Wise Exam July 9

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A 17 year old teenager got pregnant by engaging in

unprotected sex with a drug dependent boyfriend who just
NAME: ________________ YR LEVEL:_____ tested positive for HIV. What should be the initial
1. After taking antibiotics for an upper respiratory tract diagnostic test for HIV once the baby is born?
infection, a 14-year old boy developed cutaneous lesions a. Blood culture b. ELISA
that rapidly progressed from erythematous lesions to c. PCR d. PCR DNA
vesicle, bullae, and areas of denudation on the face, trunk 9. A 5 year old child was brought to the ER for an
and extremities. There was severe pain from mucosal unprovoked dog bite sustaining superficial abrasions
ulcerations. He had leukocytosis, elevated ERS, increased without bleeding on the arms and face. The 9 month old
liver transaminase, and decreased albumin. What is the dog allegedly received 1 rabies vaccine. What should be
most likely diagnosis? the complete management plan for this patient?
a. Kawasaki disease a. Anti-tetanus only
b. Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis b. Anti tetanus + rabies vaccine
c. Steven-Johnson Syndrome c. Anti-tetanus + rabies vaccine + Rabies Ig
d. Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex d. Anti-tetanus + rabies vaccine + Rabies Ig +
2. The culture of the needle aspirate in the margin of an Antibodies
inflamed area of a febrile 3 year old boy revealed Group A 10. A 16 year old adolescent who works in a poultry farm
Streptococcus. The skin was swollen, red and very tender. developed a flu-like illness with fever, chills, myalgia and
There were superficial blebs. The most characteristic non-productive cough. On chest x-ray, there were
finding was a sharply defined elevated border of the skin calcifications noted. What is the most likely systemic
lesion. What is the most likely diagnosis? mycoses presented by the patient?
a. Impetigo b. Scarlet fever a. Blastomycosis b. Coccidiomycosis
c. Erysipelas d. Necrotizing Fascitis c. Histoplasmosis d. Paracoccidiomycosis
3. A 6 year old active school aged girl had a 5 day history of 11. An 8 month old malnourished infant from a low socio-
colds then developed vesicular to pustular lesions covered economic status presented with cough and colds of 2
with thick, confluent, amber-colored crust which were weeks duration associated with low grade fever,
diffused around her nose and face. What is the most likely unexplained loss of appetite and weight loss. The mother
gram (+) bacterial infection? apparently has a history of productive cough of 1 month
a. Furunculosis duration. What should be the initial work-up for this
b. Bullous Impetigo patient?
c. Non-bullous impetigo a. Blood culture b. Chest x-ray
d. Ecthyma c. Gastric aspirate culture d. PPD test
4. An 8 year old boy with a history of wading in the flood 7 12. A 5 year old male was admitted due to dengue shock
days prior to admission developed fever, chills, headache with symptoms of encephalitis. Aside from CBC with
progressing to myalgia of the calf and conjunctival platelet count and blood typing, what is the cost effective
suffusion. A week after, he was noted to have jaundice, diagnostics that should be requested if the family has
hematuria and oliguria. What is the most likely financial constraints?
complication that developed? a. ALT, AST, Alkaline phosphatase
a. Acute renal failure b. Hemorrhagic cystitis b. Chest x-ray PAL view
c. Hepatic dysfunction d. Weil Syndrome c. PT, PTT
5. A 5 year old girl was brought to the ER due to high grade d. Serum electrolytes
fever associated with sore throat and rashes. PE findings 13. A 1 year old infant was brought to the ER due to
reveal an enlarged tonsils with exudates and confluent rashes. History reveals that 5 days PTA, patient developed
erythematous sand paper like rash on the neck and low grade fever, coryza, conjunctivitis with progressive
extremities. What is the gold standard to confirm the brassy cough. On PE, a maculopapular rash which blanch
diagnosis for this case? on pressure was noted on the face, trunk and extremities.
a. CBC What is the most common complication of this viral
b. ESR exanthema?
c. Rapid antigen detection test a. Encephalitis
d. Throat swab culture b. Otitis media
6. A 6 year old unimmunized girl developed acute onset of c. Pneumonia
trismus, dysphagia and generalized painful muscle spasms. d. SSPE
What is the treatment priority for this case if the patient is 14. Upon birth, the term neonate is vigorous with good
brought at the ER in respiratory distress? tone and cry, and vital signs within normal range. After
a. Antibiotic therapy with metronidazole drying the baby, what is the next step to take?
b. Control of muscle spasm a. Stimulate further with drying
c. Neutralization of the toxin b. Suction secretions in the nose and mouth
d. Protection of the airway c. Give full bath to be followed by cord care
7. A 7 year old boy was brought to the ER due to gum d. Proceed to performing EINC
bleeding. Five days PTA, the patient developed fever 15. Which of the following findings will prevent you from
associated with anorexia, headache and body malaise. One discharging a 24 hour full term well newborn based on the
day PTA, he complained of abdominal pain and developed Philippine Pediatric Society recommendations?
persistent vomiting. On PE, patient was noted to be a. Pending newborn and hearing screening tests
restless, vital signs normal for age, with minimal gum b. HR 100-140, RR 40-52, temp 36.8 to 37C
bleeding, abdominal distention and tenderness, palpable c. Had 2 wet diapers but no stool output
liver edge, full and equal pulses, warm extremities. Hct d. Mother is capable of caring for the baby at
0.49, platelet count 130,000. What is the most probable home
a. Dengue without warning signs
b. Dengue with warning signs
c. Severe dengue
d. Dengue shock syndrome

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