ConstructionSafetyFactSheet - NFPA
ConstructionSafetyFactSheet - NFPA
ConstructionSafetyFactSheet - NFPA
There have been several recent large-scale fires at construction sites, causing multi-millions of dollars in damage,
as well as potential personal injury and loss beyond the structure of origin. Much, if not all, of these losses could have
been eliminated with the proper safeguards. The leading causes of fires in structures under construction are cooking
equipment, electrical distribution and lighting equipment, and heating equipment. NFPA® 241, Standard for Safeguard-
ing Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations, provides measures for preventing or minimizing fire damage
to structures during construction, alteration, or demolition.
Learn More
� Understand NFPA 241: Visit to get free digital access to the standard.
� Get Training: Register for NFPA training programs at:
� Read More: Read the NFPA Journal® article, “Danger: Construction.”
� Ask for Guidance: Contact your fire department or building official for specific local information.
This information is provided to help users navigate NFPA® 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition
Operations, 2019 edition. It is not intended to be a comprehensive list of requirements under NFPA 220. Check with the local
jurisdictions for specific requirements. This material does not represent the official position of NFPA or its technical committees
on any referenced topic, which is represented solely by the NFPA documents in their entirety. For free access to the complete
and most current version of all NFPA documents, please go to NFPA disclaims liability for any personal injury,
property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of this information. In using this information, you
should rely on your independent judgment, and when appropriate, consult a competent professional.