Format For Course Curriculum: Course Level: PG Course Objectives: Course Objectives
Format For Course Curriculum: Course Level: PG Course Objectives: Course Objectives
Format For Course Curriculum: Course Level: PG Course Objectives: Course Objectives
2 - - 2 3 3
Course Level: PG Course Code: FIBA701
Course Objectives: Course Objectives:
To introduce students to an alternate framework for understanding price discovery in the markets To orient the students regarding persistent systematic behavioral factors
that influence investment behavior To evaluate and synthesize the role of psychology with finance and what this has to offer stock market investors, portfolio managers,
Students should be aware of finance concepts. The student should be knowing Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Student Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course the students will be able to:
Be able to articulate the concepts and principles that support behavioral finance.
Know how to analyze, as well as compare and contrast basic behavioral finance theories that support decision making.
Be able to appreciate the behavioural anomalies pertinent in the stock markets
The pedagogy for the course should include regular follow-up of the stock market indices, co-relational study of the market movements and market sentiments
along with the media support garnered, major losers and major gainers evaluation vis-à-vis their fundamental values. Upon building a sound theoretical
framework, different behavioral applications and relevant research papers should be introduced in each section of the course. Lectures should be discussion
oriented and on some occasions supported by case analyses to emphasize the practical aspects of the issues covered.
(30 %) (70%)
Class test
Weightage (%) 10 10 5 5
(____ %) (____ %)
Weightage (%)
Scott Plous, (1993) The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making, McGraw Hill.
Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (eds.) (2000) Choices, Values and Frames; New York: Russell Sage Foundation, Cambridge UK: New York, Cambridge University
Andrei Shleifer, (2000), Inefficient Markets, Oxford: New York: Oxford University Press.
HershShefrin, (2000) Beyond Greed and Fear, Harvard Business School Press.
Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic, and Amos Tversky (eds.) (1982) Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and biases, Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
Additional reading
Business newspapers
Investopedia ( - Investing 101 ,Stock Basics ,Basic Financial Concepts, Bond & Debt Basics ,IPO Basics, Brokers and Online
Trading, Economics Basics, Reading Financial Tables, Understanding the P/E Ratio
Google Finance (
Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street by Peter Bernstein
When Genius Failed: The Raise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management by Lowenstein