Geography Connections: Country View
Geography Connections: Country View
Geography Connections: Country View
GEOGRAPHY Connections
This year-long series is presented in collaboration with the Connecticut Geographic Alliance.
doesn’t mean it always works. Nepal has one of the slowest download speeds in the world.
● Up until about seven years ago, Nepal had a King as a ruler. In 2008 they changed their
TAKE 5 form of government to a federal democratic republic, and shortly after they elected their first
● Nepal is the only country in the world with a flag that is not square or rectangular. Their
national flag consists of two triangles. On the flag, the top triangle has a moon and the bottom
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to
triangle has a sun. The design was created over 2,000 years ago.
live in a place where your parents choose someone
for you to marry? Or what it would be like to live right
next door to Mount Everest? This is what “normal”
looks like to the people of Nepal. Nepal is the oldest
country in South Asia, located in between China and Mapping Activity
Take a look at a map of Nepal. Can you find the capital of Kathmandu and some
of the famous mountain peaks that Nepal is known for? Label the following mountain peaks
Nepal is a beautiful country with rich culture,
breathtaking scenery, and famous mountain peaks. Location: Nepal is a small that are found on the top 10 list of highest peaks in the world on the map above.
It is home to eight out of ten of the world’s highest country located between
peaks, including the highest peak on Earth above sea China and India in Southern #1: Mount Everest 29,035 ft (8,850 m)
level: Mount Everest at 29,035 ft. Asia. It is 147,181 sq km. #3: Kanchenjunga 28,169 ft (8,586 m)
#4: Lhotse 27,940 ft (8,516 m)
#5: Makalu 27,776 ft (8,463 m)
Religion is a large factor of everyday life in Nepal. Place: Nepal is made up of
three major land regions: the #6 Cho Oyu 26,906 ft (8,201 m)
Majority of the country practice Hinduism, Buddhism,
or a combination of the two. In fact, Nepal is said to Himalayas, the Mid Hills, and #7: Dhaulagiri 26,795 ft (8,167 m)
be the birthplace of Buddha himself! With religion the Terai region. #8 Manaslu 26,781 ft (8,163 m)
being one of the most dominant factors in life, Nepal #10 Annapurna 26,545 ft (8,091 m)
takes traditional customs in religion very seriously.
For example, many traditional marriages within the Human/Environment: Nepal
country are chosen, or “arranged.” Another important relies heavily on energy from
religious custom recognized nationally in Nepal is the
sacredness of the cow. Cows are the national animal
plants. Specifically, 92% of
Nepal’s energy comes from Using the News
of Nepal, and are highly worshipped by the people. In hydroelectric planets. The
this culture, it is highly disrespectful to kill a cow or rest come from fossil fuels. In recent times, Nepal has been gaining some major headlines due to devastating events. In April
to eat beef. In fact, it has been said that some people 2015, there was a massive, violent earthquake that has destroyed many Nepali villages, and killed
in Nepal have served jail time for killing a cow!
Movement: Nepal only has 59 more than 7,000 people. The earthquake even triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest that killed
kilometers of railway which 19 people, making it the deadliest day in the mountain’s history. Across the country, villages were
In addition to the cow, a few other animals are makes travel a challenge. flattened and many people still remain homeless. The earthquake has been named “the Gorkha
important to Nepal’s wildlife. Nepal is home to a few earthquake,” and is said to be the largest natural disaster Nepal has seen in over 80 years. Due
endangered species. People come from all over the to this tragic disaster, people around the world have been gathering together, volunteering, and
Region: Nepal has a
world to try to catch a glimpse of the few remaining
population of nearly 30 finding ways to donate to help the people of Nepal repair their country and their lives. Use www.
Bengal tigers, snow leopards, red pandas, and the
one-horned rhinoceros. It is important to the people
million people, yet its land to research the impact of earthquakes. What effects do earthquakes have on the
mass is slightly larger than surrounding environment? What are some factors that cause earthquakes?
of Nepal to protect these endangered species not
the state of Arkansas
only to prevent their extinction, but to keep tourists
attracted to their country. Online Resources:
Common Core Curricular Connections
CCSS. ELA-Literacy.RI.5.1-5.10
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