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Manual Minesight 2

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Setting a Display Item and Color Cutoffs

The next step is to select a display item. In the lower portion on the Selection tab dialog,
select the "Cutoff Item" by clicking on the item chooser icon. A list of the available
items in the MineSight file (assay file 11 or composite file 9 depending on the DH View)
will be displayed. Select an item from the list. This input field is restricted to a selection
from the list, you cannot type in an item label name.

Note: By default, the first numeric item in the assay or composite file that the DH View
is based on, is entered as the Cutoff item. If this is the first DH View created in your
project, and/or cutoffs have not been previously entered for the particular Cutoff Item
selected, then MineSight will prompt you for the cutoff values when drillholes are

To set the cutoffs, click on the Cutoffs button. When the "Cutoff Line Colors" window dialog appears, click
on the Intervals button to set the cutoffs.
Set the minimum, maximum, and increment to suitable values (the illustrations use 0, 5, and 0.25,
respectively). Click OK and the cutoffs will appear. However, all the cutoffs are the same color. To set the
colors, select all the cutoffs and click on the Properties button. The Resource Properties window will come
Now click on Set Color by Range. This option allows you to specify a range of the spectrum to use in
coloring the cutoffs. Use the slider bars to choose a section of the spectrum and click OK. Click OK on the
Resource Properties window. Now the cutoffs will be colored.

To display the actual assay interval values for item CU, in the Drillhole View Properties dialog go to the
Intervals tab dialog and click on the "+" button, then select CU from the item list.

Now that the display item is set up, the drillholes must be loaded. To do this click on the Selection tab. Click
on Select All and then click on Load Selection. The drillholes should appear in the Viewer. Click OK to shut
down the drillhole view properties window.
Now that there is something in the viewer, let's take a quick look at the viewer properties.
The viewer properties window can be accessed by clicking on the Viewer Properties icon.
Double clicking on the name of the viewer in the Data Manager window, which is Viewer 1 in this
case, can also access this window.

Click on the Grids tab.

Use the pull down menu to change the grid style to labels and lines. A grid will appear in the viewer. The
grids controlled here are just for reference. They will adjust with changes to azimuth and dip as well as
zooming in or out.
There are several different types of grids available. Labels and lines seem to be a good option, especially for
plotting. Change the Grid Style to see what the other options look like.
Notice that if the Grid Style is Marks or Labels and Marks, the Grid Marks Style pull down menu becomes
activated. Marks are the grid intersections. Grid Marks Style refers to which intersections are shown.
There are also options to change the color of the grid and the size of the grid labels.
Now let's take a look at how to adjust the view. The azimuth & dip are adjusted using the controls at the top
of the viewer.

The azimuth & dip can also be controlled with the mouse button. Hold down both the left and the right mouse
buttons while moving the mouse around.
The mouse can also be used to zoom in and out. With a three-button mouse hold the middle and right
mouse buttons and drag. With a two-button mouse, press the Alt key and both mouse buttons and drag.
Panning left, right, up and down is also done with the mouse. With a three-button mouse hold the left and
middle mouse buttons and drag. With a two-button mouse, hold the shift key and both the mouse buttons
and drag.

There are several icons at the top of the viewer that are very useful in adjusting the display.
It is possible to have more than one Viewer. To create another viewer, highlight New Resource Map, click
right, then click on New=>Viewer. Accept the default name by clicking OK. Now you should see both
Viewers listed in the Data Manager window.
Viewers can be used one at a time or together. To tile the Viewers, click on the Tile Windows
icon. Notice that the properties of each viewer are different. They can have different azimuths
and dips; anything in the Viewer Properties window can be different in each Viewer. However,
the data displayed in each viewer will always be the same.

If you want to cascade the Viewers, click on the Cascade Windows icon.


Now, let's take a closer look at the drillhole options. Double click on CU in the data manager window to bring
up the Drillhole View Properties window.

Selection Tab
The Selection tab controls the loading and unloading of individual drillholes within the drillhole view. On the
left side of the window is a list of all the drillholes in the File 11. All the drillholes with a check next to it are
In this window, selecting a drillhole means highlighting it on this list. Once the drillhole is selected, it can be
loaded by clicking the Load Selection button or unloaded by clicking the Unload Selection button.
There are several ways to select drillholes. We already used the Select All button. Select by grade allows
you to specify a range of values for any item. Any drillhole which has at least one interval in that range will be
selected. Select by location will check collar locations against a user specified area. Select by ID allows
you to type in specific drillhole ID's. Reset before Load unloads all the drillholes and then loads the selected

Intervals Tab
The Intervals tab controls the display properties of the individual assay intervals. Along the top of the
window is where assay values, called Labels, are set up. Click on Add Label to display assay values. Then
click on the Item Selector icon to choose a value to display. Let's display CU. Click Apply. Zoom in and
you'll see the CU values displayed for each assay interval.
To color the item labels according to the cutoffs, choose Coloring by Cutoff under Item Label Style. The
height of the numbers and their position within the interval can be changed here as well.
Several items labels can be used on either side of the drillhole trace. Just click Add Label each time. The
thick black line indicates the drillhole trace. Just click the arrows next to Move Label to change the position
of the labels.
You may also choose to filter the dispaly of your DH intervals by a secondary item. Use the Filter item area
to specify the secondary filter item, then in the text field, enter the values you wish to display. Check th box
to filter your primary dispaly itme; only those intervals that fit the criteria entered in the text field will be
Numerical data can be specified as a comma-delimited list or as a range semerated with a colon (e.g. and
entry such as '1:3,5' will filter the display, showing only those intervals whose secondary item values are 1
through 3 or 5. Alpha items can also be used for filtering, and wildcards are allowed.

Display Tab
The Display tab has some general display options. The Trace options refer to the survey trace. This does
not display color cutoffs, just the position of the trace.
The ID label is the drillhole ID.

Info Tab
The Info tab contains information on the files used in this drillhole view. Under System Notes, there is a list
of all the items in the File 11 along with their minimum, maximum and number of decimals. User notes is a
place where you can record your own notes about the drillhole view.
Click OK to shut down the Drillhole View Properties window. If you want to bring it back up either double click
on it or highlight it, click right and select Properties.

You can edit drillholes using either the Drillhole Editor or using the Geometry Editor. Either operation allows
you to edit the assay values in drillhole intervals, but they each have different functions.
Remember that editing here does change the File 11 so be careful. To edit, highlight CU in the Data
Manager window, click right and select Edit.

Viewing Items
This window always comes up in browse mode to guard against accidental edits. To limit the items displayed
click View=>Items. This allows you to display only the items you want to see. Another nice display option is
View=>Use Color Cutoff. All the items which have cutoffs set up will use these cutoffs on the table. The
drillhole pull down list on the right allows you to pick a drillhole to view.
Before going into Edit mode, it is a good idea to make a backup. This can be done by clicking File=>Backup

Edit Mode
To switch to Edit mode, click Edit=>Edit Drillhole. Notice that REF#, FROM, TO, and AI are not editable.
This information is protected.
To save the changes as you go along, just click the Apply button. This saves the changes to File 11 so this
is permanent.
Edit mode only allows you to edit one interval at a time. To change several intervals, use Select Intervals
mode. To get into this mode, click Edit=>Select intervals. Draw a box around the intervals you want to edit.
These intervals will be highlighted in yellow. The assay data for the entire hole will be listed in the Edit
window. The selected intervals will be highlighted. Choose the item you wish to edit and enter a value for
that item. Then click Options=>Fill Selected Intervals.


There are two composite options. Neither one effects the composite
File 9. Let's look at composite intervals first. Click on
Edit=>Composite Intervals. Now, draw a box around the intervals
you want to composite. They will be highlighted in yellow and listed
in the Edit window. Click on Composite in the Composites window.
MineSight® will calculate the composite values for all the items
listed in the Edit window.
The other composite option is
Dynamic Composites. To get
into this mode, click
Edit=>Dynamic Composite.
Pick a drillhole to composite by
clicking on it in the viewer, and
choosing it from the pull down
menu in the Edit window. Next,
choose a display item in the
Dynamic Drillhole Composite
Window. Click on the
Composite button. Now, click
and drag on the drillhole to
select a portion of it to
composite. As you drag down
on the drillhole the composite
values will automatically
change, as will the color of the
composite in the viewer.

The Apply button will save your composite as a geometry object, which is displayed in the Viewer as shown
below. The Geometry Object includes the composite values as text. The Reset button allows you to start
This tutorial reviews how to design blast patterns with different orientations, how to use clipping boundaries,
design holes along trim rows, and for ramp shots. The following blast patterns were designed using an
AutoCad design as a guideline.
1. Digitize the 4880 toe and the 4920 bench areas.
2. Digitize in polygons for use as pattern boundaries based on orientation and/or blasthole
spacing of the patterns.

3. Use Minesight's Blast Pattern Editor tool to generate Patterns 221, 222, and 227. The
design specs for each of these patterns are summarized in the table below:

Pattern Grid Blasthole Hole

Pattern type
No. Orientation Spacing

221 N-S rectangular 29 by 29

222 N.46.5ºE. rectangular 29 by 29

223 N.21.5ºW. triangular 26 by 26

Some Trim Row Layouts and Ramp Shots can also be generated.
4. Generation of Pattern 221
Zoom in on 221 area and click on Tools -> Blast Pattern Editor. Blast Pattern Editor panels are filled in as
follows (below).

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