Appeals, G.R. No. 122191, October 8, 1998)
Appeals, G.R. No. 122191, October 8, 1998)
Appeals, G.R. No. 122191, October 8, 1998)
1. Q: What is characterization or the doctrine of
1. The following material does not predict bar qualification? (Saudi Arabian Airlines v. Court of
questions. It is meant to orient and prepare the Appeals, G.R. No. 122191, October 8, 1998)
mind to approach questions in Civil Law.
2. Do not base your answers on logic, political A: It is the "process of deciding whether or not the facts
beliefs or sense of morality. All answers must be relate to the kind of question specified in a conflicts
based on a LEGAL PRINCIPLE. Cite a rule." The purpose of "characterization" is to enable the
constitutional provision (do not quote the forum to select the proper law.”
provision, just state the principle), a statutory
provision, a legal doctrine, or jurisprudence (no 2. Q: What is a borrowing statute? (LWV Construction
need to cite the case title). Corp. v. Dupo, G.R. No. 172342, July 13, 2009; Cadalin v.
3. Do not use political law, criminal law or POEA Administrator, G.R. No. 104776, 104911-14,
remedial law concepts in answering Civil Law 105029-32, December 5, 1994)
4. Think long, write short. Please go straight to the A: A "borrowing statute" directs the state of the forum
point and DO NOT use up an entire page for an to apply the foreign statute of limitations to the pending
answer. TRY YOUR BEST TO LIMIT THE claims based on a foreign law (Siegel, Conflicts, 183
5. Make sure the answer is COMPLETE. It is
complete if it has a LEGAL PRINCIPLE AND IT 3. Q: What is processual presumption or the presumed
IS APPLIED TO THE FACTS. To get full points, identity approach?
the answer must be SHORT and COMPLETE.
6. Take time to choose the proper words to use in A: In the absence of proof, foreign law is presumed to be
your answer. In the suggested answers below, the same as Philippine law.
the magic words are in bold. Remember that the
4. Q: X, an American residing in the United States,
examiner is looking for certain words or
while in the United States, committed an act over the
internet which caused damage to Y, a Filipino residing
in the Philippines. Y filed an action for damages
against X in the Philippines.
a. What is the choice of law rule that the court will use
to determine if it has subject matter jurisdiction?
A: Lex fori.
c. What is the choice of law rule that the court will use
to determine if the actions has prescribed?
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stipulated that their property relations shall be certificate of the child reflected H as the legitimate
governed by British law. During their marriage, they father. During the intestate proceedings of H, W
acquired properties in the Philippines and the US. assailed the legitimacy of the child. Can she do so?
Subsequently, X filed a petition for declaration of Explain. (Art. 167, FC; Babiera v. Catotal, G.R. No.
nullity in the Philippines. Choose the letter(s) 13849, 15 June 2000)
corresponding to the answer(s) which is/are most
correct. In determining their property relations for the A: Yes. She is not impugning the legitimacy of a child
purpose of partitioning their properties, the court will born from her womb but from that of another.
10. Q: Maria is biologically intersexual, genetically
A: British law. (Art. 80 FC) female, whose gender identity is male but sexual
preference is female. She filed a petition to change the
6. Q: Norma, a Filipino, and Ernst, a Norwegian, were entry in her birth certificate from female to male
married in Norway and blessed with a son. After they because she subsequently wanted to apply for a
divorced in Norway, Norma, who got custody of their marriage license to marry Samantha, a female. Should
son, filed in the Philippines a petition for support. the petition be granted? Explain. (Republic v.
Ernst answered that under Norwegian law, he is not Cagandahan, 568 SCRA 72 [2008])
bound to give support. Supposing this is true, will
Norma’s petition prosper? Explain. (Del Socorro v. Van A: Yes, because in case of intersexuals, gender identity is
Wilsem, G.R. No. 193707, [December 10, 2014]) the determining factor of legal sex.
A: Yes. The Rules of Court and the jurisprudence laid 11. Q: Distinguish the following alternative child care
down in Yao Kee, et al. vs. Sy-Gonzales, state that when systems – adoption, guardianship and fostering in
the foreign law, judgment or contract is contrary to a terms of parental authority. (Sec. 17, A.M. 03-02-05 SC;
sound and established public policy of the forum, the Secs. 6, 7, RA 10165)
said foreign law, judgment or order shall not be applied.
A: The adoptive parents exercise parental authority, the
Persons guardian exercises substitute parental authority, the
foster parent exercises parental authority, but with
7. Q: Mario, a Filipino, married Kathleen, an American, respect to punishment, only special parental authority.
in the Philippines. Subsequently, Mario filed for
divorce in the US which was granted. He then married 12. Q: The father filed a petition for judicial approval
Maria, another Filipino, in the US. However, their of his recognition of his minor illegitimate child,
relationship did not work out so he again filed for praying that the name of said child be changed to his
divorce. When the decree was granted, he was already surname. The mother opposed on the ground that the
an American citizen. He then married Jacklyn, another change of surname requires her consent, which she
Filipina, in the US. Is Mario’s marriage to Maria valid refuses to grant. Will her opposition prosper? (Grande
in the Philippines? Is his marriage to Jacklyn valid in v. Antonio, G.R. No. 206248, February 18, 2014)
the Philippines? (Republic v. Manalo, G.R. 221029,
April 24, 2018; Quita v. Dandan, 300 SCRA 406 [1998]) A: Yes. The general rule based on Art 176 of the FC is
that an illegitimate child shall use the surname of his or
A: Both are valid. A Filipino married to a foreigner can her mother. The exception provided by RA 9255 is, in
institute divorce proceedings. Furthermore, a divorce case his or her filiation is expressly recognized by the
filed by a Filipino is valid if at the time of the decree, he father through the record of birth appearing in the civil
was already a foreigner register or when an admission in a public document or
private handwritten instrument is made by the father.
8. Q: What is the sole instance when a marriage is void
but the property relation of the parties is ACP/CPG?
(Valdes v. RTC, G.R. No. 122749, 31 July 1996)
Is their What is their A: For the marriages to W2 and W3 since there was a
child property regime subsisting marriage with W1.
legitimate? during the
marriage or 16. Q: Jose and his spouse Maria agreed that the former
cohabitation? would disappear while the latter would have him
The marriage is No CPG declared presumptively dead so that they could each
declared void for pursue their own happiness. After the declaration was
lack of declaration secured, Jose married Corazon who did not know of
of nullity of H’s his prior marriage, while Maria married Pedro who
former marriage also had no knowledge of her prior marriage. What is
The marriage is Yes Art. 147 the status of the marriage of Jose and Corazon? Maria
declared void for and Pedro? Explain.
failure of H to
deliver the A: Jose and Corazon’s marriage is void since the person
presumptive declared presumptively dead cannot avail of such
legitime of his child declaration of validate a subsequent marriage. Maria
from a former and Pedro’s marriage is voidable since Pedro is in good
marriage faith.
The marriage is Yes CPG
terminated by the 17. Q: The wife discovered that her husband had had
filing of an affidavit her declared presumptively dead. He then married
of reappearance of another who was in good faith. Can the wife still have
H’s first spouse the 2nd marriage declared void? Explain. (See Santos v.
The marriage was Yes SOP Santos, G.R. No. 187061, 8 October 2014)
celebrated without
settling the estate of A: Yes, by filing a petition for annulment of judgment
H’s first spouse under Rule 47 and, if granted, a petition for declaration
within a year after of nullity. She cannot file the latter immediately since the
death declaration of presumptive death operates as res
H has legitimate Yes CPG judicata. She must first have that judgment vacated. Just
child by a former filing an affidavit of reappearance will not do since the
marriage 2nd marriage will merely be voidable.
14. Q: H marries W1 in 1974 without a license. While
that marriage is subsisting, he marries W2 in 1979. 18. Q: The spouses executed a deed of donation in a
Thereafter, he marries W3 without a license in 1984. public document entitled "Donation Mortis Causa" in
For which marriage can be held criminally liable for favor of two of their three children, which states that:
bigamy, if any? Explain. (See Castillo v. De Leon “It is our will that this Donation Mortis Causa shall be
Castillo, G.R. No. 189607, 18 April 2016) irrevocable. It is our further will that this Disposition
and Donation shall be operative and effective upon the
A: For the marriage with W3. Since the marriage to W1 death of the donors.”
was void and the marriage to W2 was pre-FC, there was
no need for a prior declaration of nullity. Thus, the The deed had no attestation clause and was witnessed
marriage to W2 was valid and the marriage to W3 was by only two persons. The donees, however, signified
bigamous. their acceptance of the donation on the face of the
document. After the spouses died, the omitted child
filed a petition for the probate. The other two moved to
dismiss because the deed was a donation, not a will.
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Are they correct? (Del Rosario v. Ferrer, G.R. No. death and collatable inter vivos donations. An example
187056, September 20, 2010) of a non-collatable inter vivios donation is the
A: Yes. The Supreme Court has liberally interpreted the educational expense for a child.
phrase “operative and effective after the death of the
donors” and similar phrases to mean that the donors Collation as imputation – impute inter vivos donations
merely reserve the usufruct over the property, unless to the legitime of a forced heir unless the testator
there are other terms in then deed that would indicate expressly stipulates that it is not collatable in which case
otherwise. it will be imputed to the free portion.
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