MS 03d Concrete Work Method statement-Curing-Rev 01
MS 03d Concrete Work Method statement-Curing-Rev 01
MS 03d Concrete Work Method statement-Curing-Rev 01
Construction of Surface
Water Treatment Plant and CQCP-Method Statement
Impounding Reservoir 03d-Concrete Work Method
CONTRACT No. KWASA / KWSP / Statement-Curing
Date:2016.01.24 Revision:01
Concrete Work method statement-Curing
Machinery & Equipment
Safety Management and Control
Quality control
(For curing)
1. Materials
1) Water
2) Damp cloth
3) Hessian Cloth.
1) Water Tank
2) Curing mats
3) Plastic film
4) Membrane
5) Thermometer
6) Shovel
7) Steel rule
8) Spade
3. Manpower
1) QCE
2) Contractor’s Site supervisor
3) Laboratory staff
4) Labour.
Khulna Surface Water Treatment Plant CQCP-Method Statement
&Impounding Reservoir Project 03d-Concrete Work Method Statement-Curing
4. Procedure
1) Protect concrete from premature drying, hot or cold temperatures and mechanical injury, 03000
beginning immediately after placement and maintain concrete with minimal moisture loss
at relatively constant temperature.
2) Start initial curing after placing and finishing concrete as soon as free moisture has 03000
disappeared from unformed concrete surfaces. Initial cu ring starts as soon as concrete
achieves final set. Forms left tightly in place are considered as part of the curing system,
provided that wooden forms are kept continuously moist. Keep continuously moist for not
less than 72 hours.
3) Begin final curing procedures immediately following initial curing and before the concrete 03000
has dried. Continue final curing for at least 7 days and in accordance with BS EN. 206-1
procedures for a total curing period, initial plus final, of at least 10 days.
4) The frequency of spraying water should satisfy the requirement that keep the concrete
surface moist. The water should be same as the mix(production) water.
5) Apply membrane-curing compound uniformly over concrete surface by means of roller or 03000
spray at a rate recommended by the curing compound manufacturer, but not less than 1
liter per 4 sq. meters of surface area. Agitate curing material in supply container
immediately before transfer to distributor and thoroughly agitate it during application for
uniform consistency and dispersion of pigment. Do not use curing compounds on
construction and expansion joints or on surfaces to receive liquid hardener, dust
proofing/sealer, concrete paint, tile, concrete fills and toppings or other applications
requiring positive bond.
6) Curing in summer is extremely important because of the regional conditions.
Safety precaution should comply with the contractor’s project safety plan.
NOTE: Contractor shall provide and maintain on the Site sufficient proper and efficient
lifesaving appliances. The appliances must be conspicuous and available for use at all
times. Site operators shall be conversant with the use of safety equipment and drills shall
be carried out sufficiently frequently to ensure that all necessary procedures can be
correctly observed.
6. Quality control
6.1: On Site
1) Protection from environmental conditions:
Maintain the concrete temperature above 10 degrees C continuously throughout the 03000
curing period. Make arrangements before concrete placing for heating, covering,
insulation or housing to maintain the specified temperature and moisture conditions
continuously for the curing period.
When the atmospheric temperature is 25 degrees C and above, or during other 03000
climatic conditions which will cause too rapid drying of the concrete, make
arrangements before the start of concrete placing for the installation of wind breaks or
shading, and for fog spraying, wet sprinkling, or moisture-retaining covering.
2) Protect from physical injury:
Khulna Surface Water Treatment Plant CQCP-Method Statement
&Impounding Reservoir Project 03d-Concrete Work Method Statement-Curing
Protect concrete from physical disturbances, such as shock and vibration during 03000
curing period. Protect finished concrete surfaces from damage by construction
equipment, materials, curing procedures and rain or running water. Do not load
concrete in such a manner as to over stress concrete.
3) Some pictures of local concrete curing:
a.Water spray on block by block. b.Column curing by hessian cloth with water.
6.2: Laboratory
Khulna Surface Water Treatment Plant CQCP-Method Statement
&Impounding Reservoir Project 03d-Concrete Work Method Statement-Curing
Make specimens:
The size of mold is 150mm*300mm and shape is cylinder
Numbering the specimens in the following way:
Date of pouring on November 2nd;
First set:01,second set 02,
Number of model: No.001,No.002
Numbering: Con 20-2015.11.02—01 No.001
Con 20-2015.11.02—01 No.002
Con 20-2015.11.02—02 No.001
Con 20-2015.11.02—02 No.002
Khulna Surface Water Treatment Plant CQCP-Method Statement
&Impounding Reservoir Project 03d-Concrete Work Method Statement-Curing
Appendix A
(spec section 03000)
Khulna Surface Water Treatment Plant CQCP-Method Statement
&Impounding Reservoir Project 03d-Concrete Work Method Statement-Curing
waterproof tape or adhesive. Use sheets of sufficient length to cover sides of concrete
member. c. Place sheet materials only on moist concrete surfaces. Wet concrete surface
with fine water spray if the surface appears dry before placing sheet material. d. The
presence or moisture on concrete surfaces at all times during the prescribed curing period
is proof of acceptable curing using sheet material.
3.06D3a:Apply membrane-curing compound uniformly over concrete surface by means of
roller or spray at a rate recommended by the curing compound manufacturer, but not less
than 1 liter per 4 sq. meters of surface area. Agitate curing material in supply container
immediately before transfer to distributor and thoroughly agitate it during application for
uniform consistency and dispersion of pigment. Do not use curing compounds on
construction and expansion joints or on surfaces to receive liquid hardener, dust
proofing/sealer, concrete paint, tile, concrete fills and toppings or other applications
requiring positive bond.
3.06D3b:Reapply membrane-curing compound to concrete surfaces that have been
subjected to wetting within 3 hours after curing compound has been applied by method for
initial application.
3.06E1:Maintain the concrete. Temperature above 10 degrees C continuously throughout
the curing period. Make arrangements before concrete placing for heating, covering,
insulation or housing to maintain the specified temperature and moisture Conditions
continuously for the curing period.
3.06E2:When the atmospheric temperature is 25 degrees C and above, or during other
climatic conditions which will cause too rapid drying of the concrete, make arrangements
before the start of concrete placing for the installation of wind breaks or shading, and for
fog spraying, wet sprinkling, or moisture-retaining covering.
3.06E3:Protect the concrete continuously for the entire curing period.
3.06E4:Maintain concrete temperature as uniformly as possible, and protect from rapid
atmospheric temperature changes.
3.06E5:A void temperature changes in concrete that exceed 3 degrees C in any one hour
and 10 degrees C in any 24-hour period.
3.06F:Protect concrete from physical disturbances such as shock and vibration during
curing period. Protect finished concrete surfaces from damage by construction equipment,
materials, curing procedures and rain or running water. Do not load concrete in such a
manner as to over stress concrete.