Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English Grade 9: En9G-Ivg-1
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English Grade 9: En9G-Ivg-1
Detailed Daily Lesson Log in English Grade 9: En9G-Ivg-1
Prayer As we start our lesson for this Yes ma’am. Classmates, let
morning, let us have our prayer. us all stand, close our eyes
Kindly lead the prayer Justine. and feel the holy presence of
God. In the name of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Energizer Who will lead for an energizer? (One student will volunteer)
Attendance To know the no. of students who The number of students who
Check are absent and present today, are absent today are __ and
kindly report it in the class there are __who are present
Althea. Ma’am.
House Rules Before we start our lesson this (the students will read)
morning, let us be acquainted
with our house rules.
Everybody, please read.
Word of the The teacher will introduce a (the students will read)
Day word.
Yes Ma’am!
Do you want a game, class?
(The students will start
Okay, but first let us have our counting from 1 to 4)
Activity grouping. Let us start counting
from 1 to 4 starting at my left
(The students will move the
Please give space at the center. chairs at the side)
C. Discussing new Afterwards, the teacher will ask
concepts and questions related to the excerpt.
practicing new
skills#1 To start ouractivity, I will callone
(1) representative from each
group and stand to play “Hep-
hep, Hooray!”
1. Who said that a small Linda
man can be just as
exhausted as a great
Example: Example:
She said, “she has She said, “she has
finished his work”. finished his work”.
Indirect speech – we Indirect speech – we
convey the message of convey the message of
the speaker in our own the speaker in our own
words to another person. words to another
She said that she had Example:
furnished his work. She said that she had
finished his work.
We also have …
Rules In Transforming
Sentences from Direct to
Indirect Speech.
Very good!
Group 1
Construct a short dialogue using
direct and indirect speech
Group 2
Draw a situation then make a
sentence out of the drawing
using direct and indirect speech.
Group 3
Create a role play about
someone who relayed wrong
information to other person
using direct and indirect speech.
Group 4
Differentiate direct speech and
indirect speech through a Venn
Instructions: On a ½ crosswise,
identify whether the sentence is
a direct speech or an indirect
speech. Transform direct
speech into indirect speech or
vice versa.
Instructions: On a ½
crosswise, identify whether the
sentence is a direct speech or
an indirect speech. Write DS if
the sentence is a direct speech
and IS if it is indirect. Copy and
answer the following.
(To be filled-in by the critic)
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?