Key Information and Funding Information:: View IFT /PQ / REOI / RFP Notice Details

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6/11/2021 View IFT /PQ / REOI / RFP Notice Details

View IFT /PQ / REOI / RFP Notice Details

Ministry : Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges Division : Road Transport and Highways Division

Organization : Roads & Highways Department (RHD) Procuring Entity Name : Gopalgonj Zone
Procuring Entity Code : Gop01 Procuring Entity District : Gopalganj

Procurement Nature : Works Procurement Type : NCT

Event Type : TENDER Invitation for : Tender - Single Lot

Invitation Reference No. : E-GP-08/GZ/2019-20 ( PMP-Road. ) Tender/Proposal Status : Contract Awarded

App ID : 158234 Tender/Proposal ID : 418546

Key Information and Funding Information :

Procurement Method : Open Tendering Method (OTM) Budget Type : Revenue

Source of Funds : Government

Particular Information :
Project Code : Not applicable Project Name : Not applicable
Tender/Proposal Package No. and E-GP-08/GZ/2019-20 PMP-Road

Description : Intersection Beautification Cantilever Sign Signal Alcubon SignLighting & Intallation of outdoor LED Display works in Gonapara
More Bethgram More Pollibidduth More Police Line More 7th March More & Bhatiapara More at Bhanga-Bhatiapara-Mollahat-
Fokirhat-Noapara N-805 road under Road Division Gopalganj during the year 2019-202.
Category : Construction work;Site preparation work;Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work;Test drilling and boring
work;Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work;Building construction work;Engineering works and
construction works;Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways;
flatwork;Construction work for water projects;Construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to
the oil and gas industry;Roof works and other special trade construction works;Building installation work;Electrical installation
work;Insulation work;Plumbing and sanitary works;Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work;Mechanical
installations;Building completion work;Plastering work;Joinery and carpentry installation work;Floor and wall covering work;Painting
and glazing work;Other building completion work;Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with
operator;Hire of cranes with operator;Hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
Scheduled Tender/Proposal Publication
29-Jan-2020 18:00 Tender/Proposal Document last selling 01-Mar-2020 18:00
Date and Time : /

downloading Date and Time :

Pre - Tender/Proposal meeting Start
30-Jan-2020 11:00 Pre - Tender/Proposal meeting End
06-Feb-2020 12:00
Date and Time : Date and Time :
Tender/Proposal Closing
08-Mar-2020 13:00 Tender/Proposal Opening
08-Mar-2020 13:00
Date and Time : Date and Time :
Last Date and Time for Tender/Proposal 02-Mar-2020 12:00    

Submission :

Information for Tenderer/Consultant :

Eligibility of Tenderer : 1. All tenderer(s) registered in e-GP are eligible to participate in the tender if they are otherwise qualified.

2. Tenderer(s) forming JVCA in accordance with respective clauses stated in the tender document and as per latest circular issued
by CPTU vide memo no. IMED/CPTU/262/2011-1192 dated 26/07/2015 may participate in the tender.

3. The tenderer(s) must fulfill the following requirements .

a) A minimum general construction experience of 5 years .

b) The minimum specific experience as a Prime Contractor at least 01(One) contract with a value of at least Taka 10.00 crore
including item of Cantilever Sign Signal, Alcubon Sign including Street Light fitting & Intallation Work successfully completed in a
single contract within the last 05(Five) years .

c) The Annual Average construction Turnover shall be of Taka 15.00 crore over last 5 years .

d) Minimum Liquid asset of Taka 5.00 crore is required .

e) If the tenderer(s) do not have their own Equipment they must hire or lease it from any source and in that case the tenderer(s)
must submit the contractual agreement of hire/lease in non-judicial stamp of tk 300 affidavit by the notary public.

f) Requirements for Lead Partner of JVCA shall be (a) At least one Contract having 100% of required value (b) Requirements for
other Partner(s) of JVCA shall be At least one Contract of Cantilever Sign Signal, Alcubon Sign including Street Light fitting &
Intallation Work.

g) All other criteria stated in the TDS.

4. All Tenderers should submit the full name of their firm.

5. A tenderer not having sufficient information in the TDMS system may be evaluated as ineligible.

Brief Description of Works :  

Intersection Beautification/Land Scaping, Cantilever Sign Signal, Alcubon Sign,Lighting & Intallation of outdoor LED Display works
in Gonapara More, Bethgram More, Pollibidduth More, Police Line More, 7th March More & Bhatiapara More at Bhanga-
Bhatiapara-Mollahat-Fokirhat-Noapara (N-805) road (Ch : 37+500, Ch: 67+500, Ch: 67+900, Ch: 68+800, Ch: 69+740, Ch:
77+200) under Road Division, Gopalganj during the year 2019-2020.

Evaluation Type : Lot wise

Document Available : Package wise

Document Fees : Package wise

Tender/Proposal Document Price (In 4000

Mode of Payment : Payment through Bank

Tender/Proposal Security Valid Up to : 03-Aug-2020

Tender/Proposal Valid Up to : 06-Jul-2020

Lot No. Identification of Lot Location Tender/Proposal Start Date Completion 1/2
6/11/2021 View IFT /PQ / REOI / RFP Notice Details
security Date
(Amount in

1 Intersection Beautification, Cantilever Sign Signal, Alcubon Sign,Lighting & Intallation of Road Division 4200000 09-Mar-2020 15-Mar-2020
outdoor LED Display works in Gonapara More, Bethgram More, Pollibidduth More, Police Gopalgonj
Line More, 7th March More & Bhatiapara More at Bhanga-Bhatiapara-Mollahat-Fokirhat-
Noapara (N-805) road (Ch : 37+500, Ch: 67+500, Ch: 67+900, Ch: 68+800, Ch: 69+740, Ch:
77+200) under Road Division, Gopalganj during the year 2019-2020.

Procuring Entity Details:

Name of Official Inviting ACE Gopalgonj Zone (PE) Designation of Official Inviting Tender/Proposal : Additional Chief Engineer
Tender/Proposal :

Address of Official Inviting Address : Gopalgonj Zone Office, Contact details of Official Inviting Tender/Proposal : Phone No : 0266-81965
Tender/Proposal : Sarak Bhaban, Gopalgonj Fax No : 0266-81966
City : Gopalgonj
Thana : Sadar
District : Gopalganj - 0000
Country : Bangladesh

The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all Tenders/Proposals / Pre-Qualifications / EOIs

Note: Bank will update the payment transactions only at the end of the day, so the tenderers should make sure the securities and other payments are made at least
one day before the submission date.


Amendment / Corrigendum Detail

 Amendment / Corrigendum No. :  1 

Amendment / Corrigendum Text : Corrigendum Text

Field Name Old Value New Value

Document last selling date & time 01/03/2020 16:00 01/03/2020 18:00

Closing Date & Time 02/03/2020 13:00 08/03/2020 13:00

Opening Date & Time 02/03/2020 13:00 08/03/2020 13:00

Eligibility of Consultant 1. All tenderer(s) registered in e-GP are eligible to participate in the 1. All tenderer(s) registered in e-GP are eligible to participate in the
tender if they are otherwise qualified.
tender if they are otherwise qualified.

2. Tenderer(s) forming JVCA in accordance with respective clauses 2. Tenderer(s) forming JVCA in accordance with respective clauses
stated in the tender document and as per latest circular issued by stated in the tender document and as per latest circular issued by
CPTU vide memo no. IMED/CPTU/262/2011-1192 dated 26/07/2015 CPTU vide memo no. IMED/CPTU/262/2011-1192 dated 26/07/2015
may participate in the tender.
may participate in the tender.

3. The tenderer(s) must fulfill the following requirements .

3. The tenderer(s) must fulfill the following requirements .

a) A minimum general construction experience of 5 years .

a) A minimum general construction experience of 5 years .

b) The minimum specific experience as a Prime Contractor at least b) The minimum specific experience as a Prime Contractor at least
01(One) contract with a value of at least Taka 10.00 crore including 01(One) contract with a value of at least Taka 10.00 crore including
item of Cantilever Sign Signal, Alcubon Sign including Street Light item of Cantilever Sign Signal, Alcubon Sign including Street Light
fitting & Intallation Work successfully completed in a single contract fitting & Intallation Work successfully completed in a single contract
within the last 05(Five) years .
within the last 05(Five) years .

c) The Annual Average construction Turnover shall be of Taka 15.00 c) The Annual Average construction Turnover shall be of Taka 15.00
crore over last 5 years .
crore over last 5 years .

d) Minimum Liquid asset of Taka 5.00 crore is required .

d) Minimum Liquid asset of Taka 5.00 crore is required .

e) If the tenderer(s) do not have their own Equipment they must hire e) If the tenderer(s) do not have their own Equipment they must hire
or lease it from any source and in that case the tenderer(s) must or lease it from any source and in that case the tenderer(s) must
submit the contractual agreement of hire/lease in non-judicial stamp submit the contractual agreement of hire/lease in non-judicial stamp
of tk 300 affidavit by the notary public.
of tk 300 affidavit by the notary public.

f) Requirements for Lead Partner of JVCA shall be (a) At least one f) Requirements for Lead Partner of JVCA shall be (a) At least one
Contract having 100% of required value (b) Requirements for other Contract having 100% of required value (b) Requirements for other
Partner(s) of JVCA shall be At least one Contract of Cantilever Sign Partner(s) of JVCA shall be At least one Contract of Cantilever Sign
Signal, Alcubon Sign including Street Light fitting & Intallation Work.
Signal, Alcubon Sign including Street Light fitting & Intallation Work.

g) All other criteria stated in the TDS.

g) All other criteria stated in the TDS.

4. All Tenderers should submit the full name of their firm.

4. All Tenderers should submit the full name of their firm.

5. A tenderer not having sufficient information in the TDMS system 5. A tenderer not having sufficient information in the TDMS system
may be evaluated as ineligible. may be evaluated as ineligible.

Brief Description of Goods,Works    

or Service Intersection Beautification/Land Scaping, Cantilever Sign Signal, Intersection Beautification/Land Scaping, Cantilever Sign Signal,
Alcubon Sign,Lighting & Intallation of outdoor LED Display works in Alcubon Sign,Lighting & Intallation of outdoor LED Display works in
Gonapara More, Bethgram More, Pollibidduth More, Police Line Gonapara More, Bethgram More, Pollibidduth More, Police Line
More, 7th March More & Bhatiapara More at Bhanga-Bhatiapara- More, 7th March More & Bhatiapara More at Bhanga-Bhatiapara-
Mollahat-Fokirhat-Noapara (N-805) road (Ch : 37+500, Ch: 67+500, Mollahat-Fokirhat-Noapara (N-805) road (Ch : 37+500, Ch: 67+500,
Ch: 67+900, Ch: 68+800, Ch: 69+740, Ch: 77+200) under Road Ch: 67+900, Ch: 68+800, Ch: 69+740, Ch: 77+200) under Road
Division, Gopalganj during the year 2019-2020. Division, Gopalganj during the year 2019-2020.

Start Date(Lot No : 1) 05/03/2020 09/03/2020

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