Oratane Information Sheet
Oratane Information Sheet
Oratane Information Sheet
Female patients should wait until the 2nd or 3rd No specific contraceptive precautions are
day of their menstrual period before starting necessary for men. Although isotretinoin and its
ORATANE. This helps to ensure that you are not metabolites are present in very low levels in your
pregnant before you start to take ORATANE. semen, these levels are considered too low to
harm the unborn baby of your female partner.
How long to take it
Isotretinoin treatment does not appear to
damage sperm.
Continue taking ORATANE capsules for as long
as your doctor prescribes. Tell all doctors, dentists and pharmacists who
are treating you that you are on ORATANE
Your treatment with ORATANE will usually last 16 capsules.
to 24 weeks. Sometimes a second course of
treatment may be necessary. Keep all of your doctor’s appointments so that
Skin condition continues to improve even after your progress can be checked.
ORATANE treatment has finished. You may require regular tests to check your liver,
blood sugar levels and blood cholesterol levels.
In the first few weeks your acne may get worse Your doctor may decide to monitor your bone
before it gets better. Do not worry as this is a growth and bone structure, particularly if you are
sign the ORATANE capsules are working. a child or young person.
Although ORATANE cannot improve scars or Tell your doctor if you feel ORATANE is not
pitting that existed before commencement of helping your condition.
treatment, it will help prevent further scarring.
If you have not taken your medicine exactly as
If you forget to take it prescribed, you must inform your doctor. Your
doctor may think ORATANE was not effective and
Do not take a double dose to make up for the change your treatment unnecessarily.
dose that you missed. This may increase the
chance of unwanted side effects. If you are intending to do a lot of heavy lifting or
exercise, tell your doctor. Your muscles and
Continue with the next dose when it is due. If you joints may become stiff or tender while taking
are unsure what to do, ask your doctor or ORATANE.
If you have missed several doses please inform Things you must not do
your doctor and follow the advice given to you.
Do not give ORATANE capsules to anyone else,
While you are taking ORATANE even if their symptoms seem similar to yours.
If you become pregnant while taking ORATANE Do not stop taking ORATANE or change the dose
capsules, stop taking it and inform your doctor without first checking with your doctor.
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Do not let yourself run out of ORATANE capsules emergency at your nearest hospital, if you think
over the weekend or on holidays. that you or anyone else may have taken too
Do not use ORATANE capsules to treat other Do this even if there are no signs of discomfort
complaints unless told to by your doctor. or poisoning. You may need urgent medical
Do not take any other medicines without first
telling your doctor or pharmacist. Signs of overdose include transient headache,
vomiting, facial flushing, reddened lips, stomach
Things to be careful of pain, headache, dizziness and unsteady walking.
Avoid waxing, dermatological abrasions, facial Tell your doctor if you notice any of the
peels, electrolysis and some while taking following and they worry you:
ORATANE and for six months after ORATANE • Dryness of the lips, mouth, nose, eyes and
treatment has stopped. Your skin may be more skin
sensitive while on ORATANE. • Peeling of skin on palms of hands and
soles of feet
Avoid using hair colouring, perming products. • Skin redness, rash, itching, inflammation
Your skin and hair will be more delicate while • Tenderness, stiffness in bones, joints or
taking ORATANE. muscles
• Headache
Avoid excessive sun exposure, and always apply • Nosebleeds
sunscreen while taking ORATANE. Your skin may • Increased sensitivity to sunlight
be more prone to sunburn. • Temporary hair loss (in some rare cases
hair loss has persisted)
• Problems getting or maintaining an
In case of overdose erection
• Lower libido
If you take too much (overdose)
These side effects are usually mild and dose
Immediately telephone your doctor or the related. After the dose of ORATANE capsules is
National Poisons Centre (telephone 0800 reduced or stopped most of these side effects
POISON or 0800 764 766), or go to accident and should disappear within a few days or weeks.
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Stop taking ORATANE capsules and contact your Keep ORATANE 5 mg, ORATANE 10 mg, ORATANE
doctor immediately if you experience any of the 30 mg, ORATANE 40 mg capsules in a cool dry
following: place where the temperature stays below 25°C.
• Bloody diarrhoea, blood in urine Protect from light.
• Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain or fever
• Persistent headache, severe headache or Keep ORATANE 20 mg capsules in a cool dry place
seizure where the temperature stays below 30°C. Protect
• Blurred vision or visual disturbances from light.
• Feeling depressed with or without suicidal
Do not store ORATANE in the bathroom or near
• Start to feel sad or have crying spells
a sink. Do not leave it in the car or on a
• Lose interest in activities you once
windowsill. Heat and dampness can destroy
some medicines.
• Sleep too much or have trouble sleeping
• Become more irritable, angry or
aggressive than usual (e.g. temper Keep ORATANE capsules where children cannot
outbursts, thoughts of violence) reach it. A locked cupboard at least one-and-a-
• Change in appetite or body weight half metres above the ground is a good place to
• Have trouble concentrating store medicines.
• Withdraw from family or friends
• Feel like you have no energy Disposal
• Have feelings of worthlessness or
inappropriate guilt Return any unused medicine to your pharmacist.
• Start having thoughts about hurting If your doctor tells you to stop taking this
yourself or taking your own life (suicidal medicine or they have passed their expiry date,
thoughts). ask your pharmacist what to do with any unused
These may be serious side effects and may
require urgent medical attention.
Product description
This is not a complete list of all possible side
effects. Others may occur in some people and
there may be some unknown side effects.
What it looks like
You should tell your doctor about unwanted ORATANE 5 mg capsules are soft, oval, opaque
effects that occur during treatment. In some white in colour containing a yellow/orange liquid.
cases you doctor may want to reduce your dose
or stop treatment. ORATANE 10 mg capsules are soft, oval, opaque
light violet in colour containing a yellow/orange
Do not be alarmed by this list of possible side liquid.
effects. You may not experience any of them.
ORATANE 20 mg capsules are soft, oval, opaque
maroon-red in colour containing a yellow/orange
After taking ORATANE liquid.
Keep your capsules in the blister pack until it is ORATANE 40 mg capsules are soft, oval, opaque
time to take them. If you take the capsules out of light orange in colour containing a yellow/orange
the packaging they will not keep as well. liquid.
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Active ingredient(s):
Inactive ingredients:
Soya oil, tocopherol, disodium edetate, butylated
hydroxyanisole, yellow beeswax, hydrogenated
soya oil.
Sponsor details
Date of preparation
5 April 2018
(based on data sheet dated 27 March 2018)
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