Management Science Notes
Management Science Notes
Management Science Notes
Management science
Management Science
An approach to decision based on the scientific method, makes
extensive use of quantitative analysis
other widely known and accepted names are operations research and
decision science
Decision Making
first five steps of the problemsolving process.
Quantitative Analysis
Reasons why a quantitative approach may be used in the decision-
making process:
The problem is complex, and the manager cannot develop a
good solution without the aid of quantitative analysis.
The problem is especially important (e.g., a great deal of money
is involved), and the manager desires a thorough analysis
before attempting to make a decision.
The problem is new, and the manager has no previous
experience from which to draw.
The problem is repetitive, and the manager saves time and
effort by relying on quantitative procedures to make routine
decision recommendations.
A. Model Development
Representations of real objects or situations and can be
presented in various forms
Classification of models
Iconic models
Models that are physical replicas or scalar
representations of real objects
Example: a child’s toy truck is a model of a real truck.
Analog Models
models that are physical in form but do not have the
same physical appearance as the object being
Example: The speedometer of an automobile is an
analog model because the position of the needle on
the dial represents the speed of the automobile.
Mathematical models
models that include representations of a problem by a
system of symbols and mathematical relationships or
Example: If we let X represent the number of units
sold and the total profit, then, with a profit of $10 per
unit, the following mathematical model defines the
total profit earned by selling x units: p = 10x.
relate decision variables (controllable inputs) with fixed or variable
parameters (uncontrollable inputs).
Decision variables or controllable inputs
Inputs that are controlled or determined by the decision
Uncontrollable inputs
environmental factors that are not under the control of the
manager or decision maker
frequently seek to maximize or minimize some objective function
subject to constraints
objective function
a mathematical expression that describes the problem’s
Set of restrictions in the model
Mathematical models are said to be stochastic or probabilistic if
any of the uncontrollable inputs is subject to variation, otherwise
are said to be deterministic.
B. Data Preparation
Values of the uncontrollable inputs to the model
All uncontrollable inputs or data must be specified before we can
analyze the model and recommend a decision or solution for the
C. Model Solution
the analyst will attempt to identify the values of the decision
variables that provide the “best” output for the model
One procedure that might be used in the model solution step
involves a trial-and-error approach in which the model is used to
test and evaluate various decision alternatives.
If all constraints are satisfied, the decision alternative is feasible
and a candidate for the “best” solution or recommended decision.
If a particular decision alternative does not satisfy one or more of
the model constraints, the decision alternative is rejected as being
The specific decision-variable value or values providing the “best”
output will be referred to as the optimal solution for the model.
D. Report Generation
A managerial report, that should be easily understood by the
decision maker, should be prepared.
The report should include the following:
The recommended decision
Other pertinent information about the results
4. Nonlinear programming
a technique that allows for maximizing or minimizing a
nonlinear function subject to nonlinear constraints
6. Inventory models
used by managers faced with the dual problems of maintaining
sufficient inventories to meet demand for goods and, at the
same time, incurring the lowest possible inventory holding
8. Simulation
a technique used to model the operation of a system.
employs a computer program to model the operation and
perform simulation computations
9. Decision analysis
can be used to determine optimal strategies in situations
involving several decision alternatives and an uncertain or risk-
filled pattern of events
introduction to
linear programming
Linear Equations and Inequalities
System of linear equations
linear equation is any equation that can be written in the form ax + b
= 0 where a and b are real numbers and x is a variable
the form is sometimes called the standard form of a linear equation
linear equation is an equation for a straight line
system of linear equation
a group of two or more linear equations that involve more than
one variable
the intersection of two linear equations when graphed is the
solution of this system. This system is known as independent
or consistent.
Widely used in the study of operations research
B. Graphical method
Construct a table for total revenue, total cost and profit
Plot the values on a graph
The point of intersection of the total revenue and total cost
curves is the breakeven point
Linear Programming
Linear programming
A problem-solving approach developed to help managers make
Typical applications:
A manufacturer wants to develop a production schedule and an
inventory policy that will satisfy sales demand in future
periods. Ideally, the schedule and policy will enable the
company to satisfy demand and at the same time minimize the
total production and inventory costs.
A financial analyst must select an investment portfolio from a
variety of stock and bond investment alternatives. The analyst
would like to establish the portfolio that maximizes the return
on investment.
A marketing manager wants to determine how best to allocate a
fixed advertising budget among alternative advertising media
such as radio, television, newspaper, and magazine. The
manager would like to determine the media mix that maximizes
advertising effectiveness.
A company has warehouses in a number of locations
throughout the United States. For a set of customer demands,
the company would like to determine how much each
warehouse should ship to each customer so that total
transportation costs are minimized.
Maximization problem
steps in solving linear programming problems
1. problem formulation
process of translating a verbal statement of a problem
into a mathematical statement
guidelines for problem / model formulation
a. understand the problem thoroughly
b. describe the objective
c. define the decision variables and write the
objective in terms of the decision variables
d. describe each constraint and write the constraints
in terms of the decision variables