In Connecticut: Words To Know
In Connecticut: Words To Know
In Connecticut: Words To Know
is a series presented in
collaboration with the Connecticut Academy of
Science and Engineering and the
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Fiber Optic Communications
Fred Leonberger
Principal, EOvation Advisors LLC
YouTube, FaceTime, other streaming video to your computer or smartphone, Google searches, and optoelectronics and fiber optics -- first in research, then in helping to develop optical
access to databases all depend on the high speed transmission of information which is available on products and businesses. In my spare time, I enjoy playing golf and travelling.
the Internet. We are also accustomed to crystal-clear long-distance telephone calls and access to
many High-Definition television channels. Fiber optic communications make all this possible and more. Words to Know
Coded signals are sent on a laser light beam through long, flexible fibers of glass. The light beam travels
Fiber optic: (or optical fiber): glass fibers that enable the transmission of light
down a portion of the fiber that is thinner than one human hair. With today’s technology, the fiber can
beams over hundreds of miles.
simultaneously transmit multiple laser beams, each of a different color of light and each at data rates
from 10 to 100 billion bits/second. At this maximum rate, 25 full-length movies or their equivalent Laser: a device that emits light very efficiently when an electrical current is applied.
can be transmitted in about one second! For fiber optic systems, diode lasers are used (see the photo) because they are
To understand a fiber optic system, consider transferring a photograph. Your computer turns your compact and can generate date streams of billions of bits per second.
picture into a digital electrical data stream of “bits” (“1”s and “0”s). When this data stream signal
reaches a nearby regional office, the signal is used to turn a laser on and Billion: a huge number; equals a 1000 million; a billion bits is the same
off, creating a stream of light pulses which then travel through optical as a Gigabit.
fibers to an office near the intended destination, which could be hundreds Photodetector: a device that generates an electrical current when light is
of miles away. Here, the light signal is received by a photodetector and
converted back to an electrical data stream. This stream is transmitted
shined on its surface. Can handle data rates of billions of bits per second.
to the destination and displayed on the recipient’s display. Fiber optic Web links
communications are amazingly fast, highly efficient, and reliable. Just
imagine how many photos Facebook receives, transmits, and stores every
minute in their huge data centers! Fiber optic systems are a key enabler for
their services. DevelopinganAthleticProgram/uh7.aspx#
In reality, fiber optic systems operate in networks and are more complex than the example above. These Students:
networks are increasing in capability and capacity every year to continue to transform information usage
globally in science, business, education, medicine, communications, and entertainment.
Dr. Leonberger was awarded the 2014 Connecticut Medal of Technology -- the state’s highest honor for
technological achievement in fields crucial to Connecticut’s economic competitiveness. For Students and Teachers Making Curriculum Connections
Common Core State Standards (CCSS): Mathematics
Skills and Knowledge • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
There are many different types of opportunities to work in fiber optics communications; • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the
these generally require a degree in electrical, mechanical or materials engineering, or in reasoning of others.
physics, optics or mathematics. For working in system deployment or design, or component • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4 Model with mathematics
manufacturing, a bachelor’s or associate’s degree is often adequate. For developing • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically
advanced fiber systems or conducting research, a master’s or doctoral degree is a more Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE): Science Framework
typical preparation. • Scientific inquiry is a thoughtful and coordinated attempt to search out, describe,
explain and predict natural phenomena.
• Scientific inquiry progresses through a continuous process of questioning,
Fred J. Leonberger, PhD data collection, analysis and interpretation.
In junior high (middle) and high school, I most enjoyed the math and science classes, and • Scientific inquiry requires the sharing of findings and ideas for critical review
participated in several science fairs. When it came time to go to college, I talked with my by colleagues and other scientists.
family and neighbors who were engineers, and decided to study electrical engineering.
I earned a BS, MS and PhD in that field. I have spent most of my career working in