Dialog Assignment
Dialog Assignment
Dialog Assignment
Biographic Data
Nurse : good morning miss Lilik.
Patient : good morning nurse.
Nurse :i’m Nova, You can call me nurse Nova and i the nurse officer today.
Patient : OK. Nurse Nova.
Nurse : how are you today?
Patient : I was still dizzy when i sleep Nurse. So, right now i am sitting down.
Nurse : it’s okay. Miss Lilik,,!! i have some questions and you should answer
that, because i really need some information about you.
Patient : OK Nurse.
Nurse : your full name is Lilik Putriani, right?
Patient : yes ,Nurse.
Nurse : how old are you? And where do you come from?
Patient :I’m 20 years old and from Bima.
Nurse : what is your religion?
Patient : my religion is islam.
Nurse : what’s your job now?
Patient : I’m a nursing Student on Stikes Nani Hasanuddin Makassar nurse.
Nurse :wow great. You’re gonna be a Nurse. Ok next question, where do you
Patient : I live in perintis Kemerdekaan VI Street. Number 15.
Nurse : who is brought you in Hospital yesterday?
Patient : My sister, Nurse. She is name olin.
Nurse : where is Olin now?
Patient : she is going to Musollah.
Nurse : Ok, Miss Lilik, can you say your number phone?
Patient : yes Nurse. 0852 4913 7664
Nurse :Ok. I will repeat it 0852 4913 7664. Right?
Patient : yes Nurse.
Nurse : your nomer RM is 058247. Right?
Patient : yeah, that’s true Nurse.
2. chief complain or reason for visit
Nurse : what’s the reaoson you came to the Hospital?
Patient : my head is so dizzy nurse.
3. history of present illness
Nurse : how’s your history illness now?
Patient : yesterday i worked as usual, then i had a headache and my headache
was get worse when i showered use cold water. So told my sister to
take me to the Hospital.
4. Past Medical History
Nurse : can you tell to me how abaut your past medical history?
Patient : i had a history of hypertension two years ago when i was 18 years old,
and i regularly control my blood pressure.
Nurse : any other history of illness?
Patient : yes nurse, i have an ulcer because of my irreguler diet.
5. family history
Nurse : ok miss Lilik, please tell me your family history?
Patient : my family has a history of hypetension disease. And other chronic
diasease like heart faillure and DM.
6. psychological
Nurse : what do you think about your illness?
Patient : i always felt anxious, paniked unsettled when i heard the shocking
news and that’s make my blood pressure would rise.
7. Physical examination
a. eye
Nurse : ok. Now i will check your eyes. open your eyes.
Patient : yes Nurse.
Nurse : your sclera is always white, pikn conjungtiva and your eyeball are also
symmetrical left and right,
Patient : is that normal?
Nurse : yes, of course.
b. ear
nurse : i will palpate your ears, if it hurt for you, please tell me.
Patient : oke nurse.
Nurse : are you felling pain?
Patient : no. Nurse.
Nurse : when did you clear your ears?
Patient : yesterday nurse.
c. nose
Nurse : Now i will check your nose. Please look up.
Patient : oke nurse.
Nurse : you nostrils symmetrical left and right and there’s no cerumen.
Patient : thank you nurse.
d. mouth
Nurse : open your mouth please.
Patient : aaagh..!! i’sorry nurse, i have not brushed my teeth.
Nurse : it’s okay. After this you should brush your theeth, because your teeth
are dirty and there is calculus
Patient :OOOH...!! that’s sound not good nurse.
Nurse : YES.
e. head
nurse : do you feel dizzy? And do you feel pain if i palpate your head?
Patient : ooh Nurse, it’s very hurt, and my head is still a little dizzy.
Nurse : when did you last wash your hair?
Patient : two days ago.
f. neck
Nurse :how about you neck?
Patient : my neck feels tightened.
Nurse : do you feel pain if i palpate your neck?
Patient : yes nurse. Why does my neck feel stiff nurse?
Nurse : because your blood pressure is high, that’s one sign and symptom of
your current illness. OK. Think enaugh for assignment today, thank
you so much for you time. I have noted all information from you and i
will give it to the doctor. Have a good rest Miss Lilik.
Patient : thank you so much nurse.