with exemplary first principle stress distribution means of shape optimization techniques, while the actual shell is
and visualization is shown in Fig. 8. designed as thin as possible. Ductile behavior (i.e., avoiding brittle
In order to reduce shading by the bulkheads, it is advisable to mirror failure) is ensured by reinforcements.
them so that they serve as secondary reflectors. Alternatively, the outer To generate structures featuring maximized rigidity while using only
bulkhead can be replaced by a spoked wheel-like steel strut structure to a reduced amount of initial material, topology optimization is recom
generate a hybrid shell, which can significantly reduce shading [39]. mended. It is used to predict optimal material distributions within a pre-
For the transfer of torsional moments, stiffeners are necessary. These defined design space. For identifying a bracing pattern, the shell struc
can be best designed as cross-bracings on the back of the shell so that the ture is discretized into finite elements (cf. Fig. 11). Using these elements,
axial moment to be transmitted is applied as a pair of forces at the the material distribution is controlled by means of a pseudo-density ρ
corners of the PTC shell (Fig. 9, left). Thereby, torsional loads are (per element i) which varies between 1 and 0 (i.e., material is required
transferred over the entire collector length. To ensure a torsional stiff or material is removed) with respect to given loads and boundary con
ness of 2 kNm/mrad, the required moment of inertia of possible cross- ditions. Intermediate densities are possible but are avoided using the so
bracings can be derived. Based on an equivalent statical system of a called SIMP (Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization) method [60].
cantilever arm for the cross-bracings (Fig. 9), the geometry of The objective here is the minimization of the structure’s compliance c:
EuroTrough-like modules, and a maximum deformation due to 1 mrad
min c(ρi ) (5)
axial rotation, the moment of inertia results to about 2.5 × 10− 4 m4. This ρ
moment of inertia can be designed as a rectangular cross-section with a
The decisive action effects are self-weight, wind load, and torsional
width-to-height-ratio of around w/h = 15/27 [cm/cm]. However, the
load, which are considered as simplified load situations [39,61] for a
height of the bracings can be adapted to its utilization caused by the
qualitative identification of the bracing pattern. The boundary condi
bending moment, i.e. they possess a maximum cross sectional area at the
tions are adapted from the small-scale prototype. The resulting material
middle of the shell which taper towards the edges. Thereby, the bracings
distributions with corresponding load cases are displayed in Fig. 11
are uniformly stressed due to torsion (Fig. 9, right).
(left). However, parabolic trough collectors are usually simultaneously
In a study on different bracing concepts for the model according to
exposed to several loads that also vary in the course of the day. For this
Fig. 8, all of which have a cross-bracing as primary stiffeners, resulting
purpose, the objective function is extended in terms of a multi-objective
deformations and slope deviations were compared (Fig. 10). The basis
optimization. Although the single load cases are initially considered
was a single-walled shell. The loads were set for a crucial load situation
separately, the sum of their resulting compliance values is minimized:
in operation state with a collector deflection of 45◦ (cf. Fig. 2). It should
be noted that all models underwent a shape-optimization process in ∑
min wk ck (ρi ) (6)
which the stiffeners and the shell were optimized in their cross-section ρ
and thicknesses [58]. The axial tensile strength was restrictive and the
actions were only applied for a single module. All models displayed full Thereby, a material distribution which is robust against all applied
optical efficiency, whereby the single-walled shell possesses the largest loads as well as against every single load case alone is generated. Here,
slope deviation. The volume was reduced by almost up to 30% for the the n = 3 load cases are equally weighted (w1 = w2 = w3). The resulting
model with a diamond-shaped bracing pattern, whereby every model distribution can be identified as a diamond-shaped pattern (Fig. 11,
with bracings lost at least about 20% of its mass. A dimensioning of the right). Material-specific properties of concrete and reinforcement steel
cross-bracing for the transmission of torsional moments has not been can also be controlled for separately in the design space using multi-
included but would have the same effect on every concept. However, the material- and/or hybrid approaches [62–65] yet they are not neces
before dimensioned bracings for a torsional stiffness of 2 kNm/mrad can sary for an initial identification of possible stiffener’s pattern.
simply be added to the designs. After the basic pattern is known, the bracings are dimensioned.
These bracings possess a constant rectangular cross-section. For a
quantitative design, specific action effects according to Section 2.3 are
Fig. 8. Conceptual design and FE model of the trough-like shell (left) and visualization of the collector module (right).
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
Fig. 9. Cross-bracing concept for the transfer of torsional moments with equivalent statical system.
Fig. 10. Bracing concepts (left) with related deformations (center) and slope deviations (right).
used. In a shape optimization process, only the cross-sectional di reinforcement’s bar spacing. The module length of 12 m could thus be
mensions of the stiffeners (height h and width w) were sized, whereby maintained. By means of shape optimization inside ANSYS, the cross-
the objective is the minimization of the volume and the restrictions are sectional dimensions of the stiffeners results to h/w = 19/5 [cm/cm]
set to the maintenance of axial tensile stress and accuracy demands [61]. Additional reinforcement has to be added into the bracings based
according to Table 3. Since the stiffeners carry the main loads, the basic on basic design principles for reinforced concrete structures. Fig. 12
shell which supports the reflector elements is designed as thin as (left) displays a visualization of the developed design, which has an
possible. For a ductile behavior, the shell is reinforced with a conven average shell thickness of 2.3 cm. A feasibility study of a test segment
tional mesh Q188, which exhibits diameters of 6 mm and spacings of 15 (Fig. 12, right) that was produced in a reusable concrete formwork
mm, with minimal concrete covering. These reinforcements should be revealed that even complex geometries such as the structurally opti
installed at a 45◦ angle of rotation so that the diamond-shaped bracing mized shell are possible. However, for an actual implementation of these
pattern orients to the reinforcements. However, this was not possible structures, reusable, high-precision steel formworks are recommended.
without adjusting the aperture width to 5.42 m due to the Although the steel formworks are expensive, they would amortize over
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
Fig. 11. Topology optimization results as pseudo-density distribution (red: ρi = 1, blue: ρi ≈ 0) for simplified load cases (left) and for a multi-objective optimization
with an identified bracing pattern (right) acc. to [61]. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of
this article.)
Fig. 12. Visualization of a full-scale prototype with diamond-shaped bracings and a concrete test specimen of crossing ribs with integrated reinforcement mesh.
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
costly steel formwork – but one that makes sense for series production –
would also improve the (optical) quality.
Benchmark for this design is the EuroTrough collector which is used
in the CSP plants Andasol 1–3 [20]. For a cost comparison, all plant
components except the concrete collector are considered identical.
Then, the costs – normalized to the aperture area – are derived and
summarized in Table 4 [66]. In total, they amount to 179 €/m2 what
exceeds the reference of the EuroTrough with 160 €/m2. Thereby, the
concrete components constitute the largest amount. However, addi
tional material savings of approx. >50% can be achieved using struc
tural optimization (cf. section 4.2.2) for the shell as well as for the
Fig. 14. Drive engine with bearing in an exploded drawing (left) and detail of substructure. Some components like receiver and REPA (Rotation and
the drive engine (right). Expansion Performing Assemblies) are standard components. Further
cost reductions can be achieved for the steel components, mirroring, and
more complicated components – such as gear wheels, sickles, and tracking. Most steel components have been only necessary for transport
bearings – was cut from polystyrene. Conventional steel reinforcements purposes and, therefore, not required in an in situ fabrication of a CSP
were used to ensure the ductile behavior. In the shell, it was applied in a plant. The tracking that includes the drive is a newly developed system
single layer due to its slenderness. The assembly of the collector had to and can also be optimized. Taking these parameters into account, a cost
be carried out with high accuracy as inaccuracies of individual elements reduction to less than 100 $/m2 (cf. [34]) seems possible.
could accumulate for the whole structure. Due to the limited aperture
area, an application to generate electricity would not have been suffi 4.3. Large-aperture concrete collector modules (LACC)
cient. The PTC shell’s surface was covered with a mirror material
developed in the project, which consists of an electrochemically pol To implement large-aperture collectors as a concrete structure, suf
ished aluminum strip with a thickness of 0.4 mm with a silver-based ficient structural stiffness is required which is preferable reached by
multi-layer PVD coating and additional sol-gel protection. The spec hollow core structures (C3). The static system (S3) and the rocker
ular reflectivity amounts to 92.3% [66]. The assembled collector is bearings (M2) of the small-scale prototype provide the basis for an
shown in Fig. 15. upscaling. A focal length of approximately 3 m is chosen based on a rim
To determine the optical efficiency, the western PTC module (cf. angle of 80◦ and a desired aperture of 10 m × 30 m (A3). To ensure the
Fig. 15) was photogrammetrically measured before applying the mirror required stiffness (especially in the transverse direction), the cross-
sheets. The deformations compared to an ideal parabolic shape are section is shape optimized at first. The cross-section is adjusted to the
shown in Fig. 16 (top). The longitudinal edges of the parabola can be restrictive tensile strength of the concrete, resulting in a tapering shell
seen to have an almost constant deformation of about 30 mm, which is with a thickness of 0.50 m in the parabolic apex (Fig. 17, left). Then, in
significantly higher than the numerically determined deviation of less order to avoid the predominantly high self-weight without a super-
than 5 mm. Since this is an almost constant deformation, it seems to be a proportional loss of rigidity, the homogeneous shell structure is dis
systemic error that is likely due to one-sided shrinkage. In addition, solved into an inhomogeneous one with hollow cores. The hollow cores
local, high-slope deviations occur at the clamping points, which were can be designed as internal longitudinal and transverse ribs or by means
necessary for formwork construction. These initial deformations, which of void formers as they are already used in structural engineering
are superimposed by the self-weight deformations, result in slope de (Fig. 17, right). Void formers are usually available as spheres or flat
viations SDx in the range of approximately − 40 to 10 mrad (Fig. 16, tened ellipsoids as shown in a flat plate made of HPC in Fig. 17 (bottom).
bottom). From this finding, a SDx,rms value of 10.12 mrad results, The LACC was dimensioned for the internal hollow core structure by
which exceeds the EuroTrough-oriented derived limit of 2 mrad (cf. means of derived equivalent stiffnesses as superimposed membrane and
Section 0) and corresponds to an intercept factor of only 58.6%. With a bending stiffness components [51]. The resulting structures possess
theoretical adjustment of the focal length fromrm 1.71 m to 1.78 m, great rigidity which could be proven in numerical analyses and evalu
which almost compensates for the shrinkage effect deformation, a solar ations of the surface accuracy both for approaches with spherical void
concentration of 85.6% can be achieved. formers and with internal longitudinal and transverse ribs. While the
The achieved accuracy remains below the expectations and numer manufacturing of LACC with void formers appears less extensive, a
ical calculations, but from the authors’ point of view, it is due to the structure with inner ribs has greater potential to save material and thus
manufacturing process and especially to the prototypical character of also self-weight. Further optimization possibilities are seen in the
the concrete collector, which is unique in its dimension and obtained arrangement of the ribs or void formers, which, as already shown in
slenderness. Further investigations should deal with the shrinkage ef Section 4.2.2, can be arranged according to the flux of forces. For a
fects, which can be reduced, for example, by heat treatment [37,67]. A practical realization further improvements and developments, e. g.
including drive system and installation parts as well as of structural
components, have to be performed. A prototypical application has not
yet taken place due to the large dimensions.
P. Forman et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 134 (2020) 110331
Fig. 16. Deformations (top) and slope deviation (bottom) of the western collector module.
Table 5
Main characteristics of the presented concrete collector modules.
small-scale prototype shell modules with stiffeners ConSol module LACC modules
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