RA - 9514 - Fire Code of The Philip (Pines
RA - 9514 - Fire Code of The Philip (Pines
RA - 9514 - Fire Code of The Philip (Pines
RA 9514 Always check the values given in this document Creative Commons
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Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008 corrections, contact the author at Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
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▪ Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance ▪ Fire Safety Inspection Certificate
▪ Released once building plans and specs are found ▪ Certifies that the building was inspected and was
FSEC + FSIC to be in accordance with the Fire Code found to be OK
▪ Required for building permits ▪ Required for occupancy permits, business
permits, permits to operate, PHILHEALTH
accreditation for hospitals, DOH License to
1. You need a building permit, so you need an 1. You’re done with construction so you need an
FSEC. occupancy permit.
Putting things 2. You need an FSEC, so you need your plans to be 2. You need an occupancy permit so you need an
together reviewed. FSIC.
3. You need a building plan review so you prepare 3. You need an FSIC so you need an inspection.
FALAR 1 along with other requirements (6 sets
4. You want them to release FSIC after inspection
of drawings, etc.).
so you prepare FALAR 2.
protection for:
▪ Schools, hospitals, businesses, hotels, etc. 4 storeys
or taller
▪ High rise buildings ▪ Hazardous occupancies exceeding 1,860 sqm per
▪ Hospitals floor
▪ Schools, hotels, apartments 4 storeys or taller ▪ Exceptions:
▪ Malls ▪ Buildings with an approved sprinkler system