Genaral Instructions en
Genaral Instructions en
Genaral Instructions en
Applications of private candidates for this examination will be accepted from 05th July 2021 to
12.00 midnight of 30th July 2021. Each private candidate is advised to read this notification fully
and thoroughly understand before filling and submitting the application online. Special attention
should be paid in accurately entering the selected Town and Subjects of the examination.
Candidates are allowed only to apply for maximum of 03 main subjects. In addition, the applicants
can apply for Subject No.12- Common General Test and Subject No.13- General English as
Applying for the examinations should be conducted in two main stages in this year.
Candidates who paid examination fee through bank cards also can download
application by above icon.
Examination fee can be paid via Post Offices or by any bank card.
02. Applications:
A printed copy of the application should be obtained after completing and submitting
the application online. You should place your signature on the printed copy and keep
it in your possession for future references, if required.
ii) Private applicants should select “G.C.E. AL 2021 – Student Registration (Private)” to
iii) Upon entering and selecting your Personal Information, Town and Medium of the
Examination you should select the subject to enter the subjects you intend to appear in the
iv) (a) (13) General English:
Applicants are allowed to apply General English subject in addition to the three main
subjects and the Common General Test. Marks acquiring for General English subject
will not considered for selecting to universities. However, the grading of this subject will
be cited in the G.C.E. (A/L) certificate.
(d) Candidates should select subjects in compliance with the instructions of the Ministry
of Education Circular No.2016/13 dated 26.04.2016. Candidates selecting subject
combinations non-compliance with standard subject streams will be identified as “Non
Stream” candidates and Island Rank and District Rank will not be issued with final results
of such candidates. Please be noted that this Department will not be responsible for the
inconveniences caused to candidates by selecting subject combinations in contrary to
circular instructions.
2.2 You cannot apply for this examination after 12.00 midnight on 30.07.2021. The online
facility will be closed after 12.00 midnight of the prescribed date.
2.3 A candidate can submit only one application. Submission of more than one
application by altering information will cause the rejection of all applications of the
candidate and legal actions will be taken against such candidates. Any revelation of
such fraud even after issuing results will cause to invalidation of the results of such
candidates and legal actions will be taken and penalized accordingly.
3.1 If you pay via Post Office, you should select the link “Pay by Postal Department” under
“Payment Method”. The Reference Number you receive should be submitted to the
Post Office for paying examination fees and the receipt received from the Post Office
should be kept in your possession.
After making payment, log-in to the website of the Department of Examinations to
download application.
The application can be downloaded by visiting the website through the link sent
you along with the SMS when you made the payment successfully.
3.2 If you pay by bank credit/debit cards, you should select “pay by credit/ debit card”
under “Payment method”.
No. of subjects 1 2 3 4 5
Examination Fee (Rs.) 150/- 200/- 250/- 350/- 400/-
04. You will receive the admission card according to your application submitted. You will be
allowed to make any required changes to the admission card within seven (07) days of
receiving by login in to the official website of the Department of Examinations.
05. Any inquiries with regard to the differences of the information of your application and
admission card should be made by contacting the School Examination Organization and
Results Branch via following telephone numbers immediately after receiving the admission
Every private candidate should provide their own permanent address and
telephone number and should not mention the name and address or telephone
number of the private or international school where the candidate is receiving
07. Verification of identity
It is compulsory to provide the National Identity Card or a valid Passport or valid Driving
License at the examination hall to prove identity of the candidate.
Candidates who do not possess a National Identity Card should obtain a National Identity
Card by submitting an application without any delay to the Commissioner General of
Registration of Persons through Grama Niladhari.
08. All candidates should pay due examination fees except for the candidates appearing for the
first and second attempts from Government Schools, Fee levying/ Non- Fee Levying
Government approved Private Schools and approved Privens. Applications of the
candidates who have not paid prescribed fee will be rejected.
09. Candidates with special education needs should compulsorily fill the details requested
under “candidates with special needs”.
Note: Examination fees paid for this examination will not be refunded fully or partially
or transferred to any other examination.
Candidates who have not appeared even for a part of a paper will only be considered as
candidates not appeared for the examination. Since the examination attempt to enroll in a
university for such candidates will not be cancelled, they are not required to provide any
medical certificates. Keeping the admission card of the candidate safely in possession is the
only evidence to prove not appearing for any subject of the examination. It is not required
to submit medical certificates or any other requests to this department in that regard.
1.2. Private candidates can apply by selecting G.C.E. AL 2021 – Student Registration (Private)
1.3. Enter your name, National Identity Card number, Telephone number for registration
1.4. If you don’t have a National Identity Card, please contact 011-2784537 / 011-2784208 /
011-2786616 and obtain a temporary number.
1.5. When the NIC No. is entered, you will receive a code number (OTP) via SMS. Use the
code number to log-in to the system.
1.6. Read the instructions therein and click “instruction” button for more details. Watch and
read technical instructions, general instructions and the instruction video, then select
“Next” button to initiate completing the application.
1.7. Upon entering and selecting the personal information (sub-number 02), district, town and
medium of the examination (sub-number 03), you may enter subjects of the examination
(sub-number 04).
2. Personal Information
2.1. Full name in English
Full name in English block capitals as per the Birth Certificate. Do not enter the name
with initials.
Candidates who have more than 90 letters in their names should contact above numbers
for instructions before filling the application.
2.2. NIC : When you registered your NIC will be indicated. Please check the same and confirm.
2.3. Date of Birth
Enter or select the date of birth as stated in the birth certificate
2.4. Gender
Select the gender “Male” or “Female” as applicable
2.5. E-mail address :
Mobile number : Enter these details
Fixed telephone number (Home) :
2.6. Private Address
Address: permanent address should be mentioned
Do not enter a temporary address or the address of the private/ international
2.7. Postal town should be separately mentioned when entering the private address. Do not
enter the postal town twice.
Eg. Address: No.25, Temple Road
Postal Town: Homagama.
3. Exam Request
3.1. District and Town you expect to sit for the examination
You will receive list of towns after selecting the district you with to sit for the examination.
Select the town accordingly. Selecting an incorrect town would cause to receive a
distanced examination center. The schedule of Towns and Town Numbers is attached
herewith. You will not be permitted to change requested examination center later.
3.2. Number of Attempts
Select which attempt you are applying for the examination
3.3. Special education needs applicants (Vision/ hearing/ other)
3.3.1. Select “No” if not applicable
3.3.2. Select “Yes” if you are an applicant with special education needs. Complete
followings accordingly.
Type of disability
Braille – braille applicant
Hearing – hearing impaired applicant
Vision – visually impaired applicant
Body functions/structure – applicants with physical difficulties
Other – applicants with other difficulties
If a special center is required, select it
More details about the disability
4.7. After selecting the subjects you may observe the subject stream of your subjects. Pay
attention to it.
Check the “Examination application summary” after clicking “Submit” button. If you
want to make any changes, select “Reset the Exam Application” and change. Any changes
cannot be made after selecting “Payment Methods”.
05. Payment Methods
Payment of examination fees may be made via post offices or via bank cards (Credit/ Debit Cards).
5.1 If you are paying via post offices, select “Pay by Postal Department” coming under “Payment
Method”. The Reference Number you received at that moment should provide to the post
office to pay the examination fee. Keep the receipt you receive in your possession.
Upon payment of the examination fee, you should log-in to the official website of the
Department of Examinations to download the application.
You can download the application by selecting the link you received along with the SMS after
making payment successfully.
5.2 You should select the option “Pay by Credit/ Debit Card” given under “Payment Methods” for
payments via bank credit / debit cards. After making payment you may download the
No. of subjects 1 2 3 4 5
Examination Fee (Rs.) 150/- 200/- 250/- 350/- 400/-
The candidates appearing for Home Economics, Engineering Technology and Bio
System Technology should pay an additional Rs.300/- should be paid for practical tests.
This payment should be made only when the candidates are called for practical tests and
it is not required to pay with the above.
06. You may download your application by clicking the item “Download A/L Exam 2021
Application”. Please keep a printed copy of the same with you.
2. Applications in which the address of the private/ international school has been mentioned
as candidate’s private address will be rejected.
List of Subjects