Animal Housing in Hot Climates 2006
Animal Housing in Hot Climates 2006
Animal Housing in Hot Climates 2006
Irenilza de Alencar Ns
Co-operating Editor
Daniella Jorge de Moura
Irenilza de Alencar Ns
Paolo Zappavigna
Vasco de Fitas Cruz, Secretary of the Working Group
Panagiotis B. Panagakis, Co-operating Secretary
Campinas, SP - Brazil
February 25, 2006
ISBN 87-88976-94-7
Published by Research Centre Bygholm, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Schttesvej 17, 8700, Horsens, Denmark.
Catalog File
ISBN 87-88976-94-7
Ns, Irenilza de Alencar, Moura, Daniella
Animal housing in hot climates: A
multidisciplinary view.
Published by Research Centre Bygholm,
Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Schttesvej 17, 8700 Horsens, Denmark,
2006. 105p.
1. Animal housing. 2. Hot weather. 3.
Mitigation actions. I. Ns, Irenilza de
Alencar, II. Zappavigna, Paolo, Cruz, III.
Vasco de Fitas, IV. Panagakis, Panagiotis, B.
Historical Picture
Catalog File ...........................................................................................................................3
Historical Picture..................................................................................................................4
Preface ...........................................................................................................................9
Participants/members present Catania, June 2005 .............................................. 9
The history............................................................................................................ 10
The future ............................................................................................................. 11
Background .................................................................................................................13
Glossary, Basic Definitions and Mitigation Actions ................................................17
3.1. Basic Definitions ....................................................................................................... 17
3.2. Thermal comfort indexes........................................................................................... 20
3.3. Mitigation actions ...................................................................................................... 23
Summarized report on each participant country: General Aspects......................40
Brazil ........................................................................................................................ 40
Belgium .................................................................................................................... 41
Czech Republic......................................................................................................... 43
Denmark ................................................................................................................... 45
Egypt......................................................................................................................... 46
Greece....................................................................................................................... 51
Israel ......................................................................................................................... 52
Italy........................................................................................................................... 54
Malta......................................................................................................................... 58
Morocco.................................................................................................................... 60
Portugal..................................................................................................................... 61
Spain ......................................................................................................................... 65
Sweden ..................................................................................................................... 66
Summarized State of Art of Animal Housing in Warm/Hot Climate:
Productive Traits .......................................................................................................67
Ruminants............................................................................................................. 67
Dairy ..................................................................................................................... 67
Poultry .................................................................................................................. 80
Layer..................................................................................................................... 83
Turkey................................................................................................................... 84
5.3. Swine .................................................................................................................... 85
Rabbit Housing ..................................................................................................... 87
Preliminary Conclusions and Recommendations....................................................89
Final Remarks.............................................................................................................94
Authors Resume..........................................................................................................97
General References...................................................................................................104
Table Index
Table 1. Temperature and humidity index values related to heat stress safety (USDC-ESSA,
1970)............................................................................................................................. 21
Table 2. Climate characteristics for towns in Egypt with different latitude and months ..... 47
Table 3. Greek hot weather climatic conditions ................................................................... 51
Table 4. Climatic conditions in the area of Marrakech ........................................................ 60
Table 5. Climatic conditions of several zones of Portugal during the summer.................... 62
Table 6. Swine, cow, sheep and goat distribution according with ....................................... 62
Table 7. Recommended methods of heat stress reduction for dairy cows ........................... 68
Table 8. Results from study done in Morocco on barn length ............................................. 75
Table 9. Study done in Morocco on mangers length........................................................... 75
Table 10. Space details (m2 per animal) for housing of sheep and goats. For grazing sheep
(meat) the space per mother can be reduced (from Shoshani, 2000). .......................... 78
Figure Index
Figure 1.Diagrammatic presentation of relationship between animal heat and moisture
production and deep body temperature (Mount, 1973)...................................................... 13
Figure 2. General guideline for animal heat production............................................................. 14
Figure 3. Basic diagram for the proportion between sensible and latent heat in relation to
ambient temperature applicable for species and housing conditions where no further
specific information is available. Base 1 hpu = 1000 W at 20C. ..................................... 14
Figure 4. Total heat production for cattle, pigs and poultry in respect to temperature .............. 15
Figure 5. Standard correction of animal heat production due to diurnal variation (Dromedary
mode).................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 6. Diurnal variations in animal activity, based on a combination of two sinusoidal curves
(Camel model).................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 7. Efficiency of evaporative cooling systems related to climatic characteristics profile 23
Figure 8 Schematic view of the proposed system: (a) forced ventilation and (b) natural
ventilation........................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 9. Climatic conditions obtained in the Bet-Zera dairy barn l.......................................... 25
Figure 10. Climatic conditions obtained in the Mechola fattening calves house ....................... 26
Figure 11. Schematic view of the open dairy house.................................................................. 29
Figure 12. Simulation domain and its discretization ................................................................. 29
Figure 13. Air flow pattern of a vertical plane for the wind direction perpendicular to the roof
ridge where house side height 5 m and ceiling slope 20% ................................................ 30
Figure 14. Air temperature pattern of a vertical plane for the wind direction perpendicular to the
roof ridge where house side height 5 m and ceiling slope 20%......................................... 30
Figure 15. Air flow of a vertical plane and heat flux from the cow's surface for the wind
direction parallel to the roof ridge where house side height 5 m and ceiling slope 20% ... 31
Figure 16. Total heat flux of cows at groups A and B as function of the house height where the
wind direction perpendicular to the roof ridge and ceiling slope 20%............................... 31
Figure 17. Total heat flux of cows at groups A as function of the house height where wind
direction parallel to the roof ridge and ceiling slope 20%.................................................. 32
Figure 18. Total heat flux of cows at groups A and B as function of the ceiling slop (%) where
wind direction perpendicular to the roof ridge and house side height 5 m ........................ 32
Figure 19. Cows heat flux at groups A and B as function of the wind speed where wind
direction perpendicular to the roof ridge, house side height 5 m and ceiling slop 20%..... 33
Figure 20. Cow's heat flux at groups A and B as function of the temperature deference (between
the cow's surface and reference air), where wind direction perpendicular to the roof ridge,
house side height 5 m and ceiling slop 20% ...................................................................... 33
Figure 21. Pad cooling system in a Brazilian commercial farm................................................. 36
Figure 22. Working principle of pad cooling systems ............................................................... 37
Figure 23. Indications for evaporative cooling use around the world (from coolmax).............. 38
Figure 24. The different sub models in the climate simulation model ....................................... 89
Figure 25. Simulation output of indoor temperature on yearly basis for a typical Belgian pig
house compartment. ........................................................................................................... 90
Figure 26. Global climate classification..................................................................................... 94
Figure 27. Monthly temperature of the warmest month
( ................................................... 95
Seren Pedersen and Krister Sllvik
This report is the first brief report from a new established CIGR Working Group on
Animal Housing in Hot Climate, which summarizes the papers presented in Catania,
Italy, July 24-27, 2005, with participants primarily from Mediterranean areas, and it can be
considered as a continuation of the former CIGR working Group 13 on Climatization of
Animal Houses 1977- 2004.
The history
In brief, the past chairman of CIGR Section IV, professor Rolf Henriksson, took in 1976,
the initiative to start a Working Group (WG) on Climatization of Animal Houses and
appointed Dr. Michael Rist, Institut fr Tierproduktion, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland as
chairman. The goal was to come up with the best possible common guidelines on
international basis for calculation of indoor environment in animal houses for all kinds of
domestic animals. The working group which had about twelve members from different
countries in Europe plus some corresponding members from USA has met once a year on
their own expenses, somewhere in Europe.
The work with making common guidelines was more complicated and time consuming
than expected, due to different national rules for how to calculate total, sensible and latent
heat. Another problem was the lack of up-to-date information on animal heat production.
Most of the available literature was from laboratory experiments primarily from USA in the
fifties and sixties, and therefore needed carefully considerations. In spite of the fact that Dr.
Michael Rist presented a draft to that report already at the first meeting in 1977, it took
seven years to finish the first report (CIGR, 1984) containing information on heat and
moisture production for cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, goats, rabbits and horses. Already in the
late seventies it was clear that there was a gap between laboratory conditions and normal
animal housing, in respect to moisture from spilt drinking water, moist feed and manure
management and some provisional correction factors for adjustment of sensible heat was
introduced. Regarding cattle for instance, it was considered in the CIGR 1984 report that
20% of the sensible heat on laboratory scale should be converted to latent heat for
production conditions with moist feed (sugar beets and silage) and wet floors.
Unfortunately, in the seventies and in the eighties it was difficult to check the heat
production under normal housing conditions, compared to the theory, due to difficulties in
making continuous measurements on indoor temperature, relative humidity, ventilation
flow and other parameters on farms. In the mean time, data logging systems measuring
wind speed, and other data became more accessible making verifications of calculation
rules related to farm conditions possible.
The Report from 1984, also includes recommendations for acceptable indoor relative
humidity at different indoor temperature, expressed as the sum of temperature and relative
humidity as (oC + RH,% <90). It is e.g. maximal 60% RH at 30 C. Also information on
climate maps from most countries in Europe was included. Altogether that report was a
mile stone with basic knowledge for calculations on indoor climate, needed ventilation and
heating capacity.
After finishing the first report (CIGR, 1984), the work continued with some changes in
membership and with Dr. Krister Sllvik, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences as
chairman. In the following period the work focused on improving calculation methods for
animal heat production, design of ventilation systems, climate control, energy recuperation,
cooling, dust and gases in animal houses. The second working group report (CIGR, 1989)
was ready in 1989 and revised 1992. The third report (CIGR, 1994) concerns air flow
pattern, gases, odor and airborne particles.
Until the middle of the nineties the working group consisted of permanent members, but
after that time, the group was opened to all scientist interested in the work. Mostly
members of EurAgEng (SIG group 14) took part of the meetings, normally arranged in
relation to conferences. The fourth report (CIGR, 2002) was a complete revision of the
animal heat and moisture production in first report (CIGR, 1984). The CIGR 2002 report
brought the calculation rules in good agreement with the normal production conditions.
Because no permanent members existed any more, that report was written on the basis of
current exchange of knowledge among scientists with Dr. Sren Pedersen, DK and Prof.
Krister Sllvik, SE, as authors, issued as a common report for CIGR and EurAgEng. That
report deals with new equations for animal heat production taking into account not only the
bodyweight, but also the feed intake for growing pigs and young cattle. Equations for heat
production are available in this report for the following species: Cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep,
goats, minks, rabbits and horses. A special chapter is dealing with the diurnal variations in
animal heat and moisture production. Thanks to comprehensive measurements in recent
years of animal activity and heat production on diurnal basis, it is to day well documented
that there is a typical diurnal variation in animal heat production with a typical increase in
the daytime of 20-25% and a corresponding decrease of 20-25% in the night time. Taking
that into account, calculations on diurnal basis can be improved considerably, in respect to
maximum ventilation need on warm summer days and need of supplemental heat in cold
The future
With the work on the reports CIGR, (1984, 1989/92, 1994 and 2002) it has often been
discussed that there was a lack of information on animal heat and moisture production in
areas with hot climate, because most of the available research results world wide are from
the tempered climate zone. At the Board Meeting of CIGR Section II in 2002 it was
discussed further and people were encouraged to contribute with information in that field.
Also at the board meetings in 2003 and 2004 the need was emphasized. In the CIGR
Section II Board Meeting agenda May 2004, Evora, Portugal was concluded:
New working group on hot climate housing
The idea of organization of a new working group on Hot Climate Animal Housing was
debated again. Finally it was agreed that a workshop needs to be organized to gauge the
opportunity for creating a new working group. It was also agreed that Prof. Irenilza A. Ns
is going to coordinate the organization of this workshop with the help of Prof. Vasco Cruz.
If there is enough interest and enthusiasm among the workshop members, a working group
will be formalized. The idea of compiling the current knowledge in the area of livestock
housing and environment control in hot climate countries was also discussed (Prof. Vasco
Cruz informed the group that the EurAgEng SIG 14 also had interest in this area and could
work together with the proposed CIGR working group)
In the spring 2005 Prof. Vasco Cruz, Portugal and Prof. Irenilza A. Ns, Brazil sent an email around to potential participants informing about the first meeting planned to be held in
Sicily, Italy, June 24 27, 2005. Due to positive response from scientists especially from
the Mediterranean area, the working group meeting was confirmed with Prof. Giovanni
Cascone, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria; Catania, Italy as host.
During the meeting all participants had the opportunity to give a short presentation of
results and actual questions in relation to their regions. The presentations showed in brief
that the questions to deal with in the tempered climate zone and in the subtropical zone are
different. In the tempered zone, most of the animals are kept in enclosed building, with
mechanical/natural ventilation and normally insulated, where it most of the year around is
possible by climate control, to keep the attempted indoor temperature and relative humidity
as set, but on hot summer days the acclimatization problems with over temperatures are
identical with the problems in subtropical zones. In the subtropical and tropical zones,
many animal buildings are open sided and un-insulated, although e.g., broiler houses are
normally enclosed as in tempered zones, but also open sided houses exist as e.g. in Brazil.
The main question is in which way it is possible to reduce animal heat stress and
subsequently reduce production losses and maintain animal welfare, during hot weather and
especially, when the relative humidity is high.
During the meeting several papers included how to evaluate heat stress, based on
measurable parameters as dry and wet bulb temperatures, black globe temperature, relative
and absolute air humidity, air velocity etc. Different equations for calculation of THI
indexes were presented and it was agreed that a comparison of different methods is needed.
The discussion showed clearly that the present working group will have the three main
I. Animal heat and moisture production at high ambient temperatures
II. Methods to define heat stress and upper critical temperature
III. Methods to reduce heat stress i.e. facilitate animal heat dissipation when
exposed to high temperatures and high relative humidity.
Especial topics I and II are of great interest all over the world, while topic III is mostly of
interest in areas with hot climate. The sub-themes to include for theme III could e.g. be:
9 Increased air velocity around the animals
9 Reduced ambient temperature by water evaporation in the air and use of wet
9 Evaporative cooling of animals by water spraying on the body
9 Mechanical air cooling in certain areas e.g milk centers
9 Heat exchangers with or without heat pumps
9 Air cooling via earth tubes
9 Feeding the animals morning and evening to reduce the heat production in
9 To use building materials with big heat capacity (where possible) or
integrate suitable insulation, efficient shading and appropriate orientation
Finally during the WG meeting it was decided that the first report on Animal Housing in
Hot Climate should be ready before September 1, 2005 and Panos Panagakis, from Greece
agreed to be the secretary for collecting the contributions from the working group members.
Seren Pedersen and Krister Sllvik
The indoor environment in enclosed animal houses is the results of the following
-Animal heat and moisture production
-Sun radiation in day time
-Building solar orientation and shading
-Outdoor temperature
-Outdoor relative humidity
-Air velocity inside and outside
-Good insulation of pipes to assure fresh water distribution
-Insulation of the structure
-Heat capacity of structure and floors
-Ventilation rate and air distribution
-Supplemental heat
-Evaporative cooling and other treatments of air
Animal heat and moisture production
One of the classic graphical models on animal heat and moisture production and deep body
temperature for homeothermic animals is given by Mount (1973) in Figure 1. The figure
illustrate that there is a span of ambient temperature, where the total animal heat production
can be considered constant, and in which the sensible heat is decreasing and the latent heat
is increasing with increased temperature, which is explained by the law of heat transfer.
Figure 1.Diagrammatic presentation of relationship between animal heat and moisture production and
deep body temperature (Mount, 1973).
A more operational relation between total, sensible and latent heat in respect to ambient
temperature is given by Strm & Feenstra (1980) and CIGR (1984) on animal level, as a
general model for cattle, pigs and poultry.
Total heat
Temperature, oC
On house level, taking into account the practical situation with possibilities for huddling,
spread out and wallowing, the temperature span with constant total heat is not so
pronounced, why a linear relation between animal total heat production and ambient
temperature fits better to practical conditions. Figure 3 shows the animal total heat and
moisture production if no further information is available on species or housing conditions.
For more specific situations, diagrams are available for some combinations of species and
housing in (CIGR, 2002)
Total heat
Latent heat
Sensible heat
Ambient temperature, C
Figure 3. Basic diagram for the proportion between sensible and latent heat in relation to ambient
temperature applicable for species and housing conditions where no further specific information is
available. Base 1 hpu = 1000 W at 20C.
The sensitivity of animal total heat production to variations in ambient temperature depends
on the species and size of the animal. The total heat production reduces roughly with 0.4%
per degree decrease in temperature for cattle, 1.2 % for pigs and 2.0% for poultry as shown
in Figure 4
Total heat production
Temperature, C
Figure 4. Total heat production for cattle, pigs and poultry in respect to temperature
Another factor to be taken into account, is the diurnal variation in animal heat production
due to diurnal rhythm in commercial animal houses. The two general models are the
Drommedar model in Figure 5 and the Camel model in Figure 6.
Activity factor
Figure 5. Standard correction of animal heat production due to diurnal variation (Dromedary mode)
Activity factor
Figure 6. Diurnal variations in animal activity, based on a combination of two sinusoidal curves (Camel
More details with equations on animal heat and moisture production and adjustment for
diurnal rhythm can be found in CIGR (2002)
The challenges for the future will be to characterize the climate for for the actual region and
to evaluate the possibilities to for making a good climate for the animals with minimum
risk for heat stress.
CIGR, 1984. Climatization of Animal Houses. Report of working group. Scottish Farm
Building Investigation Unit. Craibstone, Aberdeen, Scotland.
CIGR Report. 1992. Climatization of Animal Houses. Second working group report.
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, State University of Ghent, Belgium.
CIGR Report. 1994. Aerial Environment in Animal Housing - Concentrations in and from
Farm Buildings. Working Group Report No. 94.1. CEMAGREF, France.
CIGR Report. 1999. Handbook of Agricultural Engineering. Volume II. Animal Production
& Aquacultural Engineering. Part I Livestock Housing and Environment. Published by
CIGR Report. 2002. Climatization of Animal Houses. Editors: Pedersen, S.; Sllvik, K.
Working Group Report on: Heat and Moisture Production at Animal and House Level.
Published by DIAS, ISBN 87-88976-60-2.
Strm, J S; Feenstra, A. 1980. Heat loss from cattle, swine and poultry. ASAE Paper No.
80-4021. St. Joseph, Michigan USA.
Air conditioning: The process and/or conditioner for modifying air temperature
extremes, such as changing humidity, removing dust or odor, etc., to increase
comfort and productivity (usually by mechanical means).
Air inlet: Opening designed to supply fresh air to a facility, e.g., hole, slot, lower
door, etc.
Air outlet: Opening through which exhaust air leaves a facility, e.g., hole, door,
window, open ridge, louver or exhaust fan.
Condensation: Water vapor removed from the air and formed, in a liquid state, on a
surface, in a building usually caused by poor insulation and/or high humidity.
Distribution duct: Inflatable tube or rigid duct through which ventilation air is
distributed in the building.
Draft: Natural air movement with sufficient velocity, humidity, and/or cold
temperature to cause discomfort.
Enthalpy: The heat energy content of an air-water vapor mixture. Includes both
sensible heat (indicated by dry-bulb temperature) and latent heat of vaporization
(energy content of the water vapor).
Evaporation: Latent mode of heat transfer in which heat is absorbed during waters
change in state from liquid to vapor.
Fogger: System for dispersing water in fine droplets to provide evaporation for air
Heat exchanger: Device that transfers heat between flowing fluids without direct
fluid contact; usually metal or plastic tubes with one fluid inside and the other
Heat loss: Common term that refers to gross loss of heat from livestock or a
building through surfaces and openings.
Moisture balance: Condition whereby water vapor brought into a building, plus
that released inside, is exactly equal to that leaving.
Natural convection: Heat transfer caused by the density difference between hot
and cold fluids.
Ridge vent: Opening along a roof peak for natural ventilation air outlet or an inlet
for mechanical ventilation.
Shade: Building or other object used to shield livestock from direct solar radiation;
generally lightweight structure with solid or perforated roof and open walls to
permit maximum air movement while blocking direct sunlight.
Zone cooling: Localized cooling within a larger room by ducts transporting cool
Curtis, S. E. 1983. Environmental Management in Animal Agriculture. Iowa State
University Press: Ames, p.409.
Standards: ASAE S501 Jan01. Uniform Terminology for Livestock Production Facilities,
Eq 1
Eq 2
From Johnson et al (1965) THI values Table 1 was developed and used by Nienaber &
Hahn (2004) for measuring and estimating heat stress conditions in beef cattle confinement
as well as in dairy cows and swine production.
The normal values were considered 74, alert values were those from 75 to 78, danger
values are those from 79 to 83, and emergency values were the ones 84.
Table 1. Temperature and humidity index values related to heat stress safety (USDC-ESSA, 1970)
Temperature (C)
Gates et al. (1995) adapted THI function for birds and added variation according to the use
of evaporative cooling systems within housing. The results were added to a geographic
information system and helped poultry producers decision making according to the weather
As ventilation has an important role in the birds response to heat stress Tao & Xin (2003)
adapted THI for a function using wind speed as a variable, and called this index as
Temperature-Humidity-Velocity Index (THVI). They also adopted several stages of
thermal comfort such as: normal, alert, danger and emergency, based on the birds body
temperature variation
THI = 0.85DBT x 0.15WBT
Eq 3
Eq 4
Introductory Remarks
The efficiency of alternative solutions presented in this chapter has different responses
depending on the local climate, as shown in Figure 7 (Romijn & Lorhorst, 1966).
Efficiency (%)
Climate type
Environmental temperature (C)
1 = normal dry; 2= normal humid; 3= warm and dry; 4= warm and humid; 5=hot and dry; 6=hot and humid
Cooling livestock buildings by integrated high pressure fogging system with air
ventilation and circulation systems: Israels solution
Avraham Arbel
For year round operation of livestock buildings, their climate control systems must
maintain desirable air temperatures, humidity and velocity. However, in many buildings;
hot weather operation is limited because the natural or mechanical cooling methods do not
provide the desired conditions.
Evaporative systems for cooling greenhouses (1-12) and livestock buildings have been
developed to provide desired conditions during the hot season. These systems are based on
conversion of sensible heat into latent heat of evaporated water, with the water supplied
mechanically. Establishing the appropriate combination of air and water supply depends on
the animal's excessive heat and environmental conditions, such as solar radiation, ambient
temperature, and ambient relative humidity. The main evaporative cooling methods used
today are sprinkling, pad-and-fan, and fog.
Sprinkling systems combine fans and spraying water from sprinklers onto the animals
surface (mainly used in dairy cows housing), results in an increase of the free water surface
area and consequently of the evaporation rate. As a result, the animal's body is cooled
directly and its temperature is decreased. Thus, from thermodynamic point of view, this
method has the highest performance, but required good skin and fur wetted. This method is
inexpensive, but its cooling effect under practical condition is limited and its use involves a
significant waste of water and increased sewage. Also, sprinkling usually results in
contagious conditions for diseases. Therefore, sprinkling is inferior in this respect to the
pad-and-fan and fog systems.
The pad-and-fan system is based on forcing outside air into the building through a wet pad,
which humidifies and cools it only at the entrance, where the wet pad is situated. The
disadvantages of the pad-and-fan system are: (a) the air must be forced through the pad, (b)
significant temperature and humidity gradients, along the building, are created; (c)
installation, operation and maintenance are expensive; and (d) continuous operation and
poor water quality cause progressive clogging of the pad, resulting in declining cooling
The fogging system is based on spraying the water as small droplets (in the fog range, 2-60
m in diameter) in order to increase the water surface in contact with the air. The free-fall
velocity of the droplets is slow and they are easily carried by the air streams inside the
building. These results in a high efficiency of water evaporation combined while keeping
the animals and area dry. Fog droplets can be generated by several methods, but using the
high pressure nozzles is the most economic. The efficiency of this system can be increased
by full or partial control of the air movement and circulation through the building.
For a given state, the ventilation flow rate defines the air enthalpy and the evaporation flow
rate defines the air humidity ratio. Both air enthalpy and humidity ratio define the air state.
The circulation flow rate defines the air velocity. Increasing air velocity yields improved
heat exchange from the animal's skin and fur. The combination of the operation state may
be selected in accordance with the actual climatic conditions and economic considerations.
In the light of these considerations, the following scheme is recommended (Figure 8)
comprising: roof openings, high volume low speed circulation fans, ventilation fans or
opening in all walls and nozzles distributed at the height of the building. The air that enters
the building through the roof openings, circulated and carries the water drops with it, and
the water evaporates within the flow. As a result, the air is cooled (by water evaporation),
both on its entry into the building and in the course of its passage among the animals, and
absorbs excess heat.
Air inlet
Air inlet
Air outlet
Air outlet
Figure 8 Schematic view of the proposed system: (a) forced ventilation and (b) natural ventilation
Preliminary results: The proposed cooling system was partially installed mainly in open
dairy houses in accordance to the local commonly wind direction and in poultry houses.
Two cooling systems were examined under summer conditions.
The first one was in open dairy house of two groups separated by the feeding trough
(Figure 9b). The fogging nozzles were installed alongside the fans lines (located in
accordance to the common wind direction) and feeding lanes. Climatic results of a typical
day are shown in Figure 9a. These results indicate that the inside dry bulb temperature
(mean) was lower by 4-5 oC than that of the outside, while the wet bulb temperatures
almost the same.
Temperature, oC
Day time, h
Start fogging
Temperature, oC
Stop fogging
Closing walls
Opening walls
Internal wet bulb
Day time, h
Figure 10. Climatic conditions obtained in the Mechola fattening calves house
Figure 10b describes the cooling system in a fattening calf's house. The fogging nozzles
were installed on two lines of fans located at both side of the middle lane and facing each
other. This house included four ventilation openings and two windows on each longitude
opposite walls. Typical results are shown in Figure 10a. As long as the side windows were
open these results were similar to those described above. However, when windows were
partially closed, further inside dry bulb temperature reduction was achieved to reach total
difference of 9-10 C between inside and outside dry bulb temperatures.
Press T., F. 1984. Propagation: fog not mist. Combined Proceedings, International Plant
Propagators Society, v. 33, p. 100-109.
Giacomelli G A; Giniger M S; Krass A E; Mears D R. 1985. Improved methods of
greenhouse evaporating cooling. Acta Horticulturae, v.174, p. 49-55.
Giacomelli G A; Roberts W. 1989. Try alternative methods of evaporative cooling. Acta
Horticulturae, v. 257, p. 29-40.
Arbel A; Yekutieli O; Barak M. 1999. Performance of a fog system for cooling
greenhouses. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, v. 72, p.129-136.
Arbel A; Shklyar A; Barak M. 1999. Buoyancy-driven ventilation in a greenhouse cooled
by a fogging system. Acta Horticulturae, v. 534, p. 327-334.
Arbel A.; Barak M; Shklyar A. 2002. Combination of forced ventilation and fogging
systems for cooling greenhouses. Biosystems Engineering, v. 84, p. 45-55.
4, 5, 6 m
The obtained result at each cross section may be presented by air speed, air temperature, or
combined air speed and heat flux as shown in Figures 11, 12 and 13, respectively.
Figure 13. Air flow pattern of a vertical plane for the wind direction perpendicular to the roof ridge
where house side height 5 m and ceiling slope 20%
Figure 14. Air temperature pattern of a vertical plane for the wind direction perpendicular to the roof
ridge where house side height 5 m and ceiling slope 20%
As function of house height at wind direction perpendicular and parallel to the house ridge
are shown in Figures 14 and 15, respectively.
Figure 15. Air flow of a vertical plane and heat flux from the cow's surface for the wind direction
parallel to the roof ridge where house side height 5 m and ceiling slope 20%
Cow No.
Figure 16. Total heat flux of cows at groups A and B as function of the house height where the wind
direction perpendicular to the roof ridge and ceiling slope 20%
Cow No.
Figure 17. Total heat flux of cows at groups A as function of the house height where wind direction
parallel to the roof ridge and ceiling slope 20%
Concerning the total heat flux of each cow the following result were obtained:
As function ceiling slope at wind direction perpendicular to the house ridge are shown in
Figure 16. As function of wind speed at wind direction perpendicular to the house ridge are
shown in Figure 17.
As function of temperature deference between the cow's surface and reference air at wind
direction perpendicular to the house ridge are shown in Figures 18, 19 and 20.
Cow No.
Figure 18. Total heat flux of cows at groups A and B as function of the ceiling slop (%) where wind
direction perpendicular to the roof ridge and house side height 5 m
y = 187.9295x 0.8515
R2 = 0.999
y = 151.4984x0.8296
R2 = 0.998
Figure 19. Cows heat flux at groups A and B as function of the wind speed where wind direction
perpendicular to the roof ridge, house side height 5 m and ceiling slop 20%
y = 100.04x
R2 = 0.998
y = 77.222x
R2 = 0.995
Temperature difference, oC
Figure 20. Cow's heat flux at groups A and B as function of the temperature deference (between the
cow's surface and reference air), where wind direction perpendicular to the roof ridge, house side
height 5 m and ceiling slop 20%
These results, obtained at wind direction perpendicular to the house ridge, may be
summarized by the following equation:
Q = CTV n
Eq 5
Where: Q is the total heat of each cow, T is temperature deference between the cows
surface and reference air, V is the reference wind speed, C = 19 for group A and C = 15.3
for group B, and n = 0.8515 for group A and n = 0.8296 for group B.
Al-Arifi, T; Short, P; Ling, P. 2001. Validating the CFD model for air movements and heat
transfer in ventilated greenhouses. ASAE Paper No. 01-4056.
Cooling Livestock Buildings by Pad and Fan Evaporative Cooling System (Pad
Vasco Fitas da Cruz, Mauricio Perissinotto and Eduardo Lucas
Evaporative cooling is an adiabatic humidification process (Wiersma & Short, 1983) that
does not involve heat gain or loss, because sensible heat of the air is used to evaporate the
water that comes in contact with the air (Simmons and Lott, 1996). The sensible heat is
then converted to latent heat in the added vapor, resulting in a reduction of the dry-bulb
temperature with a complementary increase of the relative humidity and water vapor
content of the air.
One of the main evaporative cooling systems is the pad cooling or pad-and-fan system.
This system is based on forcing outside air into the building through a wet pad which
humidifies and cools the air (Figures 21 and 22). Compared with the sprinkling and with
the fogging systems some disadvantages like: a) the air must be forced through the pad, b)
significant temperature and humidity gradients, along the buildings, are created, are
appointed to the pad cooling system. However in a lot of zones of the South Iberian
Peninsula the system is in use with a great efficiency (Lucas et al., 2000; Montero, 1996).
The main advantages of this system are: a) the we part of the system affects only the
equipment and not the animals, b) the saturation point is never passed because the air only
absorb the moisture allowed by the temperature, so the condensate water remains in the
equipment, c) this system makes a air cleaning because the pad retains dusts that are
continuously removed by the spare water.
Cooling efficiency is affected by several factors, such as pad design, location and material,
area and thickness of the pad, water temperature, water and airflow rates and outside air
temperature and relative humidity (Timmons and Baughman, 1984). Cooling efficiency, c,
in % can be defined as follows (Koca et al., 1991; Heber et al.; 1991; Al-Massoum et al.,
c = (DBT DBTC)/(DBT WBT) x 100
Eq 6
Where DBT and WBT are the dry and wet bulb temperatures of the outside air, and DBTC
is the dry bulb temperature of the cooled air.
Reported cooling efficiencies vary according to different authors in different situations and
with different equipment. Using a fixed 100mm thickness and various pad materials, and
several air and water flow rates, Al-Massoum et al.(1998), found cooling efficiencies, from
52,1 % to 90.1%. McNeill et al. (1983) found an efficiency of 85% with external conditions
of 38.0C of ambient air temperature and 30% of relative humidity. Also Fehr et al. (1983)
and Timmons & Baughman (1984) in hot and dry conditions obtained 80% of efficiency
using evaporative cooling pad systems.
Information collected in broilers buildings located in the Southwest of Portugal during the
summer of 1998 show that this system reduced the outside air temperature from 39.0C to
27C after pass the cooling pad. This means that the system operated in commercial
facilities located in hot and dry zones with an efficiency of 80% which is the desirable
efficiency according to the literature. However, if the re-circulating water tank and the
wetted pad were exposed to the sun, the efficiency could be reduced by 15%. These results
illustrate the importance of shading the pad system and water tank and probably also
insulating the tank. Also the pad materials are very important in the efficiency of the
system. Using different materials Cruz et al, (2005) found efficiencies from 22 to 84% in
the same summer situations. These results also show that wood shavings, coal-dust and
celdek are the materials that lead to a big efficiency.
The velocity of the air crossing the pad is also a fundamental factor to the system efficiency
since the contact time between the air and the pad is determinant in the heat changes. When
tunnel ventilation is associated with this system the cooling of the buildings is increased
(Silva, 2002).
According with Perissinotto et al. (2005) in regions characterized by thermal stress periods
due to high temperatures and low humidity which causes a negative influence in animal
performances the utilization of evaporative cooling systems is justified due to the decrease
in the temperature humidity index that they promote.
Air conditioning systems based in evaporative cooling process are one low energetic cost
free from pollution alternative to the maintenance of thermal comfort in big closed areas
such as animal buildings. The main characteristic of those systems is the his efficiency
increase with the increase of air temperature and the decrease of humidity so these systems
are specially adequate for hot and dry regions. Figure 23 gives indications about the world
zones more appropriate to the use of evaporative cooling systems.
Figure 23. Indications for evaporative cooling use around the world (from coolmax)
According with Figure 23 it is possible to see that there some zones where the utilization of
the evaporative cooling is not recommendable by excess of cold (North) or by excess of
humidity (tropical and sub-tropical zones). However this map was elaborated in great scale
and it not reflects the local microclimates.
Al-Massoum, A; Haffar, I.; Ahmed, M.H. 1998. A similitude model for testing greenhouse
evaporative cooling pads under the hot-arid of UAE. Acta Horticulture, v.456, p. 329-337.
Cruz, V F; Perissinotto, M; Lucas, E M; Moura, D J. 2005. Comparao entre a utilizao
de diferentes materiais porosos na confeco de painis para sistema de arrefecimento
evaporativo. In: XV Congresso de Zootecnia (Zootec I&D), Vila Real, 2005. Anais. Vila
Real, p.525-528.
Fehr, R L; Priddy, K T; McNeil, S G; Overhults, D G. 1983. Limiting swine stress with
evaporative cooling in the South-East. Transactions of ASAE, v. 26, n.2, p. 542-545.
Heber, A; Cole, S; Murphy, J. 1991. Facility for testing exhaust ventilation fans. Applied
Engineering in Agriculture, v.7, n.5, p. 599-605.
Koca, R; Hughes, W; Christianson, L. (1991) Evaporative cooling pads-test procedures and
evaluation. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 7(4): 485-490.
Lucas, E M; Randall, J M; Meneses, J F. 2000. Potential for evaporative cooling during
heat stress periods in pigs production in Portugal (Alentejo). J. agric. Engng Res., v. 76,
McNeil, S G; Fehr R L; Walker, J N, Parker, N. 1983. Performance of evaporative coolers
for mid-south gestation housing. Transactions of ASAE, v.26, n.1, p. 219-222.
Montero, J L. 1996. Tecnologia de refrigeration de invernaderos. Doctorado da Clida
ETSIA, UPM; Madrid. Spain.
Perissinotto, M; Cruz, V F; Moura, D J. 2005. Potencial de utilizao do resfriamento
evaporativo na bovinocultura leiteira durante perodos de estresse trmico no Alentejo. In:
XV Congresso de Zootecnia (Zootec I&D), Vila Real, 2005. Anais. Vila Real. p.529-532.
Silva, C E. 2002. Comparao de painis evaporativos de argila expandida e celulose para
sistema de resfriamento adiabtico do ar em galpes avcolas com presso negativa em
modo tnel. Dissertao (Mestrado). Universidade Federal de Viosa, 77p.
Simmons, J; Lott, B. 1996. Evaporative cooling performances resulting from changes in
water temperature. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, v.12, n. 4, p. 497-500.
Timmons, M B; Baughman, G R; 1984. A plenum concept applied to evaporative pad
cooling for broiler housing. Transactions of the ASAE, v. 27, n.6, p. 1877-1881.
Wiersma, F; Shortt, G H. 1983. Evaporative cooling. In: Hellickson, M. A.; Walker, J.N.
(Ed.) Ventilation of Agricultural Structures, p. 103-108. Edgard Blucher. ST. Joseph,
Michigan: ASAE, 370p.
Although 90% of the country is within the tropical zone, the climate of Brazil varies
considerably from the mostly tropical North to temperate zones below the Tropic of
Capricorn (2327' S latitude), which crosses the country at the latitude of the city of So
Paulo. Brazil has five climatic regions--equatorial, tropical, semiarid, highland tropical, and
subtropical. There is little seasonal variation near the equator, although at times temperature
can get around 24C, especially in the rain season. At the country's other extreme, there are
frosts South of the Tropic of Capricorn during the winter (June-August), and in some years
there is snow in the mountainous areas, such as Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina.
Temperatures in the cities of So Paulo, Belo Horizonte, and Braslia are moderate (usually
between 15C and 30C), despite their relatively low latitude, because of their elevation of
approximately 1,000 meters. Rio de Janeiro, Recife, and Salvador on the coast have warm
climates, with average temperatures ranging from 23C to 27C, with constant trade winds.
The Southern states have a subtropical climate.
High and relatively regular levels of precipitation in the Amazon contrast sharply with the
dryness of the semiarid Northeast, where rainfall is scarce and there are severe droughts in
cycles averaging seven years. The Northeast also constitutes the hottest part of Brazil,
where during the dry season between May and November, temperatures of more than 38C
have been recorded. Most of the Center-West has 1,500 to 2,000 millimeters of rain per
year, with a pronounced dry season in the middle of the year, while the South and most of
the Atlantic coast as far North as Salvador, Bahia, in the Northeast, have similar amounts of
rainfall without a distinct dry season.
Swine and poultry production are mainly located in the Southeastern and Southern states,
however lately both productions are moving towards the center West part of the country
following the grain production. Beef cattle are mainly located in the center West region
even though small herds are distributed along the country. Dairy cattle is most located in
the Southern region where it is kept in free stall buildings while it is possible to find small
herds in extensive systems all over the country. In the 80s acclimatization concepts and
systems were imported mainly from the US, and from then several local research results
were implemented.
Selected Publications
Amendola, M; Azevedo, D R; Oliveira, J; Ns, I. A. 2001. Thermal environmental
analysis for broiler housing. In: 6th International Symposium on Livestock Environment,
2001, Louisville. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposuim in Livestock
Environment. St Joseph, USA : ASAE, v. 1. p. 226-234.
Aradas, M E C; Ns, I A. 2001. Adapting a tunnel ventilation for high density broiler
production- a case study. In: 6th International Symposium on Livestock Environment,
2001, Louisville. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Livestock
Environment. St Joseph, USA: ASAE, v. 1. p. 461-467.
Belgium has a moderate climate, and is rarely very hot or cold. Maximum temperatures
during the summers range between 20 and 30C and the winters are relative cold with
temperatures between 0 and 5C. Belgium's average annual temperature is 8 C Rain is
plentiful, with April and November being the wettest months. The country's annual rainfall
is 699 mm. At hot summer days, heat stress is observed in animal houses for fattening pigs
and broilers, resulting in increased mortality.
Research concerning the relation between outdoor and indoor environment and the
resulting production data were studied during field inventories carried out by the Catholic
University in Leuven during 10 years on the data of about 100 fattening pig farms (Geers et
al., 1983; 1984a,b,c; 1987). Statistical analysis of this data demonstrated that the way the
ventilation equipment was used had an overall effect on the indoor environment and animal
performance (Berckmans et al., 1988). More specific, inadequate control of ventilation rate
and air distribution were found to be the major causes of production losses in livestock
Selected Publications
Berckmans, D; Goedseels, V. 1986. Development of new control techniques for the
ventilation and heating of livestock buildings. Journal of Agricultural Engineering
Research, v.33, n.1, p. 1-12.
Berckmans, D; Goedseels, V; Geers, R. 1986. Development of a controller for livestock
buildings based on an air flow rate measurement device., Proceedings of the First European
Symposium on Air Conditioning and Refrigeration., Brussels, Belg, p. 61-68.
Berckmans, D; Vranken, E; Geers, R; Goedseels, V. 1988. Efficiency of climate control
equipment in pig houses. Farm Building Progress, v. 93, p. 15-22.
Berckmans, D; Vandenbroeck, P; Goedseels, V. 1991. Sensor for continuous measurement
of the ventilation rate in livestock buildings. Indoor Air, v.1, n. 3, p. 323-336.
Berckmans, D; Van Pee, M; De moor, M; Vranken, E. 1992. Method to evaluate the energy
use of algorithms for bio-environmental control. Proceedings of the CIGR-Conference,
Pamplona, Spain, p. 6.
Berckmans, D; Vueghs, B; Goedseels, V. 1992. Efficiency of "Modern" climate controllers
in livestock buildings, ASAE-paper, Summermeeting 1992, North-Carolina, USA, n
Berckmans, D; Vranken, E; Wauters, E; Goedseels, V. 1995. Calculation of internal climate
in a pig house to meet environmental requirements, Paper at the International Summer
Meeting of the American Society for Agricultural Engineers, 18-13 June, 1995, Chicago,
USA, paper no. 95-4484.
Dogniaux R; Lemoine N; Sneyers E R S. 1980. Annes types moyennes pour le traitement
des problmes des charges thermiques de btiments [Reference years for handling of
thermal problems in buildings]. Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium. Serie B, nr.45.
Geers, R; Berckmans, D; Goedseels, V; Wijnhoven, J; Maes, M. 1984a. A case study of
fattening pigs in belgian contract farming mortality efficiency of food utilization and
carcass value of growing pigs in relation to environmental engineering and control. Animal
Production, v.38, n. 1, p. 105-112.
Geers, R; Goedseels, V; Berckmans, D; Huybrechts, W. 1984b. Effect of season and
environmental control on mortality and feed conversion of pigs. Livestock Production
Science, v.11, n. 2, p. 235-242.
Geers, R; Goedseels, V; Berckmans, D; Huybrechts, W. 1984c. Mortality, feed efficiency
and carcass value of growing pigs in relation to environmental engineering and control.
Livestock Production Science, 11, p. 235-241
Geers, R., Berckmans, D., Goedseels, V., Maes, F., Soontjens, J., and Mertens, J., 1985.
Relationships between physical characteristics of the pig house the engineering and control
systems of the environment and production parameters of growing pigs. Annales de
Zootechnie , 34 (1), p. 11-22
Geers, R., Vranken, E., De Laet, B., Maes, F., Goedseels, V., and Berckmans, D., 1987.
Lasting effects of housing conditions after weaning of feed efficiency and carcass grades of
growing-finishing pigs. An analysis of field data. Livestock Production Science, v.16, v. 2,
p. 175-186.
Geers, R; Dellaert, B; Goedseels, V; Hoogerbrugge, H; Vranken, E; Maes, F; Berckmans,
D. 1989. An assessment of optimal air temperatures in pig houses by the quantification of
behavioral and health-related problems. Animal Production, v.48, n. 3, p. 571-578.
Goedseels, V; Vranken, E; Berckmans, D. 1990. The influence of climate control
equipment on production results in Belgian fattening pig houses, Proceedings of the 16th
International CIGR-Conference, Budapest, Hungary, Section 4, p. 10.
Haeussermann, A; Vranken, E; Aerts, J.M; Hartung, E; Jungbluth, T; Berckmans, D.
2005b. Evaluation Method for Improved Control of Adiabatic Air Cooling in Pig Facilities.
ASAE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, 2005, Tampa, Florida, USA, paper No.
054019, p.12.
Haeussermann, A; Vranken, E; Aerts, J.M; Hartung, E; Jungbluth, T; Berckmans, D.
2005b. Process control of evaporative indoor air cooling with a combined data based and
mechanistic model. In: Book of abstracts 2nd European Conference on Precision Livestock
Farming, Uppsala, Sweden, p.2.
Haeussermann, A; Hartung, E, Jungbluth, T. 2004. High-Pressure water fogging combined
with innovative ventilation control Effects on the indoor air climate. International
Symposium, CIGR 2nd Technical Section, Portugal, May 2-5, 2005, p. 11.
Maes, F; Geers, R; Vranken, E; Goedseels, V; Berckmans, D. 1988. Environmental control
for growing-finishing. Pig International, v.18, n.11, p. 6-8.
Vranken,E; Berckmans,D; Goedseels,V. 1997. Analysis of Livestock environment control
by simulation technique and field data. Proceedings of the CLIMA 2000 Congress,
Brussels, August 30 - September 2, 1997; p.19.
Czech Republic
The period of climatic conditions with high outside temperatures, which can cause the heat
stress to the domestic animals, starts in Czech Republic since May and lasts till September.
It represents usually about 130 days potentially dangerous by heat stress for housed
animals. The highest temperatures, with the tropical days (temperature over 30C) are
during June, July and August. The designing outside temperature for the calculation of
ventilation and air-conditioning in summer is 30C.
The main principles of the ventilation and climatization of animal houses for the use of
designers are described in the Czech National Standard SN 730543-2: Internal
environment in buildings for animals: Part2: Ventilation and heating, 1998 (in Czech). This
Standard includes all definitions and information about the biological production of all
species and categories of domestic animals (cattle; sheep; goats; pigs; poultry laying hens,
chickens, turkeys, gooses, ducks; rabbits) in equations and tables: heat, moisture and CO2
productions. The basic equations for calculation of airflows needed for ventilation in
summer periods are included as well. Determination of the maximum ventilation capacity
of the animal house in summer conditions is based on the calculation of ventilation rate per
one animal.
Selected Publications
Chiumenti, R; Kic, P; Da Borso, F; Donantoni,L. 1996. Climatization of a Laying Hen
House: Improvement in Summer Ventilation and Cooling System. In: AgEng Conference
on Agricultural Engineering Madrid 96. Madrid, 1996, Book of Abstracts I, p.481 482.
SN 730543-2 (Czech National Standard) 1998. Internal environment in buildings for
animals: Part2: Ventilation and heating (in Czech).
Kic, P; leger, V. 1992. Adiabatic cooling of the air for ventilation in animal husbandry. In:
Proceedings I. TAE, VZ Praha, p. 268 - 273.
Kic, P. 1994. Natural and Forced Ventilation of Large-Capacity Cowsheds. In:
International Conference on Agricultural Engineering Milano 1994. Book of Abstracts I,
p.203 204.
Kic, P; Chiumenti, R;Bortolussi, S; Da Borso, F. 1997. Simulation of ventilation and
indoors air conditions of agricultural buildings. In: Building Simulation Fifth International
IBPSA Conference. Proceedings Volume II. Prague, 1997, p. 261-268.
Kic, P; Chiumenti, R; Bortolussi, S; Da Borso, F. 1998. Simulation of ventilation and
indoor air conditions in buildings for laying hens. In: AgEng Conference on Agricultural
Engineering Oslo98. Oslo, 1998, Book of abstracts I, p. 481 482.
Kic, P. 2002. Development of Ventilation of Poultry Houses. In: Science and Research
tools of global development strategy. TF ZU v Praze, 2004, p.100-103.
Kic, P. 2003. Modeling and sensors application for air control in rabbits houses. In:
Programme book of the joint conference of ECPA-ECPLF. (v sekci Precision Livestock
Farming Berlin 16.-19.6.2003), Wageningen Academic Publishers,p.765-766.
Kic, P; Holoubek, J; Huben, M; Kalvoda, T. 2005. The indoor conditions in experimental
building for laying hens. In: Engineering in managements integrated systems. MUAF Brno,
2005, p. 39-43.
Neuberger, P; leger, V; Polk, M. 2002. The practical experience with adiabatic cooling
with fogging systems in the houses for pid breeding. Zeszyty problemowe postepw nauk
rolniczych, zeszyt 486, Cze I, p. 27-32.
Over the last fifty years, the farms are increased in size, by merging farms together and at
the same time the number of animals per farm is increased drastically.
The number of dairy cows is e.g. in average over fifty years increased from 25 to 80 cows
per dairy farm. The number of growing-finishing pigs is increased from 20 to 600 pigs per
pig farm and the number of broilers is increased from 50 to 30 000 broilers per broiler farm.
Because Denmark is placed in a windy tempered zone, it is necessary to keep most of the
animals inside during the winter season. Only a minor production of beef cattle and
farrowing sows are kept outdoors with access to shelters or huts.
The production systems in respect to animal welfare are changing fast over time du to new
EU rules and Danish laws. Some examples:
Calves must only be housed in single boxes until the age of 8 weeks and there are rules for
minimum box areas per young cattle.
In 1960 all pig pens had solid floor and since, the solid floor was gradually changed to
slatted floor. In the nineties of growing-finishing pig pens had fully slatted floors and
had solid or partly slatted floor. Due to EU rules, at least 1/3 of the pen floor shall be solid
floor in all pig pens from 2013.
For broilers in floor keeping the body mass per square meter floor will in the future be
restricted to 40 kg and for layers in cages there is a need of enriched cages, in respect to
space, perch and claw shortening devices.
Selected Publications
Pedersen, S. 2000. Future animal houses in respect to animal welfare, working conditions,
environment and economy. Japan-Denmark workshop on IT utilization for establishment of
improved functional environment in animal industry. 4th December Tsukuba, Japan.
Wachenfelt, E.V; Pedersen, S; Gustafsson, G. 2001. Release of heat, moisture and carbon
dioxide in an aviary system for laying hens. British Poultry Science, v. 42, p. 171-179.
Pedersen, S; Sousa, P; Andersen L; Jensen, K H. 2003. Thermoregulatory Behaviour of
Growing-Finishing Pigs in Pens with Access to Outdoor Areas. CIGR-ejournal, v.V, May
Pedersen, S. 2003. Farm building from an international point of view. Proceedings of 2003
IFBBE International Forum on Bio-environmental and Bio-energy Engineering, Beijing
China, November 2003, p5-15.
Sousa, P; Pedersen, S. 2004. Ammonia Emission from Fattening Pig Houses in Relation to
Animal Activity and Carbon Dioxide Production. Agricultural Engineering International:
the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research v. IV. December 2004.
Pedersen, S; Morsing, S; Strm, J S. 2005. Simulation of Heat Requirement and Air
Quality in Weaner Houses for three Climate Regions using CIGR 2002 Heat Production
Equations. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal, v. VII June 2005.
Egypt Climate: Egypt is located between latitudes 31.5 S and 21 N. It is situated in the
moderate Northern region of Africa. Egyptian climatic conditions are mostly arid, warm
and dry, because Egypt is considered as a part of Africas main Sahara desert, except for a
strip along the Mediterranean coast and another strip along the sides of the Nile River.
Temperatures reach the utmost limit during the period of July - August, and the lowest limit
during the period of December - January. The average maximum temperature during
summer is 30C in the Northern coast and 41C in Upper Egypt whereas during winter is
18C in the Northern coast and 22C in Upper Egypt. In general, the temperature increases
toward the South.
The average air relative humidity along Mediterranean coastal area reaches the utmost limit
(80%) during summer and the lowest (70%) during winter. However, in Delta the relative
humidity reaches its higher level (85%) in winter and its lower level (65%) during May and
June. In general, the relative humidity decreases toward South.
Egypt climate is characterized by its aridity and dryness. Therefore, a scarce rainfall pours
down annually in Egypt. The rainfall season is between May and October. The average
precipitation in the Mediterranean coastal reached 150 mm/y, and 30 mm/y in Cairo. There
is a scarce rainfall in Upper Egypt.
In most days of the year, the prevailing wind is a North-East wind in Lower Egypt and
northerly in Upper Egypt. Dusty wind blows over Egypt from the West side during the
period of March to May at irregular times. The average wind speed (measured at 2 m
height) is 2.1 m/s over Upper Egypt, 2.3 m/s over Mid-Egypt, and 2.8 m/s over Lower
Egypt. Table 2 shows an overview on Egyptian climate.
Table 2. Climate characteristics for towns in Egypt with different latitude and months
1. Climate characteristic for towns in Egypt with different latitude and months
From North to South
Longitude: 29.95 E
Latitude: 31.2 N
Altitude: 6 meter
Longitude: 30.93 E
Latitude: 30.82 N
Altitude: 8 meter
Longitude: 31.4 E
Latitude: 30.13 N
Altitude: 65 meter
Longitude: 30.73 E
Latitude: 28.08 N
Altitude: 44 meter
Longitude: 31.01 E
Latitude: 27.05 N
Altitude: 230 meter
Longitude: 32.78 E
Latitude: 23.97 N
Altitude: 199 meter
( oC)
(o C)
( mm )
(MJ/M 2 )
W ind
Longitude: 33.75 E
Latitude: 31.27 N
Altitude: 15 meter
Selected Publications
Abd-El-Reheem, S S. 1997. Environmental Studies on Housing Types for Suckling and
Weanling Friesian Calves in Egypt. M Sc. Diss., Faculty of Agric., Cairo Univ. p. 134.
Asamel, A A; Ahmed,N A; Barkawi; A H; Morsy, A S. 2002. Optimum housing system for
doe rabbits in the newly reclaimed lands: physiological responses. 3rd Sci. Conf. Rabbit
Prod. In Hot Climates, 8-11 October, 2002, Hurghada, Egypt, p.339-350.
Ashour, G. 1994. Technical final report of the project: Housing models for small animals.
Grant No. G3-3, National Agric. Res. Proj., Ministry of Agric., Egypt.
Ashour, G. 1994. Technical report of the project: Rabbit production package for small
farmers in Egypt, Grant No. 155, Technology Transfer Component, Ministry of Agric.,
Financed by USAID.
Ashour, G. 1995. Final Technical report of the project: Modified Small Units of Rabbit
production for small farmers in Ismalia Governorate, Grant No. 384, Ministry of Agric.,
Financed by USAID.
Ashour, G. 1995. Final Technical report of the project: Recommendations of Rabbit
production for small farmers in El-Fayoum Governorate, Grant No. 272, Ministry of Agric.,
Financed by USAID.
Ashour, G; Fawzy, S A; Omar; E A; Sayah, M S. 1998. Physiological reactions of weaned
Friesian calves in different housing types. Egyptian J. Anim. Prod., v. 35, Suppl. Issue.
Dec., 1998, p.47-62.
Ashour, G; Shafie, M M; Fawzy, S A; Sayah, M S. 1998. Influence of housing physical
properties on physiological performance of suckling Friesian calves. Egyptian J. Anim.
Prod., v.35, Suppl. Issue. Dec., 1998, p.33-45.
Ashour, G. 2000. Impacts of housing conditions on animal performance in Egypt. Proc.
Conf. Anim. Prod. In the 21 Century: Challenges and Prospects, 18-20 April, 2000, Sakha,
Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.
Ashour, G. 2001. Physiological adaptation of rabbits kits to housing conditions as related
to growth. Egyptian J. Rabbit Sci., v.11, p.115-137.
Ashour, G; Ibrahim, S A; Ismail, A M; El-Kholy, K H. 2004. Physiological reactions and
biological performance of rabbits to summer heat stress. 2nd Sci. Conf. Physiological
Response to Environmental Conditions, 28-31 July, 2004, El-Arish, Egypt, p.165-186.
Ashour, G; Sayah, M S. 2004. Physiological responses of friesian calves to different
housing conditions. 3rd Inter. Conf. Anim. Poultry, Fish Prod. And Health in Desert Areas,
7-9 September, 2004, El-Arish, North Sinai, Egypt.
Ashour, G; Sedki, A A; El-Kholy, K H. 2005. Efficiency of housing establishment for
rabbits productivity. 4th Inter. Conf. Rabbit Prod. In Hot Climates, 24-27 February, 2005,
Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt.
Ashour, G; Shafie, M M. 2002. Impacts of housing conditions on rabbits performance in
Egypt. 3rd Sci. Conf. Rabbit Prod. In Hot Climates, p. 57-74.
Bary, K A. 1995. Theoretical & experimental Investigation of evaporative cooling on the
efficiency of using farm building, M. Sc., Cairo University.
El-Kholy, K H M. 2003. Amelioration of heat stress on rabbits. Ph. D. Thesis, Fac. Agric.,
Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt.
El-Rheem, S. A. 1997. Environmental Studies on Housing Types for Suckling and
Weanling Friesian Calves in Egypt, M. Sc., Cairo University.
El-Sayed, H. 1993. Solar Drying of poultry manure for animal feed under simulated
Egyptian conditions, Ph.D., Cairo University.
El-Soally, A. 1996. Environmental control for poultry housing under Egyptian conditions,
Ph.D., El-Azher University.
El-Sobhy, H E; Mokhles, E M; Tharwat, E E; Mohamed; K A; Kotby, E A. 1993.
Physiological responses of lactating buffaloes to shed type. Proc. Inter. Syrp., 9-12 Nov.
1993, Cairo, Egypt, EAAP Publication n.62, p.205-208.
El-Wakeel, S A; Serag, M A. 1989. Climate and Hot Regions Architecture. Alam El-Kotob,
38 Abd-El-Khalek Tharowat, Cairo, Egypt.
Fatoh, S. 1997. Environmental Studies of Some Housing System for Sheep under Egyptian
Conditions. M. Sc. Cairo University.
Hatem, M H; Adam, M. 1981. Thermodynamic behavior of the building construction of
intensity ventilated barn under Egyptian conditions with special regard to poultry housing.
Fourth general conference of the association for the advancement of agricultural sciences in
Africa, Cairo, p.23 31.
Hatem, M. H. 1987. Increasing broiler production in Egypt through environmental control
of the existing poultry buildings. MJAE, v.4, n.4, p. 320-329.
Hatem, M H. 1988. Improving broiler house environment under Saudi Arabian Conditions.
MJAE, v.5, n.1, p.32-44, 1988.
Hatem, M H; Hassan G A; Eid S F. 1998. Environmental studies of some housing systems
for sheep under Egyptian conditions. The 1st International Conference on Rationalization
of Energy in Agriculture (I.C.R.E.A.), Agricultural Mechanization Department, Faculty of
Agriculture, Mansoura University, 17-18 March 1998, Mansoura, Egypt.
Hatem, M H. 1993. Theory of Structures and Agricultural Buildings and Environmental
Control. Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University.
Hatem, M H. 1994 An analytical study of the thermal behavior of an open dairy house
under Egyptian conditions. MJAE, v.11, n.2, p. 535-546.
Hatem, M H; Ghaly, A E. 1994. Poultry manure drying. MJAE, v.11, n.3, p.725-735.
Hatem, M H. 1994. Effect of building orientation on the economic and level of animal
comfort of dairy cattle open houses in Egypt. MJAE, Vol.11, No.2: 511-523, 1994.
Hatem, M H. 1999. Environmental studies of some housing systems for sheep under
Egyptian conditions. The ASAE/CSAE-SCGR Annual International Meeting on Emerging
Technologies for the 21st Century, 18-21 July 1999, Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Hatem, M H. 2001. Study of feeder calves structures for medium fattening herds under
Egyptian conditions. 5th International Conference on Construction, Technology and
Environment in Livestock Farming, 6-7 March 2001, Hohenheim University, Germany.
Hatem, M H. 2002. A Mathematical Model for Evaluating Feeder Calves Structures under
Subtropical Conditions. ASAE Annual International Meeting/CIGR XVth World Congress,
28-31 July 2002, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Hatem, M H; Sadek,R R; Samer, M. 2004. Shed Height Effect on Dairy Cows
Microclimate. Misr J. Ag. Eng., v.21, n. 2, p. 289-304.
Ambient Greek climatic conditions favor livestock housing during cold (December to
February) and mild (October-November and March-April) seasons. However, hot
weather (May to September; Table 3) causes significant problems to all animals grown for
their meat, milk or eggs.
Table 3. Greek hot weather climatic conditions
T (C)
RH (%)
Early research to measure heat and moisture production/loss from animals had been based
on the standard metabolic rate (SMR) (Gordon et al., 1985), or basal metabolic rate (BMR)
(Hayssen & Lacy, 1985), that related it to the metabolic body size (originates from the
work of Klieber, 1932, and Brody, 1945). However, livestock animals under commercial
production conditions do not meet SMR and BMR constrains, even more so today, when
livestock production is increasing rapidly imposing physiological and morphological
changes. The increased metabolism that backs up physiologically this trend generates
excessive heat that has to be dissipated. In hot climates, failing to do so results in reduced
production and animal discomfort up to the level of suffering.
Proper housing and microclimate control is the tool that provides the optimal conditions for
the animal to thermoregulate efficiently while maintaining sustainable production
especially in hot climates. The components on which this is based are: air movement
(passive and active ventilation), and water (direct cooling and evaporation. These two
components involve energy and environmental (manure handling) considerations as well as
water wastes that have to be dealt with. Livestock housing in Israel address the main
problem of Israeli climate which is hot summers that in some areas develops to severe heat
load (THI) due to the combination of high temperatures and high relative humidity (RH).
Housing design and location takes advantage of local climatic conditions like direction of
winds on one hand, and cooling systems that involves water (direct wetting and/or air
cooling) and artificial ventilation on the other.
Whenever possible, livestock housing is build with its longitudinal axis vertical to the air
movement during the critical diurnal heat loading hours. The summary related to dairy
cows and poultry includes mainly housing for adult and producing animals.
Selected Publications
Berman, A; Folman, Y; Kaim, M; Mamen,M; Hertz, Z; Wlfenson, D; Graber, A. 1985.
Upper critical temperatures and forced ventilation effects for high-yielding dairy cows in a
tropical climate. J. Dairy Sci., v. 68, p.488.
Brody, S. 1945. Bioenergetics and Growth: With Special Reference to the Efficiency
Complex in Domestic Animals. Reinhold Publishing Corporation. Waverly Press,
Baltimore, MD.S.
Despite its geographical position at the centre of the temperate zone, a variety of hydroorographical factors influence the climatic characteristics of Italy (i.e. the presence of the
Mediterranean, whose warm waters mitigate thermal extremes; the Alpine arc, which forms
a barrier against the cold North winds; the Apennine chain, which causes considerable
climatic differences between the opposite sides of the peninsula as it confronts with the wet
winds from the Tyrrhenian and dry and cold ones from Eastern Europe; the less deep of the
Adriatic sea, which is not much capable of mitigating the atmosphere).
Although many climate graduations can by observed moving from the North to the South
and from the coastal to the inner regions of the peninsula, studies carried out on the design
of livestock buildings have pointed out that in Italy the monthly average maximum summer
temperatures are generally higher than the upper critical temperatures of the thermoneutral
zones of the various species of livestock concerned. It is necessary, therefore to find
building and plant engineering solutions to mitigate the negative effects of the climate on
the animals during the summer period.
The researches carried out in Italy (in the sector of agricultural engineering) can be divided
into two main fields: the building design and management (passive solutions) and the
equipment design and management (active systems). With reference to the building design
the investigated aspects are:
the roof structure and materials (to reduce the solar impact). In this case works have
been done on the effects of the insulation materials, the study of reflective materials,
the function of ventilated interspaces or slots, the shading structure and materials;
the openings geometry (to improve ventilation). Studies are going on regarding the
improvement and control of ventilation using also CFD models.
the building geometry and orientation (to optimize all the variables depending on
site, wind and sun). In particular a complete theoretical model to predict the internal
conditions in animal houses has been set up including all the variables: animals,
building materials and surfaces, opening geometry, wind, sun.
a system based on earth tube air exchangers was also investigated years ago.
Selected Publications
Barbari, M., Chiappini, U. 1984. Underground air cooling, Atti Convegno Internazionale
CIGR, Budapest 3-7/9/1984.
Barbari,M; Chiappini, U. 1986. Earth-air heat exchanger for animal houses ventilation, Atti
Convegno Internazionale CIGR II Sezione, Pretoria 20-24/1/1986.
Barbari, M. 1998. Water sprinkling systems for cooling of sows, Proceedings of the XIII
CIGR Word Congress, Rabat, February 2-6, 1998, p.245-252.
Barbari, M; Ferrari, P. 2001. Evaluation of thermal characteristics of different types of
farrowing huts for outdoor pig production in hot climatic areas, Proc. Intern. Congress II
Section CIGR, Agribuilding 2001, Campinas (Brazil), September 3-7, 2001, p.125-135.
Barbari, M. 2005. Planning individual showering systems for pregnant sows in dynamic
groups, Proc. VII International Symposium ASAE on Livestock Environment, Pechino, 1820 May 2005, p.130-137.
Barbari, M; Sorbetti, G F. 2005. Cooling systems for heat protection of farrowing sows,
Proc. VII International Symposium ASAE on Livestock Environment, Pechino, 18-20 May
2005, p.122-129.
Calegari, F; Calamari, L; Frazzi, E. 2000. Effect of housing system on the behaviour and
welfare of dairy cows during hot period and under environment conditioning. XIV
memorial CIGR World Congress 2000. 28 Nov.- 01 Dicembre, v. 1, p. 1317-1322.
Calegari, F; Frazzi, E; Calamari, L. 2002. Effects of increasing air speed and misting on
dairy cows in hot season in South Italy. International Conference on Agricultural
Engineering. 30 Giugno - 04 Luglio, v. 1, p. 1-8.
Calegari, F; Calamari, L; Frazzi, E. 2003. Effects of ventilation and misting on behaviour
of dairy cattle in the hot season in South Italy. Fifth international dairy housing conference.
29-31 Gennaio, v. 1, p. 303-311.
Calegari, F; Frazzi, E; Chiesa, D. 2004. Analysis of behavior and milk yield of cows raised
in different climatization systems and bedding in the summer. CIGR International
conference. 11-12 Ottobre, v. 1, p. 1-8.
Calegari, F; Frazzi, E; Calamari, L. 2005. Productive response of dairy cows raised in a
cooling barn located in the Po Valley (Italy). Livestock Environment VII. Proceedings of
the Seventh International Symposium Beijing, China, p.115-121.
Cappa, V; Vazhaphilly, P; Calamari, L; Frazzi, E. 1990. Effect of high temperature on
production and quality of milk. Animal husbandry in warm climates. 25-27 Ottobre, v. 1,
p. 93-97.
Cascone, G. 1991. Sistemi passivi ed impianti attivi per il controllo ambientale degli edifici
per lallevamento nei paesi a clima caldo. MEDIT.,v. 4, p. 43-52.
Cascone, G; Carpino, L; Porto, S.M.C. 2001. Soluzioni costruttive per la gestione dei reflui
bovini - proposte progettuali per le stalle dell'altopiano Ibleo. Atti del Convegno Ingegneria
agraria per lo sviluppo dei paesi del Mediterraneo. pp. in corso di stampa Vieste del
Gargano (FG), 11-14 settembre 2001.
Cascone, G; D'emilio, A; Pennisi, P; Biondi, L. 2001. Effect of different types of shelter on
the performance of pregnant sheep exposed to hot climate conditions. Proc. Int. Symposium
of the C.I.G.R. 2nd Technical Section on Animal Welfare. October 23-25, Szklarska
Poreba, Poland, p. 401-408.
In Malta, livestock husbandry has evolved as a highly intensive type of production systems
due to some interesting facts: 1) By definition space is physically restricted, 2) Government
own 66% of the territory and 3) Livestock produces do not have are not land owners. Thus
all livestock is stall fed and no arable land is given over to grazing. The very fact the
animals spent there entire life cycle indoors would in principal evoke an interest to optimize
animal housing. Unfortunately this is not the case. The extent of animal husbandry activity
in Malta does not justify efforts to invest in launching a full blown project aimed at
developing home grown solutions for modern livestock husbandry. Very often technology
in the form of hard ware and occasionally also prefabricated modules are imported from
Italy, UK, Germany and Spain. Due to the lack of land, livestock agriculture evolved into
an intensive type of production. Nonetheless, the animal numbers present on site on any
single holding is of humble amount when compared to other production systems in the
Mediterranean. There are a few issues that have to be tackled to resolve the issue of
adequate animal housing in Malta.
Only architects are recognized by the competent authorities as being privileged in
submitting a request for development to obtain permits for the construction of animal barns.
Very often these professions have a poor understanding of the needs required by the
animals and by the stockman to accommodate modern production systems. Very often,
farmers dictate to architects designs that are often outdated and tend to compromise proper
design due to lack of proper information or purely due to lack of space available. In
situations of adequate space, farm designs are distorted with time as most of the units
evolved under a gradual growth pattern. Further more, producers will willingly accept
modifications, at the cost of smooth management as long as permits are issued. A site with
a building permit or a standing building has a value many times higher that that of a barren
Very often locally quarried stone (the globigerina limestone) forms the basic unit of
building material. It is soft and easily worked, but on exposure it hardens slightly and
weathers to form a protective crust which slows down the natural process of erosion. This
has its own intrinsic limitation and presents certain structural problems. Nonetheless,
designs that provided for shelter, i.e. cool in summer and warm in winter were developed
that also took into account the scarce availability of water. Buildings have flat roofs so that
rain water could be collected and harvested for later use. Walls were very often thick
double walls and with small openings tended to retain a constant internal temperature
within. This thermal insulation makes these buildings relatively cool in summer and cozily
warm in winter.
Besides the globigerina, the much harder upper and lower coralline limestone was used
especially for walls exposed to rain and sea spray. Because of its low water absorption this
hard limestone was particularly suited for foundations as a damp proof section. In the
absence of damp proofing, the high ambient moisture, warmth and general lack of
ventilation promoted the proliferation of moulds. Thus any organic matter has to be stored
above ground and away from the walls so as to prevent decomposition and rotting.
Building orientation: South facing walls took advantage of the long hours of sunshine
and an arched veranda was generally built to face the sun on a South, South-East or South
West wall. The walls inside this arched veranda are given a white wash to help in
dissipating the heat and providing a pleasant cooling effect.
Livestock is housed and fed in the main animal rooms (a noteworthy feature is that
inside the animal rooms is the absence of conventional windows) which commonly
comprise a number of arched stables of modest size built around the yard each with a
separate and unusually wide doorway to allow the animals to go in and out without
difficulty. The animal rooms did not normally interconnect, though the larger ones could
have been partitioned off by means of low walls. The ground was generally left rough,
often with exposed foundation rock.
Design limitations were mostly dictated by two factors: 1) the shape and size of the site
in question and 2) the limitations imposed by the materials being used. Major difficulties
were encountered when roofing was concerned. While the arch built with stone was a
natural solution, this technique is only suitable for roofing over the ground floor. The
resultant forces exerted by arches will require the provision of buttress.
Thermal comfort indexes; environmental control concepts and techniques
Maltese rural buildings were fundamentally designed to protect animals and farmers
from the vagaries of the seasons: the scorching mid-day summer sun, the uncomfortable
cold in winter, the sudden freak downpours and thunderstorms and the diurnal fluctuations
in temperature.
Courtyards that are surrounded with walls (and more effectively if supplemented by
fences and tress in the vicinity) offer a high degree of protection and shelter from winds,
providing adequate shelter and cutting down on wind speed. On the other hand, the yard,
being sufficiently low and based on an open plan, will in hot weather make the most of the
cool sea breezes. It will also act as a ventilation link between the free spaces at the back of
the building and those in front. Interestingly to note that cool breezes may also be
artificially induces thermally by means of a vine trellis which by providing alternate shade
and sunny areas in the yard cause air currents that replace the raising hot air with cooler air.
Because of the low walls, the sun could easily shine through and in winter it provides a
source of warmth. Additionally, in summer the foliage of indigenous plants and trees (figs,
olive, and carob) give the place a very primitive form of sun protection acting as heat filters
to reduce glare. In winter, when the same trees shed the leaves, sunlight and sunshine
would be allowed top enter.
Walls were very often thick double walls (129 cm externally and 76 cm internally) to
act as thermal insulation, making them relatively cool in summer and cozily warm in
winter. Another thermal factor is that created by the stone capillarity action. In walls that do
not have a damp proof membrane, the rise of water evaporates at the surface of the stone
causing floors and walls to become cool and comfortable, especially in summer.
Morocco is located at the Northwest of Africa. It is bordered in the North by the strait of
Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea; to the South by Mauritania; to the East by Algeria and
to the West by the Atlantic Ocean. One of the main constraints to livestock development is
heat stress in summer because of the high temperature and humidity as Morocco extends on
600 km over the Mediterranean cost and 2800 km over the Atlantic cost.
The dominating weather in Morocco is Mediterranean, temperate in the West and the North
by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean see. Inside the country, the weather is more
continental, hotter and drier with significant differences of temperature. In the Atlas area, it
is very humid and it even snows in winter. The South has desert weather, very hot and dry
throughout most of the year, with the nights coolest in the months of December and
Rain falls generally from November to March, and its importance decreases from North to
South and from coastal to inner areas. The following table presents climatic conditions in
the area of Marrakech.
Table 4. Climatic conditions in the area of Marrakech
Temp. (max), C
Temp. (min), C
Selected Publications
Elasraoui, S. 1998. Contribution la caractrisation des btiments dlevage bovin laitier
dans la rgion du Haouz. Mmoire de 3me cycle Gnie Rural, Institut Agronomique et
Vtrinaire Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco.
Elhassnaoui, A. 1996. Contribution ltude de la conception des btiments dlevage : cas
des btiments pour vaches laitires. Mmoire de 3me cycle Gnie Rural, Institut
Agronomique et Vtrinaire Hassan II, Rabat, Morocco.
Portuguese climate is classified as Mediterranean with cold and wet winter and hot and dry
summer. Autumn and spring are the seasons most favorable for animal housing. The
climate of the South region, particularly in Alentejo and in the Northeast part of the country
is characterized by a very hot and dry summer with average air temperatures higher than
30C and absolute maximum temperatures upper than 40C as is possible to see in Table 5.
In those regions animal production is an activity with relative economical importance and
with great social importance due to the absence of other activities. Their climatic conditions
are the responsible by heat stress periods with interference in animal production, as is
possible to analyze with the utilization of THI index.
Table 6 shows the number of animal for specie.
The kind of buildings to lodge the animal is very heterogeneous, between very old and
modern buildings, or between completely closed buildings and open-air buildings.
However the main axis in East-West it is the building solar orientation general adopted. In
dairy housing during the last years there is one trend to house the animals in buildings with
large open-air zones. Few farms have mechanical ventilation systems.
<49 animals
50 to 199
200 to 399
400 to 1000
The farms for sheep and goats adopt the extensive systems with pasturages but a lot of
times the animals are housed during the night period or during the hottest hours of the day,
due to the impossibility to maintain the animals in the pasturage because of the large
amount of direct solar radiation. However, in this kind of building there are no specific
techniques or equipments to minimize the effects of the heat. Poultry, swine and rabbit
buildings are in general close buildings with passive techniques of environmental control,
like natural ventilation, shading, with bright colors to avoid direct solar radiation.
Some buildings provided mechanical ventilation and few buildings are equipped with
refrigeration system, particularity the use of evaporative cooling techniques by evaporation
pads, water micro-aspersion on the roof and walls or direct to the animals or floors. Also
the fogging systems are used mainly in pigs.
Selected Publications
Baptista, F J; Meneses, J F. 1997. Ventilao natural de instalaes pecurias. Revista
Portuguesa de Zootecnia. Ano IV, n 2, p.71-95.
Baptista, F J; Meneses, J F. 1998. Natural ventilation of animal housing. Proceed. of the
13th International Congress on Agricultural Engineering, Rabat 2-6 February, p.227-235.
Barbosa, J C. 1999 Condies ambientais nas instalaes de ovinos do Nordeste
Transmontano. Comparao entre duas currias de diferente tipo de construo. IX
Congresso de Zootecnia, Novembro, Porto. Portugal.
Barbosa, J C. 2004. Sheep housing in Trs-os-Montes. Contribution to design buildings and
equipment appropriate for local sheep farms. New Trends in Farm Buildings, International
Symposium of the CIGR 2nd technical Section, May, vora. Portugal.
Barbosa, J C; Teixeira, A. 1999 A utilizao e localizao das instalaes no sistema de
explorao de ovinos de Trs-dos-Montes. IX Congresso de Zootecnia, Novembro, Porto.
Cruz, V F; Lucas, E.M. Produo de sunos no Alentejo. 1995.O clima como factor
limitante ao desenvolvimento de sistemas intensivos. Comunicao apresentada e publicada
nas Actas do VII Congresso sobre o Alentejo, vora, p 98 116.
Cruz, V F. 1996. Interaction group composition environmental conditions on
thermoregulation and performances of growing-finishing pigs. Proceedings of the AgEng
96, Madrid, Espanha, v.1, p. 469-470.
Cruz, V F; Le Dividich, J; Cancela Dabreu, M. 1999. Influence of dietary energy density
and season on the performance of growing finishing pigs. Proceeding of International
Conference Trends in Agriculture Engineering, annexes, Praga, Republica Checa.
Cruz, V F; Lucas, E M; Baptista, F J F. 2000. Characterization of Pig Production in
Portugal. Alternative Outdoor Systems. Proceedings of the First International Swine
Housing Conference. Des Moines, USA, p. 388 394.
Cruz, V F; Le Dividich, J; Cancela Dabreu, M. 2000. Efeito das altas temperaturas nas
performances de sunos em fase de crescimento e engorda. O caso do Alentejo.
Comunicao Apresentada no IV Simpsio Internacional do Porco Mediterrneo, vora,
Portugal, 1998, publicada na revista Options Mediterrannnes, s.A, n. 41, p. 313 318.
Cruz, V.F.; Le Dividich, J. 2000. Effect of floor space and season on the performances of
growing-finishing pigs. Proceedings of the XIV Memorial CIGR World Congress 2000,
Tsukuba, Japo, paper n. P2101.
Cruz, V F; Lucas, E M; Baptista, F J. 2001. Effect of Pre- Weaning Housing System on
Growth Performances and carcass composition of Pigs. International Symposium,
Livestock Environment VI, Louisville, Kentucky.
Cruz, V F. 2001. Interaction Animal Density and Season on the Feed Intake and Carcass
Composition of Pigs. XI Congresso de Zootecnia, Funchal.
Cruz, V F; Baptista, F E; Lucas E M. 2002. Effects of season, sex and animal density on
some components of thermoregulatory behaviour of growing-finishing pigs. International
Conference on Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2002, Budapest.
Cruz, V F; Le Dividich, J. 2002. Modelling Feed Intake in Growing-Finishing Pigs. Effects
of Animal Density, Diet Energy Density, Environmental Temperature and Sex. ASAE
Annual Meeting XV CIGR World Congress, Chicago.
Cruz, V F; Le Dividich, J; Cancela Dabreu, M. 2002. Influence of Dietary Energy Density
and Season on Performances of Growing Finishing Pigs. Revista Portuguesa de Zootecnia
ano IX, n 2, p. 95 106.
Cruz, V F; Lucas, E; Baptista, F. 2003. Estudo sobre a aplicao de novas metodologias na
planificao da climatizao em instalaes pecurias. Actas do II Congresso Nacional de
AgroIngenieria, Cordoba, Espana.
Cruz, V F; Pereira, A; Capela, E; Silva, F. 2004. Monitorizao das instalaes pecurias
tendo em vista o bem estar animal. Actas do Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Tecnologias de
Informao e Comunicao na Agro-Pecuria. Santarm, CD-Rom, p.12.
Cruz, V F; Lucas, E M S M. 2004. Animal housing design in Mediterranean zones. Case
studies in sheep housing. Proceedings of the Internacional Conference AgEng2004,
Louvain, Blgica.
Cruz, V F; Batista, F; Lucas, E M S M; Sousa, P. 2004. Analysis of methodologies for
estimation for animal heat and moisture production. Actas do VI Congresso
Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Ingeniera Agrcola. San Jos, Costa Rica. CDRom.
Gracio, J; Cruz, V. F; Monteiro, A S. 2004. Avaliao da aplicao da legislao sobre o
bem-estar animal na suinocultura nacional. Suinocultura, v.64, p. 50-58.
Lucas, E; Cruz, V F. 1995. Efeitos do Clima do Alentejo no Microclima das Instalaes
para Sunos, Comunicao Apresentada no V Congresso de Zootecnia, 1, 2 e 3 de Junho de
1995, Angra do Herosmo, in Revista Portuguesa de Zootecnia, A.P.E.Z.
Lucas, E., Randall, J. Meneses, J. 2000. Potential for Evaporative Cooling during Heat
Stress Periods in Pig Production in Portugal (Alentejo). Presented a poster paper at AgEng
Oslo98 and published at Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, v. 76, p. 363-371.
Climate in Spain shows a great variability. In fact, not all the regions of Spain can be
considered as being under hot climate conditions.
Among those areas under hot climate, there are subdivisions. Three main groups can be
1) Regions with high daily temperatures, but where the temperatures show a marked
decrease during night time. These regions are usually very dry.
2) Regions with high daily temperatures, where the decrease during the night is not as
important as in the regions mentioned above. The relative humidity is only slightly higher
than in regions 1.
3) Regions with high temperatures during the daytime and night time. The temperatures
are not as high as in the regions 1 and 2, but the relative humidity use to be very high (up to
90% or 100%). These regions are hot and humid.
Constructive designs and the techniques for preventing the heat over the animals, vary
depending on the type of climate (region 1, 2 or 3), but there are some measures that are
used almost in the whole country, as a protection from the hot outdoor environment.
These decisions which are common to different kind of farms are:
- Positioning the longitudinal axis of the building in East-West direction, in order to
decrease the surface area of the buildings face exposed to the South, as in the Northern
hemisphere, the South face of the buildings is affected by the highest direct solar radiation.
In Spain, in the summertime the solar radiation on the Southern face of the building can be
an important cause of heat entering the animal house;
- Constructing open zones for the animals, surrounded by buildings, where there are
shadows and the air is cooler;
- Painting the walls and roof in white or using reflective materials for the roof, in order to
increase the reflection of the solar radiation, and decrease the heat that is transmitted into
the houses;
- Wetting the roof (and sometimes the walls), directly or by means of the use of fogging
Planting trees next to the farm buildings to protect them from the direct sunlight; and
Finally, the choice that is most commonly used for protecting the animals from the heat
stress is the utilization of ventilation systems, although sometimes they are not useful
enough, due to the high environment temperatures. In these situations, cooling becomes
Selected Publications
Caas, I; Martn, S. 2003. Caracterizacin y ventajas de los sistemas de diseo pasivos para
la construccin rural. II Congreso Nacional de Agroingeniera. Crdoba, p. 893-899.
Caas, I.; Martn, S. 2003. Empleo de las normas bsicas y tecnolgicas de la edificacin
para la propuesta de estrategias de diseo bioclimtico. II Congreso Nacional de
Agroingeniera. Crdoba, p. 886-892.
Fuentes-Yage, J L. 1992. Construcciones para la agricultura y la ganadera. 6 edicin.
Coedicin M.A.P.A.-I.R.Y.D.A.-Ediciones Mundi-Prensa.
Garca-Vaquero, E. 1987. Diseo y construccin de alojamientos ganaderos. Ediciones
Swedish agriculture policy has since early 1900s been aimed to be self sufficient for basic
food such as milk, meat and bread. Sweden joined the EU in 1995 with the accordingly
quota for milk and sugar. The agricultural production is still constant or decreasing due to
competition import from other EU countries and also countries in Latin America and the
Far East. There are 66,000 agricultural enterprises in Sweden and the average arable land is
40 ha.
Sweden is a long country; from South to the North has a distance of 1,800 km. The climate
differs between the South with an average temperature in January of -6C in the South and
-20C in the North. Days with snow cover per year varies from 50 in the South to 200 in
the North.
Summer temperature in the agriculture areas is almost the same independent of location and
is in average 14C. The annual precipitation is 500 - 800 mm.
For calculation of ventilation and heat balance in animal houses during winter there is five
different climatic zones (-10 to -24C) based on the probability of low average outside
temperature lasting for a 7-day period and occurring every second year.
5.1. Ruminants
Since energy balance, thermoregulation and environmental aspects of "high producing
dairy cows" were thoroughly studied (Brody, 1945; Flatt et al., 1969; Berman et al., 1985),
the high producing dairy cow more than doubled production with a body weight increase of
about 10-20% which imposed a three fold increase of heat increment (Kadzer et al., 2002).
There is an apparent world wide lack of realization that changes in the physical and genetic
constitution of cows may have affected their thermoregulatory capability in hot climate for
example, blood plasma fluctuation in volume and constituents (Maltz et al, 1994); as well
as how they cope with heat stress (Kadzer et al., 2002). As a result, research in
thermoregulation in relation to housing facilities and cooling management falls behind
(except for few exceptions seen below) the aggressive selection for increased production
that livestock undergoes as well as changes in technology and housing materials. Therefore,
most of the improvements in this area are farmers and designers initiatives based on
common sense and experience.
Milk is one of the largest sources of the agricultural revenue in Brazil. Most of the milk
production is concentrated in the central, Southern and Southeastern part of Brazil, which
holds about 80% of the total milk production in the country. The raising systems applied to
dairy cattle in Brazil can be of extensive and intensive types. The extensive systems use
only pasture and mineral feeding in most part of Brazil, except in the Southern and
Southeastern areas where a better economy allows a more selected breeding with a higher
milk yield per cow. In these cases, housing, balanced feeding, and a better sanitation
against parasitological and bacteriological plagues are provided.
The construction used in extensive systems are mostly handling corrals enclosed on its
sides using wood lumbers and hoof coverings, usually fiber-cement, on top of the feed and
mineral bunks only and in the milking parlor area. Intensive programs apply freestall
systems for full herd enclosed; East-West solar oriented, concrete construction buildings,
and most of them with some type of spray cooling system, except in the coldest regions
near the Southeastern region where it is rarely necessary.
The microclimatic conditions in the large capacity cowsheds have been studied in Czech
Republic during the last decades. Different systems of natural, forced and combined
ventilation systems were tested in many dairy farms. The influence of the special double
roof construction made either from timber or concrete on the indoor microclimate was
studied in several cowsheds.
The method for reduction of heat stress in cowsheds is recommended according to the milk
yield and to the altitude above the see level (low productive cows or dairy farms in the
mountain areas are not so sensitive, Table 7).
Table 7. Recommended methods of heat stress reduction for dairy cows
Milk yield
300 days-1
Under 5000
Over 8000
Under 200
Over 500
CM = conventional methods (changes of feeding method)
IncrVent = increased ventilation
EC = evaporative cooling
Egypt has 3.4 million dairy herd producing 1.6 million tons of milk, which covers 70% of
the national needs. More research must be performed aiming to increase milk yield,
especially since Egypt has hot climate which is an obstacle facing the high milk production.
When temperature is between 5 to 15C the cows are most productive, and when the
temperature is between 15 to 25C a small degree of loss in production occurs, however
when temperature exceed the upper critical temperature (25C) a great degree of loss in
production occurs.
The country has hot dry climate. The environmental temperature reaches its highest degrees
at summer months (July and August) when mean maximum temperature is 41C (44C for
Upper Egypt and 38C for the Northern part of Egypt); consequently, there is a gap
between summer temperatures and the upper critical temperature for cows, which causes
great losses in milk production. For these reasons, a comfortable housing condition is
needed for dairy cows.
The open housing system is a good choice to be used under hot climate conditions (like in
Egypt), with varying systems of protection from heat stress, depending on the ambient
temperature. The open housing system consists of shade structure covering a yard. This
system is frequently used in Egypt; about 90% of the dairy cows housing systems are open
housing. Recent researches suggest that the shed height (roof height) should be between 5
to 8 m, and oriented from East to West. Moreover, the roof should be constructed from reed
mats. The micro-sprinklers and fans cooling system should be installed.
The type of housing system depends on animal sizes; therefore, for big animals open
buildings or sheds are used, however for small animals closed buildings are used. The type
of housing arrangement depends on herd sizes: large herds (50-250 heads) use free or loose
system under sheds; medium herds (10-50 heads) uses free or tie systems under sheds; and
small herds (3-10 heads) uses tie system under sheds or closed building. The types of
building orientation are East-West i.e. the main axiss of building is oriented from East to
West, or North-South, i.e. the main axiss of building is oriented from North to South. The
common environmental control systems are misting (fog system), and micro-sprinklers, as
well as fan cooling system.
The dairy industry of Israel undergoes a reform aimed to increase efficiency and improve
manure management through benefiting the advantages of size. This is done by
encouraging merging of quota of several producers into one dairy, which leads to
increasing dairy size (a general trend in the Western hemisphere) accompanied by building
new facilities. As a result, the housing facilities and cooling systems and management
presented in this summary are the state of the art that is currently in use in Israel.
The dairy cows' shades built during the last five years are designed for improved ventilation
characterized by size and height of fully (or almost fully) roofing the entire living
environment of the cow. The basic designs of dairy housing follows the general instructions
of the Division for Mechanization and Technology of the Extension Service in the Ministry
of Agriculture (Shoshani, 2000), but the final outcome is in many cases also a result of
designers and farmers initiations and experience without solid research behind it. The final
outcome, in terms of performance of cows inhabiting these facilities, suggests that they
provide favorable conditions. Yet, it has still to be asked if similar (or better) results could
not been achieved with housing of lower cost in size and building materials.
For optimal ventilation, it is recommended that shade height above the feeding lane should
be at least 6 m and declining by 28-30 to 3-4.5 m above the ground at its low boundaries
(Shoshani, 2000). However, it is not unusual to see sheds much higher than these reaching
6 m above the ground at its low boundaries with a similar roof slope. The recommendations
include also adding an open yard along the shade of about 6 m width, to provide a lying
area for cows to dissipate body heat by radiation during the night. The most popular shades
are of the double type. Mirror images shades slopping down from both sides of a feeding
lane above which there is a roof opening of about 1 m with or without a gable. Each side
inhabits 80-120 cows. The technical details are: living area per cow 22 m2, minimal
roofed lying area per cow 12 m2, minimal lane width along the feeding trough 3 m, roof
slope 28-30. In addition to the thermoregulatory advantages of the fully roofed barn, this
type of facility simplifies the manure handling. The large roofed area provides enough
covered space that prevents cows gathering in a small area that requires bedding and/or
frequent manure evacuation. In fact, the ground is sufficiently dry even during winter, and
manure is evacuated once a year or every two years. This leaves to clean daily only the
feeding alley, which is done by scrapers or flashing.
It is becoming more popular to build a slated shade roof or with overlapping panels that can
be opened in relation to the position of the sun thus, improve ventilation, radiation (body
heat at night), and manure drying. In the case of overlapping panels that slide on one
another, it is recommended to have a roof slope of 30.
The free stall barns comply in general to the characteristics of the fully roofed ones with the
exception 5-4 m2 per cow in open yard, in addition to the lying stalls.
Led by common sense, fans are used since a long time ago to ease heat load in dairy barns.
But, it was not until the eighties that a combination of sprinkling and forced ventilation was
developed as a cooling system for dairy cows in Israel (Flamenbaum et al., 1986), which
was gradually adopted by the Israeli dairy industry with excellent results (Israeli Milk
Board, 2004). This system is currently implemented in two segments: forced cooling in the
milking parlor, waiting yard, and in the feeding alley, and voluntary cooling in the feeding
alley and lying area. The forced cooling system comprises of restricting the cows to an area
were the cows are sprinkled and ventilated successively for about a 1/2-1 h. This takes
place in the milking parlor waiting area before and between milking, and in the feeding
alley were the cows are yoke-locked when reaching for the freshly distributed food. The
superior effect is reported by the farmers to be the forced cooling in the milking parlor
waiting area. The voluntary cooling is operated by timing the sprinkling and ventilation in
each shade according to diurnal heat load and expected presence of cows in accordance to
milking and feeding time.
Both, forced and voluntary cooling involve a significant water waist (an important resource
in many hot environments) which makes this cooling system also an environmental
concern. The waist of energy and water when voluntary cooling is much greater because in
the absence of an efficient control system, the system often wets and ventilate areas empty
of cows. Therefore, on-line control that includes sensors for environmental conditions and
cow's presence and scattering around the barn is required. So, that the cooling system is
operated only when needed and affecting the animals.
Recently, there was an attempt to adopt the fogging system that only cools the environment
without wetting the cows or the manure. It should be added, that cows crowding in the
summer during the hot hours of the day occurs in dairies sometimes without an obvious
reason. Usually poor ventilation is blamed. However, this phenomenon was not yet
thoroughly investigated.
In addition to the building general aspects much work has been carried out in the field of
cooling by fogging or direct sprinkling onto the animal and fans. The investigations have
been done in the Northern area of Italy, where summer climate is quite wet (minimum RH
around 40%), so reducing the possible cooling effect. However some interesting results
were obtained showing a significant improvement especially in the animal welfare (body
temperature, respiration rate, resting time) and in the milk quality (rheological parameters);
less significant gain in terms of milk quantity. Some interesting results were achieved
showing the relevant influence of the nocturnal temperature, even more than the diurnal.
The investigations are still going on wishing to extend the fogging to the entire resting area,
using sand as litter material.
Among the passive systems for environmental control of buildings used for the dairy
houses in the summer heat typical of the South of Italy climate, natural ventilation takes on
particular importance as it represents the most efficient way to modify the thermo
hygrometric condition of the air and reduce the concentration of noxious gas and dust.
The theoretical approach generally adopted to determine the summer natural ventilation
flow for a livestock building consists of setting up an energy balance of sensible heat flows,
based on the hypothesis that all the heat produced by the animals will be removed from the
environment by the ventilation, allowing an increase in temperature of about 2-3C
between the inside and the outside. However with this method it is not possible to obtain
information on the ventilation flow distribution or the form and dimensions of the openings
and no account is taken on the effect of the wind on the ventilation capacity, or the effect
that differences in temperature can have on the movement of air within the livestock
building environment.
A more modern method for the study of natural ventilation conditions in livestock buildings
consists of a thermo and fluid dynamic analysis of the livestock environment. This method
makes it possible to determine the value and the distribution of the thermo and fluid
dynamic parameters of the air by means of a numerical integration of the differential
equations describing the physical phenomenon of air movement within the building and
immediately around it (Computational Fluid Dynamics).
In Sicily the research on the ventilation of dairy houses based on thermo and fluid dynamic
analysis has been accompanied by experimental trials that have constituted an adequate
basis for the identification of appropriate design solutions as regards building cover and
openings for natural ventilation.
The dairy cow is a relatively recent introduction in Maltese agriculture. It was introduced in
attempts to curb on milk infected by Brucellosis Melitensis. In 1956, a program was
launched where a herdsman was offered one pregnant Dutch Friesen heifer for 12 diseased
goats. The introduction of the dairy cow led to the following problems. Over night, the
Maltese herdsmen, or more correctly shepherds were transformed to dairy farmers. Modern
dairy cow units consist of a system of cover open sided structures that lack a clear sense of
design, functionality and purpose. Concrete and pre-stressed cement slabs are widely used.
Total milking population 9,000 cows.
Dairy production in Morocco is based on small herds (average of 4-5 cows per farmer).
Therefore, barns are designed to accommodate such a size.
In many cases, the type of housing is selected based on availability of funds and on what
worked best for neighbors.
A variety of housing configurations are found in Morocco. The most frequent are:
- The loose housing. Such barns are used either full time or part time according to the
feeding system adopted by the farmer. Animals have very often free access to a paddock
with no bedding. Straw bedding is used inside the barns especially in winter. The paddocks
are used during almost the whole day except during milking time. The animals receive
forage in the paddocks and concentrate feed during milking. The space per cow (barn and
paddocks) varies very often between 10 and 30 m2. The paddocks may or may not have
shade. This housing system is found mainly in more specialized dairy farms; and
- For many small farmers, the animals go out for grazing (grass in spring, stubble in
summer, etc.) during day time and are tied in a barn at night and at milking time.
Very few farmers manage the animals by group. So the heifers are very often reared with
the cows. Headlocks which can separate and restrain the animals at the manger are used
only by very few farmers.
Orientation: alignment of the long axis in a North-South direction is the most frequent
orientation as it allows sunlight to dry out the floor. Such orientation is advantageous in
winter, but allows a greater solar radiation exposure in summer than the East-West
orientation. Some farmers in the Southern part of Morocco choose an orientation that
allows for less morning and afternoon solar exposure. Concrete slab floor are preferred by
many farmers with slopes varying from 0 to 2%. Roof slope is nil, which reduces air flow
and exchange. The stall length varies mostly between 1.6 and 2.6 m, and the width between
1-1.20 m, with or without separation.
Air exchange and ventilation: natural air exchange is a function of sidewall openings, barn
width, etc. In Morocco, farmers avoid large sidewalls openings. They believe that large
openings will be detrimental to animal health through development of respiratory diseases.
Water location: an important mean of managing heat stress in cattle is to provide enough
fresh and clean water. Unfortunately, very often water is provided to animals in buckets
once or twice a day. Water consumption increases as temperatures increase. Therefore, it is
critical to have adequate water available for animals.
The management of heat stress is accomplished mainly with shade. Very few dairy farms
combine shade and sprinkling. Only one farm uses forced ventilation (fans) as well. The
shade is provided either naturally by trees particularly in small herds or artificially through
the use of constructed shade structures or barns.
The young calves are reared in individual or collective boxes. Some small farmers keep the
calves with their mothers. The individual boxes vary in size: most farmers have boxes with
0.9-1.2 m width, 1.2-1.8 m length, providing about 1.5-2 m2/calf. The collective boxes
present the disadvantage of potential disease transmission between calves. The area per calf
varies between 1.5-2 m2.
The material used in building: The barns floor is very often made from concrete. The walls
are made either from:
- Bricks, with or without coating (especially in the Northern part of Morocco);
- adobe bricks, which is a combination of clay and straw (about 40 cm width);
- pis which is a rammed clay (about 50 cm width); and
- rocks with mortars of cement or soil and straw.
The roof is made either from concrete, asbestos cement, aluminum or local material. The
local material consists of an upper layer of soil and straw on a plastic film under which
there is a layer of reeds. This local material is used mainly in the Southern part of Morocco
because of its thermal resistance.
Dairy production in Portugal is located in Azores Islands with continental climate (without
heat stress problems) characterized by small familiar units, in the sea zone of the North of
the country also with small units in intensive forage and pasturage systems, with closed
buildings were the animals are tied, sometimes without any acclimatization system and
provided by natural ventilation by walls. Some recent farms have a building with both a
closed free stall zone and an open zone. In the South of Portugal there are some big units
with more than 500 milk cows. In this case the open buildings are used with a complete
open zone and very often the inside zone is divided in cubicles (free stall systems). In this
case some cooling system like fogging or direct sprinkling on the animals and fans are
Dairy cattle farms are not very common in hot regions of Spain, but the few farms use open
All the generally typical characteristics used in dairy cattle farms are:
Big windows or completely open faces of the buildings, to facilitate the ventilation.
As in all countries the structure of agriculture is developing towards bigger and fewer
enterprises. Since 1950 the number of dairy producers has reduced by 50% every 10 years.
Today Sweden has 8,500 dairy producers with an average herd of 50 cows and yielding
9,300 kg ECM per cow and year. Forty percent of the cows are kept in loose housing.
Grazing is compulsory for all cattle except bulls and small calves. The pig production has
even more changed todays; 2,000 producers is just 15% of the number 15 years ago.
Because Sweden has a cold, rainy/snowy winter climate, it is necessary to keep most of the
animals inside during the winter season. Only a minor production of beef cattle, sheep and
dry sows are kept outdoors with access to shelters or huts. This is also enforced by the
animal protection legislation. Sweden has a special Animal Protection Agency since 2003.
Beef Cattle
Beef cattle in Brazil, is mostly raised in extensive systems due to the large farming areas
found in large regions of the country. Intensive systems are rarely used as compared to the
whole countrys extension but, when adopted, it can be found mostly in the Southeastern
part of Brazil. The construction used in extensive systems are mostly handling corrals
enclosed on its sides using wood lumbers and hoof coverings, usually fiber-cement, on top
of the feed and mineral bunks only. Feeding is composed, mostly of pasture and some
places can add concentrate feeding (minced corn, soybeans, etc.).
Intensive systems apply full enclosed concrete or wood constructions types, and feeding is
composed of a complete balanced formulation, roughage and mineral inside the barns for
improved fattening of bulls. For both systems, it is applied only basic sanitation for disease
control methods such as parasitological and regular vaccination.
Geographically, the heaviest concentration of beef cattle inventories are located in the
Northern part of Egypt, which is called Lower Egypt, and has about 69.1% of the total
fattening projects. The Middle Egypt is located in the second rank with about 20.4%, then
the New Desert areas with about 6%, and finally Upper Egypt with about 4.5%.
For large herds, the suitable housing for beef cattle is the open housing system with the
same standards mentioned previously for dairy cows. The breeding is in small groups of 912 heads which are enclosed with rails. For medium herds, the total confinement housing
system with tie-stall is the utmost used housing system. For smaller herds, the housing
system used is an open yard with a simple shade made of brick columns and a ceiling of
natural materials such as hay.
The most common building materials used for feeder calves barns were: bricks and
limestone blocks for walls. While for ceiling, which was always slab ceiling, the common
materials were: reinforced concrete, corrugated sheets, wood sheets, or hay. Floors are
made of ingot concrete.
Beef cattle production has a long history Malta. Store cattle of various genetic backgrounds
were imported from within the Mediterranean basin. These cattle were fattening for
slaughter. The Modern beef industry is an offshoot of the dairy industry in as much as the
cull cows together with the male born form the bases of this industry. The majority of beef
is housed on the dairy farm. Same comments apply. Total beef cattle herd is 7,000.
Housing systems for beef cattle vary less across Morocco. While loose housing is most
common for dairy cattle, tied housing is the most frequent in the country.
Barn length varies according to the size of the herd and may reach 60 m. The width is
generally in the range of 4.5 10.5 m, while the height may vary between 2.5 and 5 m. The
following Table 8 shows results of a study done in 16 farms.
Table 8. Results from study done in Morocco on barn length
Length (m)
Width (m)
Height (m)
Area (m2/animal)
Min. (C)
Max. (C)
Average (C)
The material used to build the barns is the same as the material used for dairy cattle. The
farmers prefer walls in bricks and concrete roof. However, this building option is the most
expensive. Some farmers use aluminum for the roof, but presents the disadvantage of being
thermal conductive, generally cold in winter and hot in summer. Some farmers, when it is
hot, put trusses of straw on the aluminum roof and spray water over it to decrease
temperature inside the barn. As well, many barns have openings in the roof that are opened
in summer time. The floor is made of concrete in most cases.
The mangers vary in length, width and depth, as shown in the following Table 9 from a
study on 16 farms.
Table 9. Study done in Morocco on mangers length
Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Depth (cm)
Average (C)
Min. (C)
Max. (C)
In these systems all or part of the excreta is collected in the form of slurry. If solid manure
is produced, it is removed from the barn daily.
Buildings in which the cattle are held in tied stalls need less space than loose housing, and
they prevent the animals from fighting as the fattened cattle are not castrated. Some farmers
tried the group-housed animals system and experienced conflicts and aggression between
animals arising from rank-dependent social dominance.
In these tied-system buildings, the tether design allows the animal to move little bit forward
and backward when rising and lying down. However, very often the tether does not give the
animal sufficient leeway to lick itself over most of the body without being forced to assume
unnatural positions. These tethered animals do not have daily access to a suitable exercise
area for welfare considerations. Chains are used to tie the animals to the mangers. Their
length may vary between 0.5 and 1 m according to the behavior of the animal. The distance
between animals is sometimes small which is favorable for competition for feed.
Furthermore, as cattle have a need for social contact, the tie-stall system, with animals
facing the walls may induce a stressful situation as reported in some studies.
The majority of the farmers use buckets of water to the animals. Some others, especially
those having a big number of animals, use the mangers as water flowing through. Very
often, animals receive water once a day, sometimes twice. Almost half of the cattle feeders
avoid to have water troughs aside of the animals to prevent the animal from the feed. Some
other farmers do not see any economical advantage from such investment. Straw is very
often used as bedding for animals, especially in winter. The daily amount of straw per
animal used is about 2-3 kg, and may increase or decrease in accordance to the price of
straw. Such straw-based systems allows for solid manure production.
The feed manger is usually placed against the sidewall, at 0-20 cm above floor level. In the
very few group-housing systems, there is generally enough feeding space so that all animals
can eat at the same time. The width of the individual eating place in the tie system barns is
0.9-1.1 m. Very often no separation is placed between animals.
In summer, the sidewall windows and the possible roof openings are open to allow air
exchange in the barn. In winter, the barns are totally closed which generate an accumulation
of harmful gases inside the barns.
There are two typical situations for beef production in Portugal. The first is the herds with
beef cows and cattle in pasturage systems where the animal housing is almost absent. The
second is the intensive fattening systems with small closed building, with natural
ventilation to house the fattening animals, according to their age or weight. The floor of
these buildings is made by concrete covered by straw or is soil floor.
Most of the beef cattle farms in Spain are intensive and specialized fattening farms. These
farms use to be natural ventilated buildings that can have open areas. Most of the general
measures for preventing from the heat stress are applied in all farms, but when the farms
have open areas for the animals, the surface per animal is increased.
feeding behavior). Although too early for conclusive results, it seems that hot weather
conditions significantly affect all the above.
The housing design for the small ruminants complies with the climatic and environmental
considerations guiding those of the dairy barns. Namely: good ventilation during the hot
summer, but also a dry and wind-sheltered environment during the winter. This is done by a
proper closing (wall) around the shade of at least 1.8 m height. It is recommended to add an
open yard connected to the shade. In this case the openings to the yard have to be wide with
the possibility to close them during cold days in the winter. However, an open yard is not a
must. Because of wind directions in Israel, it is recommended whenever possible to build
the shade so that the longitude axis is from North to South. The space details for sheep and
goats are summarized in Table 10.
Table 10. Space details (m2 per animal) for housing of sheep and goats. For grazing sheep (meat) the
space per mother can be reduced (from Shoshani, 2000).
Mature goats
Young goats
There are two main types of small ruminants housing that are recommended in Israel
(Shoshani, 2000):
1. A shade with a yard on one side or both sides, shade width 12 m. 13 m when there is a
service lane in the middle of the shade. Shade height 5 m maximal part, and 4 m minimal
part. Width of each open yard - 8-10 m with one sided trough for full herd capacity
alongside the yards or shades (when no yards). Concrete feeding trough width - 0.8-1 m,
concrete feeding alley - 1 m alongside the trough; and
2. A covered feeding passage with shades and yards on both sides; a covered passage 4.5 m
wide, with two 6 m wide shades on both sides, and connected to the shades, two open yards
6-8 m wide each. Forced ventilation is needed because of the width of the shade. A roof
opening in the middle is recommended to improve ventilation in both shade types, but it is
more significant in type 2.
As regards sheep studies have been carried out on the effects of environmental factors and
management techniques that can influence the animal welfare and their reproductive and
productive performance. The hyperthermia brought about by high environmental
temperatures provokes in sheep physiological processes of a compensatory nature, such as
increase in the rectal temperature and in water consumption, and a decrease in milk
production, in the quantity of heat produced, in food consumption and in thyroid activity.
Heat stress, moreover can negatively influence the colostrum composition and growth and
reproduction. In particular, when a sheep or lamb is subjected to hot environmental
conditions either in the initial or the final phase of pregnancy, there is a reduction in the
placental and fetal development. Most of the studies on sheep, however, have been carried
out in different types of environments and with different genetic types from those found in
Italy, with the purpose of evaluating the thermoregulatory response to heat stress. Few
studies have measured the effects on the animals performance.
In the Sicilian livestock breeding system, the sheep generally give birth between August
and October and so the sheep have to face the final phase of pregnancy and the beginning
of lactation in the most critical period.
Among the ways it is possible to operate to mitigate the negative effects of high
temperatures; the use of simple and economical structures providing shade has had
encouraging results.
The advantage of trials carried out directly in the field in comparison with those carried out
in a climatic chamber, despite the greater difficulty in controlling the numerous climatic
and physiological variables, lies in the fact that the thermoregulatory response of ruminants
raised in climatic chambers differs both qualitatively and quantitatively from that of
animals exposed to natural environments.
Traditionally the most numerous milk producing animal was the Maltese goat. They
together with the sheep population were important because they could utilize the great
extent of waste land as natural pasture. Thus unsuitable for cultivation, provided a yield in
the form of goat and sheep milk and meat. Today the total sheep and goat population
numbers adds up to 8,000 animals. Most are still kept in the traditional housing as
described above. There are recent efforts to reintroduce the local goat and sheep breed and
to exploit these animals for milk and other dairy products. Thus efforts in evaluating
suitable housing are justified.
The sheep and goat production has major importance in the inside zones of Portugal. In
some zones, milk from specialized breeds or from local breeds for cheese fabrication is the
main product of the farms. The pasturage system is used and the animals are housed during
the night periods or during the hottest periods of the day, due to the strong solar radiation.
In the North of the country the buildings are closed with few and small ventilation
overtures. In the South there are open buildings with big ventilation overtures. In general
buildings are East-West oriented.
They use to grow under extensive or semi-extensive production systems. The animal
houses are characterized by its simplicity. The general techniques for protection from the
heat are applied.
Camel Housing
Camels are housed in open yard (10 m2/head) as free or loose system, the yard ground is
sand and the yard is surrounded by a wall of 1.8 2 m height. Some sheds of 3.5 m height
and 3 m width were located at the yard borders, under these sheds some feed bunks and
some water troughs were placed. At the yard borders and under shed some tie-means were
fixed; therefore, camels are tied up when needed.
5.2. Birds
Poultry production in Brazil has undergone significant advances in the last three decades.
East-West construction orientations are predominant and construction materials insulating
capacity are being improved. Building construction materials, in poultry houses, are mostly
concrete and bricks. Lateral walls use concrete as well and are approximately 30cm in
height with moving lateral curtains used to improve the climatic environment within the
bar, activated when necessary.
Cooling system equipments used inside the barns are mostly tunnel ventilation or axially
installed positive pressure fan types. The ceilings are built mostly from plastic canvas
covered with ceramic, galvanized metal or fiber-cement or vegetal-cement roofing types,
and the pavement is mostly concrete but, compacted dirt is not uncommon.
Many poultry farms were adapted according to the Council Directive 1999/74/EC during
the last years. The ventilation systems are mostly modernized during the reconstruction as
well. The ventilation by fans of big diameter (over 1000 mm) with low specific
consumption of energy, the application of tunnel ventilation during the summer period and
the use of evaporative cooling (in broilers farms) are more common now. The research
work was focused on the modeling and simulation of the indoor conditions during the
different periods of the year and to the comparison of different methods of evaporative
cooling. Commercial high-pressure nozzles were compared with low-pressure nozzles and
with pneumatic nozzles.
There are 18000 broilers' farms in Egypt, which houses 700 million birds of foreign breeds.
The domestic small farms houses 150 million birds of local breeds. There are 39 companies
or huge farms which house the grand parents (200,000 female) in order to produce parents'
stocks (broiler breeder) which are approx. 7 million birds. Broilers are housed either in
closed buildings as total confinement system or in open yards as open housing system. The
used types of environmental control system differ according to the used housing system.
For open yards, natural ventilation is used, but in total confinement system an evaporative
cooling system should be installed such as cooling pads and extractor fans cooling system
or fogging systems. The building is oriented East-West i.e. the main axis of Building is
oriented from East to West, meanwhile prevailing wind direction from North.
The environmental physiological challenge for poultry in Israel is similar to that of other
livestock animals that is heat load during the long hot summers. Poultry houses (excluding
turkey) in Israel follow Donald (2001) Guide, and are all climate-controlled by ventilation,
active, passive, and combined. If it is passive, than the poultry house will be build in
accordance with the wind direction during heat loading diurnal hours, aiming its
longitudinal axis to be perpendicular to the wind direction. Passive ventilation is controlled
by shutters or curtains or both. The active ventilation systems take all shapes and sizes,
depending on the degree of passive ventilation, and local conditions. The fans can be
located on the width axis as tunnel ventilation or transitional ventilation with air entrances
on all or part of the longitudinal and opposite width axis. When fans are located on the
longitudinal axis, the air entrances can be on part or the entire opposite wall as well as on
the width axis. The principles outlined by Donald (2001), were adopted by a company
AGROTOP ([email protected]) that gives design, technical, and operation solution
regarding all components of poultry houses. Recently, evaporation cooling systems that
include pad and fan cooling and fogging can be seen. Roof sprinkling during strong solar
radiation is performed in layers houses.
In Israel the annual production of broilers is 350 thousand tons out of which 87% are
farmed in climate controlled housing of some sort. Most of it is a combination of passive
and forced ventilation which is also used during winter to dry the bedding. Another 13%
are farmed in open shades relying on natural ventilation sometimes with roof sprinkling
(publications of The Egg and Poultry Board of Israel, and Yahav, S. personal
Not much has been done in Italy concerning the reduction of the heat stress in poultry
housing. Often the evaporative cooling is used in the houses. The attention is generally
given to the ventilation systems and control being the mechanical ventilation mainly
The poultry industry as such is the results of huge efforts invested in the late 1960s. In this
sector internal equipment is 100% imported. Barn constructions are usually standard units
that could be built with the least of expenses using stone walls and cement roofs. In order to
prevent the introduction of beams the standard with is of about 20 Feet. Typically broiler
housing is designed to carry 2500 birds (the average daily slaughtering capacity of the
abattoirs). Layers on the other hand have a typical capacity of about 5,000 layers in cages.
In both cases temperature control is very primitive, with the exception of evaporative
cooler. Total poultry population: layers 400,000 and broilers 3,000,000. Pigeons are found
as backyard animals and turkeys have a highly seasonal production.
Broiler production in Portugal is based in big production units with more than 20.000 birds
per building in littered house system. These buildings are in general well insulated,
provided with heating and mechanical ventilation systems and, in a significant number,
with evaporative cooling systems as fogging or cooling pads.
Broiler production in Spain is done under intensive conditions for the most part, in closed
buildings and with no outdoor areas for the animals. When the farms are naturally
ventilated, apart from the thermal isolation (for reducing heat transmission), it is very
common to reduce the number of animals in the hot season. Therefore, in winter and spring
season, stocking rate is of 8-9 birds.m-2, and it is reduced to 6 birds.m-2 in the summer
Another typical group of poultry farms in Spain, in relation to its climate facilities, are
those that are mechanically ventilated, build usually with prefabricated materials, with a
high thermal isolation coefficient, and provided with an environment control system. They
are usually ventilated by cross ventilation, and they also employ evaporative cooling
systems, by using wet pads or high pressure fogging systems.
Finally, longitudinal ventilated buildings are not widely used in Spain, although their
number is increasing recently. These buildings, also known as tunnel ventilated farms,
provide higher air velocities inside of the house, for decreasing the animals heat stress.
The production systems in respect to animal welfare are changing fast over time due to new
EU rules, Swedish laws and animal welfare organizations. The Swedish animal protection
legislation is very rigid and detailed. Size of pens and stalls, floor type, specified values for
aerial environment (temperature, humidity, air velocity, gases, noise and dust) must be
fulfilled or not exceeded. New or rebuild animal buildings must get their drawings
approved according to animal protection before they are allowed to be built.
In majority, egg laying poultry have simpler construction housing designs than meat
poultry. East-West construction orientations are also predominant for this type and
construction materials are usually wood, concrete and metal. They are mostly open on the
sides and on one of the fronts with a compartment for feed stuff storage on the front side.
The pavements are made of concrete on the handling corridor area and between the hanging
pens. These barns have also moving lateral curtains and use ceramic, galvanized metal,
fiber-cement or vegetal-cement roofing types. Cooling systems are hardly used, but when
applied, are mostly forced ventilation without sprinkler systems.
The laying hens in Egypt are mostly housed in total confinement housing system which is a
totally closed building. The floor breed type is mostly used, so that the floor of the building
is made of ingot concrete then covered with a layer of litter (15 cm in depth). The roof is
made of corrugated aluminum; in order to avoid high heat flux the roof is internally
isolated. The natural insemination is used, so that the laying hens are breed in the same
place with males in ratio of 1 male / 9-12 female depending on the species. The fans
cooling pads system is extremely used to maintain the ambient temperature between 24 and
28 oC. The feed is distributed to females by belts-conveyors, and to males using pan feeders
and screw conveyors. Egypt produces approx. 7.5 billions eggs/year.
There are seven million layers in Israel but only 1/5 a million (7%) are farmed under active
climate controlled housing conditions. All the rest live under passive controlled conditions
in open housing batteries equipped with roof sprinklers and curtains.
The traditional housing system for laying hens in Portugal is the battery cage design.
However with the legislation concerning with animal welfare there is a transition to the
deep-littered house or to slatted floor house systems with individual nest. In both cases, as
in broilers, the buildings are well insulated with systems of environmental control.
Regarding laying hens farms, the most common production system, consists of battery
cages, inside of LTC buildings. The techniques to reduce the effect of the heat that are used
in farms under hot climate conditions are two:
Tunnel ventilation, together either with pad cooling, or without cooling systems.
For laying eggs there is a ban of conventional housing since 1990 and todays cages must
contain nest, sand bath and perch.
Turkey housing in Brazil has similar typology characteristics as well as the construction
methods as broiler housing. Feeding and drinking equipment are more robust and
acclimatization equipments are usually adapted for larger animals, similar to those used for
broiler breeders. Two phases are generally considered when the birds are transferred from
nursery housing to a fattening housing up to slaughter.
Supplementary heat is used during the first stage to maintain temperatures around 20C. For
older birds necessary ventilation is usually provided by axial fans distributes inside
housing. Density used for light female (4-6 kg) is 8 birds.m-2 while heavy birds (9-11kg)
are housed at 4.5-5.5 birds.m-2. Heavy hales are housed at approximately 4.5 birds.m-2 .
Turkeys are slaughtered aging around 150 days weighting up to 20kg.
Different housing systems are used to house turkeys in Egypt. One of the most popular
types is the open system using shade structure. Other housing systems, most recently used
contain totally shaded sand yard by a shed of 3 m height and is made up of corrugated
aluminum; the yard is enclosed by a metal fence which allows total natural ventilation. The
recent economic housing type is used to lodge large herds; this type is similar to barns of
laying hens.
Most of the turkeys in Israel are farmed in open shades.
5.3. Swine
Swine production in Brazil has highly controlled feeding as well as sanitary care. Housing
is built for specific production such as gestating sows housing, farrowing building, nursery
and growing and finishing housing. The most common type of environmental control used
is the association of axial fans with fogging or spraying systems especially for gestating
and finishing houses. Several research have been carried out in order to determine the most
effective way of housing swine in all ages.
Different farms, different kind of construction and different principles of ventilation were
tested during the last decades. The evaporative cooling is sometimes used in breeding farms
(reduction of heat stress of sows).
Since 1988 research work has studied or simulated (Panagakis et al., 1991; Panagakis et al.,
1992; Axaopoulos et al., 1992; Panagakis et al., 1996; Panagakis and Axaopoulos, 2004)
the performance of early-weaned piglets and growing-finishing pigs under Greek summer
conditions. A first finding of all the above was that the performance traits (i.e. daily weight
gain, feed conversion and daily feed intake) were hindered when heat-stress indices such as
the duration and the intensity exceeded certain levels.
These indices first introduced by Nienaber et al. (1987) were explicitly defined as follows:
Duration of heat-stress: Number of hours the inside temperature exceeds the upper
Intensity of heat-stress:
T t
Eq 7
T t
Where: I is the heat-stress intensity (Ch), T: is the difference between the predicted
inside dry-bulb temperature and the UCT (C) and t is the time span (h).
Another important finding was that the commonly used Temperature Humidity Index,
defined by Roller & Goldman (1969) to be:
THI = 0.45 Tiwb + 1.35 Ti + 32
Eq 8
where: Tiwb (also named in this document as WBT) is the inside wet bulb temperature (C)
and Ti (also named in this document as DBT) is the inside dry bulb temperature, cannot be
considered as an appropriate heat-stress index as it exceeds the value of 85 (set by Fehr et
al., 1983) for very few hours, the reason being the low ambient relative humidity.
Use of the Production Space (a quadrilateral specified by the desired inside min. and max.
temperatures and the corresponding min. and max. relative humidity) helped identify the
likely heat-stress growing-finishing pigs are undergoing. In all corresponding papers it was
shown that the period from May to September represents the major problem for swine
housing in Greece.
On-going research (Panagakis & Axaopoulos, 2005; submitted to Transactions of the
ASAE) simulates the effect that evaporative pad systems and fogging systems have on the
reduction of heat-stress of growing swine. Four strategies were studied, namely: strategy a
- no evaporative cooling, strategy b - use of evaporative pads, strategy c - use of
fogging with the same amount of water evaporating as within the evaporative pads and
strategy d - use of fogging with the necessary water evaporating so as to result to the same
intensity of heat-stress as strategy b. Indices such as the THI, the hours THI was above 85
and the duration and intensity of heat-stress were used. Initial results support the findings of
Timmons & Baughman (1983) and Bottcher et al. (1991), that the evaporative pads system
is much more efficient than the fogging system. Among all, strategy b was considered the
most effective, because it resulted in maximum reduction of heat-stress intensity, smaller
daily inside dry-bulb temperature variation and lower total consumption of water.
The modern swine industry is the result of the drastic changes that happened in the late 70s
early 80s. Nonetheless new farms were constructed using the principle of open sided and
also of enclosed barns. In the case of enclosed barns concepts of ventilation are not well
understood and ventilation related problems are common. With open sided barn, pigs
suffered sunburn and heard boars may also compromise on fertility during the hottest times
of the year. Design standards are those established by least cost material use as the priority.
In addition to the general aspects mentioned above, a lot of work has been carried out
regarding the direct sprinkling and/or blowing air on animals, especially the gestating or
farrowing sows.
For farrowing sows two systems have been investigated: the drip cooling (using water)
and the snout cooling (blowing air). In the second case air was blown through a plastic
pipe near the sows head at a speed of 7.2 m s-1 and rate of 88 m3 h-1 per animal.
The results showed that the combination of both the systems could be the most effective
solution, and that a full solid floor area under the head of the sow could be helpful to reduce
heat stress.
For the gestating sows the use of showers revealed more effective than misting. Tests are
still going on about the use of individual stations for showering animals with free access.
There are three basic systems for pig production in Portugal: piglet production (first phase),
growing-finishing pigs (second phase) and close or complete cycle. Pig production was
located near Lisbon and in the centre of Portugal in the coast zones due to more favorable
climatic conditions and proximity to the great cities. The buildings located in these zones
are old buildings with roof insulated with mechanical ventilation systems and without
cooling systems. The new pig farms are located now in Alentejo zone which is
characterized by great extensions of land far from urban centers but with poor climatic
conditions (cold winters and very hot summers). In these farms the new buildings for the
first phase have automatic feed systems for sows when they are not tied. Cooling with
sprinklers directly on the animals is common during pregnancy. In the nursery period the
fogging systems in the windows before air inlets are also used. The buildings for weaning
piglets are provided with mechanical ventilation systems with heating. The fattening house
is, in general, well insulated with natural ventilation. Some times evaporative cooling
systems are utilized.
Also the outdoor pig production systems are very popular in Portugal, not only for local
breeds but also for industrial breeds. In this system, the main building is composed of
insulated individual small building for the sow and the piglets, spread out in the fields.
Apart from the general measures that are also applied in swine farms, another specific
technique is used in these farms, that is, wetting the animals by showers. In mechanically
ventilated buildings (those that are more adapted to hot conditions), cooling systems can
also be used, mostly by means of wet pads.
The pig production nowadays has changed dramatically. Todays 2,000 producers is just
15% of the total number of swine producers number 15 years ago.
Several farms of different capacity equipped by different technological equipment for housing
of rabbits and by different methods of ventilation were compared. The air-conditioning on one
of the farms was used. Positive influence of air-cooling was paid on the other side by the high
consumption of energy and by very high investment costs.
Very little research in hot climate housing has been done for rabbits. The evaporative air
cooling is often adopted.
Rabbits are a very heterogeneous industry, having individual producing units of 5 does and
units having 100 does and more. The smaller units are usually kept as back yard animals
and would meet the needs of the immediate family. Units of 50 does or higher are usually
run on a commercial scale. Commercial rabbit units adopt unused swine and broiler barns,
resulting in many compromises very often to the determent of production performance.
New rabbit farms of 500 does and over are opting of importing prefabricated modules from
Italy or Spain, fully equipped with cages and environment control systems. The issue is if
the Farmer understands how to manage the cooling and ventilation systems.
Rabbits house are made by the specialized firms of feedstuffs, slaughter houses and
equipment design. They follow the model that is general in use for all Europe. Buildings
well insulated with cages and automatic systems of manure collection, mechanical
ventilation and cooling pad are easily found in Portuguese rabbit production.
Rabbits farms usually are cross ventilated buildings, with cooling systems, always with
wet pads.
To get a better insight in the effect of ventilation control on indoor climatic conditions,
simulations can be very useful. The mechanistic model of Berckmans et al., 1992 consists
of different sub models, as presented in Figure 24. These parts describe by a set of
mathematical equations the dynamic behavior of different sub-systems of a mechanically
ventilated pig house, such as the (1) ventilation controller, (2) the heating system, (3) the
fan, (4) the process of heat and mass exchange within the ventilated structure and (5) the
temperature sensor. The inputs of the model are the control settings (minimal and maximal
ventilation rate, proportional band) and the temperature set points as a function of time.
Disturbance variables are the outdoor climatic data of temperature and humidity,
originating from a reference year (Dogniaux et al., 1980).
Heating system
set point
Temperature sensor
Where: QS, heat supply of heating element; Ti , indoor temperature; To ,external temperature; Xi, indoor
absolute humidity; Xo, outdoor absolute humidity; a, air flow
Figure 24. The different sub models in the climate simulation model
The global simulation model calculates the dynamic changes of the indoor temperature and
air humidity in a livestock building with a time step of 3 seconds over a time period of one
year by using outdoor temperature and humidity data obtained from a dynamic reference
year. The time step was chosen at 3 seconds, corresponding to the smallest time constant of
the system, in this case the fan.
The model uses a number of input data, such as the time constants of the different sub
systems, the dimensions and thermal characteristics of the building structure, the simulation
period; the animal growth data, the heat and moisture production, and finally the control
A typical simulation output for a typical Belgian fattening pig house compartment of 80
pigs is shown in Figure 25 (Vranken et al., 1997).
Fattening period 1
Fattening period 3
Fattening period 2
Temperature (C)
outside temp
Figure 25. Simulation output of indoor temperature on yearly basis for a typical Belgian pig
house compartment.
Figure 25 clearly shows the critical periods in relation to the thermal comfort zone of the
animal. During the first 10 days (January), the indoor temperatures are just below the lower
comfort level and in the second half of fattening period 2, the temperature are above upper
critical values during hot summer days.
This type of analysis is very helpful for design of ventilation control equipment, such as
fans, heating systems or cooling equipment. Such a tool can also be used to evaluate the
effect of evaporative cooling systems, such as fogging on indoor climate in pig facilities
(Haeussermann et al., 2005 a, b). Adapting the fogging and ventilation control to the
respective circumstances can help reducing working costs. General information whether to
install a fogging system in a particular country or not, as well as information about their
adequate and effective control can be received by the simulation model.
Simulation of evaporative cooling for a Belgium reference year showed a reduction of the
maximum indoor temperature by 2.3C, while for a reference year from the Hohenheim
region in Southern Germany a similar cooling system reduced the maximum indoor
temperature by about 4.8C. The difference in the reduction of the maximum temperature
was mainly caused by the outside relative humidity, which averaged at 85 % in Belgium
and at 76 % in Southern Germany, giving a higher potential to use adiabatic cooling at the
latter region (Haeussermann et al., 2005a).
Brazil has mainly raining tropical climate with a central area called Cerrados, where the
dry season is well determined. As the high temperatures are generally associated to high
relative humidity the major challenge is to improve the thermal comfort of housed animals
using mostly ventilations systems. Evaporative cooling is also used by the association of
fogging and ventilation, however during the hot weather the efficiency of those systems is
significantly reduced due to high relative humidity. White coated roof is generally
recommended due to high solar radiation incidence in all country regions. Also due to high
solar radiation high sheds are used in dairy cattle free stalls. Poultry housing uses generally
12x100m building equipped with ventilation and fogging systems. They are open sided
buildings closed with plastic curtains and birds density is usually within recommended
limits for export. Welfare issues are observed and controlled mainly in broiler housing for
export. Beef cattle is reared extensively in grazing land, however there are few herds
intensively reared under sheds without cooling devices.
Egypt has hot dry climatic conditions causing heat stress for animals which negatively
affect their productivity; thus, milk production decreases and some losses in weight and
meat quality were recorded. Therefore, physical alleviation means (high sheds and cooling
systems) should be used in order to decrease heat stress affecting the animals. It is highly
recommended that animals should be housed in open yards shaded by high sheds of 5 -8 m
height for big animals and 3.5 -5 m height for small animals. These sheds should be
oriented East-West and be made by reed mats not by corrugated aluminum. An effective
cooling system should be placed under sheds as results of recent researches. The most
effective system under Egyptian conditions and for open housing system is the microsprinklers and fans cooling system which directly sprinkle the animals i.e. it directly cools
the animals, but the mist cooling system cools the air surrounding animal which has been
found effective for total- and semi-confinement systems.
For poultry, it is highly recommend using closed buildings or barns. Cooling pad and
extractor fans should be installed instead installing other feeding means, as belt conveyors
and feeding pans.
The practical recommendations in Italy vary according to animal species, climatic
conditions and environmental control systems. In general a good ventilation is considered
the most important factor for the heat stress reduction and it can be pursued (when natural)
with wide openings and a good orientation towards the prevailing breezes. Especially the
nighttime ventilation is considered relevant to give the animals a relief from the diurnal
stress. Also the reduction of the solar load is an important object and to this purpose the
roof insulation, the shading of the building surfaces and external areas, the light colors and,
mainly, a proper orientation (main axis East-West oriented) are the factors to be considered.
Cooling systems are used in two different ways: for dairy cows fans alone and fans with a
direct water sprinkling are used in the North, while fogging can be more useful in the drier
South climate. Pad and fans are used in both areas with poultry and rabbits. With pig
housing, in the Northern areas some systems based on showers or direct sprinkling of the
animals seem useful (although not very used), whilst in the Southern areas the pad and fan
cooling system is more adopted.
Greek climate is characterized by mild winter (with few exceptions in the Northern part of
the country) and adverse summer. Swine, dairy cattle, poultry (e.g. layers and broilers) and
sheep/goats are the main species reared. In terms of environmental control (e.g. use of
ventilation fans and heating/cooling systems) and waste management (e.g. use of anaerobic
lagoons) swine and poultry are housed in modern units, whereas dairy cattle is housed
under mediocre conditions. Sheep and goats are grown under very poor conditions mainly
because they are raised at the most mountainous areas of the country.
Using modern materials and equipment many challenges could in principal be overcome.
Nonetheless a comprehensive study should be conducted keeping in mind the general
nature of the problems faced with hot climate and the trends that are highly probable to face
the Maltese livestock sector. We could see the remerging of the rustic type of production
with a lower lever of intensification. All this enclosed within the framework of agricultural
tourism and local gastronomy.
First, enhance natural ventilation through designs which allow for maximum natural
ventilation and protection from solar radiation. Critical areas include barn orientation,
sidewall height and clear opening, roof slope, ridge opening, building width and removal of
wind shadow. Second, provide adequate water space and volume. Third, for big size farms,
utilize effective supplemental cooling systems which are cost effective. Using feed line
sprinklers which wet the cow and then allow the water to evaporate are very effective in
reducing heat stress. In addition to the feed line sprinklers, fans are needed to increase air
circulation. Fourth, Manure, stored on the floor, in open-air, may be a source of pollution of
underground water. It is recommended to make the farmers aware of the risks of such a
way of storage and to the need to build pits. Fifth, some transformations are needed to adapt
the stall length to the animals, have a slope towards the gutters and widen the gutters.
Research activities developed by the Portuguese team are related with the design of outdoor
buildings for swine and poultry, design of small ruminants and dairy cow buildings and
environmental control of livestock buildings. In this subject aspects like the use and
efficiency of evaporative cooling techniques (cooling pads, fogging and sprinkling systems)
and also the aspects related with the effect of environmental conditions in animal
production and welfare were object of many publication.
Two different climatic conditions can be found in the hot regions of Spain: high
temperature and low relative humidity; and high temperature and high relative humidity.
The measures that are used, as a protection from the hot outdoor environment, differ
depending on the climatic condition. If the farm is located in a hot and dry area, mechanical
ventilation and evaporative cooling systems (foggers or wet pads) are used. However, if the
outdoor environment is hot and humid, the evaporative cooling systems are not efficient,
and it is recommended to use alternative methods, such as increasing air velocity over the
animals by means of fans.
When mechanical ventilation is not available in the farm, the ventilation can only be
performed by natural methods. In this case, it is a common practice to relieve the effects of
the high temperature by reducing the stocking density during the hottest months of the year.
Final Remarks
Panos Panagakis, Paolo Zapavigna,
Irenilza de Alencar Ns, and Vasco de Fitas Cruz
According to the Sustainable Development (SD) Department of the FAO, the global
climate is classified as seen in Figure 25.
With regards to animal housing under hot climates and the resulting apparent heat-stress it
is important to know the average monthly temperature of the warmest month (Figure 26).
From the figures above it is evident that within the Tropical, Dry and Temperate zones,
temperatures above the Upper Critical of most livestock species occur during the warmest
month of the year.
This poses a major challenge to the WG, namely:
The definition of the Upper Critical Temperature based not only on dry-bulb
temperature data, but also taking into account the relative humidity, the air velocity
and the solar radiation
The description of heat-stress tolerance limits (i.e. duration and intensity) and
indices for animals housed both under intensive (e.g. enclosed buildings; temperate
zone) and extensive conditions (e.g. open buildings; dry and tropical zone)
The examination of the relation between heat-stress and production level taking into
account the variance among species and the effect of diurnal temperature fluctuation
(e.g. night and early-morning compensation)
The investigation of various cooling methods (i.e. fans, fans and pads, sprinkling,
fogging, etc.) and their efficiency in terms of reducing heat-stress
The determination of design criteria for buildings (i.e. shape, orientation, thermophysical properties of construction materials, ventilation openings efficiency,
protection from sun-load, etc.) accounting for the everlasting issue of environmental
protection (i.e. waste management, odor and gases emission, etc.) and sustainable
development (proper technologies for different areas and energy/water saving)
The study of management practices (e.g. night feeding, housing density), welfare
issues (e.g. physiological and hematological parameters) and health matters (e.g.
infections, mortality) with regards to heat-stress and its alleviation
All that puts forward the need for further independent or cooperative research, which will
attempt to give answers to the questions raised in this introductory report, considering the
interrelationships among Animals, Environment, Technology, Economy and Human
Operator and setting as the most important factor the animals presuming as main object the
fulfillment of their needs.
Authors Resume
Born in Kenitra, Morocco, 1960. He got the Agronomy Engineering Degree from the
Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (IAV), Rabat, in 1986, and the
Doctoral Degree from the same Institute with collaboration from Texas A & M University
in 1993, Major: Animal Science. His current position is Professor at IAV, Department of
Animal Production. His field of interest is Animal Nutrition and Cattle Management. He
investigated the relationships between many locally produced feedstuffs and milk and meat
production and quality, as well as ruminant production systems in Morocco.
Agricultural Engineer, graduated at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain) in 1974,
and received his PhD in 1977. Since 1979 he is professor at the School of Agricultural
Engineers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), where gives lectures, and
researchs in Animal Production Systems and Technologies. In the last years, the subjects
that he has lectured have been: Design of Livestock and Poultry Houses, Equipment and
Materials for Animal Farm, Management of Animal Farm and Livestock and
Environment, all of them at the School of Agricultural Engineers. He has published
numerous books and monographs, technical and scientific articles, about Animal
Production Technology and Engineering, and more specifically, about Milking machine
for sheep, Characterization of livestock buildings, Climatization of livestock buildings
and Treatment of animal manure.He is head of a research group that is composed by 17
researchers (6 Doctors, 8 Master engineers and 3 Bachelor engineers), working on several
research projects.
He is at present directing two research projects about Animal Production Technology,
financed by public funds, titled: Assessment of ammonia and greenhouse gases, from
intensive poultry and rabbit buildings, in connection with the environment facilities used in
Mediterranean climate conditions and Development of a computerized instrumentation
system for air velocity and other environmental parameters measurements in occupied
poultry buildings. He is technical adviser of the Ministry of Environment, on Livestock
Farming and Environment, and he contributes to perform the Spanish inventory of gas
emissions from livestock buildings.
Born in Safad, Israel, 1953.1970 1973; high-school education in Yad Natan Technical
College, Israel Major Subject: Farm Machinery; 1973 1976; military service in the
Armament Corps of the Israel Defense Forces. Married, three children. 1980 1984 B.Sc.
in Engineering at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel
Aviv University, Israel. 1986-1989 M. Sc. in Engineering at the Department of Fluid
Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel. 1991-
1998 Ph.D. in Engineering at the Department of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer,
Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
1991, Senior research scientist at the A.R.O., The Volcani Center, Institute of Agricultural
Engineering, Department of Controlled Agriculture and Environment Engineering, Bet
Dagan. 1986 1991 Research scientist at the A.R.O., The Volcani Center, Institute of
Agricultural Engineering, Department of Controlled Agriculture and Environment
Engineering, Bet Dagan. 1984-1986 Research Engineer at the A.R.O., The Volcani Center,
Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Protected Crop Engineering, Bet
Dagan. 1977-1984 Research Technician the A.R.O., The Volcani Center, Institute of
Agricultural Engineering, Department of Protected Crop Engineering, Bet Dagan.
Born in Magnitogorsk, Russia, 1945. 1983-to date Senior scientist in The ARO, Volcani
Center, Institute of Agricultural Engineering. Current Positions: Head of Department,
Engineering of Growing, Production, and Environment. 1968-1971 B.Sc. in Biology, Tel
Aviv University, Faculty of life Sciences, Tel Aviv, Israel. 1972-1975 M.Sc. in Animal
Physiology, Tel Aviv University, Israel Faculty of Life Sciences 1976-1981
Ph.D. in
Animal Physiology, Tel Aviv University, Israel., Faculty of life Sciences. 1981-1983 Post
Doctoral training, Phsiology of Lactation, The Hannah Research Institute, Ayr, Scotland,
UK. Research interest: Physiology of lactation, environmental physiology, precision dairy
and other livestock management. Publications: More than 100 articles (not including
abstracts) out of which more than 60 peer reviewed publications.
Giovanni Cascone graduated with honours in Civil Engineering at the University of
Catania. Since 1983, he has cooperated in research with the Institute of Topography and
Rural Building of the University of Catania. He was professor by contract in the
Agricultural Faculty of Catania University in the Academic Year 1990-91 running a course
on "Environment and microclimate in agricultural buildings". At the same University as
Associate professor from the Academic Year 1992-93 and as Full Professor from the
Academic Year 2001-2002, he runs courses on "Agricultural buildings" and "Buildings for
animal husbandry". He is a member of AIIA (Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Agraria),
of CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural Engineering) and of EurAgEng
(European Society of Agricultural Engineering). He was among the leaders of a research
group within a CNR (National Research Commitee) project, he was the scientific leader of
three projects financial supported by (ESF) European Social Fund (one POM Mis.2 project
and two POP Sicilia 94/99 Mis.10.4 projects), he has the scientific head of two year
national research program on Building solutions, systems and facilities for the
improvement of the animal welfare in intensive farms supported by Italian Ministry of
University and Scientific Research (M.I.U.R.).
He is now involved in research on different subjects related to the agricultural building and,
in particular, on the following subjects: environmental conditions in the livestock buildings,
with specific regard to the animal welfare and functionality of spaces and equipment;
constructional and functional characteristics of agricultural buildings, with specific regard
to human health; climate control and structural organization of greenhouses and vineyard
pergolas; modeling of greenhouses microclimate and analysis of soil solarization processes
under greenhouse. He is author of more than 80 publications on journals and proceedings of
national and international conferences.
She has Civil Engineer degree from UNICAMP; Master in Mechanized Agriculture from
Cal Poly State University and PhD in Agricultural Engineering from Michigan State
University. She is full professor at UNICAMP-Agricultural Engineering College and
adjunct professor at University of Florida. She has more than 100 peer-reviewed papers
published in the topic of Animal Housing and Environment published in Brazil and abroad;
10 books and book chapters published; has 5 patents of software, processes and products.
Major Professor of 35 students enrolled in the Graduate Program at the Agricultural
Engineering College, State University of Campinas- UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, since 1992
to present. Major Professor of 42 undergraduate students, since 1980.
Coordinator of the National Program for Agricultural Engineering, National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq, 1980-1985. Director for Extension
Courses. State University of Campinas- UNICAMP, 1991-1994. Director of the Foundation
for the Scientific and Technological Development for Poultry Production, FACTA, 1995 to
present. Coordinator for the National Research Group in Precision Animal Production,
1999 to present. President of the Brazilian Society of Agriculture Engineering, SBEA,
1999-2003. President of the Latin American and Caribbean Association of Agricultural
Engineering-ALIA, 2000-2004. President of the NGO Technology for All-TechnallBR.
Incoming President of CIGR-International Commission for Agricultural Engineering
(CIGR), 2005-2007. Received several awards for best research and paper presented in
conferences, and the award Prof. Zeferino Vaz, by the State University of Campinas, for the
best academic production at the Agricultural Engineering College.
He received his B. Sc. in Agricultural Engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt in
1967. He then followed graduate studies at Cairo University and received his M. Sc. degree
in Agricultural Engineering in 1970. He had a scholarship from DAAD to complete his
graduate studies at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany and obtained his Ph.
D. in Agricultural Engineering in 1980. Since then he is serving as a faculty member in the
department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, and from
1990 he is full professor at the same department. In his research activity he has investigated
the problems concerning the development of small farm machinery equipments, the
composting of municipal solid waste, the thermodynamic behavior of building
construction, the biogas production from animal manure, the development of animal
housing for the tropics, the evaporative cooling in farm building, the orientation of farm
building, the environmental control for poultry housing, the spray cooling system in
greenhouses, the urban planning in development of rural societies, the drying of poultry
manure, the solar drying of medicinal herbs and the housing system for dairy cow. He is,
till now, Director of the Computer and Network Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
University. He was as Visiting Professor from Canadian International Development
Agency (CIDA), at Agric. Eng. Dept., Technical Univ. of Nova Scotia, Canada 1994. He
was as Visiting Professor at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabian, 1983-1986.
Awarded received: A Research Fellowship from DAAD for two months at Hohenheim
University, Germany on years 1983, 1996, 2001. Awarded received: a Research Fellowship
from DFG for two months, Germany 2003.
He has carried out several researches sponsored by the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture
and USAID: 1982 1983 Principle Investigator in Project "Agricultural unit for water
supply", 1982 1983 Co-Investigator in Project "Biogas unit construction by using local
building material", 1990 Co-Investigator in Project "Energy Producing from town refuse",
Soils & Water Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, MOA., 1991 Principle Investigator in Project
"New technology for biogas and natural organic manure from city refuse", Egyptian
Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, 1992 Co-Investigator in Project "Housing
modules for small animals under Egyptian condition", NARP, Ministry of Agriculture,
1993 Co-Investigator in Project "Solar cooking devise", NARP, TTC, Ministry of
Agriculture, and 2000 Consultant in Project AgricultureLed Export Businesses,
Supporting Egypts Processed Export Industry, USAID Funded Project, No.263-0264. He
is member in Professional Societies: Misr Society of Agric. Engineers, [MSAE], Germany
Society of Engineers, [VDI], Baden-Wuerttemberg Society of Agric. Eng., [ALB],
American Society of Agric. Engineers, [ASAE], Canadian Society of Agric. Engineers,
[CSAE], Association for Renewable Energy and Environment Protection, NGO, Egypt
[AREEP] and Germany-Egypt-Arab-Region InterAlumni-Net [GEAR]. Since 1995 he is a
member of the evaluation scientific committee for university faculty members at King Saud
University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabian, and since 2000 is a member of the evaluation scientific
committee for university faculty members at FRCU, Egypt. He has participated in many
congresses at national and international levels, as an invited speaker and session chairman.
He has given many lectures at various institutions of technical training and specialization.
He is the author of more than 82 publications, including congress reports, magazine
articles, and chapters in books. He has supervised 25 masters students and 5 doctoral
students at the Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
Born in 1963 he received his B.Sc. in Agriculture form the Agricultural University of
Athens, Greece in 1985. He then followed graduate studies at the University of Florida and
received his M.E. in Agricultural Engineering in 1987. He finally completed his graduate
studies at the Agricultural University of Athens and earned his Ph.D. in Agricultural
Engineering in 1993.
Since then he is involved in research projects concerning Animal Housing and Use of
Energy in Agriculture. This involvement has resulted to more than 50 articles, among
He is full Professor at the Technical Faculty of the Czech University of Agriculture Prague
(TF CUA Prague). He is teaching the courses: Technological Equipment of the Buildings in
Animal Production; Environmental Engineering Technology; Transport and Manipulation
Machinery. He was tutor of more than 70 students for MSc. and PhD. thesis. He is
coordinator of Socrates-Erasmus Program with EU and other countries. His research and
scientific activity covers the field of buildings, ventilation and environmental technology in
agriculture. He published over 200 publications (articles in scientific and professional
journals, papers in national and international congresses, books, research and technical
reports, teaching books and booklets). He is a member of several scientific and professional
societies (Committee of Ventilation and Air-conditioning in Society of Environmental
Engineering; International Building Performance Simulation Association; Czech Bioclimatological Society; Club of Bologna); member of the Scientific board of the TF CUA
and Scientific board of Institute of Tropics and Subtropics at CUA Prague; Chairman of the
Commission of PhD studies Technology of Production Processes at TF CUA Prague;
member of the Commission of PhD studies Environmental Engineering at Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering of Czech Technical University of Prague.
Agronomist at the Royal Agricultural University, Copenhagen, 1965. Ph.D. from the Royal
Agricultural University, Copenhagen 1971.Thesis: Draught Force Requirement of Ploughs.
Honorary Doctor at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2005. Head of Section at
Department of Agricultural Engineering, DIAS, formerly National Institute of Agricultural
Engineering, Bygholm, Denmark since 1978. Member of CIGR (Commission
Internationale du Genie Rural) Working Group on "Climatization of Animal Houses" since
1977. Responsible for the Danish part of the EU project PL900703 "Reduction of Aerial
Pollutant Emissions in and from Livestock Buildings". 1992-96. Secretary of CIGR Section
II on "Farm Buildings, Equipment, Structures and Environment".1998-2002 Chairman for
CIGR Section II on "Farm Buildings, Equipment, Structures and Environment" 2002- 2006.
Main activities: Ventilation equipment, Climatization of animal houses (dust, gasses and
animal heat and moisture production) and Working environment
Born in 1962 he is Animal Science Engineer from vora University; Master of Science in
Animal Production from the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza and PhD in
Agricultural Engineering from vora University. He is Associate Professor and also Dean
of the Agricultural Engineering Department of vora University. He is also senior
researcher of the Mediterranean Agrarian Sciences Institute and coordinator of the
Laboratory of Biometeorology and Animal Welfare of this Institute. He has more than 50
papers published in Portugal and abroad in the topic of Animal Housing Design and
Environment. He has also 4 manual for students published. He has given many lectures at
various Universities, Research Institutes, and institutions of technical training and at private
General References
Arbel, A; Sokolov, M. 1991. Greenhouse heating with fresh water loading collector solar
pond: a feasibility study. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, v.113, p.66-72.
Arbel, A; Sokolov M. 1994. Improving load matching characteristics of a thermosyphonic
solar system by thermostatically controlled circulation. Solar Energy, v.52, p.347-358.
Arbel, A; Shklyar, A; Barak, M. 1999. Buoyancy-driven ventilation in a greenhouse cooled
by a fogging system. Acta Horticulturae v.534, p.327-334.
Arbel, A; Yekutieli, O; Barak, M. 1999. Performance of a fog system for cooling
greenhouses. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, v. 72, p.29-136.
Arbel, A; Hershgal, D; Sokolov, M. 1999. Solar-powered ejector air conditioner.
Proceeding of the German-Israeli Workshop on Energy-Efficient Buildings, Maale
Hachamisha, Israel, p.95-102.
Arbel, A; Shklyar, A; Barak, M. 2001. Simulation model for a buoyancy-driven ventilation
in a greenhouse cooled by a fogging system. Proceeding of the Fourth International
Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Simulation in Agricultural and Bio-Industries,
M2SABI01, Haifa, Israel.
Arbel, A; Shklyar, A. 2001. Internal and external turbulence flow numerical model for
greenhouse. Proceeding of the Fourth International Symposium on Mathematical
Modelling and Simulation in Agricultural and Bio-Industries, M2SABI01, Haifa, Israel.
Arbel, A; Barak, M; Shklyar, A. 2002. Combination of forced ventilation and fogging
systems for cooling greenhouses. Biosystems Engineering, v.84, p.45-55.
Arbel, A; Shklyar, A; Barak, M. 2002. Application of CFD to agriculture greenhouse
airflow as an example. Mikun Vehandasa Bachaclaut, v.4, p.12-18 (in Hebrew).
Arbel, A; Shklyar, A; Hershgal, D; Barak, M; Sokolov, M. 2003. Ejector irreversibility
characteristics. Journal of Fluids Engineering, v. 125, p.121-129.
Shklyar, A; Arbel, A. 1996. Airflow and heat transfer prediction in a greenhouse ( k
turbulence model). Proceeding of the International conference on Agricultural Engineering,
Madrid, Spain, p. 409-410.
Shklyar, A; Arbel, A. 1996. An application of the k turbulence model to predict air
flow and heat transfer in a greenhouse. Proceeding of the 26th Israel Conference on
Mechanical Engineering, Haifa, Israel, p.309-311.
Shklyar, A; Arbel, A. 1998. The function of the viscous sublayer in numerical simulation of
turbulence recirculating flow with heat transfer. CHT97: Advances in Computational
Heat Transfer Proceeding of the International Symposium on Advances in computational
heat transfer, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey (Editors) G. de Vahal Davis and E. Leonardi, Begell
House, Inc.; New York, 665-672.
Shklyar, A; Arbel, A. 1999. Greenhouse turbulence flow numerical simulation. Acta
Horticulturae 534:49-55.