Inductive Model Carson Suntrapak

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Model of Teaching: Inductive

Student Teacher Name:_Carson Suntrapak_ Date of Lesson:_6/21/21_

Grade Level(s): 1st Grade Subject Area(s): Dance Duration: 30 minutes

Content Standard(s): 1.DA.Cr1b. Explore a variety of locomotor and nonlocomotor movements by experimenting with
and changing the elements of dance.

Learning Objective: SWBAT learn new dance moves by transitioning between locomotor and nonlocomotor
movements after listening to the story Giraffes Can’t Dance.

Materials: Giraffes Can’t Dance Book, open space to move around

Student Readiness Levels and Prior Learning: Must have some schema of dancing or moving their body to a beat.

Student Interests and Assets:

● Students enjoy dance, dance moves, or dancing
● Students enjoy listening to music
● Students enjoy stretching
● Students enjoy using energy to use limbs in a variety of motions


Teacher/Student Script Student Engagement

Note the following:
Script what you will say, ask, and do. ● Differentiation & Grouping
Include anticipated student responses and actions. ● Explicit Language Instruction
● Instructional Strategies/Materials
● Technology Integration
● Connections to Theory

Lesson Introduction Today, we will be looking at a variety of dance Explicit Language Instruction:
moves! First, we are going to read a story about ● Revisit what it means to
dancing, and then we will try to come up with our dance or what dancing is.
own dance moves while listening to music. I want
you to pay attention to what are dance moves and Instructional Strategies/Materials
what are not dance moves. ● Giraffes Can’t Dance Book
● Large open space to move
There are two types of dance moves or movements. around without touching
Locomotor movements are dance moves that require other students
our bodies to move location from one point to
another. Non-locomotor movements are dance Differentiation:
movements that happen when we are standing in ● Showing how to use different
place and not moving locations. body parts to make different
movements like head, legs,
While we read this story, I will pause and I want us to torso, etc.
analyze what is happening on the page and which
are examples of dance movements and which are Technology Integration:
not. ● Use computer to play
kid-friendly music to dance to
at Closure of lesson

Divergent Phase Teacher reads the page that says “The warthods Students will then observe the

© 2018 Adapted by Jennifer Miyake-Trapp

started waltzing, and the rhinos rock’n’rolled, the illustrations and context clues for if
lions danced a tango which was elegant and bold”... there is movement or not occurring.
Students pose questions to help
Teachers poses the questions: them infer what is a potential dance
- What do we see here? move and what is not.
- Are there any differences or similarities?

Convergent Phase Teacher reads a page that says “Gerald swallowed

bravely as he walked towards the floor. The lions saw
him coming, and they soon began to roar. ‘Hey, look
at clumsy Gerald’ the animal sneers. ‘Giraffes can't
dance, you silly fool! Og, Gerald, you're so weird.’
Gerald simply froze up. He was rooted to the spot.
They’re right, he thought.”

Teacher asks more probing questions:

- Does Gerald do any dance moves?
- If you are “rooted” to the spot, can you do a
dance move?
- Would that be a locomotor or non-locomotor
- How can you make that a dance move?

Closure Okay, now let’s try to do some of the dance moves

that we see the jungle animals do. We can try to
dance like the monkeys, rhinos, lions, and more! I will
play music to feel the beat and rhythm.

Can you come up with more dance moves? Show

Can you show me what is not a dance move?

Application Now, let’s come up with a dance sequence of 4

dance moves in a row. I want you to add in at least
one locomotor and nonlocomotor dance move
together. So switching from one to the other.

Assessment Formative Assessment - Check for understanding through challenging them to answer
which is a locomotor or non-locomotor dance move.

Summative Assessment - Create their own dance sequence of 5 or more moves in a row
and teach it to a peer and identify the moves that they are doing are either locomotor or

© 2018 Adapted by Jennifer Miyake-Trapp

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