What Are Waves: Parts of A Wave
What Are Waves: Parts of A Wave
What Are Waves: Parts of A Wave
1. Transverse: is when the particle moves perpendicular to the motion of the wave.
Longitudinal: Particles move parallel to the motion of the wave. Examples of this type of a wave occurs through
a solid object like a stretched rope or a trampoline is an example of this type of wave.
3. Surface Waves: Waves travel both in transverse and longitudinal making them travel in a circle.
Example of this are waves in the ocean and ripples in a cup of water.
Parts of a wave
Transverse Wave
Longitudinal Wave:
Compression: Region in the wave where the particles are closer together than normal.
Rarefaction: Region of the wave where the particles are farther apart than normal.
f = 1/T or T = 1/f
Unit: Waves Name:_________________
Lesson 1: What are Waves Date: _________________
Example #1
A mass hung from a spring vibrates 15 times in 12 seconds. Calculate
a) The frequency
b) The period of vibration
Example #2
a) 256 Hz is 256 cycles/second. I.E. there are 256 waves of sound every second.
b) T = 1/f
T = 1/256 Hz
T = 0.00391 seconds
v = lf
v = speed in m/s
l = wavelength in m
f = is in frequency in Hz.
Unit: Waves Name:_________________
Lesson 1: What are Waves Date: _________________
Example #3
The wavelength of a water wave in a ripple tank is 0.080 m. If the frequency of the wave is 2.5 Hz, what is its
l = 0.080 m
f = 2.5 Hz
Example #4
The distance between successive crests in a series of water waves is 4.0m, and the crest travels 9.0 m in 4.5
seconds. What is the frequency of the waves?
Constructive Interference: the interfering waves add Destructive Interference: the interfering waves cancel
up resulting in the medium having a larger amplitude. each other out resulting in the medium having a
smaller amplitude.
Principle of Superposition: At any point the resulting amplitude of two interfering waves is the sum of the
individual waves. I.E. if one wave is 5 units above the axis and the other wave is 3 units below the axis, the
result would be a wave that is 2 units above the axis à 5 - 3 = 2.
Type: Destructive
Type: Destructive
Pattern: Flat
Pattern: Flat
2 2 2
= 0
-4 -4 -4
-6 -6 -6
2 2 2
= 0
-4 -4 -4
-6 -6 -6
Energy that is put into a wave will define how big the amplitude
of the incident wave is. When a wave goes from one material to
another material with different densities, the amplitude of the
original wave may not be shared equally by the reflected wave
and the transmitted wave.
Energy of a wave:
Law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be made or destroyed but can be transferred
from one form to another. Thus, the sum of the two amplitudes must equal the amplitude of the
original wave. I.E. the amount of energy from the original wave = the energy in the two new waves.
Also, the wave will move faster through less dense material and slower through the more dense
Finally, since the energy does not change, the frequency of the incident wave is the same frequency of
the reflected and transmitted wave. I.E. the frequency does not change going from one material to
In our example:
• The transmitted pulse (in the more dense medium) is traveling slower than the reflected pulse
(in the less dense medium).
• The transmitted pulse (in the more dense medium) has a smaller wavelength than the reflected
pulse (in the less dense medium).
• The speed and the wavelength of the reflected pulse are the same as the speed and the
wavelength of the incident pulse.
According to our equation, v=lf, if the transmitted pulse moves slower and the wavelength decrease
that means the frequency stays constant.
Reflected wave
• It loses some energy to the transmitted wave. But its
velocity, wavelength and frequency will be the SAME
as the incident wave.
Unit: Waves Name:_________________
Lesson 3: Barriers Date: _________________
• Amplitude will decrease to 4 m, frequency is 5 hz, wavelength is 2 m, therefore the velocity is
10 m/s
Transmitted wave
• The energy from the incident wave subtracted from the energy of the reflected wave will equal
the energy of the transmitted wave. As such, the transmitted wave will have less energy,
slower speed, a smaller wavelength but the SAME frequency as the incident wave and reflected
• Amplitude will be 2 m, frequency is 5 hz, wavelength is 1 m and velocity is 5 m/s.
Energy ∝ amplitude2
• This means that a doubling of the amplitude of a wave is indicative of a quadrupling of the
energy transported by the wave. A tripling of the amplitude of a wave is indicative of a nine-
times increase in the amount of energy transported by the wave. And a quadrupling of the
amplitude of a wave is indicative of a 16-times increase in the amount of energy transported by
the wave.
• For example, changing the amplitude from 1 unit to 2 units represents a doubling increase in
the amplitude and is accompanied by a 4-times (22) increase in the energy; thus 2 units of
energy becomes 4 times bigger.
o 1 m amplitude requires 2 joules of energy, then a 2 m amplitude requires 8 joules of
• As another example, changing the amplitude from 1 unit to 4 units represents a 4 times
(quadrupling) increase in the amplitude and is accompanied by a 16-times (42) increase in the
energy; thus 2 units of energy becomes 16 times bigger.
o 1 m amplitude requires 2 joules of energy, then a 4 m amplitude requires 32 joules of
Example #1
If a wave has an amplitude of 5 m, and it takes 20 joules of energy to create this wave, how much energy is
needed to make the wave 10 m?
Amplitude doubled therefore Energy ∝ amplitude2 à E = (22) = 4 times more energy is required to double the
amplitude of the wave. Thus, the energy needed is 80 joules of energy.
In Summary
• the wave speed is always greatest in the least dense medium,
• the wavelength is always greatest in the least dense medium,
• the frequency of a wave is not altered by crossing a boundary, i.e. it is constant,
• the reflected pulse becomes inverted when a wave in a less dense medium is heading towards a
boundary with a more dense medium,
• the amplitude of the incident pulse is always greater than the amplitude of the reflected and
transmitted pulse.
Unit: Waves Name:_________________
Lesson 3: Barriers Date: _________________
2. Reflection: When waves bounce off a surface.
Sound travels by the compressing and rarefaction of air molecules. As the molecules compress, the pressure in
the air rises. As they have rarefaction the pressure in the air decreases.
Sound waves are represented as a longitudinal wave. But air pressure is represented as a transversal wave.
Putting the two together can help us better understand the sound wave moving.
High Air
Low Air
Example #1
The sound from a trumpet travels at a speed of 3.5 x 102 m/s in air. If the frequency of the note played is
3.0x102 Hz, what is the wavelength of the sound wave?
v = velocity in m/s
T = is temperature in °C
Example #2
Example #3
If a tuning fork puts out a tone at 440 Hz, what is its wavelength in air at 25ºC? It took Luke .05 seconds to
hear the sound, how far away is he from the tuning fork? What is the wave length?
Long l
As the moving siren passes an observer,
Short l the observer hears a change in the siren’s
Sound Wave
Image #2 – observing the doppler
effect wave
If there was a detector in front of the moving source, it will detect sound with a higher frequency, and if there
was a detector placed behind the moving source will detect sound with a lower frequency; much like our fire
truck example.
Not all moving sources will generate the Doppler effect. The speed of the moving source must be a reasonable
fraction to the speed of the sound; this fraction is approximately 10%.
Unit: Waves Name:_________________
Lesson 7: Doppler Effect and Super Sonic Travel Date: _________________
The moving source must never go faster than the speed of sound, a different phenomenon is experienced when
this happens – sonic booms/shock waves.
Example: Sound wave moving at 332 m/s and a vehicle moving at 30 m/s will generate the Doppler effect
(approximately 10%). A sound wave moving at 332 m/s and a human moving at 2 m/s will not generate the
Doppler effect (approximately .6%).
% ± %#
!! = !" $ '
% ± %"
Where :
If the source is moving towards the observer, the speed of the source is considered to be negative. If the source
is moving away from the observer, the speed of the source is considered to be positive.
If the observer is moving towards a stationary sound, the speed of observer is positive. If the observer is
moving away from the source the speed of the observer is considered to be negative.
fs = 800 Hz % ± %#
!! = !" $ '
f0 = ? % ± %"
v = 342 m/s
vo = 0 m/s $%& (/"* !
vs = 25 m/s !! = 800 ℎ+ $ ! ' = 863 Hz
$%& +&, (/"
fs = 800.0 Hz % ± %#
f0 = ? !! = !" $ '
% ± %"
v = 345 m/s
vo = 0 m/s
Unit: Waves Name:_________________
Lesson 7: Doppler Effect and Super Sonic Travel Date: _________________
vs = 25 m/s !! = 800.0 ℎ+ $
$%& (/"* !
' = 746 Hz
$%& *&, (/"
source is moving away from the object
A siren is going off in the middle of the city with a frequency of 745 hz. A cop car is driving towards the siren
at a speed of 40 m/s. It is a cold day in December with the temperature at 0 degrees Celsius.
a) What is the frequency observed by the cop car moving towards the siren?
b) The cop slides on some ice and thus goes past the siren. What is the frequency observed by the cop
car moving away from the siren?
fs = 745 Hz % ± %#
!! = !" $ '
f0 = ? % ± %"
v = 331 m/s at 0° C
vo = 40 m/s $$- *%! (/"
vs = 0 m/s !! = 745 ℎ+ $ "
! ' = 835 Hz
$$- *! (/"
fs = 745 Hz % ± %#
!! = !" $ '
f0 = ? % ± %"
v = 331 m/s at 0° C
vo = 40 m/s $$- +%! (/"
vs = 0 m/s !! = 745 ℎ+ $ "
! ' = 655 Hz
$$- *! (/"
You are driving on the highway. You're moving forward at a velocity of 30m/s and a police car is barreling
down the opposite side of the highway towards you at 40m/s. The speed of the sound waves emitted is 343m/s
and the frequency is 900Hz. So, what is the perceived frequency by you? (Hint: Since the source is moving
towards you, its velocity is negative. You're also moving towards it, so your velocity is positive.)
fs = 900 Hz % ± %#
!! = !" $ '
f0 = ? % ± %"
v = 343 m/s
vo = 30 m/s (you are the observer) !
$%$ *$! (/"
vs = 40 m/s (the cop is the source of the sound you hear) !! = 900 ℎ+ $ "
! ' = 1108 Hz
$%$ +%! (/"
the object is moving away from the source
Unit: Waves Name:_________________
Lesson 7: Doppler Effect and Super Sonic Travel Date: _________________
Subsonic Speeds – When an object travels at a speed less than the speed of sound in air at that location.
Mach 1 Speed – When the speed of an object travels at the equivalent speed of sound in air at that location.
Supersonic Speeds – When the speed of an object travels faster than the speed of sound in air at that location.
Mach Number – a ratio between the speed of an object and the speed of sound.
".//0 #1 23 #45/67
Mach Number = ".//0 #1 "#830
Example #4
What is the Mach number of a plane travelling at 1020. m/s and the air temperature is 12°C?
-!&! (/"
Mach Number = $$9.&-& (/" = 3.0
1 2 3 4