Linear Programming is widely used in Mathematics and some other fields such as economics,
business, telecommunication, and manufacturing fields. In this article, let us discuss the
definition of linear programming, its components, and different methods to solve linear
programming problems.
Previous Knowledge
Linear Programming has many advantages
including problem solving, skills, practical
application, graphical approach, optimisation
technique. LPP is a mathematical techniques
for developing and solving decision making
problem. The problem is usually given as a
linear function that needs to be optimise while
meeting certain constraints.
There are many uses of L.P. It is not possible to list them all here. However L.P is very
useful to find out the following:
Additivity: Total resources are equal to the sum of the resources used in individual
Divisibility: Solution need not be a whole number viz decision variable can be in
fractional form.
Certainty: Coefficients of objective function and constraints are known constants and
do not change viz parameters remain unaltered.
a) Basic solution: There are instances where number of unknowns (p) are more
than the number of linear equations (q) available. In such cases we assign zero
values to all surplus unknowns. There will be (p-q) such unknowns. With these
values we solve 'q' equations and get values of 'q' unknowns. Such solutions are
called Basic Solutions.
b) Basic variables: The variables whose value is obtained from the basic solution is
called basic variables
c) Non-basic variables: The variables whose value are assumed as zero in basic
solutions are called non-basic variables.
d) Solution: A solution to a L.P.P is the set of values of the variables which
satisfies the set of constraints for the problem.
e) Feasible solution: A feasible solution to a L.P.P the set of values of variables
which satisfies the set of constraints as well as the non-negative constraints of the
f) Basic feasible solution: A feasible solution to a L.P.P in which the vectors
associated with the non-zero variables are linearly independent is called basic
feasible solution
Note: Linearly independent: variables x 1, x2, x3......... are said to be linearly
independent if k1x1+k2x2+.........+knxn=0, implying k1=0, k2=0,........
g) Optimum (optimal) solution: A feasible solution of a L.P.P is said to be the
optimum solution if it also optimizes the objective function of the problem.
h) Slack variables: Linear equations are solved through equality form of equations.
Normally, constraints are given in the "less than or equal" (≤) form. In such
cases, we add appropriate variables to make it an "equality" (=) equation. These
variables added to the constraints to make it an equality equation in L.P.P is
called stack variables and is often denoted by the letter 'S'.
Eg: 2x1 + 3x2 ≤ 500
∴ 2x1 + 3x2 + S1 = 500, where S1 is the slack variable
i) Surplus variables: Sometime, constraints are given in the "more than or equal"
(≥) form. In such cases we subtract an approximate variable to make it into
"equality" (=) form. Hence variables subtracted from the constraints to make it
an equality equation in L.P.P is called surplus variables and often denoted by the
letter 's'.
Eg: 3x1 + 4x2 ≥ 100
3x1 + 4x2 - S2 = 0, where S2 is the surplus variable.
j) Artificial variable : Artificial variables are fictitious variables. These are
introduced to help computation and solution of equations in L.P.P. There are
used when constraints are given in (≥) "greater than equal" form. As discussed,
surplus variables are subtracted in such cases to convert inequality to equality
form . In certain cases, even after introducing surplus variables, the simplex
tableau may not contain an 'Identity matrix' or unit vector. Thus, in a L.P.P
artificial variables are introduced in order to get a unit vector in the simplex
tableau to get feasible solution. Normally, artificial variables are represented by
the letter 'A'.
k) Big-M-method: Problems where artificial variables are introduced can be solved
by two methods viz.
Big-M-method and
Two phase method.
Big-M-method is modified simplex method for solving L.P.P when high
penalty cost (or profit) has been assigned to the artificial variable in the
objective function. This method is applicable for minimizing and maximizing
The primary reason for using linear programming methodology is to ensure
that limited resources are utilized to the fullest extent without any waste and that
utilization is made in such a way that the outcomes are expected to be the best possible.
(0,5) Z = 45
(0,4) Z = 36
(5,0) Z = 30
(6,0) Z = 36
(3,2) Z = 36
Linear Programming
Linear Programming has applications in various fields. It is used to find the minimum cost
of a process when all the constraints of the problems are given. It is used to optimize the
transportation cost of the vehicle, etc. Various applications of Linear Programming are
Engineering Industries
Engineering Industries use linear programming to solve design and manufacturing problems
and to get the maximum output from a given condition.
Manufacturing Industries
Manufacturing Industries use linear programming to maximize the profit of the companies
and to reduce the manufacturing cost.
Energy Industries
Energy companies use linear programming to optimize their production output.
Transportation Industries
Linear programming is also used in transportation industries to find the path to minimize
the cost of transportation.
Importance of Linear Programming
Linear Programming has huge importance in various industries it maximizes the output
value while minimizing the input values according to various constraints.
LP is highly applicable when we have multiple conditions while solving a problem and we
have to optimize the output of the problem i.e. either we have to find the minimum or the
maximum value according to a given condition.
Since number of units transported to each depot must be greater than or equal to
zero :-
∴ x ≥ 0 , y ≥0
Minimum cost = Rs 1550
A (3000,0) z = 4850
B (4500,0) z = 5300
C (4500,2500) 1
Z= 10 (13500+2500+39500)
= 5550
D (4000,3000) 1
Z= 10 (12000+3000+39500)
= 5450
E (500,3000) 1
Z= 10 (1500+3000+39500)
= 4400
Q.6) If a young man drives his vehicle at, he has to spend Rs. 2 per km on
petrol. If he drives it at a faster speed of, the petrol cost increases to. He has Rs.
100 to spend on petrol and travel with one hour. Express this on LPP and solve
the same.
Sol.6) Let x km distance traveled with speed and y km distance traveled with
speed. Let z total distance traveled.
Maximize. (Distance)
subject to constraints
A powerful tool
Linear programming is a valuable tool for decision-making that can help organizations save
time and money. It can be used in a wide range of industries, including agriculture,
engineering, supply chain management, healthcare, and transportation.
Linear programming can provide clear, actionable results that help organizations make data-
driven decisions.
Linear programming problems with two variables can be solved using the graphical method,
which is visual and provides a clear picture.
Linear programming can be divided into three categories: integer programming, nonlinear
programming, and mixed-integer programming.
Linear programming has certain assumptions and limitations, but it can still provide practical
solutions to complex problems.