Concrete Surface Treatments

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Section 19: Concrete Lining


1. Prepare the concrete surface to be lined with abrasive blasting to remove laitance and other debris.
2. Etch the surface with a 1:1 or 2:1(v/v) solution of commercial muriatic (hydrochloric) acid and water.
3. Inspect the surface to ensure that it is free of laitance, curing compounds, oils, release agents, air or water pockets, pitting and sharp
changes in surface elevation and that scrubbing with a stiff bristle brush produces no dusting of dislodged cement or sand. At this point the
grain of the surface should not be rougher than that of 10 mesh sand to the touch.
4. Any remaining pits, pockets or rough areas should be filled with epoxy to provide a smooth flat surface for rubber application.


There are numerous problems inherent in concrete which makes the application of rubber more difficult than lining steel vessels. Some of these
are as follows:
1. Concrete is a non-homogeneous material which actually can change with every pour on a large structure - with the weather at time of
casting, with any additives to the mix, with the surface against which it is cast, and with the degree of vibration used during placement.
Larger surface variations are evident when different casting and finishing methods are used, such as pouring against forms, troweling, and
centrifugal casting. All these factors create different surface conditions, each of which influence the application and effectiveness of a lining.
2. All concrete surfaces are alkaline and, where moist, can develop conditions of high pH; sufficiently high so that any cements must be
strongly alkali resistant and must remain for good lining performance.
3. Air and water pockets: Well placed and compacted poured concrete is filled with these imperfections even though many methods have been
tried to eliminate them.
4. Concrete laitance is a problem which is overlooked many times when a lining is to be applied to concrete. Laitance is a very fine, light
powder which is floated to the surface when concrete is cast. The bottom of tanks, which are float finished, often show large quantities;
however, all finished concrete surfaces will have it to a lesser degree. Because the laitance has no strength and is non-adherent, any lining
applied over it will have poor adhesion.
5. Form oil and concrete curing agents. Many times form oils containing large amounts of wax or soaps are used because they strip easily.
These compounds remain on the concrete surface and are difficult to remove. Wherever concrete is to be coated for corrosion protection,
forms should be coated with lacquer or other similar material which will remain on the form when it is stripped.

5020 Panther Parkway Seville, Ohio 44273

Ph. 800-321-5583 Fx. 330-769-9334
BLAIR ENG 145 V6 Rev. 0

Section 19: Concrete Lining

Rubber Lining Application

1. After surface preparation is complete, apply CIM 61BG Epoxy Primer according to CIM 61BG epoxy Primer application Procedures.
2. If one intends to apply uncured lining with subsequent vulcanizing, the Endurabond 1*2*3 adhesive system is applied next. The lining
is then applied and cured per the instructions on the appropriate Blair Rubber specification. Primarily due to interference by moisture,
exhaust steam cured rubber lining is not recommended.
3. If one intends to apply pre-cured lining, Endurabond Primer P-100 is applied next followed by Normac 900R-NPB according to the
instructions on the specification sheet. The selected pre-cured lining is then applied. No further treatment is necessary. The vessel may
be put into service as soon as the Normac has developed sufficient rubber to concrete adhesion.

1. Chemical Cured Chlorobutyl (C623BC) and Natural (C511BN, C922BN, etc.) linings.
a. Prime concrete as recommended.
b. Apply Endurabond standard 1*2*3 system.
c. After the lining has been installed, apply at least 2 coats of Chemcure to activate and crosslink the chemical cure lining.
Reference Sections 15 and 3. Chemical Curing for more instructions.
2. Cured chlorobutyl lining CU76BC or cured neoprene lining CU80BNE
a. Prime concrete as recommended for concrete.
b. Apply Endurabond P-100.
c. Use Normac 900R and Activator for adhering cured sheet. Reference Normac specification.
d. Cured sheet must be buffed prior to applying the cement to the rubber to provide best adhesion. Reference CU76BC and BLX80

Blair Rubber Company Section 19: Concrete Lining

BLAIR ENG 145 V6 Rev. 0

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