Statistics Vocabulary List
Statistics Vocabulary List
Statistics Vocabulary List
Must Know Must Know for Analysis Used Often Good to Know
Measurement Unit [of measurement] Level of Measurement Factor (Variable)
Numeric | Quantitative Ordinal & Nominal Dichotomous / Binary Interval / Ratio / Scale
Categorical | Qualitative Levels | Categories Composite / Index Variable Discrete & Continuous
Construct & Concept Operational Definition / Scale & Scale items Reliability & Validity
Statistics, Descriptive Univariate & Bivariate Point & Interval Estimates Cumulative Frequency
Frequency & Multivariate Confidence Interval Cumulative Percent
Relative Frequency High & Low | Max & Min Margin of Error Ratio / Odds-Ratio
/ Proportion / Percentage Mean & Median & Mode Residuals & Fitted values Central Tendency/ Center
Distribution | Shape Standard Deviation Outliers & Skew[ness] Probability Distribution
Variation | Variance Symmetric | Symmetry Normal Distribution Standard Normal Distribution
| Spread | Dispersion Percentile / Quartile Z-Score / Location Standardized Values
Data Table | Dataset Unit of Analysis Syntax | Code Merge
Variable = Columns Valid & Missing Data Numeric / Integer Type Aggregate
Observation | Case = Rows Variable & Value Labels String | Character Type Dummy Code
Value = Cells Code / Coded & Recode Codebook Weight | Weighting
Relationship Independent Variable (IV) Effect & Effect Size Interaction
Causation | Causality Dependent Variable (DV) Predictor & Response Treatment & Outcome
Sample Random | Probability Sample Independent Samples Generalization
Population Representative Sample Paired | Dependent Samples Sampling Error
Inferential Statistics Statistic & Parameter Sampling Distribution Standard Error (s.e., SE)
Statistical Analysis [Statistically] Significant Null Hypothesis (H0) Critical Value
Correlation p-value Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) Type I & Type II Errors
Cross-tabulation Test statistic alpha (α) | Significance Level 1- & 2-Tailed Tests
Chart |Graph, Bar Scatterplot Line Graph Pivot Table
Histogram Contingency (2-way) Table Box [& whisker] plot Ogive
*Notation* x/y = Indep./Dep. Variable ŷ ‘y hat’ = Predicted value of y xi/yi = Each or any value of x/y
n/N = Sample/Population Size 𝑥̅ /𝑦̅ ‘x/y bar’ = Mean of x/y μ ‘mu’ = Population Mean p / = Sample/Pop. Proportion
∑ = Sum for each value s/sd = Sample Standard Dev. σ ‘sigma’ = Population Std. Dev.
| = near synonyms / = related or similar & = often used together