Answers To Oliver Twist

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Some of the key events in Oliver's early life include growing up in a workhouse, living with Mrs. Mann at an orphanage, and then being apprenticed to Mr. Sowerberry after getting in trouble at the workhouse. He experiences mistreatment and hardship throughout.

Oliver was born in the workhouse and lived there for several years, experiencing mistreatment. He was then sent to live at an orphanage run by Mrs. Mann, where he lived for about 9 years. After getting in trouble at the workhouse again later, he was apprenticed to Mr. Sowerberry, an undertaker.

After getting into a fight with another boy at the workhouse, Oliver was locked in the cellar as punishment. This led to Mr. Bumble being called and Oliver eventually being apprenticed to Mr. Sowerberry to become an undertaker's apprentice.

Answers to Oliver Twist

A Pre-reading
Students'own answers

B Answer the questions.

I England, during the lndustrial Revolution.

2 Nearly l0 years. Oliver was at the orphanage for 9 years, at the workhouse for several months, then
locked up at the workhouse for several weeks nearly a month and then at Mr Sowerberry's for
several months. - -
The orphanage with Mrs Mann, the workhouse, Mr Sowerberry's. Students' opinions for worst/best.

C Write T or F next to each sentence. Correct the false ones.

I F - He was born in the workhouse.
3 F - She was not kind to any of the orphans.
5 F - Oliver was punished and the boys did not get more.

D Match the person with the description.

l-d 2-c 3-b 4-a 5-e

E Read the following quotations and then answer the questions.

"You've given him too much meat....,,

I Mr Bumble
2 at Mr Sowerberry's; outside the cellar where Oliver was locked in

3 Noah Claypole teased Oliver about his mother, so Oliver started hitting him. They locked Oliver in the
cellar and called for Mr Bumble.

"Please, sir, Iwant some more.-

I Oliver said this to the master of the workhouse.

2 He wanted more to eat. / The other boys chose oliver to speak for them all.

3 He was locked in a dark room and at every meal he was beaten in front of the other boys. And the
workhouse put up a sign to find someone to take Oliver away.

Answers to Oliver Twist

F Put the events in the correct order.

5 Oliver runs away from Mr Sowerberry.
3 Oliver asks for more food.
I Oliver goes to live with Mrs Mann.
2 Oliver works with other boys at the workhouse.
4 Oliver becomes an apprentice.

G Project
Students'own answers

A Pre-reading
Students'own answers

B Answer these questions.

I They steal.
2 He's a miser; he doesn't like to spend money.
3 He's kind-hearted; he felt sorry for Oliver; Oliver reminded him of someone. (Students'own answers
about the woman in the painting.)

4 A policeman tells Nancy that Oliver went with Mr Brownlow. Fagin is afraid that Oliver will tell Mr
Brownlow about them and Mr Brownlow will send the police after them.

C Write True (T) or False (F) next to each sentence. Correct the false ones.
2 F - They entered London after dark.
3 F - It was poorer and dirtier than he had ever seen.


D Read the following quotations and then answer the questions.

"l hope you've been at work this morning, boys."

Answers to Oliver Twist

I Fagin said this to Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins.

2 They were stealing things notebooks and silk handkerchiefs.

3 He thought they had made the things.

'lt wasn't that boy! !t was two other boys. He was with them, but he didn't take anything."

I The bookshop owner said this.

2 "That boy" is Oliver. "Two other boys" are Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins/the Artful Dodger.

3 The magistrate was going to send Oliver to prison, but as a result of these words he set Oliver free.

'But what is this? Look there."

I Mr Brownlow said this.

2 He was in a room in his house.

3 He was looking at a painting of a young woman who looked like Oliver.

A Pre-reading
Students'own answers

B Answer these questions.

I He thinks Oliver will retum to the thieves (because he has money, new clothes and books). Mr
Grimwig is partly right: Oliver does retum to the thieves, but not willingly.

2 She didn't want the people to stop her. If they thought she was kidnapping Oliver, they might stop her.
3 Fagin wants to make him a thief. He lets Sikes use Oliver to rob a house.

4 He went because Mr Brownlow put an advertisement asking for information about Oliver. Mr Bumble
said only bad things about Oliver. As a result, Mr Brownlow didn't want to hear anything about the
boy again.

C Put True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.

2 F - Nancy and Bill Sikes did it.
4 F - Mr Brownlow put the ad.
Answers to O/iver Twist

D Put these events in order.

7 Nancy takes Oliver to Bill Sikes.
I Oliver tells Mr Brownlow about his life.
3 Mr Sikes and Nancy take Oliver to Fagin.
2 Oliver starts to go to the bookshop.
8 Oliver meets Toby Crackit.
4 Mr Brownlow puts an ad in the paper.
6 Fagin meets with Mr Sikes to make plans for Oliver.
5 Mr Bumble tells Mr Brownlow about Oliver.

E Read the following quotations and answer the questions.

"Do you really think he'll come back?"

I Mr Grimwig said this to Mr Brownlow.

2 He said this just after Oliver went to pay for the books. He's talking about Oliver.

3 Mr Brownlow said of course Oliver would come back. But he looked worried, so he had some doubts.

"Sadly, you were right. I do not want to hear his name ever again.,'

I Mr Brownlow said this to Mr Grimwig.

2 Grimwig said that Oliver would return to the thieves.

3 He doesn't want to hear Oliver's name because Mr Bumble told him that Oliver was bad.

..It m not
happy about this either. I've tried to help you, but it's no good. I'll try and help you again, but
this is not the time. Now, come with me."

I Nancy said this to Oliver.

2 She told Mr Sikes to stop beating Oliver.

J Nancy was taking oliver to Mr Sikes so that oliver could help rob a house.

A Pre-reading
Students'own answers

Answers to Oliver Twist

B Answer these questions.

I London Fagin's house, and briefly Sikes's house; the house in the countryside that Sikes and
Crackit tried to rob; the workhouse where Oliver was bom.

Crackit got back to London. We don't know yet what happened to Sikes; he hadn't retumed home yet.
Oliver was found and taken in by the people of the house.

Monks is tall, with dark hair and dark eyes. He looks around nervously. He looks cruel. He is not
happy that Oliver was used for a robbery, though the reason is not very clear. He seems mostly afraid
of the police.

He stayed more than six weeks. They learned that Mr Brownlow had moved to the West lndies six
weeks earlier.

C Write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.

I F - Only Toby went back.

3 F - Oliver was left in the field and went to the house in the morning.
4 F - He met him at Fagin's house.

D Put these events in order.

4 Oliver told them the story of his life.
7 Nurse Sally told Mrs Corney about a woman who had died at the workhouse.
6 Mr Brownlow moved to the West lndies.
I Nurse Sally stole a gold locket from Oliver's mother.
2 Oliver knocked on the door of Mrs Maylie's house.
5 Blathers and Duffcame to Mrs Maylie's house.
3 Mr Brittles called the detectives.

E Read these quotations from the story and answer the questions.
"He looks so helpless and small. If it hadn't been for your generosity, I might be helpless like this small
I Rose said this to Mrs Maylie.

2 She is talking about Oliver, who is wounded.

3 Mrs Maylie was generous to adopt Rose when she was a child. This is why Rose now feels she wants
to be generous in tum to some other child Oliver.
- -

Answers to Oliver Twist

"You don't need to do anything. l'm lucky because I have an aunt who has enough money to
help people like you."

I Rose said this to Oliver.

2 oliver offered to work for Rose, to water her flowers or do anything for her.

3 Probably because this is Rose's way of showing her gratitude to Mrs Maylie, by being kind to
someone else.

"she was rich enough for a good hospital. t stole from her before she died!.

I Nurse Sally said this to Mrs Corney.

2 She stole a gold locket from Oliver's mother.

3 It was more than ten years/nearly eleven or twelve years after Oliver was bom, and Nurse Sally died
after saying this.

A. Pre-reading
Students'own answers

B Answer these questions.

I Oliver stayed about three months/most of the summer.

2 Dr Losbeme, Harry Maylie and Mr Giles came to see her.

3 Harry asked oliver to write secretly to tell him about Rose and Mrs Maylie.

4 Mr Bumble had married Mrs Corney and now he was the master of the workhouse. Mr Bumble met
Monks' Monks wanted information about the woman who was with Oliver's motherA.Jurse Sally.

5 They met him in an old factory in a slum of the town. Mrs Bumble gave him the locket thar Nurse
Sally had taken from Oliver's mother.

C Write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.

I F - They went to her house in the countryside.
3 F - He walked into him in the village where he posted the letter.
4 F - Harry Maylie came with Mr Giles.

Answers to Oliver Twist

D Put these events in order.

2 Rose became very ill.
3 Oliver posted a letter for Mrs Maylie.
I Mrs Maylie, Rose and Oliver went to stay in a holiday house'
4 Oliver walked into a cruel-looking rnan.
6 Oliver saw Fagin and another man in the window.
5 Rose became well again.


4 Mr and Mrs Bumble met Monks at an old factory.

I Mrs Comey took a locket from Nurse Sally.
3 Monks met Mr Bumble at an inn.
6 Mrs Bumble gave Monks the gold locket.
2 Mr Bumble married Mrs Comey and became master of the workhouse.
5 Monks paid Mrs Bumble for some information.

E Read these quotations and answer the questions.

"Rose is so young and so good that nothing bad will happen to her"'

I Oliver said this to Mrs MaYlie.

2 He said this when Rose was very ill.
3 He thinks that Rose will not die.

"She will sleep for a long time. Perhaps she witl wake up better. But I am very worried that she
will not wake up at all"'

I Mrs Maylie says this.

2 She's talking about Rose MaYlie.

3 Rose is very illand might die.

"l don't want to know about him! I want to know about his nurse. Where is she?"

I Monks says this at the inn where he meets Mr Bumble.

Answers to Oliver Twist

2 He doesn't want to know about Oliver.

3 She died the previous winter.

A Pre-reading
Students' own answers

B Answer these questions.

I He threw in the locket that had been taken from Oliver's mother. He doesn't want Mr and Mrs Bumble
to talk about what he did. Mr Bumble had been afraid that Monks would kill him and Mrs Bumble, so
he was happy to still be alive.

He was away for several months most of the time that Oliver was with the Maylies. He has been
back for three weeks and ill in bed all that time.

She went to get some money for Bill Sikes. She met Monks, who had come to talk to Fagin. Fagin and
Monks went upstairs to talk privately, but Nancy crept upstairs and listened to their conversation.

She learned that Monks was Oliver's half-brother, that he was trying to make Oliver a criminal and get
him imprisoned. She also learned that Monks knew that Oliver was staying with Mrs Maylie, and she
learned where Mrs Maylie was staying in London. She went to the hotel to tell Rose Maylie allof this.

5 He saw Mr Brownlow. He got the address, and Rose and Oliver went to meet him at his home.

6 Fagin learns that the police have arrested the Artful Dodger.)

C Write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.

I F - He throws in the gold locket. He does not try to kill them.

3 F - They went upstairs to talk. (But Nancy secretly followed them and overheard their conversation.)
5 F - A hotel servant got permission for Nancy to go upstairs to Rose.
6 F - He came into the room after Nancy had left.
7 F - He said that that would not help Oliver.
8 F - He came to be a thief.

D Put these events in order.

5 Noah Claypole meets Fagin.

I Bill Sikes returns to London.

Answers to Oliver Twist

2 Mrs Maylie, Rose and Oliver visit London.

6 Fagin learns that the Artful Dodger has been arrested.

3 Nancy listens to Fagin and Monks talking.

4 Rose tells Mr Brownlow about Monks.

E Read the quotations and answer the questions.

"Now we can all forget all about this story, can't we?"
I Monks said this to Mr and Mrs Bumble.

2 They were irr an old factory in the slums and Monks had just dropped the gold locket into the river.

3 He wants them to forget that they met him and gave him the locket. He doesn't want anyone to know
about it or about who Oliver is.

"He said that the only thing that could explain who the boy really is lies at the bottom of the

I Nancy said this to Rose.

2 She's repofting Monk's speech (to Fagin).

3 The gold locket that Nurse Sally liad stolen from Oliver's mother.

"lt was easy to take money from Mr Sowerberry. So we can also take things from other people.
Ithink I would be a good thief."

I Noah Claypole said this to his wife Charlofte.

2 They were in an inn in London, eating dinner.

3 Fagin overheard and he offered to let themjoin his gang ofthieves. They agreed.

A Pre-reading questions
Students'own answers

B Answer these questions.

I He went to see what had happened to the Artful Dodger who is now with the police. Then he went to
follow Nancy to see who she spoke with and what she said.

2 She met them on London Bridge but took them down some steps next to the bridge to talk in a dark
place. Noah Claypole/Morris Bolter heard their conversation.

J He was suspicious of her because the previous week she had tried to go out walking at ll o'clock at

Answers to Oliver Twist

She told them what Monks looked like and where they could probably find him. Mr Brownlow oflered
to take her away from her life of crime. She refused.

Sikes killed Nancy. Then he went away to the countryside north of London and hid. After a week
he heard people talking about the murder and he went back to London because he heard the police
thought he was in Birmingham.

C Write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.

3 F - It was Mr Browtrlow and Rose Maylie, and they talked on the dark steps next to the bridge.

7 F - He was going to marry her but she died young.

D Put these events in order.

3 Mr Leeford died in ltaly.

6 Sikes killed Nancy and ran away.

I Mr Leeford married Agnes.

5 Nancy told Mr Brownlow about Monks.

2 Mr Leeford gave Mr Brownlow a painting of Agnes.

4 Mr Brownlow tried to find Monks in the West lndies.

7 Nancy's murderer returned to London.

E Read these quotations and answer the questions.

"Find out where she goes, who she sees and what she says. Can you do that?"

I Fagin says this to Noah Claypole/Morris Bolter.

2 He is talking about Nancy.

3 He knows/suspects she is planning something and he wants to knon, what it is.

"Thank you for helping us. Now let us help you. Come with us, away from your old life."

I Mr Brownlow said this to Nancy at London Bridge.

2 She had given him information on how to find Monks.

Answers to Oliver Twist

3 She didn't accept. She was killed by Sikes as a result.

"l did not think my father"s oldest friend would be so unkind to me."

I Monks says this to Mr Brownlow.

2 This was at Mr Brownlow's house.

3 Mr Brownlow had kidnapped Monks and brought him to his house and made him sit and talk about
himself and Oliver.

A Pre-reading
Students'own answers

B Answer these questions.

I Toby Crackit, Kags, Chitling and Charley Bates. were in the house.

2 Mr Brownlow took Oliver to the town where Oliver was born. They stayed in a hotel in the town.
Rose, Mrs Maylie, Mrs Bedwin, Dr Losbeme, Mr Grimwig and Monks were also there.

3 His father's will said that Oliver should only get his share of the money if he grew up with good
morals, so Monks wanted him to be a thief so he wouldn't get the money. He secretly watched Oliver
as he grew up. He sent the Artful Dodger to find him and introduce him to Fagin, who would make
him a thief.
4 They said that they did not sell a locket to Monks and that they had never seen him. But a servant
from the workhouse said that she saw Mrs Burnble take a gold locket and some papers from Nurse
Sally when she died.

5 Rose is the younger sister of Agnes, Oliver's motheq so she is Oliver's aunt. She was only a small
child when her parents died and she was eventually adopted by Mrs Maylie.
6 They wanted to know where Fagin had put the papers that Monks had given him. The papers would
show who Rose is.

C Write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.

2 F - They escaped through a window.
3 T - but then the people outside heard Charley's calls and tried to get inside to get Sikes.
4 F - He offered fifty pounds but Sikes fell to his death, so no one caught him alive.
5 F - She is only Oliver's aunt, the sister of his mother.
6 _The father of Monks and Oliver was Edwin Leeford. (T)
Answers to Oliver Twist

D Put these events in order.

5 Bill Sikes comes to Toby's place.
I Monks finds his father's will.
4 The police arrest Fagin and the gang.
7 Mr Brownlow and others travel to Oliver,s birth place.
2 Monks helps the Artful Dodger find Oliver.
8 A servant says that she had seen Mrs Bumble take something from Nurse Sally.
6 Charley Bates comes to Toby's place.
3 Mrs Bumble sells the locket to Monks.
9 Mr Brownlow explains everything to Oliver and friends.

E Read these quotations and ansrver the questions.

"! will give fifty pounds to the man who takes that man alive..
I Mr Brownlow said this.
2 He was talking about Bill Sikes.

3 This was when Sikes was in a house in the slums. Mr Brownlow was with a crowd of people outside
the house. They were trying to get in to arrest Sikes for murdering Nancy.

"And there is the road to the house where I lived with Mrs Mann when lwas little. perhaps my
orphan friends are stillthere!"

I Oliver said this.

2 He was in a coach going back to the town where he was born.

3 He wanted to give them clothes and teach them to read and write.

ran away, I helped the Artfut Dodger to find him so he could introduce him to my
friend Fagin, and then Fagin helped him to be a thief.,,

I Monks said this, talking about Oliver.

2 Monks wanted to prevent him from getting his inheritance.

3 He was in a hotel in the town where Oliver was born. Mr Brownlow and others were with hirn.


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