Applications of Machine Learning To Friction Stir Welding Process Optimization
Applications of Machine Learning To Friction Stir Welding Process Optimization
Applications of Machine Learning To Friction Stir Welding Process Optimization
Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligent which involve the study and development of algorithm
for computer to learn from data. A computational method used in machine learning to learn or get directly
information from data without relying on a prearranged model equation. The applications of ML applied in the
domains of all industries. In the field of manufacturing the ability of ML approach is utilized to predict the failure
before occurrence. FSW and FSSW is an advanced form of friction welding and it is a solid state joining technique
which is mostly used to weld the dissimilar alloys. FSW, FSSW has become a dominant joining method in aero-
space, railway and ship building industries. It observed that the number of applications of machine learning
increased in FSW, FSSW process which sheared the Machine-learning approaches like, artificial Neural Network
(ANN), Regression model (RSM), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
(ANFIS). The main purpose of this study is to review and summarize the emerging research work of machine
learning techniques in FSW and FSSW. Previous researchers demonstrate that the Machine Learning applications
applied to predict the response of FSW and FSSW process. The prediction in error percentage in result of ANN
and RSM model in overall is less than 5%. In comparison between ANN/RSM the obtain result shows that ANN is
provide better and accurate than RSM. In application of SVM algorithm the prediction accuracy found 100% for
training and testing process.
Keywords: Machine learning; Artificial Neural Network; Support Vector Machine; ANFIS; Response Surface
application provide labeled data. In manufacturing ML is finding applications in every field systems
the SVMs is most commonly used algorithm in some commercially available fields of study are face
supervised machine learning. ML is a powerful tool recognition, image processing, manufacturing, and
and its value will enhance more in the coming days. medical and in many more areas.
solid-state welding techniques, which can escape linear kernel function, polynomial kernel, RBF and
many of the issues such as excessive heat input, Sigmoid. Mechanical properties model for welded
fume generation, cracking, and indigent joint joint built to use SVR network and make
properties that are commonly confront when assumption. A comparison done between the
compare with fusion welding. While aluminum and prediction based SVR result and on ANFIS. The
steel are not compatible during fusion welding, FSW obtained results marks that the anticipated precision
is consider most convenient joining method for relay on SVR with radial RBF gave higher value
various alloys as well as for the combinations of than the other three kernel functions and that depend
dissimilar metals. on ANFIS.
Based on the recent studies the popularity to
study the machine learning technique in FSW
process is increasing. Now researchers are
implementing these ML techniques in FSW/FSSW
processes to forsee the actual and predicted response
of the process parameters. The main purpose of this
review paper is to gather all the implemented and
suggested approaches in one platform.
explore the features that ANN are the most and simulation between the FSW parameters of
important tool to solve the complex nonlinear aluminum plates and mechanical properties. Two
problems. ANN modify their own values and they different training algorithms of NN utilized in this
have the ability to adapt themselves for the exact study: 1) Gradient descent with momentum
solution of the problem. During the training process, algorithm: 2) Levenberg-Marquardt (LM)
ANNs are able to create the desire response. algorithm. The obtain result exhibit that the
recommended ANN (LM) algorithm shows better
performance than other because it implies 2nd order
Speed Taylor series instead of 1st order approximation as
with gradient descent algorithm. (Maleki, 2015)
Speed Yield investigated the modeling of FSW effective
parameters on thirty AA-7075-T6 specimens by
Axial Tensile using ANN. The network established on back
Force Strength
propagation (BP) algorithm. In this study, the TRS,
Diameter Notch-Tensile TS, axial force, pin diameter, shoulder diameter and
Strength tool hardness considered as input parameters of
Diameter Welding
ANN. On the other hand, TS, YS, and welding zone
Tool Zone hardness, notch tensile strength used as outcome of
Hardnes Hardness NN see figure 4 . The acquired result demonstrate
s that the forecast hardness values of welding zone,
notch tensile strength, TS and YS have the least
FIGURE 4. A conceptual Structure of ANN model mean relative error (MRE). The connection of
anticipated result and the experimental results shows
(Yousif, Daws, & Kazem, 2008) implemented
that the ANN modeling is very effective for FSW
the ANN to predict the correlation for the analysis
(Dehabadi, AA6061 x FSW ANN Threads, Vickers For training and test data sets
Ghorbanpou model tool tilt micro Mean absolute percentage
r, & Azimi, with Two angle , and hardness error (MAPE) did not exceed
2016) feed welding from 5.4% and 7.48%,
forward distance respectively.
(BP) from In MAPE training process the
centerline both predict values for ANNs
were less than 4.83%
Mathematical modeling
techniques i.e ANN can save
time, material, costs, and
results in optimized designs.
(Anand, Incoloy x FSW ANN Heating TS, micro GANN process urged for
Barik, 800H based on pressure hardness( keeping both forward and
Tamilmanna (BBPNN), (HP), H) and reverse mappings.
n, & Sathiya, (IBPNN), heating time burn off The averages RMSE of
2015) (QPNN), (HT), length training, testing and
(LMNN) upsetting (BOL) validation data are
and pressure 0.9628,1.2148 and 1.2196
(GANN) (UP) and respectively
upsetting The RMSE for validation data
time (UT) is 1.2196, the coefficient of
determination is 0.9899 and
the R2 is 0.9978.
(Paoletti, Polycarb x FSSW ANN plunge rate, plunging Strong correlation is observed
Lambiase, & onate composed TRS, and force between experimental results
Di Ilio, sheets by three DT (Fmax), and ANN predicted values.
2015) layers torque Result confirmed by low
(Cmax), values of the Mean Absolute
temperatur Errors (MAE).
e (Tmax), which is ~2% for Fmax, ~3%
heat for Cmax and ~5% for Fr.
(Fr) of
(Ghetiya & AA8014 x FSW ANN with TRS (rpm), TS The measured and anticipated
Patel, 2014) (BP) WS (mm/s), values almost close to each
algorithm and PD other.
(mm) Overall R2 value for training,
validation and testing is
bigger than 0.99.
ANN design 4-8-1 has less
than 3% error between
experiment and predicted
(Shojaeefard AA7075 x FSW (ANNs) TRS (rpm), UTS and ANN disclose a better
, Behnagh, -O / feed WS (mm/s) hardness interaction between the
Akbari, AA5083 forward predicted data and the acquire
Givi, & -O NN with data
Farhani, BP Linear regression analysis is
2013) algorithm performed to obtain the R2
and multi among the experimental and
objective anticipated values.
particle The R2 result for UTS and
swarm hardness at training and
optimizati testing were respectively as
on 0.999 and 0.9916 and 0.9799
(MOPSO) and 0.9891.
(Manvatkar, AA L50 FSW ANN TRS, TS, Total The uncertainties in
Arora, De, & 7075 Taguchi pin radius, torque, prediction of ANN models
DebRoy, array tool WS, peak alter from 2.5% for peak
2012) and shoulder, temperatur temperature and 7.5% for
CCD axial force, e, bending torque, Max shear stress and
design pin length. stress and traverse force.
A1 W1 ഥ𝟏
𝐖 x Y
The acronym ANFIS derives its name from adaptive
neuro-fuzzy inference system. By Utilizing a X Π Ɲ ഥ 𝟏𝐩𝟏
provided input/output data set, the toolbox function A2
ANFIS build a fuzzy inference system (FIS) whose
function membership framework are tuned by B1
utilizing only a back propagation (BP) algorithm or Y
merger with a least squares type of method. This Π Ɲ
B2 ഥ 𝟐𝐩𝟐
adaptation of fuzzy systems allow him learn from W2 ഥ𝟐
the data they are modeling. The ANFIS learning x Y
method works similarly as neural networks. Fuzzy
modeling method obtained from neuro-adaptive
FIGURE 5. ANFIS design model of two input rules
learning technique to learn information about a data
set (Jang, 1993). Fuzzy modeling is established on
(Babajanzade Roshan et al., 2013) tested the
Fuzzy implications and interpretation are one of the
various arrangement of ANFIS model for each
most important field in Fuzzy system approach. The
response (TS, YS, and hardness). Mechanical
Fuzzy model build on input-output data that
classified into two things, first is mathematical tool properties of FSW process predicted by two stage of
to show a model system and the second is ANFIS model, training and testing. The obtained
structural model shown in figure, model that has a
identification method. The Fuzzy implication
broad number of MFs shows overfitting and not be
depend on input space of a Fuzzy partition. A linear
able to develop the ambitious value of root mean
input-output relation formed in each Fuzzy
square error (RMSE). In the accuracy of ANFIS
subspace. A fuzzy meddling system apply fuzzy if-
model the influential factor that affect is the class of
then rules which can model the qualitative aspects of
membership function. It can conclude that a good
human expertise and analysis processes without
relationship established between the predicted value
exploit accurate quantitative investigation. First time
Fuzzy modeling is systematically explore by of ANFIS and experimental value.
(Takagi & Sugeno, 1985).
(Dewan, AA- X FSW ANN and TRS, UTS For the development of ANFIS
Huggett, 2219- ANFIS WS,PD, and and ANN all four input
Warren T87 model empirical parameters were utilized and
Liao, with force index optimized and obtain result show
Wahab, & approach (EFI) that EFI has strong relation with
Okeil, of leave- UTS compared to others.
2016) one-out ANFIS predict better results than
cross- ANN in term of RMSE and
validation MAPE 29.7 MPa and 7.7% in
(LOO- ANFIS model and 36.7 MPa and
CV) 10.09% in ANN model
(Babajanz AA707 CCD FSW ANFIS TRS (rpm), TS, YS, The prediction error for TS is
ade 5 with 4 with WS (mm/s), and 3.21% for single response and
Roshan et factor simulated Axial force Hardne 2.24% for multi-response.
al., 2013) 5 levels annealing (N), Tool ss The prediction response for YS
pin and Hardness for Single and
geometry multi-response are
respectively.2.27% and 3.1% for
single and 3% and 3.8% for multi-
(Satpathy, Mishra, & Sahoo, 2018) developed variables. The cooperation between dependent
the regression model, ANN, and ANFIS to simulate variable and predictor variables is develop as a linear
and predict the joint strength of Ultrasonic metal model in Eq. (1)
welding USMW of Al-Cu sheets. The result of ANN
and ANFIS investigation compared with outcome of Y=β0+∑βi Xi+ εi (1)
regression analysis. The obtained average absolute
error of TS for regression, ANN and ANFIS analysis In this formulation β0 ….. βp are the regression
are 0.47%, 0.15% and o.o7%. Similarly TP values coefficients to be predicted according to scrutiny. To
varied respectively 1.89%, 0.61% and 0.22% for prevent multicollinearity problems, interrelationship
regression, ANN and ANFIS. So result conclude between the predictors should be organized (the
that the ANFIS predict most accurate result than correlation coefficient of the descriptive variables
ANN and regression. The obtained R2 result for TS should not surpass 0.7) (Anderson, Sweeney, &
values for regression, ANN and ANFIS are 91.47%, Williams, 2011). The last term ε, designate the
99.30% and 99.98%. The R2 values for TP results in random error and is attribute as the residual for
ANFIS is 99.79% that more accurate than other two examining the overall influence of the model and
techniques. (Dewan, Huggett, Warren Liao, Wahab, each regression coefficient. Error term is
& Okeil, 2016) developed an optimized ANFIS independently and normally distributed, with a mean
model to anticipate UTS of FSW joints. Total 1200 of zero and a constant variance of σ2 (Douglas C.
models developed by changing the quantity of Montgomery & Vining, 2012). Regression models
membership function (MFs), types of MFs, and describe the relationship between the output values
mixture of input parameter which are spindle speed, and one or more input values. The multiple
plunge depth, welding speed and empirical force regression model is a parametric model. There are
index (EFI) by using MATLAB platform. An ANNs many statistic and machine learning method to
models was also develop for the comparison of UTS generate the result like, linear, generalized and
of FSW process. EFI founded a strong relation with nonlinear regression model, containing mixed effect
UTS relative to other parameters. The predicted model and stepwise models. The connection
results of both models ANFIS and ANN with three between the numeric predictor and continuous target
input variables WS, PD, and EFI resulted as approximates by simple linear regression by using
respectively in lowest RMSE 29.7 MPa and Mean straight line. Relationship between a set of P>1
Absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 7.7% in predictors and a single continuous target
ANFIS model on the other hand in ANN model approximates multiple regression modeling using a
minimum Root mean square error (RMSE) is 36.7 P-dimensional plane (Vardhan & Bayar, 2013). The
MPa and MAPE is 10.09% which is larger than main objective of regression model designing to
ANFIS model. select a best suitable regresses that can develop an
accurate response variable. Regression Trees (RT)
Regression model and ANN are ambitious techniques for modeling
regression problems. MLR is a classic method that
Regression analysis is the most frequently used provide many advantages: simplicity,
conventional prediction approach to recognize the interpretability, chances of being accommodated
connection between the dependent and independent over the transformations of the variables, and the
performing of reasoning, supposing the hypothesis RSM in partnership with electron back scattered
of normality, homoscedasticity and inter correlation microscopy (EBSD) and TEM to examine the
between the error ε and the predictor variables influence of parameters on tensile properties of brass
(Chakraborty, Chakraborty, & Chattopadhyay, plate.
2018). (Heidarzadeh, 2019) applied first time the
(Elatharasan & Kumar, 2012) applied the which disclose a good combination between the
quadratic model of RSM to evaluate the UTS, YS response data and independent variables.
and displacement of FSW joint. Multi objective
optimization by utilizing the RSM is a valuable
method to enhance the FSW parameters to achieve
optimum UTS, YS and displacement of a joint at
95% confidence level. (Srinivasa Rao & Ramanaiah,
2018) applied three factor central composite design
with five level to construct a mathematical
regression model for employing RSM. The
importance of process parameters studied by
implementing the RSM technique. The R2 values of
predicted model for hardness, UTS, %E, bending
strength, and impact strength are respectively
83.90%, 95.47%, 86.47%, 90.73% and 93.78%
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presence of gaps and determine the gap depth. The Xiaoling, 2003) applied a new method of
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