Action Research 4
Action Research 4
Action Research 4
Abstract. Action research is actually suitable for any person who wishes to improve his or her
performance; or any group or organization who hopes for doing the same. As a matter of fact,
action research is widely used in education, especially by teachers who use it to improve their
teaching. Teachers from all over the world, from the United States, Australia, New Zealand to
Vietnam, etc have employed action research as a part of their teaching and research. Obviously,
action research well matches with education and benefits both teachers and students in their
teaching and learning since it meets the need of education and enables continuity in research with
its cyclic process. The suitability of action research to education reveals in its nature,
characteristics, “circle within circle” process, etc. In order to find a proper answer for the above
question, this article will look at all aspects concerning action research including definitions,
advantages, steps, etc to see the importance and the benefits of action research to education.
design their own study to read, evaluate and use paper finds that change is a key feature of
an action research study published in literature. action research since action research is used in
Particularly, action research aims at addressing real educational situations focusing on solving
an actual problem in a specific education setting real problems in education and at the end of
namely the teacher researchers are studying a each study; change must take place quickly or
practical issue that will benefit education. holistically.
Besides, teacher researchers engage in action
research first and foremost because of their own
situation rather than someone else’s practice. In 5. “Circle within circle” process of an action
this sense, they engage in “participatory” or research
“self-reflective teaching”; namely, they reflect
Steps in action research vary from different
on what they have learnt and what they can do
points of view as Creswell [16] asserts that
to improve their own educational situation.
“action research is a dynamic, flexible process”
Moreover, in the research development,
and there is “no blueprint exists for how to
researchers collaborate with one another and all proceed.” Hence, it is really impossible to assert
co-participants in an action research is referred this or that researcher is right with exact four,
to as collaborative team including teachers, five, six, seven or eight steps in their action
students, administrators and even parents and research. Sometimes, it is hard to define a clear
stakeholders. All of them involve in a dynamic cut between the steps and the number of steps
process or exactly a “spiral of activities” in in action research may vary depending on
which they go back and forth between different points of view held by researchers.
reflection about a problem, data collection and
Traditionally, Lewin’s [2] model of action
action. Creswell also maintains that at a certain research involves a cyclic sequence including
stage of the process, in order to respond to the two major phases: diagnosis and therapeutic.
problem studied, action researchers will These two phases are then divided into seven
formulate an either formal or informal action plan substages as follows:
which will engage few individual or the entire
● Stage 1: In this stage, problem or just
community into research. Especially, action
general idea about state of affair a participant
research is different from other type of research in
wish to change or improve is identified,
terms of sharing the results. Traditionally,
evaluated or formulated.
researchers report their investigation in journals or
book publications but action researchers usually ● Stage 2: This stage is the time for fact
first present their research to teachers and other finding so that a fully drawn picture of the
educational officials. situation is presented to help the researcher
clarify the nature of the problem.
In short, during their studies, scholars may
provide different opinions about action ● Stage 3: This stage is related and
research; some of them say that collaboration is synthesized with the critical review of the
the defining characteristic of action research problem in stage two. It aims at reviewing
while others insist that publication is an research literature to discover what can be
important one. However, although the above learnt from comparable studies, their purposes,
characteristics may slightly different from one procedures and problems they come across
another, they all acknowledge action research come across. Usually, in this stage, the
as a powerful tool for teachers to find solutions researcher generates hypotheses which attempt
for problems in their own education settings, or to enlighten some of the facts of the problem.
to change or improve some of their educational ● Stage 4: This is the stage where the
issues. Personally speaking, the author of this researcher starts to gather relevant information
T.T.T. Hien / VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages 25 (2009) 97-106 101
to test hypotheses proposed in the previous They determine circumstances and methods of
stage. However, it is important to note that this data collection, classification and analysis; they
testing of hypotheses is not statistical testing also together monitor the task and consider the
but an action seeing whether the evidence is choice of evaluative procedures.
compatible with the hypotheses. Lewin also ● Stage 7: This stage includes the
suggests that even when one has finished interpretation of data collected and the overall
testing hypotheses he should keep the status of evaluation of the research. At this stage, the cycle
“hypotheses” rather than “conclusions” as he of research is likely to be repeated. At the end of
may encounter situations where these each cycle, outcomes of the research are studied,
hypotheses do not apply. some suggestions are proposed and test, etc. The
● Stage 5: At this stage, teachers and other projected is finally reported to the public.
participants in collaborative team will discuss, Sharing the view with Lewin’s idea of the
negotiate and made decisions on the selection of repeating cycles of action research, Kemmis [17]
research procedures including material choice, has developed a simple model of the cyclical
teaching methods, allocations of tasks, etc. nature of the typical action research process. He
● Stage 6: This stage get participants asserts that each cycle of an action research has
involved in the realization of the action plan. four steps: plan, act, observe and reflect.
Slightly different, Susman [18] identifies five steps to be implemented in an action research as
102 T.T.T. Hien / VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages 25 (2009) 97-106
Step 1:
Identifying or
defining a problem
Step 5: Step 2:
LEARNING Considering
Identifying general alternative courses
findings of action
Step 4: Step 3:
Studying the Selecting a course
consequences of of action
an action
In brief, these above processes of action around emanciaption and the overcoming of
research are different from one another since power imbalances”. The two branches of this
they are either basic, simple or elaborate school is Participatory Action Research and
models. During the research, one may find a Feminist Action Research.
models either more effective or less suitable “Educational action research is founded
than the other ones depending of particular after John Dewey, an American educational
situations and education settings. philosopher, who held that professional
educators should become involved in
community problem-solving”. Naturally, it
6. Types of action research
concentrates on development of curriculum,
According to O’Brien [4], the development professional improvement, and applying
of action research has witnessed four main learning in a social context.
“streams” that have emerged as: (i) Traditional From a different point of view, Creswell
action research, (ii) Contextural action research [16] argues that there are two main types of
(Action learning), (iii) Radical action research action research as follows:
and (iv) Educational action research. Namely, ● Practical action research
Traditional action research is originated ● Participatory action research
from Lewin’s work within organizations. It Practical action research is used in
tends toward conservative, general maintaining situations in which teacher researchers “seek to
the status quo with regards to organization enhance the practice of education through the
power structures. “The growth importance of systematic study of a local problem.” It usually
labour-management relation led to the involves a small-case research project, narrowly
application of action research in area of directs at a specific problem or issue and is
organization development”. undertaken by individual teachers or teams
“Contextural action research, also known as within a particular education setting.
action learning, is stemmed from Trist’s work Participatory action research is usually
on relations between organizations. This implemented in larger scale to improve “the
approach stresses on participants’ act as project quality of people’s organisation, communities
designers or co-researchers and sructural and family lives”. Namely, it has a “social and
relations among actors in a social environment community orientation” and it focuses on
(context)”. research that “contributes to emancipation or
“Radical action research has its roots in change in our society”.
Marxian "dialectical materialism" and it centers
Epistemology Objectivism
Methods Qualitative
Methods Qualitative
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Nghiên cứu tìm giải pháp (Nghiên cứu hành động) thực ra phù hợp với bất cứ ai, bất cứ tổ chức
nào muốn sử dụng loại hình nghiên cứu này nhằm nâng cao chất lượng công việc của mình. Nghiên
cứu tìm giải pháp được các giáo viên trên khắp thế giới sử dụng như một phần quan trọng trong công
tác giảng dạy và nghiên cứu. Thực tế cho thấy, hình thức nghiên cứu này rất phù hợp với lĩnh vực giáo
dục và mang lại lợi ích cho cả giáo viên và sinh viên trong việc giảng dạy và học tập của họ vì nó đáp
ứng được nhu cầu của ngành giáo dục và đảm bảo tính liên tục trong nghiên cứu với tiến trình nối tiếp
và tuần hoàn của nó. Để tìm một câu trả lời thấu đáo cho câu hỏi trên, bài báo này sẽ đi sâu tìm hiểu
tất cả các mặt liên quan đến nghiên cứu tìm giải pháp như các khái niệm, những ưu điểm, các bước
tiến hành, … để thấy được vai trò quan trọng cũng những lợi ích mà nghiên cứu tìm giải pháp mang lại
cho lĩnh vực giáo dục.