Self-Service Password FAQs
Self-Service Password FAQs
Self-Service Password FAQs
Go to and click on “Forgot Password?,” and follow the prompts on the
returned screen to create your new password. If you provide an email address, a
verification link will be sent to that email address. You must click on that verification link,
within 72 hours, to complete the setup of your new password.
In April, 2014, letters were mailed to each employee’s address of record with a temporary
password to use on the SSP website. You must change the temporary password provided
in the letter to a permanent password.
Below are instructions on how to set up your profile and change your temporary password:
To log on to the SSP site, type in the Internet Explorer address bar. Or
from any page on Blue, type “SSP” in the address bar.
Click on the “Enter SSP” button. The SSP login screen will display.
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Enter your Employee Identification Number (EIN).
Enter your temporary password, which you can find printed in the top right hand corner
of your letter.
Click on the “Sign In” button. The Self-Service Profile Setup screen will display.
Change your temporary password by typing it in the “New Password” box, then again in
the “Confirm Password” box. There will be general information and the password rules
Click the “Next” button to continue.
Select two “Security Challenge Questions” and enter your answer to each question.
These will allow you to regain access if you forget your new password.
Click the “Next” button to continue.
Enter your email address and confirm it. (This is OPTIONAL. If you choose not to enter
an Email address check the “Skip Email and update later” box)
Click the “Next” button to continue. Click on the “Submit” button. (Check for any error
messages and make corrections if needed.)
The Initial Profile Setup pop-up window will appear. If applicable, it’ll remind you to
confirm your email through the link sent to the address that you entered in your profile.
Click the “OK” button
The SSP main page will display.
From this page you can see your Profile Summary, manage your password, challenge
questions, email address, or log out by clicking on the appropriate tab or button. You
can also manage your 4-digit USPS personal identification number (PIN) for access to
USPS telephone Interactive Voice Response IVR Self-Service applications.
After following these instructions, you will have successfully set up your SSP Profile. You
can now use your EIN and new password to log on to any USPS HR self-service online
6. What happens if I do not click on the verification link and complete the setup of my
new password within 72 hours:
Simply log back into the SSP application, Go to the “Manage Email” tab and
follow instructions to setup your email information again. Remember, you must click on that
verification link, within 72 hours, to complete the setup. Without confirming your Email no
emails can be sent to the address you entered.
By April 28, 2014, you should have received a letter at your mailing address of record with
a temporary password. However, if you did not receive a letter with your temporary
password, you can either:
A. Go to and click on “Forgot Password?,” and follow the prompts on the
returned screen to create your new password. Note: You must know your Personal
Identification Number (PIN) If you provide an email address, a verification link will be
sent to that email address. You must click on that verification link, within 72 hours, to
complete the setup of your new password.
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B. If your attempts to reset your password are still unsuccessful, contact the HR
Shared Services Center (HRSSC) at 1-877-477-3273, option 5 or TDD/TTY – 866-260-
7507 for a new temporary password. The HRSSC will give you a temporary password.
You must establish your SSP profile to create a permanent password that can be used
on the HR Self Service applications
Yes. If you provide an email address in your SSP Profile (either a USPS email address or
personal email address), you will receive confirmation of any changes to your SSP Profile
by email to that email address. If you do not provide an email address in your SSP Profile,
you will receive confirmation of any changes at your address of record by First-Class Mail.
9. Why was I asked to give an email address when setting up my SSP Profile?
Your email address will allow you to more easily manage your password and enable
immediate password resets. Your email address will also be used to notify you of changes
that you make to your profile, such as password resets, changes to your security questions,
4-digit USPS PIN resets, changes to your email address, and confirmation when there are
changes to your SSP Profile. However, as previously stated, you do not have to enter an
email address on the SSP website.
If you do not supply an email address in your SSP Profile, all communications from SSP
will be sent to your address of record by First-Class Mail. For example, if you need to reset
your password, a temporary password will be mailed to your address of record if you did
not provide an email address.
If you forget your SSP password, you can reset your password by going to
Click on the “Enter SSP” button. The “Self-Service Profile Login” screen will display.
Click on the “Forgot Password?” link and the application will lead you through the steps
to establish or reset your password. Note: You must know your Personal Identification
Number (PIN)
If you make 6 failed attempts to enter your password you will be locked out of the SSP
application for 15 minutes. Try to log on later with your correct EIN and SSP password.
The SSP password is used along with your EIN to access LiteBlue, PostalEASE,
eReassign, eIDEAS and eOPF.
Your SSP password can be anything that you want, as long as it follows the rules provided
to ensure a strong password is created.
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Note: SSP passwords and ACE passwords are independent from each other.
Must contain at least one character from three of the four following types of characters:
Numbers 0-9
Alphabet letters a-z (lowercase)
Alphabet letters A-Z (uppercase)
Special characters !@$%^*_+~ (no other special characters are accepted)
Must be a total length of 8 to 16 characters.
No, your SSP password does not expire. However, you can change your password as
often as you choose.
Yes, after April 28, 2014, your USPS 4-digit PIN will only be used for telephone IVR
18. How do I use my 4-digit USPS PIN for telephone IVR transactions?
There is no change to the process for telephone IVR transactions. Call the USPS self-
service hotline at 1-877-477-3273 and enter your 4-digit USPS PIN when prompted.
19. What transactions can I perform using the telephone IVR system?
The change in access requirements for online HR self-service applications do not change
any of the current transactions you can perform using the telephone IVR system. For
example, you may still access PostalEASE and Job Bidding through the telephone IVR
20. Will I still be able to use my 4-digit USPS PIN at the self-service HR Kiosk?
No. As of April 28, 2014, the Kiosks will require the new self-service password to access
PostalEASE, eReassign, eIDEAS, and Job Bidding.
No, you must create your new password at or by calling the HRSSC.
22. What can I do if I have trouble setting up my new password or if I do not receive a
temporary password in the mail?
A. Go to and click on “Forgot Password?” and follow the prompts on the
returned screen to create or reset your new password. Note: You must know your Personal
Identification Number (PIN) If you provide an email address, a verification link will be sent
to that email address. You must click on that verification link, within 72 hours, to complete
the setup of your new password.
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B. If your attempts to reset your password are still unsuccessful, employees can contact
the HRSSC at 1-877-477-3273, option 5 or TDD/TTY – 866-260-7507 for step-by-step
assistance with setting up your password.
The HRSSC will be able to assist you by providing step-by-step instructions on how to set
up a new password. HRSSC can provide you with a temporary password; however, you
must establish your SSP profile to create a permanent password that can be used on the
HR Self Service applications.
The hours of operation for the HRSSC are Monday through Friday, 7:00 am – 8:30 pm
25. What if I have trouble setting up my password and it is outside of normal operating
HRSSC hours?
HRSSC hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:00 am – 8:30 pm EST. If the
HRSSC is closed, you can visit to request a new password, reset a
password, update your email address, update your security questions, and change your 4-
digit USPS PIN. If you provide an email address, a verification link will be sent to that email
address. You must click on that verification link, within 72 hours, to complete the setup of
your new password.
26. I have previously set up my password and profile information, but I am having
trouble or have questions. What support is available?
Note: It should take approximately 7-10 days to receive the temporary password.
D. If your attempts to reset your password are still unsuccessful, you can contact the
HRSSC during normal operating hours. HRSSC hours of operation are Monday through
Friday, 7:00 am – 8:30 pm EST
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