English Task: Name: Sintia Tahir NIM: 711490121060 Major: Ners Lanjutan

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English Task

Name : Sintia Tahir

NIM : 711490121060
Major : Ners Lanjutan

1. Questions as Patient about :

a. Patient Admission
Nurse : Hello, good morning Sir.
Patient : Good morning.
Nurse : I am Nurse Sintia and I am shiftrd for registration
What is your name?
Patient : My name is Mr. Ryan, nurse.
Nurse : Okay Mr. Ryan what can I do for you?
Patient : I have a stomach pain and nausea.
Nurse : Okay, but before I check your stomach you must doing registration.
You must fullfill this data to resgistration, please.
Patient : Okay.
Patient : Nurse, I think this data is finished.
Nurse : Thankyou Mr. Ryan. I will check your data.
Patient : Yes, sure nurse.
Nurse : Okay this data is complete. Now this is you number of registration
and next I will check your blood pressure and then your stomach.
Patient : Okay. Thank you for your service nurse.
Nurse : Yes Mr. Ryan. Nice to meet you adn I hope you will get well soon.
Patient : Oh yes nice to meet you too. Okay thank you nurse.
Nurse : You’re welcome.

b. Transfer Patient
Patient : Nurse, can my mother transferred to the ward right now?
Nurse : Your mother is under doctor’s observation for 30 minutes.
If she are stable then you can look for a room in the surgical ward.
Patient : Oh, I see nurse.
Nurse : Ms. Anisa. You’re mother is stable right now. Please look a room
right now and tell me when you get it.
Patient : I just found a room for my mother in the surgical ward while
minutes ago nurse.
Nurse : Great! Then we will transferred your mother right now Ms.

c. Discharge Planning
Nurse : Good morning Mr. Ahmad. How are you today?
Patient : Good morning nurse, I feeling better today.
Nurse : So today the doctor has allowed you to go home.
Patient : That’s a great news nurse. I am so happy to hear that.
Nurse : Yes, me too. But I will tell you some information before you go
Patient : Yes, sure nurse.
Nurse : First, you have to do a diet that has been set, like low fat and low
sugar. This is to control your cholesterol and blood sugar. And do
regular exercise.
Second, watch for signs of low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia)
like confusion, weakness, cold sweats, nausea and vomiting. And
watch for signs of high blood sugar level (hyperglycemia) like
feeling frequent of thirst, hunger, and urination, blurred vision, and
headaches. If this happens then you must immediately go to the
Third, control blood sugar level regularly at the nearest health
Fourth, do not stop the drug therapy without consulting your doctor.
This is 250 mg of Chlorpropamide, take once a day with breakfast.
Take it regurarly sir.
Fifth, the next three days, which is Desce,ber 1, 2018, come to the
hospital polyclinic for regular control.
Patient : It’s is clear? Did you understand Sir?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : Can you repeat what I just explained?
Patient : Sure.
Nurse : Great Sir. Now you can go home, and I hope you are always
Patient : Thank you so much nurse.
Nurse : You are welcome.

2. Example of International Hospital checklist with the source.


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